Speak with Vanessa on Skype Testimonial from Lorena

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome english students in

this video i’m gonna talk with a student

on skype and we’re gonna talk about that

students english experiences how they’ve

learned english the things that have

been useful or maybe some things that

haven’t worked and i hope that you will

learn a lot from other English learners

experiences let’s get started hi Lorena

is that the best way to pronounce your

name yes is a perfect way I mean yet

realization is very good so Lorena and

we’re in Italy are you living at the

moment at the moment well actually since

I was born and I have been living in


is a small city on the Adriatic Sea on

the eastern part of of Italy so we live

on the coast and is wonderful city I I

love this city elevator in general let

me say that I love a little bit less

Italian Italian as as a culture and that

we are changing we are changing

sure-sure becoming more international

and you’re trying hard to do that

yourself with English and learning about

other cultures yes yes and actually I am

after you and you’re a wonderful

community just as let me say just as a

surprising case we we just met each

other as a surprise and let me say that

I spent a lot of money in my English


what I’m in this moment I’m living is

the right balance between the time and

the resources I can I can live and I can

I can try to develop from this community

because I have the opportunity to just

to to practice in some way English but

wherever that I want whenever I want and

as I am really relaxed so it’s it’s

really it’s really it’s an effectiveness

I’ve never met this wonderful

so because you’re learning online it’s

more flexible for you and it’s aptly you

can balance your time a little bit

better that’s that’s a that’s the right

pointer yes and you know when I spend

money and you have some courses at the

fixed time sometimes I’m a mom and I

have two kids I have a job and I have

the house my husband and some different

interests and sometimes it’s really

complicated to cross them to match ol

older the stuff I have to manage and in

this in this case what I I live is a is

I mean I feel that I can I can do more

and I think as any one of us I can do

more but with the time I have available

I really I really founded the right turn

around that pathway let me say even is

sure your time is limited and really

valuable you’ve got a busy family busy

life you need to be able to fit your

interests and their learning exactly and

what I like a lot and I try to now to

understand and I try to to take from the

community is the difference in the


the different culture from all around

the world because I would like to let me

see to pass this information to my kids

not only about the English but let me

say about the Japanese people about

Spanish Argenti from Argentina and it’s

unbelievable because it’s likely to be a

family to speak each other like if we

knew each other from I don’t know since

since when

yes you have a chance to meet people

from all around the world and that’s a

beautiful idea that you’re sharing that

with your kids they’re so lucky to have

a mom who’s so open-minded and

interested in meeting other people and

our community is great for that yes your

eyes you’re right and you know what the

we we can also not only about the

English but we can also share each other

some information about the travels or

accommodation and it’s really working

it’s really working because our real

information you have from from the place

you are interested of in so it’s yes yes

I think you could probably travel to

almost any country and someone in our

community would give you some advice or

ideas about ladder to go and I exactly

Vanessa yeah that’s a wonderful thing so

you are really involved in meeting other

kinds of people around the world and

improving English in your own time when

you can fit it in exactly when Islam yes

and I’m really I mean I really love with

the interviews from I mean with your

interviews because you interview you

made and you you like available for us

are so different and take take some

different issues and arguments

that we we are really involved in so

it’s that’s great I’m glad that it’s

interesting for you because there like

you said there’s so much boring

information but I tried to interview

people and have a conversation with

people who are passionate about

something and when you talk about

someone’s passion it’s gonna be an

interesting conversation because they’re

excited exactly when it’s seven yes and

today’s this special day because the day

we’re talking is the first day of the

month so soon hopefully you can

experience the new lesson set new

material exactly and I’m really curious

about the information you let in our

community yes so hopefully it will be

yeah so for you so far you’ve had a

great experience learning online being

part of the community and what about

your future goals what would you like to

to do in the future with English are you

interested in traveling or meeting other

people in real life what’s your idea and

actually my idea is I said is to let me

say to to let available my background

and my practice and my experience to my

kids in order to to share with them

travels as it possible economically

speaking and not only travels but also

information on the cultures because I

would like to let them understand that

in general the word is is easier to

understand if they approach the in the

right way with the English because I

really believe that English can open a

lot of doors so this is my first time

it’s really difficult because you know

we are not talking about todos sir and

it’s I needed to understand how to

which could be the right way to let them

really involved but for example during

the day your Saturday video my kids are

really I really I really involved

because they understand that we are

talking you are talking to us from New

York from the other side over the world

and they all the time there they are

asking me I mean who is it who is that

with with this pair so he do know is

Paul Louisa and I let them understand

that’s wonderful so they’re kind of

participating in the live lessons on

Saturday exactly like lesson is

unbelievable that’s so wonderful and

that’s the cool thing about learning

online if you went to a classroom

there’s no way your kids could go there

and enjoy it exactly when we have the

time all together we we live really the

life lesson all together and sometimes

in fact I ask you please Vanessa say

hello to me yes yes so next time in a

couple days in two days when we have the

live lesson tell me that again and I

will certainly say hi to them I tried

because in today’s we will be in you are

going to be alright so you’re gonna go

on vacation kind of a little vacation

this weekend yes we are going to ski

that’s perfect so you know is it really

winter time where you’re at right now

actually yeah right now it’s very very

cold but because just arrived in let me

say two days two days ago yes so on the

mountain now is very is very really cold

under the sea so we have the opportunity

to ski yes that’s the perfect

temperature for skiing but maybe not the

whole year so for you winter’s coming

and Inc

is part of your daily life I’m Kherson

have you ever visited an

english-speaking country before actually

I had the opportunity let me say just

remembering in 1998 so many years ago I

spent the four months in Winnipeg in

Canada Manitoba yes because I lived the

traineeship with the Chamber of Commerce

and I spent four four months during the

winter and I kind of - I can see and I

can say that the winter in Italy is like

a summer time so yes it’s unbelievable

then yes I spent some days in here and

there during the deficit the job my job


so in the United came down my Europol

all around the world because travelling

yes I used the English and not now

because I just changed the position but

I need the English as I said before in

different day yes yes so your first

experience with real-life English was in

Winnipeg or in the UK oh it’s so unusual

there’s a nickname before Winnipeg

sometimes yes so after experiencing

winner in Winnipeg or winter peg Italy

is nothing no problem

yes it’s nothing

let me say just because we understand

that I mean you

I understand and you understand all the

people from the community karin-sama but

just the question you left us about in

the last interview I thought about with

the bag but yes I think if I asked

because the the next interview is with

my friend who lives in one of the

coldest places in the u.s. if I said


I bet Winnipeg would be number one place

yes she she doesn’t live in Winnipeg she

used to live in the US but you’ll see

pretty soon where she lives

yes oh I’m sure you’ll understand her

stories and realize what it’s like to

live in this really cold environment and

for for her for the December lesson set

she moved to my city which is kind of in

the south so it’s much warmer and

yesterday that’s 18 degrees today is a

Tina it’s great today is kind of colder

maybe 10 or 8 9 10 degrees but it’s not

like North Canada that you experienced

is not is not that not Canada winter

back because on I mean is in the south

of Manitoba but you know isn’t and also

we use us because is is above Chicago

and is really in the North yeah yeah I

think the area in the world where that’s

at is so far north it’s in the middle of

the continent such a really unique place

that you got a chance to live yes and it

was a surprising you know what when I

said they just the changing because I

arrived in

I mean in the end of September and when

I arrived the decline it was a

completely different because it was warm

and because the continental climate the

weather and just provides a very big

Ranger so from was in the end of October

maybe there I remember just the middle

of November maybe the cheese I mean the

climate change a lot and during the

night was uh wasn’t no winger as I don’t

know never seena and I would seen before

variety yes yes I think people there

must be really strong or just adaptable

to be able to change to different

weather all the time

no not very adaptable that in optimal

and I mean they found them very really

brave because with the snow and the real

cold they were by kinga to get to the

officer I was astonished very story

twenty twenty degrees under the zero

they were biking over wow that’s

incredible I can’t imagine that wow you

really got to experience a completely

different culture and yes richer and

thanks for sharing that story with me

because now that you had that experience

you’re sharing it with your kids and now

you’re sharing it with me and our

community so you are passing along your

knowledge that’s your goal that’s

wonderful thank you money set thank you

oh it’s my pleasure and thank you for

your participation in the course in the

community you’re really valuable and I

bet people would love to hear about your

hometown and just your experiences in

general so really thank you so much

thank you guys and thank you money that

you are wonderful oh it’s my pleasure

have a beautiful weekend stay warm

the wife oh my pleasure to see you later

Lorena see you guys bye

thanks so much for watching this

testimonial video with one of my English

students this is a great way to know

which methods work and which methods

don’t work I hope in this video you’ve

realized that natural learning is the

best method that has worked for each of

my students and for myself as well if

you’d like to continue to learn English

with me like these students you can

click on the I up here in the top corner

or in the description below where you

can download my free ebook and start to

learn with me today don’t wait I’ll see

you there bye