Learn English with Daily Dose and Amazon Alexa

hi everybody its Alicia here’s the

newest way to learn English the daily

dose by innovative language on Alexa for

Amazon echo this is our brand new study

tool so if you own an Amazon echo

download it for free on the Amazon skill

store and you can learn in one or two

ways with the daily dose let me show you

how Alexa opened daily dose what

language would you like to learn then

choose your language for example English

you can learn with the word of the day

which is a quick one-minute lesson or

with the lesson of the day

where you get our professional 10 to 20

minute audio lessons for word of the day

just say words would you like to learn

English with lessons or words words

playing word of a day by English class

101 calm

our four complete lessons just say

lessons would you like to learn English

with lessons or words lessons playing

lesson of the day by English class

101.com lesson 10 he’s coming how are

you doing with the daily dose you get

brand new words and lessons every single


download the skill for free on the

amazon skill store just search for daily

dose by innovative language or click on

the link in the lesson description I

hope this can help some of you guys out

thanks for always learning with us might

Alexa what’s your favorite Star Wars

movie I’m a Star Wars fan in general but

I’d have to say that the Empire Strikes

Back is my favorite it was impressive

most impressive that’s the right answer

that’s the right answer

wow that’s impressive