Travel English Going to a hotel 5 Advanced Expressions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what should you say at a

hotel let’s talk about it

welcome to the series travel survival

tips of course there are a million

expressions that you can use when you’re

traveling but in this series i want to

condense these to six different

situations and give you five expressions

per situation to help you really start

to feel comfortable with your upcoming

travels congratulations you’re going to

be traveling and speaking english let’s

use it and use it well i’ve also created

a gift for you it’s a free PDF guide

including all of the tips from this

series so you can download that guide

review all of the expressions as you’re

sitting on the airplane waiting to get

to your destination as you’re sitting in

the hotel room trying to remember what

to say you can download this guide print

it out look at it on your phone and

really use it i recommend downloading it

in the description below this video

there’s a link or up here you can click

on that and also download this

expression guide it’s my gift to you

let’s start with the first situation

take a look at this video and try to

guess which situation which travel

situation are we going to talk about in

this video you guessed a hotel you’re

correct we’re going to be talking about

five expressions you can use at a hotel

let’s start with the first one when you

walk up to the counter the person will

probably ask you do you have a

reservation do you have a reservation

and i imagine if you’re traveling

overseas you’ll probably have a

reservation in advance so you can say

yes it’s under Vanessa prophy it’s under

your name so I recommend using this full

sentence of course you can just say your

name do you have a reservation yes

Vanessa but if you want to use

expression that native speakers use this

is what we say yes it’s under plus your

name we use under to talk about your

reservation my reservation is with this

name I used this name when I made the

reservation because the look on the

computer and they’ll try to find your

name yes it’s under Vanessa profie your

reservation probably won’t be under my

name so make sure you say your name

the next question is really important

when you’re talking on the phone or when

you actually go to the hotel it is when

is check-in time and when is check-out

time that means when can you get to your

room and when do you have to leave your

room this is really valuable because

it’s different in all countries maybe in

your country you’re used to having a

really early check-in time maybe 10

o’clock in the morning well maybe in

London it’s going to be completely

different you can’t check in until 2:00

p.m. in some situations so make sure

that you ask when is check-in time when

is check-out time the third expression

is one that you’re not going to say but

you’re going to hear of course it’s

important to know the right questions to

ask but you also want to understand the

responses so this one is if you go to a

hotel and you sought check-in time was

at 11 a.m. but when you get there the

hotel attendant says I’m sorry the room

won’t be ready until 1 p.m. but you can

leave your bags here of course they’ll

say this quickly the room won’t be ready

to 1 p.m. but you can leave your bags


it means feel free to put your bags in

this safe area and that way you can go

out and enjoy the city and you can come

back later after 1 p.m.

that’s a great expression to be able to

understand the fourth expression that

you can use at a hotel is I’d like to

an extra night how much will it be let’s

imagine you’re having a great time you

don’t want to leave you want to stay

even longer well you want to ask how

much will it be to stay an extra night

maybe it’s the weekend instead of the

weekday maybe it’s a holiday instead of

an a not holiday time well you want to

politely say this I’d like to stay

another night how much will it be great

question and I’m sure that the hotel

attendant will give you a clear answer

because they’d love for you to stay

longer the fifth expression is a

question and you can use this type of

question in a lot of situations just

changing some of the words it is can I

have two extra towels brought up to room

203 let’s imagine you’re staying in room

203 and you want two extra towels you

have extra long hair or maybe your kids

need some extra towels you could say can

we have two extra towels brought up to

room 203 we would use brought up if

you’re calling the front desk or maybe

if you’re talking to the front desk and

you’re about to leave so you don’t want

to take the towels back to your room you

want them to go to your room and take

the towels for you what if you want

something else brought up to your room

no problem you can use the same Senate

structure can I have a bottle of wine

brought up to room 203 great have a

party you can use this question a polite

question for a lot of different things

before we go let’s talk about a magic

phrase I learned this phrase when I was

living in France because I wanted and I

needed to ask people a lot of questions

but sometimes when a stranger is walking

around the city you don’t really want to

bother them you don’t know how to

introduce your question

and you can use this at a hotel as well

this magic phrase for almost any

situation is

excuse me I don’t want to bother you but

can I have two extra towels brought up

to room 203 excuse me I don’t want to

bother you but and then you ask your

question in each video in this series

about survival travel tips we’re going

to use this magic phrase because really

it’s magic whenever you use it people

can’t resist but to help you

so I recommend memorizing that magic

phrase and using the other expressions

in this lesson now it’s your turn in the

comments below this video use one of

these expressions or share another

expression that’s important in a hotel

situation thanks so much and I’ll see

you the next time bye

the next step is to download the free

guide travel survival tips I want to

help you master these expressions and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye