Three Steps For Learning New Expressions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today i’m going to tell you

about three stages that you need to go

through to learn new expressions let’s

get started have you ever learned a new

expression and you feel like you just

can’t remember it when you want to use


well don’t worry maybe you are not on

the final stage yet for learning

expressions let me tell you about the

first step the first step is to

recognize a new word or a new expression

this means that when you hear it when

you read this new expression that you

already learned you recognize it you

maybe don’t remember what it means but

you can say oh yes I remember learning

this expression I don’t remember exactly

what it means but I can recognize it so

for example the expression in one ear

and out the other it’s an expression

that I talked about in the course thirty

days of English and this expression

maybe you recognize it when you hear it

when you see it I remember I learned

this expression but I can’t remember

exactly what it means now this means

that you probably can’t use it yourself

yet but it’s okay you’re only on the

first step you can recognize the new

expression when you hear it or when

someone else uses it so if you recognize

a new expression this is great it means

you’re on the path to using it yourself

let’s talk about the second step the

second step for learning a new

expression or a new word is

understanding the new word or the new

expression understanding it and this

doesn’t mean using it yourself yet this

means when you hear it when you see it

you will recognize it and understand

you’ll remember the meaning now this is

very useful when you’re having a

conversation with someone else because

maybe they’re talking and talking and

they use an expression that you learned

but you maybe can’t use yourself yet but


can understand this is great you’re

using it in context in your mind you can

understand it in context and this is

great because it’s the second step you

are closer and closer to using it


now some language experts say that you

need to hear an expression 10 times 20

times 30 times before you can naturally

use it yourself but if you focus on the

expression and try to use it I think you

could use it earlier than 30 times so

that is going on to the third step

the first one is recognized then

understand and let’s talk about the

third one the third expression is using

the word or expression yourself so first

you need to simply recognize it maybe

you don’t understand it secondly you

need to understand the meaning in

context and the third one is you need to

use the word yourself now at first when

you learn a new expression you’re going

to need to use it intentionally this

means on purpose maybe if you learned

the new expression in one ear and out

the other when you have an English

conversation you need to think about how

you can use this expression you can try

to use it in the conversation so this is

not 100% natural because you’re trying

to find a way to use the new expression

but if you can use it intentionally then

in the future the more and more you use

it you can use it unintentionally

naturally without thinking so the goal

is to use it as many times as possible I

want to encourage you that if you only

recognize an expression that you just

learned don’t worry that’s the first

step it means that you’re getting closer

and closer to using it yourself so I

have a question for you what are some

tips that you have for other English

learners for how they can learn new

expressions these three steps are my

tips for you but you are an English

Learner you have been learning

expressions and grammar and vocabulary

for a while so I would like you to share

your tips and your ideas with other

English learners we can all benefit

together as a community thanks so much

and I’ll talk to you again the next time
