Speak With Vanessa on Skype Testimonial from Enrique

hi I’m Vanessa from speak English with

Vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome English students in

this video I’m gonna talk with the

student on skype and we’re gonna talk

about that students English experiences

how they’ve learned English the things

that have been useful or maybe some

things that haven’t worked and I hope

that you will learn a lot from other

English learners experiences let’s get

started hi how are you doing oh I’m

doing excellent it’s the middle of the

day here 12 o’clock what about for you

you’re in Brazil yeah great great where

do you live in Brazil

I live near Tucson Paulo the city is


so do cava okay I know that today is our

first chance to talk together so I’m

really curious can you tell me a little

bit about your English history when did

you start to learn English well it all

started when an American guy went to the

bank that I worked for and at that time

I didn’t speak English and I couldn’t

help him because I didn’t understand

very well what he was trying to say

mm-hmm so I was kind of English and then

I last year could go to Canada where I

spent one month study English oh that’s

a great experience

yeah it was awesome and I won’t stop

because I really like English and

English makes a lot of difference more



the you first started kind of because of

a bad experience at your job and then it

motivated you to start learning as much

as you could since you came back to

Brazil from Canada what kind of English

things have you been doing I know it’s

hard to keep up English when you go back

to your home countries what have you

been doing well I’ve been following you

on this is your media and I thank you so

much for the videos you English just to

keep it up sure trying to get as much

English as you can because in Brazil

you’re hearing lots of Portuguese and

not English certainly and I know that

you said you also downloaded some of

fearless fluency Club materials and

watched the videos what was your

experience like with that well it was

awesome because I could learn so many

new expressions and was great to see you

and your husband and your sister talking

to each other and a very gonna say it’s

a very good way to learn because it’s

natural conversation and you are so

helpful for me because I could learn a

lot of new expressions I think it’s a

very casual conversation so you hear

real English and today we have a chance

to talk together I think that’s

excellent even though it’s the weekend

for you the middle of the day you’re

taking time to speak with me have

courage to do it and I got really

surprised when I got your email

and I hope we can talk again soon the

next time yes thank you

and we will yes we will certainly I have

a wonderful weekend and see you the next

time so you too and thank you so much

for disapper tunity Vanessa oh it’s my


and very nice to meet you nice to meet

you too enrique see you later see you

bye thanks so much for watching this

testimonial video with one of my English

students this is a great way to know

which methods work and which methods

don’t work I hope in this video you

realized that natural learning is the

best method that has worked for each of

my students and for myself as well if

you’d like to continue to learn English

with me like these students you can

click on the I up here in the top corner

or in the description below where you

can download my free ebook and start to

learn with me today don’t wait I’ll see

you there bye