What time did you get up Daily English Speaking Practice


wake up

hi georges you look sleepy

i didn’t sleep enough flora

what happened did you get up early this


not really last night my friends asked


to go out and have beers

i was actually quite happy this morning

i had no hangover

what about you well i actually woke up

this morning quite

early i couldn’t sleep so i was a little


what time did you get up i guess around

eight o’clock that’s not early

i was thinking it would be around five

or six am

that is really early for me i went to

bed at three o’clock

i thought you were an early bird

you are wrong i’m a night owl for sure

so i usually don’t go to bed until about

three am

i find it difficult to go to sleep early

don’t you have to go to work i am on my

summer holiday now

if i have class from the first period

every day

so i will have to get up about 7

30 or 8 am so i will probably sleep


it is really challenging for me you know

i tried to go to bed early 10 o’clock

11 30 before midnight

and i try to get up early 6 30

7 before 8 but it doesn’t always work

what about you what time do you often go

to bed

well i usually wake up maybe six or


in the morning but i don’t get up

straight away

i stay in bed for a while maybe read a

book or something

check my phone messages and i get up at

maybe 7

30 8 o’clock

on the weekend i often get up at 6

o’clock to go to the park with my father

we go jogging together

you are having a very healthy life

what about during the holiday


if it’s a day off i get up at 9 or 10

and in the evening i usually go to bed

around 10

11 sometimes 12.

do you need an alarm clock to wake you

up or you just wake up naturally every


i actually have this kind of special

mental ability

i feel it a bit weird i thought that

everybody can do this but i found out

it’s not the case

but i can wake up exactly the minute i


anytime that’s amazing

even though i wake up kinda easily

i can’t wake up at a routine time

so i usually set the alarm on my phone

and about

two alarm clocks as well that will

usually get me up

so like if i have to get up at 6 14

before i go to bed i can say okay get up

at 6

14 and i’ll wake up at exactly 6 14.

how do you do that tell me please

yeah i don’t know how i guess your brain


just keep time

when i tell people this sometimes they


oh come on that’s not true

but really ever since i was a kid i

could just tell myself what time i want

to wake up

and i’ll wake up exactly at that time

that’s really quite amazing i wish it

was that way for me

but it’s not yeah

you know what’s weird because i don’t

use alarm clocks

what do you mean i can’t

like an alarm clock the idea actually i

can’t have a deep sleep if i know that

it’s going to ring and wake me up

an alarm clock is like somebody pouring

cold water on you you know

yeah i’m always paranoid about being

late so that’s why i set three just in

case one doesn’t go off

but i can sleep any time of the day

wow that’s like you do you like sleep

like it really doesn’t matter what

occasion or type of day it’s very easy

for me to fall asleep

for as long as whenever

so that’s why i need to have many things

to wake me up because i could sleep 12

or 14 hours and not wake up

so do you take naps usually an hour

i find out if i go over an hour then

that’s the danger zone

because then if you sleep like two or

three hours

you wake up and you’re just groggy for

the whole day

and if i sleep a lot during noon when i

wake up i usually have headaches

so now i am trying not to take naps

like can you sleep with the light on

yes i can sleep in any situation light

noise standing sitting up

never matters to me i can still sleep

so you’re definitely a deep sleeper i’m

so jealous of that

like just a tiny bit of noise or a

little bit of light and i can’t sleep

and actually i probably only get an

average of five hours a night but

i do sometimes take naps

yeah not for two i mean i can’t sleep

forever but like seven o’clock eight


then my body naturally wakes up

the flat i lived at before was

incredibly crazy

because there was a rooster outside and

it didn’t

do what it was supposed to do like

normal when the sun comes up

the rooster is supposed to go or


but this thing did it at like one and

two in the morning it used to drive me

nuts so i used to always wake up at two

because i’d hear this rooster going

and i just wanted to kill that bird

did you go back to sleep after that

yeah of course i went back to sleep but

the bird would wake me up regularly

yeah no roosters here


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