Speak Politely With Should Probably

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today i want to tell you

about an expression that will help you

to be more polite let’s get started a

word that i hear English learners using

a lot is should I should study English

more you should come visit Brazil you

should I should and the word should is

great it’s a great word to note and in

some cases it is perfectly fine to

simply say should but I want to tell you

that maybe it could be more polite in

certain situations to say should

probably should probably now I want to

give you several examples so that you

can feel comfortable using should

probably in your own conversations the

first example is about studying English

I should probably study English more I

should probably study English more if

you said I should study English more

it’s very strong it sounds like if I

don’t study English more I will die I

should study more but should probably is

a little lighter it means you know what

it would help my life if I study more

it’s not the end of the world if I don’t

study English more but I should probably

do it there’s a little bit of

uncertainty because you’re used probably

so it’s a little more polite another

example is I should probably not have

eaten five pieces of pizza I should

probably not have eaten five pieces of

pizza maybe I have a stomachache now

maybe I don’t feel very well I should

probably not have eaten five pieces of

Pizza it’s a little bit more polite than

I should not have eaten five pieces of

pizza probably makes it a little bit

more casual a little bit more

comfortable for conversation another

example is my friends should probably be

coming over around now my friend should

probably be coming over around now this

means they’re almost going to be here

they’re almost at my house I think

they’ll probably come over around this

time should probably so now I have a

question for you

what should you probably be doing what

should you probably not be doing should

probably write a sentence below this

video in the comments with the

expression should probably or should

probably not and I’ll look at it and

help to give you some feedback and maybe

other English learners will give you

some feedback as well thanks so much and

I’ll talk to you later good bye