Speak With Vanessa on Skype Testimonial from Monica

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome english students in

this video i’m gonna talk with the

student on skype and we’re gonna talk

about that students english experiences

how they’ve learned english the things

that have been useful or maybe some

things that haven’t worked and i hope

that you will learn a lot from other

English learners experiences let’s get

started hi Monica how are you doing

today I’m fine thank you

I know something with the line today

sorry it’s no problem I’m glad we can

talk yeah I know that you have been

doing a lot with English lately so this

is one extra thing speaking on skype

today I’m glad that you’re taking time

to do that it’s an honor for me because

I decided to get all the chances I have

to speak because I have to overcome my

shyness to speak and I want you to feel

comfortable I have to step out of my

comfort zone as you only teach us so

thank you for this opportunity

oh it’s my pleasure I’m so glad that you

took the opportunity and you’re doing it

so at the moment you said it’s afternoon

for you and you’re in North Italy right

I’m in central meeting actually and it’s

half past five in the afternoon

can you explain to me a little bit about

how you started to learn English when

did you start and what did that journey

look like for you yes well now I am 53

43 years old but I studied some English

may actually basic English grammar

something school and secondary school

and I also something at university but


be honest and I regret this I didn’t

study that much because at that time it

was just another subject so I really

regret that I lost this this chance but

Ellen started working where I work now I

now currently I work in a bank and I had

several foreign customers I realized

that my English was really bad and

especially with one lady and I I think I

think that I get in touch with this lady

because she was so charming and but also

so kind and she tried to let her

understand but every time I I needed to

speak with them and we heard

specifically with her I felt so shy

because of my English although I would

really like to go deep in our

relationship as friends so two years ago

I decided to start learning English

seriously constantly and I commit myself

to to do my best to improve English and

since then I realized that I love and

studying this language because I

realized that all in all most of the

countries people can speak English while

I couldn’t I I can I couldn’t now I can

speak a little bit more so yeah I

decided to to be like all the other

people I realized that I wasn’t doing

something special but something no one

so I told to myself if a lot of people

can do it why I can’t I don’t I don’t

have to underestimate my ability and as

I knew that I am a lot of willpower and

also thank you to youtube to this miss


I started to study it but on my own and

this is a yes this is my this can be

considered both a weakness and my

strength because I didn’t study alone

because I have willpower I can focus I

never lose my my my my trusted the

trusting myself but you know studying

alone it’s a little bit boring and

especially I always have a lot of

thoughts about what am I going to study

I mean let me explain this because most

of the time I said I don’t want to learn

slang or I’m polite words or phrases

because I work in a very formal

environment I always ask myself is it

slightly to explain this concept is it

is this word correct one polite and kind

maybe I might hurt other people’s

feelings or is if this the product will

be the product chant or the correct way

to use this adjective or convocations

you know the possible being may be

getting from basic level to an

intermediate level it’s not that

difficult but reaching advanced level is

really difficult and you have to speak

confidently without hesitating and

without thinking too much when you speak

but I realized that to to get where I

want to get I need something but I need

help not just from you only from YouTube

videos because the internet provides you

with a lot of materials of other stuff

and that what is it and it is even more

confusing because you can choose the

correct method and guess what the

correct method for you because every

time you choose a teacher or you follow

some teacher on YouTube they say maybe

the opposite of the other one

they said that you don’t need drummer

but I believe that promise

ascension how can you talk without drama

and maybe they say that you just need to

listen but I don’t agree because you

need to write a lot breaky a lot have

PDF files this one when I realized that

you were offering the chance to download

not only a set of video lessons fun also

the PDF file

I immediately downloaded everything both

because I had already already I hadn’t

really had some lessons with you and I

liked them too much I like the way you

you teach me the way you have me and

honestly I realized that I really needed

a teacher who is available and who is

always willing to help us because it’s

really easy to to buy to chase a course

online and then you feel lost because if

you have a question you try to write an

email to the customer service of this

the course of the website but usually it

takes too long to get the the answer but

you need it now immediately because you

are learning now you don’t have that all

this time while you both also you are

accompanying your lessons with live

Facebook lessons where all your

subscribers or your followers and

learners can interact with you so you

can help them you can help them

okay okay and you can help them

immediately and you can stay with them

while they need your help and not later

and also maybe I’m not going to ask you

anything but I know that if ever I need

you you are there for us and that’s a

relief for me especially for my attitude

as I’m always unsure of what I’m going

to to say you know I mean fear of death

as I said as I’m self-taught learner so

thank you for this opportunity

oh it’s my pleasure thank you for your

honesty and I totally agree that

feedback is so important getting instant

feedback especially is the best because

like you said you’re learning now you

don’t want to know the answer one week

from now you want to interact and get

feedback and just be encouraged by other

members or by me just that’s great

that’s fine and also you you said that

during this course we can interact also

with other learners and this is really

fine because I think that it’s fun when

you can laugh of yourself

and not only being loved by other

because you know that you’re going to

make a lot of mistakes but that’s why we

we are called learners because we are we

are learning but this is not an excuse

not to improve so sometimes you just

listening to other people mistakes in

realize you can understand where you are

going to make mistakes too so it’s it’s

helpful and you feel also useful to

other people maybe yes I think that’s a

good point that you’re helping yourself

when you talk with other English

learners but you’re also helping them

they can learn from you or just gain

confidence talking with you

instead of maybe some people feel

nervous talking with a native speaker

but they would feel much more

comfortable talking with you because

you’re doing something similar together

yeah yeah and also as I and some washed

one on your Facebook lesson directly of

your replay of your Facebook lesson and

this is another point sorry this is

another important point as I don’t have

facebook on my phone I don’t like it

well it’s my choice

but you give also to people especially

people like me to follow the lesson

because it’s really important as this is

a really important part of your course

because in this Facebook lesson you give

us the chance to review what you teach

what you talked about during the lesson

and also you go deep in the in the topic

and you get answer our questions and

feedbacks feedback from other learners

so although I don’t have facebook I can

follow everything I’m not missing


so that’s wait for me because one of my

fear was how can I do if I miss one of

the best aspect of this course the

interaction because many youtubers talk

to a learner’s but don’t give them the

chance to interact and as you said as

you are having these Facebook lessons

two times a week it’s really helpful as

you are studying mostly alone it’s

really really helpful that you have this

small deadline from time to time just to

keep you motivated and I really agree

when you told this I I thought yeah

Vanessa’s really right I’m definitely

about this aspect because we need to to

feel challenged from time to time and I

think it’s something really human to

need a little bit of a deadline like

today we’re gonna talk about the

vocabulary lesson so before the live

lesson kind of reviewing the vocabulary

and having a mini deadline it’s not a

home work or school but I think it is

good to be learning together and knowing

you’re on the same path as me and as

other people who are learning as well

I’m glad that’s really useful to you yes

otherwise it would be too overwhelming

preparing an entire lesson set and

starting from don’t know the 27th of

almost and then meet you on skype the

27th of September and it’s just an

entire an entire month before we meet

so you it’s like taking a test that you

have to review all the of the lessons at

the same time you have to cram too much

the day before

one in this way you have more time to

observe in the best way what you are

going to learn because you are learning

a bit at a time and as soon as you find

difficulty speech and explaining you can

ask you to get help from the teacher or

from the other lessons you will learn

this you know I’m really glad that you

brought up this point that having live

Facebook lessons in the course is

helping you follow the right path but

also keeping up with the material

because there is a lot of material but I

want to help guide you to use it in the

a clear way or in a more direct way and

I want you to really use it so I’m glad

that that’s working that’s excellent to

hear it’s a great flow from from you and

I also lastly I also appreciated a lot a

few focus also on France

because teachers usually overlooked

overlook this aspect but as English as

so many words that are so similar and

it’s just certain ones that make it make

a word different from another you you

have it’s really a smart choice in my

opinion that you focus also on the

pronunciation of the of course not

about everything but the most important

and of sending chunks of phrases or

words or whatever because this is one of

the difference between the intermediate

level speaker and the advanced

translation is essential certainly

certainly it’s important to know the

words but also when you say them you

want other people to understand you and

understand you the first time especially

at your job or if you travel or anything

else that’s that’s a good point

pronunciation is important you know I’m

glad that I included that with the

fearless fluency Club lessons especially

for you yes just think about today we

are surrounded by customer service and

you have to use the phone so when you

interact only on skype you eyes I can

see you so I can understand I can guess

if you’re you’re understanding me if I

am able to get across to you but when

you are on the phone it’s much more

difficult because you can see the other

people so you you can never know if they

are missing something or if they are

misunderstanding something

that’s why pronouncing correctly clearly

in a clear way it’s really a session

that’s a really good point on the phone

you need to have good pronunciation

especially at that moment it has to

thanks so much for explaining about your

personal experience I know it it takes a

lot of courage to go online and speak on

skype with a native speaker hopefully

I’m not too scary but just to speak and

do that is a big step so keep up the

good work

thank you very much because I appreciate

your time and have a beautiful weekend

see you again the next time Thank You


bye yes bye Monica see you later bye

thanks so much for watching this

testimonial video with one of my English

students this is a great way to know

which methods work and which methods

don’t work I hope in this video you

realized that natural learning is the

best method that has worked for each of

my students and for myself as well if

you’d like to continue to learn English

with me like these students you can

click on the I up here in the top corner

or in the description below where you

can download my free ebook and start to

learn with me today don’t wait I’ll see

you there bye