LIVE Phrasal Verb Practice CUT OUT Advanced English Vocabulary

hello hello welcome to today’s live

English lesson here on the speak English

with Vanessa

YouTube channel I hope you’re having a

wonderful day and you’re ready to open

your mind to some new expressions

especially today a phrasal verb we’re

going to be talking about how to use cut

out cut out in daily life in your

conversations and to help you pronounce

it correctly so if you’re here live with

me welcome if you are not here live and

you would like to join me live there are

live English lessons every Tuesday and

Thursday at 9 a.m. est that’s the New

York Times own here on this channel if

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a.m. est Tuesday Thursday I try to stick

to the schedule but in the next couple

weeks I’m gonna be traveling so in the

next couple of weeks throughout the end

of March beginning of April a couple

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about these live lessons I hope that

they’re useful to you and I would love

for you to be able to participate live

we’ve got some friends here live with us

today Estella hello Reza and Germany Gil

Donnie in Brazil June John hello

glad that you’re here Thailand Vietnam

Cote d’Ivoire wonderful thank you thanks

for joining me I think that today’s

lesson will be useful we use this

phrasal verb all the time so I think

that it will be a good step for you to

expand your vocabulary and if you

already use this phrasal verb you’ll be

able to know if you’re using it

correctly so let’s talk about our first

question today hmm I want to ask you

let’s imagine let’s imagine that you

have a friend and well hopefully you

have a friend we don’t need to imagine

you have a friend but let’s imagine you

have a friend who is let’s say 200

kilograms so they need to lose some

weight 200 kilograms is not so healthy

you’re worried about their life their

lifestyle their health their heart your

friend is 200 kilograms so I want to ask

you which foods do you think they should

cut out of their lives cut out is our

phrasal verb today so I want to see if

you can use this in a sentence about a

really common topic cutting out food

from your diet so let’s imagine you’re

talking to your friend who is who is 200

kilograms and you say oh well you said

you wanted to lose weight so I think you

should cut out hmm oh

iman says junk food should be cut out

great idea junk food maybe some

something to sweet something to oily

something that’s so natural these kinds

of junk foods ow

aya says she should cut out sweets cut

out fatty foods cut out chocolate not

chocolate uh they they need to cut out

carbs out of their diet ah junk food

should be cut out because 200 kilograms

is too much I agree you should cut pizza

out oh I got a couple people who said

pizza cut he must cut out meat fat and

bread oh that is pizza meat fat and

bread uh Gabrielle has a good question

cut it out is used to stop doing

something change the way you do things

yes so there are a couple ways to use

cut out let’s use it in this first way

the most physical specific way and then

we’ll talk about some other ways at the

end of the lesson so I want to write

some of your wonderful sentences because

you’re using this in a beautiful

sentence so let’s write down you this is

for your friend you’re talking to your

friend you should cut out junk food you

should cut out junk food so the word

we’re talking about today is cut out cut

out and usually we use the word cut to

talk about scissors so you can imagine

this kind of image scissors are cutting

the paper they’re cutting something and

maybe they’re cutting part out we’re

going to throw it away we’re gonna get

rid of it you should cut out bad habits

oh great one I see oh I agree with that

you should cut out salad mmm maybe you

want them to get bigger and bigger oh

you should cut out eating at night we’ve

got lots of good health advice here so

let’s make this sentence in a little bit

of a different way you should cut let’s

see something that someone said here

I’ll add it in here

oh sweet foods oh yeah okay wait let’s

say you should cut sweet foods out all

right do you notice a difference between

these two sentences where is the second

part out

mmm so we have cut our phrasal verb you

should cut out here it’s together and in

the second sentence it’s not together

you should cut sweet foods out beautiful

no problem we can cut we can split this

phrasal verb and it’s completely natural

we do this all the time let’s try one

more example with this you should cut it

out so in this example we have to know

what is it what is it if I only said to

you ah hi Davis you should cut it out

you would be really confused because you

have no idea what what is it so we have

to use this only in a bigger context

only in a context where your friend

knows the kind of things that you’re

talking about maybe your friend came to

you and said oh Adriana

I am 200 kilograms so can you please

has helped me to find a good way to lose

weight what should I eat and you can say

oh well fat sweet foods uh junk food

eating at night you need to cut it out

here we have a context you’ve already

listed some things you could say you

should cut them out no problem but when

you have that context you’re already

talking about a topic like bad food but

it tastes so good doesn’t it

when you’re talking about this topic

already you can use it because we

already know what is it a June John has

a good question

he says Vanessa I’ve got a question

what’s the difference between cut out

and cut off cut off so in this situation

cut out means it is all right here with

how about blue let’s choose a different

one this means to eliminate eliminate

you’re getting rid of these things from

your diet

eliminating but cut off cut off can mean

you’re stopping and activity so we could

say um my my daughter isn’t doing well

in school

so I decided to cut off her cell phone

service because she wanted to use it too

much and it was a distraction I decided

to cut off this service so you’re

stopping this is kind of a physical

thing you’re stopping that service so we

have two different cut phrasal verbs and

I think by focusing on one and it’s

great to ask questions please ask

questions if you have them about other

phrasal verbs when we focus on one you

can see the different nuances of when we

can use this Oh

has a great definition here cancel

cutoff could mean cancel yes because I

forgot to pay my internet bill the

internet company cut off my internet

service they canceled my internet

service great question about cut off and

cut out so I have a question for you

what do you think are some other ways we

can use cut out cut out we already

talked about probably the most common

cutting out something from your diet

your diet a diet can be just the things

that you eat in your life it doesn’t

need to be a special type of food but

cutting out things that you eat what’s

another way we can use cut out another

situation welcome to everyone who is

just joining me I’m glad I’m glad you’re

here how long cuz I should not cut out

healthy food I agree oh sure key has a

great other way to use cut out hmm he

says hi Vanessa you sure you’re really

cut out to be a teacher oh this is a

great second way to use cut out and this

is actually going to be typically a

longer phrase let me write this here I’m

not cut out to be ah let’s just say an

engineer yeah maybe maybe if I worked

really really hard I could succeed as an

engineer but it’s not my passion it’s

not my interest so we could say cut out

to be cut out to be so typically this is

gonna stick together

he’s cut out to be a famous musician

musician I’m cut out to be a teacher I

hope it’s enjoyable to me and I hope

it’s good for you

so I’m curious for you what are you cut

out to be this means you’re good at it

you feel like we can imagine the same

idea with scissors we can imagine some

kind of aah

like God is cutting out you like a paper

version of you in some other round

there’s some uh fate fate is cutting out

your life and your shape is perfect for

being an engineer your your shape that

you are cut out to be is great for a

specific type of lifestyle I wasn’t cut

out to be let’s say a farmer that’s a

really difficult lifestyle if you are a

farmer thank you so much we need your

food it’s necessary but it’s a pretty

hard lifestyle so you could say I’m cut

out to be a teacher I’m not cut out to

be a farmer an engineer hyung says I’m

cut out to be an olympic fencer

oh I hope to see you in the Olympics

great I’ll Gill dining this is beautiful

I’m cut out to encourage people

beautiful yes encouraging people is a

good goal in life Jason said I’m not cut

out to be an active guy mmm beautiful

our friends from Indonesia have a

question is a phrasal verb a verb yes

yes a phrasal verb is a verb it has two

parts one to the verb and the second

part looks like a preposition but it

goes with this verb so this verb is all

together so we can say the

is our full verb here I’m cut out to be

a polyglot Oh

Claudio beautiful let’s change on Jack’s

sentence around and say I’m cut out to

be a fluent English speaker you got it

oh we’ve got musician here Takahiro says

I’m not cut out to be a musician I think

you guys have got this second meaning

beautifully the first one is you should

eliminate you should cut out junk food

and the second one is talking about your

personal lifestyle I’m not cut out to be

a professional musician like Takahiro

said let’s talk about a third way before

we go let’s imagine a third way to use

cut out and this way is pretty clear and

straightforward so we don’t need to

focus on it for too long I’m curious

what do you think it means if I said

what if I said do you cut it out only

this cut it out and I had kind of an

angry look on my face what do you think

this means if I said to uh to Victor or

to Osama or if I said this to Gabrielle

cut it out

what do you think that means cut it out

cut it out yes Victor you’ve got it it

means stop and stop it right now I’ll

shake you’re correct right now it’s

really emphasized especially you can see

by the way I wrote it cut it out cut it

out so typically we can use this in

situations where someone is doing

something let’s imagine that you have

two kids and your kid

are playing together but all of a sudden

the older kid starts hitting the younger

kid and you walk into the room and you

say hey cut it out he’s smaller than you

don’t hurt him

so you are trying to tell them stop stop

it oh we’ve got a little friend here so

we could say cut it out in anger in

anger and this is used there’s a lot of

expressions we can use when we’re angry

to say stop it you can say simply stop

it stop hitting your younger sister stop

hitting your younger brother but you can

also use cut out cut it out and it’s

it’s strong but I think if someone is

doing something terrible absolutely

awful and you want to be as strong as

possible I recommend not saying cut it

out cut it out is for daily events like

your older brother is hitting your

younger brother probably happens often

it’s not the end of the world so you you

can use cut it out but if there’s

something really bad happening maybe on

the street you see someone beating up

someone else if you feel brave enough

you wouldn’t say cut it out maybe the

person who’s beating up the other person

would feel like oh they don’t really

care it’s not too big of a deal they’re

saying cut it out so we use this kind of

annoyance or for daily things if you saw

something really bad I recommend just

saying stop it stop what are you doing

stop that’s really clear everyone

understands stop something in our brains

turns on and we say ah I should stop

thank you everyone for your kind

comments about my cat they’re always

curious yeah

um she is cut out to be really cute

I think she’s cut out to play all day

non-stop play with our other cats play

with the air play with anything she

finds she can play with a sock she can

play with really a piece of dust and

she’ll chase and she she really likes

she’s cut out to play with anything

she’s cut out to be easily amused

because a couple months ago we were

moving some furniture and we

accidentally hit the wall and our walls

are white but underneath the white wall

the white paint is some red paint so we

accidentally hit the wall and there’s a

little red spot and we haven’t fixed it

because she loves to play with this red

spot on the wall she’ll hide she’ll jump

at it

she’s cut out to be easily entertained I

hope we can use this phrasal verb in a

lot of situations so thank you everyone

for joining me I hope you can use cut

out in a lot of different ways let’s

practice using these phrasal verbs let’s

practice using this second version here

cut out to be mmm let’s use this in a

positive way about English I want to

create a final sentence and we can say

it together are you ready let’s say I am

or I’m I’m cut out to be a confident

English speaker when you say it again

and again it’ll become true because you

start to think that again and again

let’s say this all together I’m cut out

to be a confident English speaker

doesn’t matter if you feel nervous now

you feel worried now you are cut out to

be a

confident English speaker and sometimes

when someone like when you’re a child

and your parent ELLs you oh I believe

you can do this you feel good you feel

like oh maybe I can do this so when you

tell yourself that again and again it

grows so let’s say this together let’s

practice pronouncing it correctly I’m

cut out cut out to be a confident

English speaker it’s possible I want to

show you here really quick

because in American English we love to

turn T into a D sound so it’s possible

this T could become a D if you’re

speaking quickly cut out cut out hmm if

you want to say it like this you can but

if you hear Americans talking you’re

going to hear that pronunciation

especially if they’re speaking quickly

so if you want to say I’m cut out to be

a confident English speaker I’m cut out

cut doubt there’s no air cut out just

cut out cut out it kind of sounds like

good which is something that a cow eats

could I’m cut out to be a confident

English speaker thank you everyone who’s

writing this down this is also good

dictation practice because when you hear

me speak you’re writing down exactly

what I’m saying so we have cases here

who says I’m cut out to be a confident

English speaker in Indonesia they say

I’m cut out to be a confident English

speaker Gabriela says I’m cut out to

Sabine a confident English speaker

beautiful you’re listening to my words

and you’re writing the same thing

beautiful keep up the good work

remind yourself when you wake up stretch

in the morning and say okay

I am cut out to be a confident English

speaker I can do this keep up the good

work and I hope you can join me again

for another live lesson next week and if

you would like to continue to learn with

me you think Vanessa don’t cut off your

lesson too short come and continues

teaching continue talking about this

well good news there are plenty of other

live lessons and shorter lessons five

minutes for five six minutes on my

youtube channel so feel free to enjoy

those videos write down what you’ve

learned repeat out loud make sure that

you’re saying each sentence so that you

can remember it and you can improve your

pronunciation and become confident

that’s the goal so I recommend enjoying

the other free video lessons and you can

also get on my email group this group

where you’ll get notifications about any

live lesson time changes about free

materials that I want to share with you

about courses about tips and expressions

this is a good way to be in personal

contact with me you can download my free

ebook down here five steps to becoming a

confident English speaker or at the end

of this lesson that’s the best way to

receive my emails and I hope that it

will be really useful for you print it

out put it on the wall put it under your

pillow read it to your cats whatever you

want to do read it and use it and use

that material so thanks so much everyone

for joining me please join me again on

Tuesday 9 a.m. est and Thursday 9 a.m.

est see you later everyone have a

beautiful day bye