Travel English In the Airport 5 Advanced Expressions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you ready to fly let’s

talk about it

welcome to the second video in the

series travel survival tips today we’re

gonna be talking about a useful

situation and throughout this series

we’re gonna be following the main

situations that you’ll encounter when

you’re traveling so i want to give you

an easy guide to help you remember all

of these tips i’ve made a free PDF file

for you so that you can download print

and review all of the expressions from

this full series while you’re waiting on

the bus while you’re reading on your

phone waiting for your airplane delay

well this guide is for you you can

download it in the description below

this video or up here it’s my gift let’s

start with the first situation for today

take a look at this video and try to

guess which situation which travel

situation are we going to talk about in

this video what do you think

you guess the airport well if you

guessed the airport you’re correct

there’s not many places that look like

that but only the airport today we’re

gonna talk about five expressions that

will be useful to you in the airport of

course there’s plenty of others and it

depends on your situation where you’re

flying to where you’re going where

you’re leaving from but let’s talk about

these five basic expressions that you

can build on to really master airport

travel the first expression you can use

at the check-in counter the person at

the check-in counter will probably ask

you do you have an ID do you have a

passport do you have a boarding pass

because it’s possible that you already

printed your boarding pass or maybe

you’re at the check-in counter because

you want to get your boarding pass

they’ll probably ask you this and if you

have those documents you can simply give

them to the officer or you can say here

you go here you go and it’s these little

conversations that will help you to feel

more fluent and natural in a lot of

situations you don’t need to say much

but native speakers will often use these

short expressions like here you go so I

hope you can use it too the second

expression is used at that same place at

the check-in counter the person at the

check-in counter will probably ask you

do you have any checked bags do you have

any carry-on bags and a checked bag

means that you give it to them usually

this is your biggest suitcase it’s

pretty heavy you give it to them and

they will deliver it to your final

destination hopefully if all goes well

so you could say yes I have one checked

bag I have two checked bags what about a

carry-on bag a carry-on bag is pretty

clear you carry it on the airplane

usually a smaller bag backpack small

suitcase so you could say I have two

checked bag

and one carry on clear and simple the

third question is something that you’ll

probably be asked at the check-in

counter and probably again when you go

through the detection machines so

they’ll probably ask you do you have any

food liquid or medicine in your bag and

usually when you fly you have to put

some small liquid containers in a

plastic bag especially if it’s in your

carry-on so if you’re not taking any

food you’re not taking any liquid or any

medicines of course you can just say no

but most people have some kind of small

liquids so what I say is all my liquids

are in this bag and it shows that you

know the rules you know they should be

in that bag and you’re physically

showing them do you have any food liquid

or medicine all my liquids are in this

bag great super clear and it’s not

causing any problems

the fourth expression is one to use if

you’ve got a problem if you missed your

flight you’re gonna go to the closest

counter and you’re gonna say I missed my

flight to Chicago when is the next

flight to Chicago I missed my flight

this is gonna help you to really know

what should I do next because you can

feel pretty lost the final expression

that you can use is at immigration so

you’ve already finished your flight and

you’re trying to get into the country

and depending on the country they’ll

probably ask you a lot of questions some

typical questions are when is your

return flight can I see your ticket do

you have your return boarding pass with

you sometimes they like to physically

see this so just make sure that if

you’re going through immigration you

have all those papers ready and that you

also understand what they’re gonna ask

you so now I want to know for you if

you’ve traveled to another country and

use English what are some useful

expressions that you’ve used in the

airport write them in the comments below

and let us know and let’s learn all

together thanks so much for learning

with me and I’ll see you

next time by the next step is to

download the free guide travel survival

tips I want to help you master these

expressions and speak fluently feel free

to subscribe so that you don’t miss new

English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye