TOP 3 Ways to Improve Your Memory Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today we’re going to talk

about three ways to improve your memory

so that you can remember what you learn

in english let’s get started the first

way to improve your memory and to

remember what you’ve learned is

repetition a lot of people say if you

have a difficult time remembering

people’s names like when you meet a new

person it’s difficult for you to

remember their name the advice that they

give is to repeat their name to say

their name back right when you learn

their name say it again right when

you’re having a conversation with them

say their name several times repeat the

new information which is their name so

how can you apply this to learning

English in English there are new

vocabulary words new grammar concepts

may be new pronunciation that doesn’t

exist in your native language how can

you use repetition to remember all of

these things well no one likes to repeat

the same word again and again and again

so the best way to remember something is

to hear it repeated in different

contexts hear it in a TV show read it in

a book hear me say it in a lesson this

is going to give you a context for how

it can be naturally used the challenging

thing is it takes patience this just

happens through experience through using

English and listening a lot reading a

lot you will be exposed to those words

or those sounds or that grammar concept

through lots of exposure in different

situations so you need to really use

English in a lot of different ways so

that you can get natural repetition if

you just write the vocabulary word 30

times maybe you’ll remember it but you

might not remember the context

or you might not know nuances of that

expression so I recommend being patient

and listening for similar words as

you’re reading or listening to a podcast

or listening to one of my videos this is

a great way through natural repetition

to increase your memory the second way

to improve your memory so that you can

remember what you’ve learned in English

is through using multiple senses

including drawing your eyes even your

nose your ears using multiple senses to

remember one way to do this is to draw a

picture let’s say that you’re trying to

master the R sound or and not use

instead well you can draw a picture of

the mouth saying these words it can be

even a really simple picture I’m not an

artist my art is quite elementary but

even if your course is the same this is

a great way to visually see how you

should pronounce it or if you’re trying

to learn a new expression if the

expression is an idiom maybe the idiom

is don’t put all your eggs in one basket

this means try to diversify your life

don’t expect one thing to be the only

way that you can succeed well you could

draw a picture of this and try to

imagine how to use that idiom through

the picture it’s going to be much easier

to remember

then simply reading the words or reading

a story about it when you have a visual

image this will really help you another

way to visually memorize and remember

things is in your house maybe if you

don’t know the word for potted plant

this is a plant maybe you want to

remember potted plant well you can draw

a picture or write

the word and tape that word on the plant

that way whenever you see the visual

image you will connect those two things

sometimes this is called the sticky note

method but you can use this with paper

and tape and put things around your

house that remind you of certain

expressions or maybe certain

pronunciation that’s useful for you I

think with English we often don’t use

visual images enough we use words or

listening but visual images are so

important so don’t forget to use

multiple senses when you’re learning the

third way to improve your memory in

English is to make your world English a

great way to do that is to change your

phone into English change your computer

into English try to make everything in

your life English

watch English TV shows if you don’t have

that option at least turn on the English

subtitles watch videos in English in on

YouTube try to surround yourself with

English this is similar to repetition

but you are surrounding yourself that is

a really a valuable way to increase your

memory because in the end all of these

memory ideas are about exposing yourself

to more English when you have more

exposure to real English in your daily

life you’re gonna remember more this is

a big challenge for a lot of people of

all ages we learned something and then

forget it so I hope that these three

methods repetition using multiple senses

drawing pictures putting notes places

and also the third method of making your

world English will help you to increase

your memory do you have any other

suggestions for how to remember what

you’ve learned write them in the

comments below let’s share our ideas


thanks so much and talk to you later bye

did you enjoy these tips well I have a

gift for you

you can download the free PDF guide

three tips to improve your English so

that you can quickly remember each step

there are seven different categories

including speaking vocabulary and

grammar click here to download it and

start learning with me today