CUT Basic Verbs Learn English Grammar

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hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome

back to know your verbs in this episode

we’re going to talk about the verb cut

let’s get started

so the basic definition of the verb to

cut is to make something smaller or to

open something using a sharp tool like a

knife or scissors or something else kind

of pointy let’s look at the conjugations

of this verb present tense cut cuts past

tense cut past participle tense cut

progressive tense cutting

okay so now let’s take a look at some

additional meanings of this verb the

first additional meaning is to make

something smaller to make something

smaller but this can mean like

conceptually or it can refer to the

amount of something not only the size of

something examples the company had to

cut costs

you should probably cut your hair so in

both of these we’re seeing examples of

things that became smaller in the first

sentence the company had to cut costs so

to cut costs means to decrease costs to

reduce costs to make the cost smaller so

we say cut costs in the second sentence

it’s about hair so we just say to cut

hair this cave in this case yes we’re

talking about something pointy like a

sharp tool that’s fine but we’re making

hair smaller so we say to cut hair the

second additional meaning for the verb

to cut is to remove something to remove

something from something else so

examples of this I cut some mistakes

from the radio show she’s cutting the

damaged parts out of the fabric so in

both of these sentences you’ll see we

use the verb cut with from or out of in

the first example sentence I cut some

mistakes from the radio show means in

the radio show the original radio show

there were some mistakes

I cut the mistake so I removed the

mistakes from the radio show so we use

from or we can use out of both are fine

as in the second example sentence she

cut the damaged parts out of the fabric

so in that sentence we see out of

instead we could say she’s cutting the

damaged parts from the fabric both are

okay it just means we’re removing the

damaged parts in that case so we’re

moving something from something else

okay let’s go to the third meaning for

the verb the third meaning is to stop

something or to cause something to stop

examples can you cut the engine

oh no they cut the power so here stop

we’re not physically cutting something

and we’re not removing anything here

here we’re talking about like cutting

maybe energy source or we’re talking


like an action if you could imagine that

so stopping inaction causing something

to stop in the first example sentence

it’s an engine cut the engine means stop

the engine or make the engine stop in

other words in the second example

sentence oh no they cut the power means

oh no they stopped the power or they

turned off the power

maybe it’s the electrical company power

means electricity so they turned off the

electricity but we usually say cut the

power we can use this for computers for

machines anything that can start and

stop really cut something

the fourth meaning for this verb is to

move across or through a place examples

of this

let’s cut across the soccer field can we

cut through the tunnel so here we see

cut with a cross and cut through so we

use cut across when we’re talking about

moving physically like across an open

area so we could say cut across the

street cut across the field cut across

the road maybe but with through we’re

going into something we’re going inside

something so cut through the tunnel for

example or cut through the house or cut

through the shopping mall so entering

something to come out the other side

through so we can use across and through

so those are some common examples of

expressions we use with cut in this way

meaning to go across something okay

let’s move on to some variations for

this room the first variation for this

herb is to be cut out for something to

be cut out for something means to be

suited for something this is an

expression we commonly use in the

negative form actually let’s look at

some examples I’m not cut out for the

pace of this work he’s not cut out for

life in the city so as you can see we

use this with not in many cases so in

the first example I’m not cut out for

the pace of this work means I’m not

suited to the pace of this work it’s not

a good match for me and my personality

my lifestyle for example in the second

example sentence he’s not cut out for

life in the city it means life in the

city does not suit him it doesn’t match

him very well so to not be cut out for

something is probably more common than

to be cut out for something the second

variation is to cut somebody off to cut

somebody off means to interrupt someone

or to stop them from doing an activity

we often use this with like driving with

drinking also in speaking yeah so

driving drinking and speaking are common

situations where we use this in speaking

we use it when we interrupt someone so

examples the bartender cut off the noisy

couple in the restaurant somebody cut me

off on the highway one more example too

is when we’re talking about money

especially with parents and children

here’s an example

his parents are going to cut him off

when he turns 35 so in all of these

we’re seeing cut off but actually each

of these presents a different use in the

first example it’s a bartender so the

sentence was the bartender cut off the

noisy couple cut off here we have we

know it means interrupts but the key

actually to the meaning is bartender

here bartender as the subject suggests

that the couple are drinking in the

restaurant so to cut off some people at

a bar means to stop serving drinks to

stop serving alcoholic drinks so when a

bartender or restaurant staff cuts off

someone who is drinking it means they

stop serving that

or those people alcoholic drinks so

that’s one meaning of to cut someone off

in the second example sentence somebody

cut me off on the highway this is very

very common in driving when you and your

you are driving along in your car I’ll

put this this in your car okay so you’re

driving along in your car but quickly

somebody else comes near you and drives

in front of you very quickly like kind

of interrupting you maybe you have to

touch your brakes or you have to stop or

you have to move something something

that surprises you so we say this motion

this activity when driving is cutting

someone off so it’s like you’re causing

an interruption in in the drivers

activity so there’s some interruption

that happens this other car disrupts

your activity or interrupts your

activity so we say this person car B cut

me off on the highway in the third

example it’s about money

his parents say they’re going to cut him

off when he turns 35 this is an

expression that means they’re going to

cut him off financially in other words

when he turns 35 his parents are going

to stop giving him money so there are a

few expressions here that we have to

really think about the situation to

understand what is being stopped is it

drinks is it like driving is it money we

can also use it when speaking if someone

interrupts you when speaking you can say

don’t cut me off like I’m trying to talk

the next variation for this verb is to

cut to the chase

to cut to the chase this is an

expression which means to explain the

main point of something to explain the

main idea of something examples hurry up

and cut to the chase

he won’t cut to the chase and explain

what he wants so quite simply cut to the

chase means to explain the main idea so

in the first example sentence hurry up

and cut to the chase means hurry up and

explain the thing you want to say so if

someone is saying many many different

things but won’t say the main point you

can use this expression hurry up and cut

to the chase in the second example

sentence he won’t cut to the chase and

explain what he wants means again he’s

saying a lot of different things but he

won’t just say the thing he does want to

say or the thing

to say so we can say cut to the chase to

make a request of him so those are a few

maybe new ways to use the verb cuts I

hope you found something new or

interesting here of course if you have

any questions or comments or want to try

making a sentence with this verb please

feel free to do so in the comment

section of this video if you liked the

video please make sure to give us a

thumbs up to subscribe to the channel

and come check us out at English class thanks very much for watching

this episode of know your verbs and

we’ll see you again soon bye Mike yeah I

went like this I said can we cut through

the tunnel

classy lady okay so I cut this is my

cutting motion Oh

sounds good no sorry I should have

prefaced that with a little bit of


