Speak With Vanessa On Skype Testimonial from Paulo

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome english students in

this video i’m gonna talk with the

student on skype and we’re going to talk

about that students english experiences

how they’ve learned english the things

that have been useful or maybe some

things that haven’t worked and i hope

that you will learn a lot from other

English learners experiences let’s get

started see you and hear you really

clearly i’m so happy to talk with you


nice to meet you yes nice to meet you

too this is a great chance to talk

together even though you said you just

came from the gym yes I knew that I had

this point with you so usually I put the

team 3 so I decide to make some exercise

today but a little not much exercise

they read them yes great idea

don’t lose that rhythm keep exercising

and now you’re exercising you’re English

yes yes I know that it’s very great when

you do the exercise before something

that use the brain your brain is more

active this is so wonderful so now your

brain is ready

what time is it for you now now it’s 11

and 3500 11:35 great so you are just one

hour ahead of me you’re in Brazil again

I live in yes driving oh great so you

can have a chance to go to the beach on

the weekends or when you have free time

but not today yes I’m so happy that

today the first time that we have talked

together on skype but I know we’ve been

connecting and communicating in our in

our Facebook group a lot thank you so

much for your participation in the

fearless fluency Club and just our

community your really valuable oh thank

you welcome Vanessa I really appreciate

the community it’s very

because English degree this is so

flexible that whenever you have free

time you can post something or comment

on something you don’t have to have one

hour free for a conversation just

whenever you want yes since August last

year okay so about over a year yes and

when I started I thought that I can

learn the language

okay but because I know yes yes I think

I will be so but this not happy

see you dedicated some time but it

didn’t meet your expectation yes I think

that it’s easy to learn the language

oh where do you like to go okay yes but

this is very different from the English

that I usually use to listen because I

usually and I’d like to because I

realized that listen the politics is

very good because yeah that’s probably a


and it’s a huge deal nowadays you can

find political videos everywhere so it’s

a good source of real English yes you

can that’s a great way really clear I

think that’s a good point that you’re

trying to find real materials YouTube

and politicians and just using real

stuff because if you only focus on

learning material when you go to New

York and you take a taxi it’s gonna be a

different world

yes very different and I think that the

days for example when my I put my

children in school I thought that to

learning you came into the school and

after a while for example six semesters

you are ready and you can see the lens


I had this spot not far away from here

one year ago I thought this way when I

started I realized that

this is not true longer or different

styles this is not in process right it’s

a continual process it’s a journey and

when you I think that recommend me to

put my children at high school I was

wrong oh I didn’t work for them because

I’ll put them but then at school

probably they will be able to see much

oh so maybe younger for them was better

to start in elementary school or as kids

so for us as adults we need to really

focus because we’re not kids anymore

yes and about I can give some my opinion

yes what what has your experience been


because there because this is the yes in

our lives

yes and the many people has the use

nowadays and it use so when you create

this commute community you and you in

self destruct in facebook you can

don’t realize that reduces and practice

a lot every day yes proof days and enjoy

I’m so glad that you really are using

that community because it’s great to

download the lessons and learn with them

but you’re using English like you said

without thinking about it because it’s

part of your daily life on Facebook go

to the group post information today we

had a live lesson to interact in just

you are very pretty creative because you

put some crafts and usually it’s a great

thing to do I’m so glad that the group

is interactive and yeah just when I ask

a question members like you two are just

excited and eager to use English all you

need is just a place to do it and the

community on Facebook is the right place

and it’s encouraging

I love how positive everyone is just so

encouraging yes and I need two more to

follow the process because I have many

material in listen and sometimes I don’t

realize the material but I watched some

of them and I realized that the matter

is very good great

we can listen the other people who I

interview or my husband for the

vocabulary videos I hope that that’s

just another style because it’s great to

hear my voice but I want to challenge

you with other voices you don’t want to

listen to just me all the time you

usually choose the vocabulary proper way

to be more understandable usually I

think this is just typical Vanessa’s

language style of speaking yes for when

you hear other people in the the lesson

conversations when you hear them talking

with me I speak the same but they have

different styles of speaking so that’s

the challenging part and it’s a good

challenge because you want to understand

the taxi driver and Obama and TV shows


the problem is there are a lot of slang

that a dream will give the lesson the

life lesson you usually choose some

concepts and enjoy the concepts and

teach many times a lot of times too

new repetition is really useful lots of

context lots of sample sentences and

hopefully it’s fun and enjoyable people

wrote they were studying in general

takes time and because when you are

alive the people right they make good

and correct the material the private


it’s very thirsty sure so taking their


fixing the mistakes more usually I just

read it out loud in a correct way but

it’s not another way to write the phrase

would be great mature because that’s a

great suggestion thank you yes yeah

right didn’t I think it’s useful to have

common problems fixed and you can see

the solutions so that’s a great idea and

thank you for just taking time from your

busy Saturday to talk with me today this

is great you just it’s okay my body is

very very warm today you just worked out

your brain you know and I loved watching

the movies and at the beginning I tried

to watch the TV series French famous

okay but it’s very difficult to

understand very fast and I I get the

first episode in Troy many times you

repeat in watching and here I didn’t

watch again so maybe taking too much


yes and I decide to watch a movie with

Cyrus oh yes and that the beginning

towards the movies i watch the movie and

look at the dictionary so a movie that

takes two hours to watch I usually spend

more than eight hours so it’s not good

and I think how can I prove this process

and spend less time to learn with movies

because I

oh it’s automatically translated for you

that would be a great idea that’s a good

tool if someone could do that I wonder

if it exists I’m gonna do some research

that’s a great idea yes and after this I

can time oh sure you’re doing a lot but

yes I’m so glad that we could meet today

even though you were working out it’s a

busy weekend busy for me this is perfect

and thank you for sharing about your

English experiences and expectations and

the course how it’s working for you and

some of your struggles and successes

thank you for your honesty okay

have a wonderful Saturday I hope we can

talk again in the future okay nice

Saturday for YouTube yes yes you the

next time Paolo and see you is certainly

in our Facebook group okay bye bye

it’s by Paolo see you later bye so much

for watching this testimonial video with

one of my English students this is a

great way to know which methods work and

which methods don’t work I hope in this

video you realized that natural learning

is the best method that has worked for

each of my students and for myself as

well if you’d like to continue to learn

English with me like these students you

can click on the I up here in the top

corner or in the description below where

you can download my free ebook and start

to learn with me today don’t wait I’ll

see you there bye