1 Hour of Daily English Conversations English Practice for Beginners

wanna speak real English from your first

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evening miss Walsh how are you good and

you how are you though I’m great I just

wanted to make sure you were in your

office so I can stop by for the homework

I’m going on my big trip tomorrow ah yes

it’s tomorrow Wednesday yep tomorrow is

Wednesday how nice

well I’m going home now but I’ll leave

the homework with the secretary have a

great trip thank you miss Walsh see you

later excuse me may I have some water


Oh certainly ma’am sorry

so Cape Town is nice it seems so

interesting Los Angeles is nice too so

what do you do in Los Angeles I’m a

nutritionist and personal trainer

once again slowly please I’m a

nutritionist and a personal trainer

sorry I don’t understand

nutritionists and personal trainer I

help people eat healthy foods and

exercise the right way oh I see

laughs damn everyone this is the pilot

welcome to New York the time now is 3

p.m. on Thursday April 30th the

temperature is a cool 53 degrees

Fahrenheit which is about 12 degrees

Celsius enjoy your stay in New York

53 degrees Wow it’s cold

yep I have a jacket oh I don’t

foreign passport holders this way

foreign passport holders this way well

it was nice to meet you same here

by the way this is my business card this

is my email address and this is my phone


oh thanks I have a business card too

this is my business card here you are my

email and my cell phone number are here

email me okay thank you bye bye enjoy

your stay Thanks

bye next passport please

hello here you are how long will you


once again please how long will you stay

for two weeks where will you stay at the

L hotel what is the purpose of your stay

once again please slowly please what is

the purpose of your stay I’m here on

business and to sightsee okay thank you

welcome to the United States

next please I’d like to go to Times

Square please what time is the shuttle

bus 4 o’clock ok one ticket please

forty dollars cash a credit card credit

card sign please

here is the receipt and ticket stop

number three at 4:00 p.m. thank you

next good evening sir

hello okay so that’s three bottles of

water one bottle of orange juice one can

of soda a sandwich box of crackers and a

pack of gum is that all what is that oh

that’s carrot cake

it’s delicious oh yeah one please

that’ll be $23.50 you

welcome to the L hotel hello I have a

reservation your name please

zou Ville Joanne spell it please b IL j

o en ah yes mr. village Owen you’re in

room number 515 here’s the key is there

internet in the room yes there’s

complimentary wireless internet and are

there toiletries yes sir

thank you oh and a wake up call please

of course what time 7:00 a.m. please

what time is breakfast from 6 a.m. to

7:30 a.m. on the first floor in the

dining room good morning sir good

morning what’s the weather like today

well it’ll be sunny all morning but

it’ll rain in the afternoon ah rainy

days yes

bad weather later today but you’re lucky

spring is a beautiful season beautiful

weather here in April really sure

there’s some rain yes but also lots of

sunny days really great weather thank

you where are the taxis hi yes

the taxis are in the front of the hotel

thank you have a good day sir

good morning where to good morning to

the Altman building please what’s the

address here it is where are you from

oh I’m from Cape Town South Africa oh

yeah are you visiting yep

you speak English well no not really

just a little no you’re pretty good no

not yet

where are you from your English is

pretty good too

yeah well I’ve been here for 15 years

now so you know the Altman building

there’s a very good restaurant near

there what’s the name Afro Asia can you

write it down

sure hold on a minute we’re here that’ll

be 850 here you are thank you thank you

here’s your change

receipt please sure here you are

good morning and welcome to Alta good

morning I have a 9:00 a.m. appointment

with Miss Clark your name bill Joe in

just a moment mr. ville Doan sorry to

keep you waiting right this way

so long time no see

I know it’s good to see you again here’s

a little something from South Africa

thanks but you shouldn’t have you look


how are you I’m good and you you’re

looking good too I’m doing very well

busy but good today we have a long day a

very long day are you ready yes ma’am

this is my executive assistant MS Rosen

she has today’s schedule hello miss

Clark my name is Claire it’s very nice

to meet you pleased to meet you too

here is today’s schedule Friday May 23rd

you have a meeting with mr. Jones of

small burg at the DND building at 10:00

a.m. at noon you’ll have lunch at Kraft

with mrs. Kim of rnl trimmings after

that you’ll meet mrs. Parker a Vista

company at her office

then you’ll visit vistas Factory at 4:30

finally there’s a company dinner at 7


Wow that is quite a day and it starts


great job everyone

this is oval Joe in from South Africa so

please introduce yourself hello everyone

my name is zou I’m from Cape Town South

Africa I’m a manager at the alte office

in South Africa and I really like New

York nice to meet you

thank you so so hi my name is Tom nice

to meet you same here do you like steak

no I don’t like it I love it

so you’re funny

what about Long Island clams do you like

long on the clamps hmm what is it ah

Long Island clams are delicious you’ll

love it

it’s very Long Island

okay what else do you recommend okay

leave it to me oh and to drink I’ll

leave it to you great waitress I like

you though

here you are one filet mignon - blue

cheese burgers Kobe sliders and long

island top net clams and pork belly with


cheers cheers Cheers

let’s see so try this okay what is this

oh that’s pork belly it’s good well what

do you think I think it’s great it’s

very delicious he likes it great

now try this hmm it’s not bad

haha he doesn’t like it though you’re

funny are you free tomorrow yes tomorrow

we’re going to a basketball game

you should come let’s go together really

of course then sure we’ll meet at Penn

Station at 11 a.m. tomorrow here’s my

phone number

great see you tomorrow

hello this is huh

good morning it’s so-so

where are you I don’t know we don’t see

you yes and I don’t see you where are


we’re in front of Madison Square Garden

hmm I think I’m somewhere near there


what do you see what buildings signs or


I see Macy’s the department store and an

old Navy store there’s an AT&T store oh

I know you are wait there we’ll come to

you thank you and so sorry no problem

don’t move there you are

ready I am sorry about that

thank you again so so what will you do

this weekend I’m not sure on Saturday

and Sunday I’ll do a homestay so I have

three days I want to go to the MoMA oh

the MoMA is great will you go to the

Guggenheim probably I really want to go

and what about the Hamptons maybe I want

to go there but I don’t know it’s a

little far and Coney Island probably but

I’m not sure

Oh st. John the Divine what’s that Saint

John the Divine it’s really old

huge Cathedral on Amsterdam Avenue in

Morgan side Heights uptown can you

please write down the name

excuse me what time do you open at 10

a.m. what time is it now 9:50 okay

I’ll wait sorry to keep you waiting

one please that’ll be $20 here you are

that’s 20 exactly enjoy the museum

excuse me can I take a photo here I’m

sorry sir

no pictures how about video hmm I guess

that’s all right go ahead hello sir how

many one please

right this way here you are hmm

can I sit there instead sure what would

you like to drink water please

and what will you be having to eat what

do you recommend definitely the putter

tockman taiko crispy fries with spicy

cod roe Mayo I’ll have that also what is

that what’s she having those are our

croquettas crispy creamy croquettes I’ll

have that too yes sir is everything all

right yes very nice thank you

I got popcorn here get your popcorn

cotton candy cotton candy here excuse me

what are these oh these are funnel cakes

very delicious what’s in it there’s some

flour a little egg butter and sugar a

lot of sugar how much are they

three dollars and those there what are


those are corndogs they cost two dollars

each I’ll take one of each here you are

that’ll be five dollars here is $20 do

you have a smaller bill sorry I don’t

okay no problem here’s your change

Thanks the night star pass in a Main

Street excuse me what stop is this

this is 89th Street what’s the next stop

82nd Street thank you you’re welcome

excuse me where is the Metropolitan

Museum of Art go straight and turn left

the first light and go straight and turn

right at the second intersection it’s on

the right

thank you oh you’re welcome


so do you come here often huh

though what are you doing here I’m

sightseeing what are you doing here I’m

working I’m waiting for a client so

how’s New York it’s great really it’s

unbelievable ah that’s my client over

there I really want to hear about your

trip but do you have time this weekend

yes I do

how about tomorrow tomorrow I’m going to

a barbecue with my homestay family oh

that’s so American how about Sunday

perfect I’ll send you an email great see

you then bye welcome to our home please

come in thank you very much

I’m zou it’s nice to meet you nice to

meet you too

I’m sandy and this is my husband Bob

great to meet you so please come in and

make yourself at home how about

something to drink

oh yes please I’ll bring you some

lemonade this is a lovely house is this

a picture of your family yes this is my

son and these are my two daughters they

all live in Boston ah our babies so how

many people are there in your family

there are five people in the family

including me my mother father sister and


could you hand me the comb yep

here you go Thanks do you think this

Mardi Gras costume fits me I think it

looks fabulous did you know that this is

my first time in New Orleans we’d like

to thank all of you for flying with us

and hope you have a safe stay in the

Tampa Bay area this landing is going to

be very difficult yes it will I never

thought I’d be on a plane heading toward

a hurricane I was once but we weren’t

this close you can see the eye of the

storm from flight altitude

what city do you most want to visit

Pittsburgh Pittsburgh why Pittsburgh

it’s because my family is from there

when my great great great grandparents

came from England to the USA they lived

in Pittsburgh for several generations so

you have family in the area

yeah and lots of family history are you

ready to do the safety demonstration

David I think so

you think so yeah I just get a bit of

stage fright sometimes didn’t you

practice in school no my first time was

last Tuesday on our way to st. Louis

I’ve only done it once before oh don’t

worry you’ll get used to doing the

safety demonstration it’s really easier

than you think

dude the grocery store is closed

isn’t there another one nearby I don’t

know I’ve never been here before check

your GPS again are you sure you put in

the data correctly yes I am the screen

is marking this part of Baltimore as the

endpoint all I wanted was some bananas

is that too much to ask


excuse me

I’m not from San Jose could you tell me

how to get to Alexander’s please

Alexander’s you mean the little steak

house on the corner I’ll bet that’s it

I’m a flight attendant and my crew is

supposed to meet me there in a few hours

well it’s three streets that way then

turn left there’s a big sign that says

Alexander’s thank you you’re welcome hey

Jess one of our days off is going to be

in Denver do you want to go to a Denver

Broncos game well Michael um I’m married

oh sorry I didn’t mean a date the rest

of the crew is going so I’m inviting you

as well it isn’t a date

oh all right sorry about that

no problem sure I’d love to go just so

long as no one makes fun of me for not

knowing much about football

have you chosen where we’re going in San

Diego we’re going to a sushi bar on the

wharf there’s a beach nearby as well

sounds great I love sushi especially

when it’s fresh yeah

there are closer restaurants but sushi

just sounds good and more expensive but

that’s okay

sushi sounds like it will hit the spot

for me as well I’ll go tell the others I

already told them they thought sushi

sounded better as well

I need some sleep this flight from San

Diego to Detroit is a killer do you

think so yeah do you know why there are

so many flights to Detroit I mean the

car industry isn’t what it used to be no

it isn’t but it is getting better do

they still have those big car shows like

you said the car industry isn’t what it

used to be but there are still several

prestigious car shows in Detroit hello


we’ll be landing in Minneapolis in a few

minutes and I need you to turn off your

computer for landing oh sorry about that

I guess I lost track of the time that’s

all right

is there anything you need before we

land oh no no I’ve been to Minneapolis

many times before I’m well prepared for

the cold that’s good

I heard it’s one of the coldest capital

cities in the USA that’s exactly right

I always bring clothes I can layer up

with good morning how may I help you

well we decided to eat at a restaurant

do you eat at restaurants often yes I do

could you tell me the name of the best

restaurant within five minutes of the

hotel I actually don’t like the

restaurants near the hotel but there’s a

steakhouse on Pine Street that I love

it’s a bit farther than five minutes but

it’s my favorite here in Phoenix

Wow I’ve heard that sunny days do not

happen in Seattle yeah sunlight is

cherished around here are you speaking

from experience yeah I lived in Seattle

for a few years while I went to school

great city but the weather can wear on

you my friend told me that in Seattle

there are often months of rain yeah it

isn’t hard rain though the weather just

drizzles constantly day after day

finally a bit of warmth Miami is such a

wonderful city enjoy it while you can

we’re scheduled to take off in an hour

why couldn’t we have two days off here

instead of in Denver don’t worry about

it we have a 12 hour layover at our next

stop so you can enjoy the warmth a bit

more there our next stop is Atlanta

right right

excuse me young man could you help me

what seems to be the problem I can’t

find my luggage

what’s your flight number ma’am three

nine nine five according to what’s on

the screen your luggage will come out on

conveyor belt number four which is in

the other room you’ll have to go there

to get your luggage oh thank you this is

my first time flying to Atlanta and I’m

a bit lost my dad would love to be here

now why is that he’s a US history

teacher and Boston was central to the

stabilization of the United States as a

country didn’t the tea party happen in

Boston when the colonists dumped huge

crates of tea into the river and protest

against high taxes exactly just gave the

tea to the fish hey a mana yes I need

you to take care of the pre-flight

checklist and get everything ready for

takeoff I need to make a quick phone

call before we leave for Philadelphia

will you take long I’m not sure it

depends on if my friend in Philadelphia

answers the phone or not no problem I’ll

start the checklist and wait for you to

come back

Wow I just had a bit of deja vu oh yeah

I visited San Francisco years ago and I

remember walking down this road with

some friends we were eating some

chocolate what did you like most about

San Francisco the people there’s a

diverse mix of people in the city and

that makes it all the more interesting

hey David we’ll be landing in Dallas

soon more warm weather for you thanks

actually but we’re not even getting off

the plane in Dallas we’re just making a

connection to Houston I know but you get

to stand by the door this time saying

goodbye to the passengers you’ll be able

to feel the nice warm Dallas air hey


I’m moving up huh just a piece of advice

though make sure to have a glass of

water nearby you’ll need it after saying

goodbye and thanks for flying with us

300 times

I’m so happy that we’ll be able to spend

the night in Houston and then have all

day off tomorrow me too

I really need to rest I think I’m coming

down with something I have some meds in

my bag if you need them thanks but I

think I’ll be fine some extra rest

should be enough

well we’ll be landing in an hour then

you can get something to eat then I’m

off to the hotel to sleep where are we

going now well the next city on our

route is Washington DC no no where are

we going now here in Houston there’s got

to be something fun you know David I’m

pretty tired I think I’m just going to

turn in what about Matthew Matthew is

coming down with something and jessica

is going to spend the evening skyping

with her husband oh okay no problem I’ll

just find something to do on my own

have you ever landed in Chicago before

no this is the first company I’ve worked

for that flies to Chicago yeah I worked

for a company last year the service the

Chicago area but not Chicago my mother

still thinks that all major cities have

all airlines available at all times

yeah the airline industry is certainly a

unique one do you need a coffee I was

just thinking about that that would be


Thanks so we’ll only be in Los Angeles

for about 45 minutes before we make our

last and longest leg this month to New


yeah LA is another connecting flight

about half the passengers are getting on

just for this Lake I wish we could stay

a bit longer

I have some friends living here that I

haven’t seen in years

don’t worry about it you’ll probably

stop in LA next month I hope so I’ve

always wanted to spend some time in LA

good work Jessica it’s been a long month

with a few adventures and far too much


not to mention almost running into a

hurricane yeah that was a new one for me

as well I hope I don’t have to do that


nor do we but I had a good time at the

Broncos game I think David learned a lot


this was a good run for a new guy he’s

going to make a great flight attendant

and New York is a great city to

celebrate completing his first month of

work Sean when is the Superbowl it’s

usually in February but the date changes

what date was it in 2015 it was on

February 1st what time does it usually

start it starts at 6:30 p.m. Eastern

time thank you

the national conference is tomorrow yes

it will be held in New York do you know

where it’s at the Sheraton Hotel the

Sheraton on 7th Avenue yes that’s it

have you been there before I stayed

there on vacation once

Kate where do you think I should hang

this painting try below the other

painting on the south wall ah looks good

have you seen my hammer I think it’s

under the table really I can’t see it

maybe it’s beneath that cloth found it


is everything ready for the party

can you put the streamers up where do

you want them above the window please


is there anything else can you cover the

presents just put a sheet over them yes

let’s keep them as a surprise I heard

that a new bar is opening somewhere

around the train station that’s right it

should be near 6th Avenue oh there’s an

empty building near there is that it

where is it it’s by the library I think

that’s it

have you seen Belle whoo oh that’s your

dog isn’t it that’s right I thought she

was in her kennel but she isn’t I think

I saw her go into the house earlier I’ll

check inside the house then thank you I

hope you can find her oh that’s my diary

I’ve been looking for it everywhere

where did you find it it was hidden

among the files for the meeting later I

must have left it there earlier do you

want me to put it on your desk yes

please can you put it between those two



Shawn can you take this package to the

post office where is it it’s across the

street is it next to the bank

no it’s opposite the pizza place sure

I’ll be back soon

did you mail that package Shawn I

couldn’t find the post office

it wasn’t next to the bank I didn’t say

it was do you remember the Christmas

party last year’s yes it was at the

Italian restaurant the post office is

beside the restaurant I’ll try again

hi Sean it’s unusual to see you in this

neighborhood I’m visiting a new client

are you walking to their office

yes it’s toward the park oh I’m going to

Starbucks and that’s also towards the

park let’s walk together I’m driving to

the second appointment but I’m lost

where are you I’m driving along the

interstate go through the tunnel and

drive for another few miles can you

check the exit that I need it’s exit two

for downtown

hi Sean have you made it to your

destination yet no I’ve been in a

traffic jam for three hours

really yes I’ve been here since 1:00

p.m. you will be late for the

appointment I called the client and

apologized I have tickets for a play

tomorrow evening do you want to come

sure what time does it start it starts

at 6 p.m.

should we get something to eat before

the show I have work so I won’t have

time we can eat after ok

I hope my stomach doesn’t start growling

during the show maybe you should eat a



this restaurant is highly recommended

yes my friend suggested the lunch buffet

oh that is served from 11:30 but only

until 2:00 p.m.

really it’s 1:00 p.m. now we should

hurry up and decide the buffet sounds

good to me

hey Kate what are you listening to I’m

listening to the new CD by Taylor Swift

I didn’t know that was out yet I got it

from iTunes this morning is it good I

like it I want to see her when she tours

next what time do you finish work on

Saturday I have to work until 5 p.m. I

can’t work past 5 p.m. as the office

will close do you want to meet at the

bar pass Fifth Avenue I might be busy

but I won’t know for certain until

Thursday text me when you know sure have

you seen the updated meeting calendar

for this year no I haven’t the old

calendar doesn’t go beyond April but I

need to attend my daughter’s graduation

in June hopefully there aren’t any

important meetings that day I hope not

maybe mr. Andersen has a copy on his

desk check behind his pc monitor

hello Kennedy’s insurance how may I be

of assistance to you I have a question

concerning my new insurance plan what is

your question regarding it’s about my

payment dates can I change the date of

course do you want to continue weekly

payments or monthly payments can I

change to monthly payments we will send

you a letter regarding this change

through the mail have a nice day I’m

reviewing the sales figures for this

month are they better than last month

despite losing some clients at the start

of the month the figures are up that’s

good especially considering our rivals

started a cheaper plan I hope we can

maintain the figures into next month me

too hey Kate thanks for inviting me to

your Thanksgiving dinner thanks for

coming early to help me can you put the

cranberry sauce on the table should I

leave those candles on the table can you

take them off the table sure I’ll switch

the TV off - no leave the TV on I want

to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day


I met Sam’s younger brother yesterday he

looks like Sam really Sam doesn’t look

like his older brother at all I think

they are similar Sam’s hair is different

to his older brother now though unlike

before that’s true and unlike some other

brothers you never see them together I

think they had an argument a few years

ago that sounds like Sam I hear that

you’re arranging the Christmas party

this year that’s right everyone is going

except for Carl from HR how much will it

cost it’s $50 each excluding drinks

that’s reasonable do I pay now or later

pay later except for a $5 deposit what

is that noise outside it’s a

demonstration against the recent tax


it sounds really close yeah the

protestors headquarters are opposite us

if my desk wasn’t against the window

maybe it wouldn’t sound so noisy you can

move to the desk opposite me for today

if you wish


I’ll have a soda with ice or without ice

without ice what do you want I’m not

very thirsty but I am hungry the bar

serve snacks you could order some fries

I’ll have a plate of small fries with

ketchup wait I think this check is right

what’s wrong

we ordered everything on here - this

pizza and I think it should be plus

another plate of fries oh you’re right

we should ask the bartender to correct

it maybe he will take a little more off

the total to apologize for the mistake

hello I’m Linda Baker from green and

blue hi pleased to meet you

I’m Paul Henderson I’m the sales manager

at rainbows nice to meet you

here’s my business card thank you here’s

mine excuse me I didn’t catch your name

could you repeat it more slowly Paul

Henderson Paul Henderson thank you so

you work at rainbows yes that’s right

did you say that you’re the sales

manager exactly mr. Henderson this is

green and blues vice-president mrs.

Smith mrs. Smith nice to meet you I’m

Paul Anderson sales manager at rainbows

I believe we’ve spoken on the phone a

couple of times oh yes nice to meet you

let me introduce you to our company’s

CEO he should be in his office could you

please have a seat and I’ll see if he

finished his morning meeting good

morning good morning Linda the weather

is wonderful today right the temperature

is perfect it’s a shame we have to work

in the office indeed it is sadly I’ll

need you to work on the report we talked

about in the meeting do you think you

can finish it by Friday morning it may

be difficult but I’ll try Thank You



our sales figures are down this month

does anyone have any ideas for how we

can increase them it seems to me that we

lost sales because our competitor had a

sale you may be right in my opinion we

should have a sale this month and I

think our sales will increase again good

idea let’s try that this month I have an

appointment at 3 o’clock at our clients

I see if you have something urgent to do

at the office let me know no I’m just

waiting for some new samples ok I’ll

check with the delivery company for you

that would be great thank you any time

and good luck mrs. Smith wants to check

the PR team’s ongoing projects can we

set up a meeting by Friday

sure does the team have any events that

cannot be extended not this week do you

need time to get ready for the meeting

yes at least half a day ok so what about

the day after tomorrow at 10 a.m. that

sounds good that’s it I’m done for today

do you still have much work to do

not much maybe about half an hour do you

need any help no thank you

it’s a one-man job ok then I’ll see you

tomorrow see you tomorrow enjoy the



have a good holiday thank you happy

Easter to you too I actually don’t

celebrate it I’m Muslim oh right

in that case enjoy the days off we’ll do

you have a nice holiday too


do you know mr. Lee’s telephone number


his office number is 555 one two three

four yes I tried that earlier but he

wasn’t in do you happen to know his cell

phone number yes

it’s five five five five six seven eight

I’ll try there thank you very much where

should I send the invoice please send it

to the accounting office when will I get

the bank transfer I’m not sure but the

accounting staff can give you all the

information thank you

I’ll ask them about all the details I’m

sorry to bother you but I need your help

with something

sure what is it the printer is stuck do

you know how it works

let me see it seems that you just need

to add new paper oh that was easy

sorry for bothering you I can handle

that no problem I’m glad to help


good morning my name is Linda Baker I

work for green and blue can I speak to

mr. Smith Linda Baker from green and

blue I only have a limited amount of

time available to speak did you bring

the data the data yes the data for the

advertisement campaign oh I’m so sorry I

completely forgot to print it out that’s

a problem can we print it out now

sure I’ll get it ready in half an hour

great that’s perfect

once again I’m really sorry for this so

the advertising campaign for the new

language classes will start next month

sorry but can I just suggest that we

start earlier why is that isn’t it true

that advertisements are seen by more

people during vacation periods that’s

true summer vacation is starting soon so

we should start the campaign then good

idea hello Linda what happened

sure don’t worry

are you going to see a doctor okay

please call back this afternoon and tell

me how you are doing

I will hello Linda how are you I heard

that you didn’t feel well yesterday


I had a severe headache and I rested at

home that can happen no need to

apologize I hope it’s okay now let me

know if I can help you

thank you hello mr. Henderson this is

Linda Baker from green and blue we have

a meeting scheduled today unfortunately

I will arrive late because I’m stuck in

traffic I’m sorry I hope this doesn’t

cause problems please don’t worry

I don’t have any other appointment today

it’s all wait for you

thank you I’ll try to be there as soon

as possible good evening good evening

I’m Linda Baker from green and blue I

have an appointment with mr. Henderson

at 5 o’clock we spoke over the phone

earlier yes let me check please take a

seat in the hall mr. Henderson will be

with you in a few minutes

would you like something to drink no

thank you


mrs. Baker you can go ahead what floor

is mr. Henderson’s office on he’s

waiting for you on the third floor where

are the stairs you can use the elevator

down the hall to the left

thank you for your help I’m sorry to ask

Linda but where are we meeting tonight

you can meet us at the restaurant just

to confirm what time do we need to be

there by by 7:00 p.m. it’s the Thai

restaurant right by the subway do you

like spicy food yes I do I love Thai

cooking it’s a really good restaurant so

I’m sure you’ll love it
