Travel English Using Transportation 5 Advanced Expressions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you ready to catch the

bus let’s talk about it welcome to the

third video in the Travel Survival

Series throughout this series I want to

give you the best clear tips to help you

in the most common travel situation so

to help you completely improve I’ve

created a free pdf guide with all the

expressions from this series you can

download the expressions review them

remind yourself what you want to say as

you’re waiting at the airport as you’re

sitting in your hotel room

feel free to download this guide the

link is in the description below the

video or you can click up here it’s my

gift to you happy travels let’s talk

about today’s idea take a look at this

video and try to guess which situation

which travel situation are we going to

talk about in this video what do you

think guess that we’re going to talk

about buses and subways and taxis if you

did congratulations we’re going to talk

about five expressions that you can use

in public transport situations let’s

imagine that you’re going to go to New

York and because you’re going to be

there for a couple days you want to get

a good deal on public transportation

so you might go to the ticket window and

you might ask can I get a week-long

subway pass can I get a week-long bus

pass can I get a week-long pass and that

means that it lasts for the whole week

there are unlimited rides you can have

it’s a good way to save money if you’re

going to be in one place for a couple


they might say yes they might say no if

they say no you can say I’m going to be

here for four days what’s the best deal

I’m going to be here for four days

what’s the best deal if the person at

the ticket window counter is four

Mendeley they’ll give you some good

advice depending on each city it’s going

to be a little bit different but I’m

sure they’re used to dealing with

tourists and talking about the best deal

for transportation so I recommend using

this expression the second expression

kind of has to do with asking for

directions but it’s specifically for

transportation so I included it in

today’s video instead of the one about

directions it is what’s the best way to

get to the Empire State Building what’s

the best way to get to the Eiffel Tower

from here and someone might say oh the

subway is the best way just take the

subway two stops get out and you’ll see

it in front of you take the subway so I

recommend using our magic phrase that I

talked about in the first video

it is excuse me I don’t want to bother


but what’s the best way to get to this

restaurant from here and any stranger on

the street will try their best to give

you directions if they’re friendly so we

can use that magic expression excuse me

I don’t want to bother you but what’s

the best way to get to there from here

the third expression we can use in a

situation where you’re a little bit

worried let’s imagine you’re on the bus

and you’re trying to get off the bus at

a certain stop but you see that stop go

by and you didn’t get off well you could

ask the bus driver or maybe another

passenger I think I missed my bus stop

where can I catch a bus going the

opposite direction because you want to

go back maybe it’s too far to walk so

you can say ah I think I missed my bus

stop where can I get or catch where can

I get a bus in the opposite direction

if these seem like long phrases maybe


to remember the first time I recommend

just downloading the free PDF you can

review them again and again and

hopefully while you’re reviewing them

you won’t miss your bus stop let’s

imagine that you are at the right bus

stop and you’re sitting there waiting

but you’ve been waiting and waiting and

waiting so you can use our fourth

expression you can ask another passenger

or just someone on the street you can

use the magic phrase excuse me I don’t

want to bother you but do you know when

the next bus comes do you know when the

next subway comes do you know when the

next train comes and they’ll probably

say oh in just five minutes or in 20


you should probably walk they’ll give

you some quick advice so that you can

have your answers and you don’t have to

wait too long without knowing the fifth

expression is for taking a taxi let’s

imagine it’s late at night 1 a.m. 2 a.m.

and there are no more buses no more


no more subways what are you gonna do

well you have to take a taxi so you are

probably going to look around for

somewhere to get a taxi but if you don’t

see a taxi you’re gonna have to ask a

question so you could ask do you know

where I can get a taxi do you know where

I can catch a taxi excuse me I don’t

mean to bother you but do you know where

I can get a taxi and someone might say

there is a taxi stand on that corner

there is a taxi stand a taxi stand is

like bus station it’s the place where

all the taxis go there’s a taxi stand

over there and all of your worries are

relieved you can go home in peace

you found the taxi and you ask the

correct question in English and now I

have a question for you what other

questions or expressions are useful for

public transportation

it buses trains taxis subways let us

know in the comments below and try to

use some of the expressions that you

learn today thanks so much for learning

with me and I’ll see you the next time

bye the next step is to download the

free guide travel survival tips I want

to help you master these expressions and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye