30 DAY ENGLISH CHALLENGE Take Your English To The Next Level

hey i’m tiffany how are you

good to see you now i’m going to teach

you this 30-day

challenge this plan right here but i

need you to do something for me before

we get into this lesson

you see my goal is to help 1 billion


that’s right one billion students just

like you

around the world learn how to speak


with confidence that’s my goal and i

want you to join me i need your help

so i need you to do three things first i

need you to like this video

second i need you to share this video

and third i need you to subscribe

here we go like share subscribe come on

i said like share subscribe last time

like share subscribe i’m teacher tiffany

let’s jump right in


step number one analyze your weaknesses


your strengths now this is important

because you need to understand your

current situation

and the things that are holding you back

from speaking english

fluently that’s right as you’re getting

ready to start this 30-day english


you need to first understand wait a


what are your individual weaknesses and


what are you already good at and then

what are you

currently struggling with now let me

explain this a little bit more

see i have one enjoy learning that is

a really important strength to have

number two

english expressions maybe you have

learned a lot of

english expressions and now you are able

to actually use those expressions

in everyday conversations or maybe you


a lot of english slang you know a lot of

you all follow me on

instagram and on instagram i post videos

almost every single day explaining

unique and very useful english

slang so here we go i’m gonna put some

hair right here

but you guys may actually watch those

videos so

those can be your three strengths well

what about the weaknesses now

many of you have different weaknesses

but let’s say for example

one is comprehension maybe whenever you


books or maybe when you’re online and

you’re reading an article

you have trouble understanding what the

words actually mean

and even what the context is of the

article or the book you’re reading

let’s see one of your weaknesses may be

vocabulary now i remember when i was

studying vocabulary

we had vocabulary tests almost every

single week

and vocabulary is very very important

but it’s also hard to learn vocabulary

and to get it to go inside

of your brain so maybe

your issue is vocabulary or maybe your

other weakness

is fluency maybe you have conversations

with people let’s give you a little body

right here

but your conversations usually end with


not knowing what to say next it’s very

hard and confusing to

finish a conversation maybe your issue

is pronunciation

many of you all have told me that you

really appreciate my pronunciation

and you would like to sound like me or

like a native english speaker

so maybe you want to focus on


or maybe your issue is listening

listening is also

quite difficult so maybe when you hear

certain things

you are not able to understand what

people are saying

and what happens you get confused so

you have your strengths on one side of

your notebook and then your weaknesses


the other side step number two

write all of your goals now this is

important because

you need to recognize what is truly

important to you and what you eventually

want to achieve it’s so important to

write your goals down you basically

don’t want to go

through the 30-day challenge blindly no

you want to know exactly wow i can’t see


you want to know exactly where you’re

headed and

what you are going to achieve so let me

explain this a little bit more

goals for the next 30 days i have

one two three four and

five goals specifically for the next 30


now you’ll notice right here that i have

comprehensions a little bit small but

right here i wrote comprehension

which means maybe in order to improve my

comprehension i need to

watch more english videos now these

videos can be on

youtube if you like watching youtube you

can find them on youtube

or maybe you want to watch some movies

or maybe you even like watching

tv dramas like friends or even

this is us is a popular one in america

now for number two we’re focusing on

vocabulary again because that was one of

the weaknesses we listed

so you want to improve your

english vocabulary so that means you

either have to look in

a dictionary or maybe you have to read


books in order to improve your

english vocabulary or maybe even watch


instagram videos remember i said i put

videos on

instagram now this third one is


you got it your fluency so during again


30-day period we want to improve our


so how do you do that maybe you’ll watch

some tips and tricks

uh from a youtube video like the videos

here on my channel

uh what else can you do maybe you’ll

find a book that specifically talks


fluency and then for the fourth one

we’re looking at

improving your pronunciation now when i


studying korean right when i was

studying korean i put a little korean

here for you

hang on all right when i was studying


i would watch lots of television

and i would also listen to lots

of podcasts on my

cell phone and this actually helped me

improve my pronunciation so you can do

the same thing

but again i’m gonna give you a plan for

this 30-day period

and last improve your listening now

listening skills are also very important

and this actually taps into what we said


number four watching television programs


listening to podcasts can really help

you with your listening skills

and also your pronunciation skills

step number three break your goals down

into small chunks now this is important

because it will help you feel more


in your ability to achieve your goals

in other words you won’t feel


now as an english learner think about it

there have been so many times where

you’ve set goals right

i want to learn a thousand vocabulary

words or maybe you said i’m going to

read this entire book and understand

everything but then along the way you

got a little bit discouraged

or overwhelmed right it was only because

you hadn’t broken down your goals into

smaller chunks

so let me explain this a little bit more

the five areas that we talked about

earlier that

were our weaknesses so this 30-day plan

right here covers

each and every one of these weaknesses

to make them a strength

over the next 30 days so let’s start


comprehension all right so you’ll see

each day

has a different thing assigned to it let

me hold it a little closer so you can

see it a little closer you see this

right here

all right so each day has a specific

task that you need to follow or complete

so let’s see right here i’ll hold it up

a little closer i can hold it like this

for you guys

all right so comprehension let’s see

comprehension would be

let’s see ah watching an american

culture video

this would definitely be comprehension

then we have learn new words idioms


oh listen to an english podcast that

will also help with your fluency

so you’ll notice that on these days

right here

we are focused on comprehension

now let’s move to the next one which

will be vocabulary so again

this plan is going to help you in all


areas so again i’ll hold it up close for

you guys you can see it

there you go alright so for vocabulary

we have right here

new words new expressions

new idioms and new phrasal verbs now you

may be asking

teacher i thought we were just focusing

on vocabulary words

well you have to remember that


idioms and phrasal verbs will also help

you improve your vocabulary because they

include many useful words alright

so you’ll notice that right here all the

way down

on these days you’re going to be focused


vocabulary so i’m going to mark these

with the color

that we used for vocabulary

again during this 30 day period you’re

going to improve

all of these things and your weaknesses

are going to become

your strengths now what about fluency so

fluency we have a different color again

it’s okay i don’t mind holding it up for

you all right so

fluency right here this color right here

now fluency we have right here

study english fluency tips so boom

right there highlighted boom right there


so you see over this 30-day period we’re

always studying

something related to our weaknesses and

making our weaknesses

our strengths now here’s what we’re

going to do now is we need to look at

the pronunciation

this pronunciation right here we have

the green color

now pronunciation actually you can

improve your pronunciation

by listening and by watching so watching

american culture videos

listening to english podcasts watching

american culture videos

and listening to english podcasts all of

these things will

help you improve your pronunciation and

you’ll also

see something else when we’re talking

about improving

your listening skills here we go

watching an american culture video

listening to an english podcast

watching a culture video and listening

to an english podcast

so you see on these days you’re really

going to be making your weaknesses three

of your weaknesses

are going to turn into your strengths


i do want you to notice something

something that

i haven’t marked yet right here now i

have to mark the ones right here on the

bottom as well

the new words and new expressions

but on the left you’ll see that i have

review and

share now this is actually going to help

with your comprehension that’s right you


these are review days review days are so


but when you review information it

actually helps you

comprehend the information more

so these are also going to help you with

your comprehension all right

so we have all five comprehension


listening vocabulary and pronunciation

everything in a 30-day period this

30-day period right here

by following this plan you can


achieve all of these goals step

number four find a specific

study time now this is important because

it will help you focus and not get


by other things let’s be honest

you are busy there’s a lot going on in

your life

and sometimes it’s very hard to focus

on english or focus on what you’re doing

now the best way for you to focus and to

really get the best benefits of this

30-day english challenge

is to set aside a specific time

a time within your day that nothing else

can interfere

with you and your plans so let me go

into this a little bit more

and you see that i separated it out by


daytime and evening so let’s say the

morning is

i’m an early bird so let’s say 5 a.m

all the way to 12 p.m

12 p.m starting the daytime then 12

p.m all the way to let’s say

5 p.m and then evening being

5 p.m all the way to maybe you go to bed

at 11 p.m what happens is you need to

figure out

during which period of the day are you

going to set aside time

to study during this 30-day challenge

this 30-day english challenge

now again i mentioned that i am a

morning person

so i actually would choose 5 a.m

so i can say for me i want to

study during this 30 day challenge

i want to study at 5

a.m okay and you can pick your time but

make sure you have

your schedule step

number five document your progress

along the way now this is important


it will keep you motivated as you

continue studying

in other words you will see evidence of


efforts to improve your english

now this is a step that i really love

because again as you’re going

through this 30-day english challenge

there are going to be moments where you

want to see

hey am i improving am i really learning

a lot

well if you track your progress process

if you track your progress along the way

you’ll definitely be able to see

how far you’ve come and how much

improvement you’ve experienced

so let me go into this a little bit more

now remember on that calendar we looked

at for the 30 day challenge there were


parts that included reviewing that’s


day 7 day 14 day 21

and day 28 these are your

review days but there’s

actually something that’s very very

important that goes along with the

review days

you need to also share

that’s right share with someone else

what you learn that is a part of

documenting your progress now

you can share by sending a text message

maybe you want to let your friend know

what you learned

and you can text them or maybe you would

like to

do it via video that’s right you can

record yourself

explaining what you learned

now these are just two options but you

want to make sure that you’re again

documenting your progress by sharing

what you learned with someone else and

then once you’ve done that you come to

your notebook and you

check it off completed completed

completed and completed that’s how you

document your progress along this 30-day

english challenge you see i created this

30 day english challenge based on the

weaknesses we spoke about

in today’s video lesson and you can join

almost 1 000 students that’s right there

are almost 1 000 students

already in my academy learning and

studying with me on a daily basis

i have everything documented all the

vocabulary words with video explanations

even having videos for american culture

and listening practice videos and audio


so much for these students to follow for

this plan

and i want you to join us i want you to

join us for this 30-day english


and all you have to do is click the link

that’s right in the description

that’s right click the link go to the

page so that you can enroll

right now and i want to give it to you

for half off for the first month that’s


because i want you to join us on this

challenge i want to give it to you for

half off for the first month

that means only ten dollars ten dollars

and you can learn for 30

days and follow us on this english

challenge now all you have to do is

click the link

and then enter the coupon code challenge

that’s right again hit the link in the

description then click the add coupon

code and say

challenge right challenge i really hope

you enjoyed

this video and i hope that you join us

for this 30 day english challenge there

are so many students

around the world already studying and

improving their english by following

this 30

day plan change your english today make

your weaknesses your strength

and let me help you accomplish and reach


of your goals thanks so much now hey

remember as always speak english


you still there you know i’m not gone


story time ay i said a story

time all right guys so you know it’s

story time and i love telling you guys


now today’s story is also about a 30-day


that i did yep it wasn’t about english

but it was a 30-day challenge so

i’ve told you all before how much i love

running i love to exercise and even when

i was overseas i exercised a lot

now remember one day one of my closest

friends her name is monica

monica if you’re watching hey girl

monica and i decided that we wanted to

challenge each other because my friend


also loves running so we said okay

the challenge was who could run the most


in a 30-day period you see what happened


we set our goal the goal was to run the

most miles possible

in a 30-day period now we both said we

wanted to try to do

five miles a day again breaking it up

into chunks

every day five miles and we take one or

two days off

during a week so we said okay let’s do


now remember i said i like running and

my friend monica

also enjoys running so we already

enjoyed running but

something happened once that 30 day

challenge started

listen i was living in korea and she was

living in america

but i remember so i was ahead of her

because in korea

at that time 12 hours ahead again

sometimes 11 hours and sometimes 12

hours so

my morning was her night and vice versa

but i was ahead

so i would get up before work right she

was sleeping

and i would run i would run my heart out

and i’d make sure i’d get my five miles

in right

so i’d work my day and come home in the

evening which was morning for her

now we could stay in contact with each

other because of technology

and she would see how many miles i ran

that day

and she would message me and say okay

you you want to run okay you want to run

a lot of miles today

so we had so much fun but i just

remember during that 30 day period

because we were challenging each other

we ran

more than we had ever run before because

whenever i was running i remember the


my goal is to run more than my friend

that was the challenge honestly

but we wanted to try to get five miles

in every day and we really enjoyed it

because it was

it was basically friendly competition

but here’s the interesting thing

because we were focused on the challenge

and kind of

competing against each other and

improving each other

by the end oh my goodness the results

i was in some of the best condition body

wise ever

now you know the pandemic has hit not

running as much

i’m still in shape but at that time i

almost had a six-pack you know the nice

feminine one

we were really doing good all because we

decided to participate in a 30-day

challenge so

i really want to do that again she and i

both miss going to the gym

but because of the pandemic it’s not

necessarily the safest

thing to do you know to go to the gym so

i just wanted to encourage you guys i’ve

also participated in a 30-day challenge

and i’ve seen the results

even though it was for my body i really

saw the results because i was so

focused during that 30-day period so i

really hope you

can join me for the 30-day english


again remember to hit the link then

enter the coupon code

challenge that way you can get half off

of your first month that’s right

the 30 day challenge for only ten

dollars and i would love for you to join


there’s so many things that you will


and so many ways that you will improve

by participating in this 30-day english


alright guys i will see you next time

have an

awesome day and have an even better week

i’ll see you next time