Im sorry Conversation English Speaking Practice English with Jessica


i’m so sorry

i’m so sorry is very familiar with us in

daily life watch the video and see how

to use this in some situations

sorry for hurting you


anna are you there


anna i wanna

do you have something to say

do you want to scold me like this


no no anna don’t think that

i don’t mean that


what are you doing

what do you want to say to me i have to

do my homework now




about what happened this morning it’s

because i lost my temper it doesn’t mean

i hate you

you couldn’t always stay calm

you never listen to what i said and

immediately think you’re right others

are wrong

no anna i’m so sorry about that but

actually i just couldn’t calm down

because you know this book is a special

gift to me

yes i know

of course

but the thing is you didn’t listen to my

explanation and immediately blamed me

for tearing your book


why do i have to do that what you said

in the morning really hurt me

anna i know this is my fault

i’m really sorry about this

we’ve been playing together for a long


you know i’m hot tempered but i don’t

mean anything

but will you always be like that

no i promise i will change

i will calm down in every situation

and sorry for hurting you

to be honest

hope so

such hurtful words you shouldn’t use at


it hurts other people and you too

i will never do it again forgive me


the last time okay


thank you i’ll invite you to dinner now

let’s go


it is my fault


what’s wrong alex

yes i want to talk about the meeting

this morning

ah yes

what happened

that the meeting this morning had some


it was supposed to prepare documents for

the partner but there was nothing

yes i remembered i told the leader to

prepare for me

partner this morning is very

dissatisfied about this

i was pretty angry this morning


yes actually

i was the one responsible for preparing

that document

is it you

why don’t you do it

do you know if this meeting decides

whether or not they will sign the

contract with us

yes i know

it is my fault i’m so sorry about this

i always remind employees to work

carefully prepare everything carefully

i know

i made a big mistake i will pay more

attention next time

this will never happen again i’m sure

about that

this morning i had to apologize to our

partner for your carelessness

we should have prepared everything


but there was no documentation for the


very disappointing

i’m so

but that’s okay

it happened already the best way to fix

it is to never repeat it

you also admit mistakes

i hope you will never repeat such an

unnecessary mistake again

of course

please believe me

but if you make a mistake you will still

be punished

ten of teas will be decided at our

meeting this afternoon


go on to your work


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