Hobbies in English Learn English Conversation Easily Quickly



hi phoebe

nice to meet you

hello jake how do you do

i’m doing well


i’m great thank you

you look even more beautiful than in

your photos

i do

that’s very sweet of you

is this your first time here

nah my family often eats out here we’re

big fans of italian food

are italian foods doing you any good

yeah sure

i quite have a thing for foods of all



so phoebe i know you are a bank clerk

but what’s your hobby

i know it sounds weird but

i do love singing a lot

i like listening to music too

i also play sports for fun

welcome to the fine dining

thanks for your patience it’s a bit

crowded here tonight

that’s fine man



long time no see how have you been

i’m doing fine

by the way this is jake and


ryan was going to the same high school

with me

uh nice to meet both of you

here is the menu uh what will you have

one pasta for me please

same for me

two pasta is your order lovely the food

will come back in 20 minutes



are you okay phoebe you seem nervous

i’m fine jake but the thing is that

ryan was my ex-boyfriend

it’s just so weird to meet him in such a

mood like this

oh god i didn’t expect this

don’t worry about it anyways i hope we

can still enjoy our date

you’re so right

let’s cheer for us in our delicious



miss evelyn please come on in

yes thank you

see to yourself evelyn thank you for

coming to this interview

i have read your cv and it is brilliant

with your academic scores and your

part-time jobs

thank you so much

you’re welcome

you already had hands-on experiences

working with kids


yes i had chances to tutor children and

play with them

that’s great

now i’d love to know more about you

what’s your hobby evelyn


i love reading and painting

sometimes i like to go trekking with my

friends too

reading you said what kinds of books do


like reading young lady

i have a great passion for children’s

books like the little prince or peter


i learn something new every time i read


how interesting

i think it’s enough for the talking part

i’d love to see how you work with our


yeah i’m so ready to meet the children

please tell me more about them

they are four years old and today

they’re going to learn about hobbies

things that they can do after school

all you need to do is get to know them

and help them to come up with their


i understand

please follow me

kids this is miss evelyn she’s your

teacher today

please say hello to miss evelyn everyone

hello miss evelyn

hello i’m evelyn and who wants to play


me me me

now we stand in a circle and tell me

your name and what do you like to do

i’ll do it first i’m a teacher

evelyn and i really like painting

my name’s adrienne and i like eating


good job

hello adrian

adrian’s hobby is eating chocolates

i’m lilly

i like swimming and i like aging

mike how are you feeling right now son


excited as well as scared mom i don’t

know anyone at the school

don’t worry son

you will know a lot of interesting

friends today

all you need

is to be yourself and be friendly with


i get it mom i hope that my classmates

will like me

they surely will

hello mike i’m tom

nice to meet you tom

where did you live before moving here

i lived in miami it’s known as the city

of beautiful beaches with amazing


how cool i guess your hobby is surfing

isn’t it

no tom my pastime is making films about

people around me

what’s your hobby buddy

i like doing magic tricks and watching


oh i find it so nice tom would you like

to be in my films one day

sure i love films and videos

speaking of which you should meet helen


who is helen

there she goes

hey helen this is mike he is a master of

making short films

hi mike i’m helen and that’s cool

uh glad to meet you


what do you do in your free time

i fancy taking photos and collecting old


wow i think we’ll make an awesome team

we can create great films

you can be the star of your magic show

tom and helen i’m sure you can be in

charge of filming and i will be the fit

the video editor

hello mom

you look very happy son how’s your first

day of school

one of the best days of my life

i met helen and tom they have the same

interests as me

see i told you

mom you know everything

we are going to make our film project


i can’t wait to meet them tomorrow and

discuss what we will do

i’m happy that you found happiness in

what you’re doing son


thanks for watching

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