Talking about the Future Talk about Peters performance Easy English Conversation Practice


talk about peter’s performance

how does the scarf suit me anne

oh very well you look fine

really i’m not sure

look maybe this one looks better

don’t panic peter everything is going to


all right tonight i don’t know

actually i have a sore throat

i’ll sing badly tonight i’m sure

come on peter you will sing

very well you are a professional

singer don’t forget it

well i’m going to have some tea

would you like some thank you anne

i would really like a cup of tea

if it’s not too much trouble no

not at all i’ll just add some water to

the pot

a cup of tea and my chocolate cake

will keep your mind off the musical

for five minutes at least

shall i give you a hand uh

yes thanks

here is the cake

oops oh peter

okay listen i know you are

nervous but try to be careful

please i’m sorry anne

how do you think the musical will go

i think it will go very well

greece is considered a classic musical

it’s successful entertaining

there will be loads of people clapping


do you really think so

sure i do hey

peter what time does the show start

at nine o’clock how are we going to get

to the theater

i’m going to drive i don’t think that’s

a very good idea

why not because parking there is almost

impossible okay

we’ll take the tube that’s

a much better idea when shall we leave

around 8 30

no that’s too late okay

we’ll leave earlier

oh i’m so sorry anne

peter you’re hopeless okay

okay listen i think

you need to relax a bit

why don’t you go and take a nap

i can’t sleep i’m too nervous

okay why don’t you rehearse your part


i can’t i can’t remember anything

okay okay go wherever you want

just please leave me alone


hi anne hi peter i’m starving

is there anything to eat how can you

think about the food

at a time like this why

what’s the matter what’s the matter

the performance is tonight come on peter

don’t panic

everything is going to be all right


don’t worry

why does everyone tell me the same

stupid things

because it’s the truth look

peter take this lucky charm

i bought it in portobello market this


i’ll give it to you as a lucky mascot

remember you have to kiss it three times

and then keep it in the right pocket of

your jacket

why just the right pocket well

i don’t know the woman who gave it to me

said this is what you have to do

anyway i’m sure it will bring you luck


i’m not so sure why not

shall we bet on it all right

sounds like fun how much

oh let’s make it interesting

if it brings you luck you’ll take me to

dinner at

bluebird bluebird

are you crazy that’s london’s most

expensive restaurant

i know i know but the musical is

important to you peter

isn’t it all right alice

what will you do if it doesn’t bring me


well i will cook dinner for a month

but you can’t cook

peter that’s why i

said it this way

i’m sure you will make it bring you luck


well guys why don’t we go to the cinema


that’s a great idea what’s on

well there’s this new film with

schwarzenegger that should be good

you’re joking right no i’m not

what would you suggest how about going

to the disco

the disco are you crazy alice

that’s not even music that’s simply

noise come on peter

it’s saturday night we have to do

something special

something exciting and

going dancing is surely more exciting

than going to the cinema

i agree with alice let’s go dancing

what about a third choice i guess

ann is right why don’t we try to find a

good compromise

come on guys how boring and


are you and you

are more frivolous than i am alice

come on guys don’t argue now please

let’s vote on it well

alice and i want to go dancing


peter and ann don’t how about you sharon

i don’t know well

the disco is probably more entertaining

than the cinema

great okay guys

three against two let’s go



here’s my party hat how do you like it

you look great i

envy you the hat really suits you

well i envy your room anne

but with all this traffic how do you


oh i’m used to it

which disco are we going to

paradise it’s a new disco on kings road

it’s very nice did tom and you go there



yes we went last saturday

we spent a nice night together

maybe i asked the wrong question

you don’t like tom do you

he’s boring very boring

besides he’s an aries

and he talks too much last night

for example he showed me

all the pictures of his holiday in the


he talked for an hour about the


but i hate the mountains

why do you say that the mountains are

beautiful and spectacular

i prefer the beach it’s more relaxing

and entertaining oh i don’t know

i think the beach is more boring than in

the mountains

why do you say that well think about

it lying on the beach every day

it’s much more interesting to be walking

in the countryside

yes but it’s usually colder in the


i think the beach is also more romantic

girls stop talking nonsense

how do i look you look very pretty alice

thanks jaren but you look better than me

no how can you say that

you are much more tanned than i am

yes but you are in better shape

and me how do i look

you are very pretty too anne

i’m sure i’m not nearly as beautiful as


come on guys stop making

stupid comparisons

let’s just say that we are all different

hey girls okay are you ready

i need your advice which shirt

is better according to you the red one

it’s much better than the blue one for a

disco night

and you sharon what do you think

well i think the red one is funnier

well the blue one is more professional

i prefer the blue one so

girls which shirt should i put on

i told you the red one with that one on

you’ll look more macho yes macho

that’s the right word really

macho i like it

okay i’ll put on the red shirt

do you agree with alice sharon

about being macho i mean

come on jack it’s late

the disco is waiting for us

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