How Much Money Did We Spend Domestic Expenses English Conversation Speaking Easily


how much did we spend

household expense is a very common topic

regularly mentioned by family members

let’s watch the video to see how couples

adjust their living expenses to fulfill

a financial goal

adjust spending to save money


have you considered what i talked to you

about yesterday about buying a house and

getting a new car

yeah i have thought about this

we’ve been renting a house for a long


we also saved some money

i think it’s time for us to think about

buying a house and getting a new car


what is the plan

i did some research

a house now costs around two hundred

thousand to two hundred and fifty


dollars yeah i calculated

after setting aside an amount for a new


we will still have a savings of about

fifty thousand dollars left

if we get a mortgage for the rest in 15

years the monthly mortgage payment will

be about one thousand four hundred


what do you think

it’s okay honey but we will have to

spend a lot more thoughtfully i checked

monthly expenses the other day and was

shocked because of the money we spent to

eat out at the restaurant

yeah the amount i spend on coffee every

day may add up a lot

i think i’ll buy a thermos flask to take

coffee from home

my monthly expense for new clothes is

also quite a lot

i need to limit myself to one new

clothing item a month only



what other areas do you think we can

also cut back on

not yet for now i think we should do

some budgeting on monthly expenses

i agree

we’ll know the fixed amount each month

and then adjust the expense for the rest


let’s calculate together now


financial planning to prepare for having

a baby



there have been bills for this month

already right

does it cost a lot this month

still the same as last month

have you paid yet

yes i did

while mentioning living expenses i want

to discuss your budgeting for monthly


yeah go ahead i’m listening

we’re planning to have a baby next year

so i think from now on we should manage

our expenses more tightly

so that we can save some money to raise

our children

yeah you’re right

if we wait until next year to think

about these savings i’m afraid it’s a

bit late

yes i think from now on we should cut

down on some unnecessary expenses in the


what do you think we can reduce

for example

i will limit the purchase of these

unnecessary cosmetics and perfumes

or you limit buying those new game


i knew you would mention my gaming


i’m just trying to cut entertainment

costs we won’t go out to eat let’s eat

from home from now on


we’ll travel far away only once a year

other than that we should choose a

closer place to reduce costs is that


everything you say makes sense however

i think it’s better to find a way to

earn more money instead of having to

budget on everything like that

of course that’s the best way but it’s

easier said than done

how can we earn more now

i will take on more projects and work

part-time at home in the evenings or on


is it okay for you

really but you’ll be tired from working

all week

no worry i will try to make it right

it’s just that the time spent with you

will be a little less

what do you think


i have no problem with that but don’t

take on too many projects either

remember it’s just for making a little

extra money okay


don’t worry


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