Travel English Going to a Restaurant 5 Advanced Expressions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what do you want to eat

let’s talk about it

welcome to the fourth video in the

Travel Survival Series congratulations

you’re going to be travelling to an

english-speaking country well you’re

going to need to learn some phrases for

typical situations so today we’re going

to talk about one specific situation

five expressions that you can use in

that situation but if you want to learn

all of the other expressions from the

other situations I recommend watching

this full youtube series and also

downloading all of these expressions in

a PDF guide this way you can review them

on your phone as you’re traveling as

you’re preparing to travel as you’re

waiting for your delayed bus this is a

good way to remember them and just feel

more comfortable using them so if you

want to download the travel survival

tips PDF file guide that I’ve made for

you you can click on the link in the

description below or up here you can

download it print it out keep it on your

phone keep it close to your heart let’s

talk about today’s topic take a look at

this video and try to guess which

situation which travel situation are we

going to talk about in this video what

do you think

you guess that we’re going to be talking

about restaurants today Oh for me I love

eating and I love trying new food so for

me when I visit a new place going to a

restaurant is a really essential

experience so I hope that while you’re

traveling you really do try to eat local

food or some popular places with locals

it’s going to give you a good taste of

the local cuisine and also a good

experience but you’re probably going to

need to use some English so let’s talk

about these five expressions that will

be useful for you at a restaurant let’s

imagine that you walk into a restaurant

it’s you your husband and your mom and

the waitress says oh welcome to the best

restaurant do you have three people but

really you’re waiting for your dad to

join you later maybe he was taking a

long time and he said go ahead I’ll meet

you at the restaurant

but the waitress or the person who’s

going to seat you the hostess she wants

to know how many people are going to sit

with you so she can put you at the right

table so she’ll probably say do you have

three people or will it be three people

and if the answer’s no you can say no we

have one more coming soon we have one

more coming soon great really commonly

used and also natural sounding or if

there are only three people who will be

sitting together yes you can just say

yes the second expression is a question

and an answer as you’re sitting at your

table the waiter is probably going to

ask you do you want some drinks you want

an appetizer here are some of our

specials if you go to a restaurant that

has a server so if they ask you do you

want to start with an appetizer do you

want to start with an appetizer but you

don’t really want an appetizer but you

know what you want to order for your

main meal you can say no but we’re ready

to order

I say this all the time because often I

don’t want an appetizer

I just want my dish my main meal so I

say oh no thanks but I’m ready to order

but I know what I want to order and this

way they’ll say okay and go write down

what you want the third expression is

how to order I already made a video

about three ways to order in a

restaurant so make sure that you check

that out to be able to see all of the

ways that you can order but one of the

most common ways is by using this

expression you can say I’m gonna get the

blue cheese burger and sweet potato

fries I’m going to get or I’m gonna get

you can use this in great fancy

restaurants or in really casual diners

really casual restaurants this is a

flexible expression pretty versatile so

I recommend saying I’m gonna get the

blue cheese burger and sweet potato

fries but what if your server gives you

the wrong side dish well for number four

we’re going to talk about how to explain

this problem politely usually in a

restaurant you don’t want to say I

ordered this why didn’t I get it you

want to be more polite about it at least

in the u.s. it’s our typical way of

doing things so I recommend when the

server comes back to your table or if

they’re passing the table you can kind

of wave and they’ll come over you can

say I’m sorry I think I ordered the

sweet potato fries can I get those

instead maybe they gave you a salad and

you don’t want a salad you want the

sweet potato fries so you can just

simply say I’m sorry I think I ordered

the sweet potato fries can I get those

instead you’re not pointing a finger

you’re not saying you didn’t give me the

correct order you’re talking about what

you ordered you’re saying I ordered the

sweet potato for

sighs can I get those instead instead of

the salad and in restaurants the

customer is always right so they’ll say

I’ll help of course I’m so sorry

and they’ll take away your salad and

bring you some tasty sweet potato fries

the fifth expression is about dessert

well waiters love to get you to buy more

and more appetizers drinks regular meals

main dishes desserts but often times

it’s too much food you really don’t have

enough room in your stomach to eat all

of that so at the end of your meal the

server might say did you save any room

for dessert and that means do you want

any dessert

but let’s imagine you already ate a big

meal you had that bleu cheese burger and

sweet potato fries and you’re ready to

take a nap

so you’re definitely not gonna get

dessert what can you say to be polite

well there’s a couple things you can say

but one of the most common is no thanks

I’m full or you can say no thanks I’m

stuffed stuffed means I ate a lot I’m

satisfied ah no thanks I’m stuffed but

I’ll take the bill I’ll take the bill or

we’ll get the bill we will take the bill

we will get the bill you’re ready to

leave you want to take a nap and you

definitely don’t want dessert so this is

a polite way to decline and just say no


but we’ll take the bill so now I have a

question for you what are some other

useful expressions at restaurants that

you have used or you want to use in a

restaurant in English and also it’s your

chance to use the expressions you

learned today so feel free to use them

in the comments below

so much for learning with me I’ll see

you the next time bye the next step is

to download the free guide travel

survival tips I want to help you master

these expressions and speak fluently

feel free to subscribe so that you don’t

miss new English lessons thanks so much

for learning with me bye