Speak with Vanessa on Skype Testimonial from Douglas

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome english students in

this video i’m gonna talk with the

student on skype and we’re going to talk

about that students english experiences

how they’ve learned english the things

that have been useful or maybe some

things that haven’t worked and i hope

that you will learn a lot from other

English learners experiences let’s get

started i’m glad we can finally meet

douglas i know we’ve been talking on

facebook for a little bit so now it’s

finally live together can you remind me

which part of brazil do you live in i’m

living some paulo in fact i’m living in

a small city next to san paulo

it’s called some Chi turn of the zoo

it’s 5 minutes from San Paolo oh that’s

great so does that mean it’s a little

bit calmer and more relaxed relax there

is little people oh that’s good not too

many people kind of yeah yeah it seems

like it’s probably better for daily life

than living in a big city that’s always

loud and moving a lot yeah but I work in

Sao Paulo match to the most most famous

have any college I mean the Paulista oh

so your office is there it’s yeah off of

that Main Street that’s really cool

though your job you mentioned before is

to be a coder yeah yeah I’m a software

developer oh stop teaching you there’s a

lot of names sure lots of titles you

could have and it’s for an American

company yes for medical company called

NCR it’s a big

only they sell software/hardware a lot

of things cool so what does that mean

that you need to speak in English at all

or do you ever receive emails sometimes

I receive some emails in English but

almost never okay so maybe the Brazilian

side works in Portuguese mainly joy so

cuz you don’t really need it for your

job on a day to day basis

tell me about your goals why are you

interested in learning English then

because you seem really motivated you

really participate in our group and talk

with other people so yeah what’s your

goal well I try to learn English since I

was 17 I think I try some regular

schools - or - time is and I was feeling

like I’m not she proving at all the

classes are so boring stressful right

and finally decide is to give up school

after that I didn’t study English for

about just five years

meanwhile and I met my wife who I

already knew English French German she

was the one who knew lots of languages

yeah we start to travel abroad

I wasn’t feeling good because the fact

that I couldn’t speak English and I

needed to rely on her to talk to other

people to translate things for me so

it’s actually English bouncy pop yes do

it once and for all and that way -

you’re not completely dependent on your

wife to translate things and she can

relax on vacation a little bit - yeah so

have you ever visit

in english-speaking country you said you

guys traveled together yeah I did visit

us check times first time I went to New

York and Washington see and the second I

went to fraud is no boys oh it’s a

Disney World wonderful what did you

think about two places it’s so different

the culture and the climate and

everything I liked a New York better

because I like a shop called bhg they

sell electronic light cameras computer

it’s a big shot very famous yes that was

the reason why you like New York better

you could go to that

Chucky’s Network two times Wow

two times so it must have been awesome

because you wanted to come back yeah the

first time you I didn’t expect it so

much but it was awesome I really though

it was kind of surprising the first time

that it was actually great yeah it was

great what sure

so you visited the u.s. New York mmm

Florida and there was another place you

said you went yes I make sure London

next month

I’m painting on them all very cool so

after you went to the u.s. you went to

London for 10 days what did you do there

just travel around or make he some nicey

places a great place to sightsee and see

something completely different

historical beautiful building a museum a

lot of shops - right right lots of

places to go and probably a pretty

different culture

from what you’re used to in Brazil like

the US UK Brazil long don’t it’s similar

to some power because there is a lot of

people true but I think the match search

of London people is very different the

mindset is different okay like people in

Brazil maybe you’re Brazilian so you get

them you understand that mindset yeah

it’s very stressful at the Oh

so you think maybe all the people in

Brazil are more stressed or maybe your

experience in London there were more

stressed in Brazil I think is much less

yes well interesting interesting I feel

like that kind of breaks the stereotype

of Brazil being kind of laid-back and

relaxing but when you have a job and

day-to-day life it’s probably not so

relaxing yeah it depends on if you are

on the beach maybe it’s just relaxing

having a beer or something like that

it’s cool but in my daily life feel it’s

stress not so cool I don’t if you’re on

the beach it’s probably vacation or the

weekend so it’s a great time to relax

yeah a good time yeah so because of your

wife’s knowledge and because you wanted

to travel and wanted to be able to speak

for yourself you decided I’m gonna learn

English I’m gonna do it for myself

yeah yeah and as an adult it’s pretty

different like you tried to go to

schools for English when you were a

little younger and now what kind of

things are you doing I know you’re part

of our our course participating in that

what kind of English things are you

doing to help you learn and improve

oh I start to look for I’m course

I’ll try some of them I didn’t like but

I began watching vigils I found a bunch

of good teachers and chewing they chew

on their YouTube suggest me your channel

great YouTube thank you after looking at

hundreds I realized that you should be

my Institute oh well I’m glad that those

YouTube videos helped you and it led you

to this place yeah yeah so now that you

are watching those YouTube videos and

participating in the Facebook group and

the course tell me about your experience

in that group or in the course what has

been useful to you or what have you been

doing with that well first of all I

think the community is amazing the

people are so nice each other yeah I

feel more comfortable to try new things

on Facebook co-manage that’s great I

think when you have other people to

around you it does feel more comfortable

because they’re doing the same thing

yeah yeah though using that yeah yeah

and the last song it’s amazing I enjoy

watching your videos training new

expressions it’s very very nice great

tonight today is a special day the day

that we’re talking together cuz it’s the

first day of the new set so I just yeah

I just receive our mail and I didn’t

know yet but I’m excited rates great

today’s the first day so you’ll get new

conversation vocabulary grammar

pronunciation and the story the update

for this month yeah yeah yes lots of fun

stuff and it’s awesome that

you’re sharing with other members of the

group a hue post things and comment on

other people’s materials that’s good for

you to use English but you’re

encouraging them to yeah yeah yes thank

you for your participation in that it’s

awesome thank you

yes yes and thanks for chatting today

too I really appreciate your courage and

bravery to speak and to share your story

with other people yeah it was nice very

very nice

I hope that the anxiety or stress has

left a little bit you feel a little

better yeah I mean better known and we

were supposed to talk with another

friend but it didn’t work out so you

spontaneously said it’s okay let’s just

talk one-on-one so good for you so why

not yes you’re here you just took the

chance took the opportunity and ran with

it awesome well thank you

Douglas for your your patience today and

courage I hope we can continue to talk

together and in the group participate

together yeah yeah sure yes well have a

wonderful day I hope we can talk again

soon the next time thank you have a nice


Thanks see you later Douglas I thanks so

much for watching this testimonial video

with one of my English students this is

a great way to know which methods work

and which methods don’t work I hope in

this video you realized that natural

learning is the best method that has

worked for each of my students and for

myself as well if you’d like to continue

to learn English with me like these

students you can click on the I up here

in the top corner or

the description below where you can

download my free ebook and start to

learn with me today don’t wait I’ll see

you there bye