340 English Words for Everyday Life Basic Vocabulary 17

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okay let’s get started first is

president president

president so the president of a company

is the person at the top of the company

we also use president

for the leader of a country he is the


he is the president he is

the president industry

industry industry

so an industry is like a type or a

category of

work industries need to reduce their


industries need to reduce their wastes

industries need to reduce their wastes

belt belt

belt a belt is an accessory it goes

around the waist

and it’s used to hold pants in place

it can also be used to hold dresses in


the girl is wearing a red color belt

the girl is wearing a red color belt

the girl is wearing a red color belt

coin coin

coin so a coin is usually a small

round shaped object it’s money but not

the paper kind it’s metal

i don’t have coins i don’t have coins

i don’t have coins

money money

money so money is what we use to pay for

goods and to pay for services we have

paper money and we have metal money

coins we also have digital money too

you’re just wasting your money

you’re just wasting your money you’re

just wasting your money

debit card debit card

debit card a debit card is similar to a

credit card but a debit card

is connected directly to your bank

account so when you use a debit card

money comes directly from your bank

account to pay for something

i lost my debit card and had to go to

the police

i lost my debit card and had to go to

the police

i lost my debit card and had to go

to the police bill

bill bill

there are a couple of different ways to

use the word bill so a bill can refer to

paper money

we also use bill to refer to like an

invoice kind of it’s when you receive

a paper document some kind of document


like your utilities for like the

electricity or the water or the internet

in your home

he finally managed to pale his bills

he finally managed to pay all his bills

he finally managed to pay

all his bills photography

photography photography

photography is a noun it refers to the

act of taking pictures

are you studying photography are you

studying photography

are you studying photography

take off take off

take off this phrasal verb can have a

couple of different meanings we can use

it to mean to remove something as in

removing clothing

it can also refer to a plane leaving the


the plane will take off in 20 minutes

the plane will take off in 20 minutes

the plane will take off in 20 minutes

bedroom bedroom

bedroom so the bedroom is the place

where you sleep this word is easy to


because it has bed and room so the room

where your bed is is the room where you


the view from the bedroom is beautiful

the view from the bedroom is beautiful

the view from the bedroom is beautiful

kitchen kitchen

so the kitchen is the room in a house

where you prepare

food many people also have a table in

their kitchen where they eat as well

the chef cooks in the kitchen the chef

cooks in the kitchen

the chef cooks in the kitchen

bathroom bathroom

bathroom so the bathroom is the room

in which there’s usually a bathtub and

that’s the room that we use for

bathing and also where we use toilets as


and to wash our hands the bathroom has a

tiny window

the bathroom has a tiny window the

bathroom has a tiny window

graduation graduation

graduation graduation is a noun it

refers to the ceremony

in which students finish school and are

recognized for their academic


you are invited to my sister’s


you’re invited to my sister’s graduation

you are invited to my sister’s


promotion promotion

promotion so promotion can have two

different meanings it can mean

advertisement we use it just the same as

we use advertisement

it also refers to situations in which


receives the opportunity to move up a


in their job he earned this promotion

he earned this promotion he earned

this promotion anniversary

anniversary anniversary

an anniversary is a celebration of a


day so usually we have wedding

anniversaries or perhaps there’s like an


for a shop or a company opening best

wishes for your anniversary

best wishes for your anniversary best

wishes for your anniversary

funeral funeral

funeral a funeral is a ceremony where

people gather to remember a person who

has passed away

a funeral is a time to grieve and


a funeral is a time to grieve and


a funeral is a time

to grieve and remember

wedding wedding

ding a wedding is a ceremony in which

two people come together and agree to a

partnership for life when is the wedding

when is the wedding when is

the wedding explain

explain explain

to explain means to describe something

usually in detail can you explain that

to me once more

can you explain that to me once more

can you explain that to me

once more back

back back

so one’s back can refer to this part of

the body the part that is not

the front of the body it can also refer

to the rear

side of something at the back of our

house we have a garden

at the back of our house we have a


at the back of our house we have

a garden east

east east

so east is the opposite of west the sun

rises in the east

the sun rises in the east the sun rises

in the east well done

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see you next time bye-bye

superior superior

superior the word superior can refer to

something that’s better than something


we can also use it to talk about the

person above us

in a work or school situation my

superior is very calm

my superior is very calm my superior

is very calm company


so company refers to a place where you


what do you know about this company what

do you know about this

company what do you know

about this company

salary salary

salary so salary refers to the money

you receive from doing a job what are

your salary requirements

what are your salary requirements what

are your salary requirements

radio radio

ray d yo so a radio

used to refer to a machine we use so

that we could receive music and listen

to music at home or in the car

and we still have these today but we

also have internet versions of this

i like listening to the radio i like

listening to the radio

i like listening to the radio

television television

television so a television

is a machine that we use to receive

images we can use it to watch videos the

family is watching television

the family is watching television the

family is watching television

internet internet

internet so the internet is something

that we use to receive information

on a computer or on our smartphones or

on other devices

i gather information from the internet i

gather information from the internet

i gather information from the internet

newspaper newspaper

newspaper a newspaper

is something that we use to receive the

news and it’s on

paper so it’s quite literal a news paper

a paper that we use to read the news i

read the newspaper every morning

i read the newspaper every morning i

read the newspaper every morning

news channel news channel

news channel so a news channel is one

channel on tv or perhaps on a web tv

that only plays the news so that’s the

only thing that is broadcast

on that channel the news i turn on the

news channel in the evening

i turn on the news channel in the

evening i turn

on the news channel in the evening

musical instrument musical instrument

musical instrument

a musical instrument is something that

we use to create

sounds to create music there are string


and there are wind instruments and there

are percussion instruments

can you play a musical instrument can

you play a musical instrument

can you play a musical instrument

painting painting

painting so a painting refers to a work

of art that’s done by using paint

and a paint brush this painting is very


this painting is very artistic this

painting is very artistic

theater theater

theater a theater is a place where you

can watch a movie or you can see a play

or a musical where is the theater

where is the theater where is

the theater musical

musical musical

so a musical is a type of live show

it’s a live show where the actors and

the actresses

sing the story i got tickets to a


i got tickets to a musical i got

tickets to a musical

opera opera

opera so an opera is different from a


a musical is generally kind of a more

contemporary story

operas are a bit more old-fashioned i

guess and there’s a specific type of

singing that’s known in the opera my


love going to the opera my grandparents

love going to the opera

my grandparents love going to the opera

relax relax

relax so to relax

means to not worry so much it means to

relieve yourself of stress to do


that you feel like good about

relax everything will be fine relax

everything will be fine relax

everything will be fine

whiteboard whiteboard

white board a whiteboard is a specific

type of board it’s usually

white in color we can write on it with

markers and we can also erase it

a whiteboard is a perfect means to

demonstrate something visually

a whiteboard is a perfect means to

demonstrate something visually

a whiteboard is a perfect means to

demonstrate something

visually blackboard

blackboard blackboard

so a blackboard is a board that is black

in color but we cannot use

like markers to write on it any race we

have to use

chalk the teacher writes on the


the teacher writes on the blackboard the

teacher writes on the blackboard

test test

test test can be used as both a noun and

as a verb

as a noun it means an examination or

some kind of written

information used to check someone’s

knowledge as a verb it means

to check someone’s knowledge the test is

on next tuesday

the test is on next tuesday the test

is on next tuesday textbook

textbook textbook

so a textbook is something that you use

to study

a topic during the year we will cover

the entire textbook

during the year we’ll cover the entire


during the year we will cover the entire


front front

front so front is the opposite of

behind it’s something that faces you he

is in front of me

he is in front of me he is

in front of me job

job job

so someone’s job is the thing that they


for a living that’s the thing that they

do to receive money to live their life

i have a busy job i have a busy job

i have a busy job

wallet wallet

wallet a wallet is something that you

use to store money

you can keep bills you can keep coins


credit cards and other things inside a


my wallet is full of receipts my wallet

is full of receipts

my wallet is full of receipts

purse purse

purse so purse is used to refer to the

bag that we use

to carry around the things we need for

the day we tend to use

purse to refer to women’s bags

this is a big purse this is a big purse

this is a big purse

order order

or der we use the verb

order to talk about asking for food


food or drinks at a restaurant at a cafe

or a bar

confirm the order confirm the order

confirm the order

field field

field a field is a large

open area of grass this can be in nature

but we also use this word to talk about

sports fields those are large open areas

of grass for football or soccer or other


the horse is running in the field the

horse is running in the field

the horse is running in the field

desert desert

desert a desert is a very dry

place the image of a desert is a place

that has a lot of sand and where it


very very hot the sun is heating the hot


the sun is heating the hot desert

the sun is heating the hot


boss so the word boss

is used to refer to the person in charge

at your workplace

your boss is often your manager or the

person above your manager

our boss allows us to leave earlier on


boss allows us to leave earlier on


our boss allows us to leave

earlier on wednesdays

office office

office so office

refers to a place of work you can use it

to talk about the place that you go for


you can also talk about places where

other people work with this word

the office opens at eight o’clock the

office opens at eight o’clock

the office opens at eight o’clock

co-worker co-worker

co-worker your co-worker

or your coworkers are the people that

you work together

with so these are the people that you

share information with that you meet

or communicate with every day i go out

to eat with my coworker every thursday

i go out to eat with my co-worker every


i go out to eat with my co-worker

every thursday meeting

meeting meeting

a meeting is a period of time for which

you and perhaps your boss and some of

your co-workers gather together

to discuss some topic i forgot that the

meeting was today

i forgot that the meeting was today

i forgot that the meeting was today

police station police station

police station

a police station is a place where lots

and lots of police officers

stay it’s kind of like an office but for

the police

the police cars are parked outside the

police station

the police cars are parked outside the

police station

the police cars are parked outside the

police station

pharmacy pharmacy

pharmacy a pharmacy

is a place you go to receive medication

so if you’ve gotten medical treatment

from a hospital or a clinic

you can go to a pharmacy to receive the

medicine you need

is there a pharmacy nearby is there a

pharmacy nearby

is there a pharmacy nearby

bakery bakery

bakery a bakery is a place that bakes

fresh breads cookies and perhaps other

kinds of sweets

she goes to the bakery every sunday with

her kids

she goes to the bakery every sunday with

her kids

she goes to the bakery every sunday with

her kids

movie theater movie theater

movie theater a movie theater is a place

you can go to watch movies on a big


you might also hear this called a cinema

this movie theater is so crowded

this movie theater is so crowded

this movie theater is so crowded

negotiation negotiation


a negotiation is a discussion usually


two groups of people and they want

different things

so they discuss a topic and work

together to find an agreement

that process is called a negotiation

after two years of negotiation the two

countries were finally able to come to

an agreement

after two years of negotiation the two

countries were finally able to come to

an agreement

after two years of negotiation

the two countries were finally able to


to an agreement contract

contract contract

a contract is a written agreement it’s

very common to sign

a contract before getting something like

a mobile phone

or getting a loan for something from a

bank or other things

could you come to our office to sign the


could you come to our office to sign the


could you come to our office

to sign the contract

business business

business so

a business is a place of work we also

use the word business to talk generally

about the professional world sometimes

my dad owns a business my dad owns a


my dad owns a business

deal deal

deal so deal is kind of like a more

casual word for

agreement after you’ve negotiated or

discussed something with another person

or another group for a while

you might reach an agreement and

proclaim it or decide that it’s a

deal we have a deal

we have a deal we have

a deal busy

busy busy

busy is an adjective it refers to having

many things to do

or not having very much free time i’m

busy tonight

i’m busy tonight i’m

busy tonight serious

serious serious

serious can mean something that is not

at all like a light topic so maybe

there’s some very heavy topics that are

considered serious

we can also use the word serious to talk

about someone’s personality

someone who is serious doesn’t laugh or

smile very much

depression is a very serious mental


depression is a very serious mental


depression is a very serious

mental illness tired

tired tired

tired is an adjective it means someone

doesn’t have a lot of energy maybe

they’re ready to go to sleep or ready to

just relax

thanks but i’m really tired thanks but

i’m really tired

thanks but i’m really tired

boring boring

boring boring is an adjective which


not interesting my job is boring

my job is boring my

job is boring

exciting exciting

exciting something that is exciting

is something that is very interesting so

like roller coasters are very exciting

for many people

the movie was very exciting the movie

was very exciting

the movie was very exciting

important important

important so the word important

means something that we need to consider

carefully yes

the pronunciation of this word that

first t is actually reduced it sounds

more like a d

in fast speech water is important to our


water is important to our body

water is important to our body

credit card credit card

credit card so a credit card is a very

useful method to pay for things we use a


card to pay for something at the moment

and then we repay

our credit card company later do you

take credit card

do you take credit card do you

take credit card key

key key

so a key is the object that we use to

unlock doors or to unlock

other things i lost my car key

i lost my car key i

lost my car key

driver’s license driver’s license


license a driver’s license is a

certification we receive

that explains that we are able to drive

a car

legally do you have a driver’s license

do you have a driver’s license do you

have a driver’s license

forest forest

forest a forest is a very large natural

area it’s filled with trees

plants animals and everything is wild

the raccoon is eating peanuts in the


the raccoon is eating peanuts in the


the raccoon is eating peanuts in

the forest river

river river

so a river is another natural feature a

river refers to

water often that comes from a mountain

top or another natural source and moves

down into lower elevations

the grizzly bear is running in the river

the grizzly bear is running in the river

the grizzly bear is running in the river

ocean ocean

ocean so the ocean

is that very very large body of water

that covers

most of the planet earth the sun sets

behind the blue ocean

the sun sets behind the blue ocean

the sun sets behind the blue

ocean lake

lake lake

a lake is a smaller body of water though

it can be very large lakes can be very


they are surrounded by land the swan is

swimming in the lake

the swan is swimming in the lake the

swan is swimming in the lake

document document

document document can be used as both

a noun and a verb as a noun it means


as a verb we use it to mean make a

record of information

she signed the document and returned it

she signed the document and returned it

she signed the document and returned it

computer computer

computer so a computer is a very common


most of the time when we say computer we

mean like our personal computer

like our laptop or something similar but

we also have small computers in things

like our smartphones as well

i have a new computer i have a new


i have a new computer

fax machine fax machine

fax machine a fax machine

is kind of an older type of machine we

use these kinds of machines to send

faxes so we send copies of documents of


to other fax machines in other locations

do you have a fax machine

do you have a fax machine do you

have a fax machine

printer printer

printer a printer is a very common


we use printers to create physical

versions of digital documents

images and other things the printer at

the office is broken the printer at the

office is broken

the printer at the office is broken

mechanical pencil mechanical pencil

mechanical pencil

a mechanical pencil is a type of pencil

that you can push

on to get more lead lead is the material

that we use with pencils

a mechanical one does not require

sharpening at all

the red mechanical pencil has a green


the red mechanical pencil has a green


the red mechanical pencil has

a green eraser ruler

ruler ruler

a ruler is a tool we use to measure

things these are very

stiff pieces of plastic or perhaps metal


that we use to make straight lines and

to see how long or how wide things are

i use a ruler to draw lines

i use a ruler to draw lines

i use a ruler to draw lines

marker marker

marker a marker is something we use to

write on surfaces like a whiteboard

so a marker can be erased you might also

see kids using markers to color things

in coloring books

the marker is running low on ink the

marker is running low on ink

the marker is running low on

inc bank

bank bank

a bank is a place where your money is

managed you can open an account

you can transfer money you can do many

things with money at a bank

is there a bank near here is there a

bank near here

is there a bank near here

convenience store convenience store

convenience store

a convenience store is usually a small


often in a very easy to access part of

the neighborhood

and they have daily goods snacks and

other small things that you might need

go to the convenience store and buy some


go to the convenience store and buy some


go to the convenience store and buy

some milk hospital

hospital hospital

a hospital is a place that you go to to

receive medical care

she works in a hospital she works in a


she works in a hospital

help help

help we use the verb help

in emergency situations and we also use

it when someone

gives us their assistance thank you for

your help

thank you for your help thank you

for your help

learn learn

learn we use the verb

learn to describe our studies keep in

mind when we use this in

past tense it refers to something we

have completed

learn something new learn something new

learn something new

move move

move so the verb move refers to any kind

of action

that’s moving from one direction to

another we also use this verb to talk

about moving from one house

to another house the alligators are

slowly moving through the water

the alligators are slowly moving through

the water

the alligators are slowly moving

through the water seventeen


17 is the number that comes after 16.

his daughter is 17 years old

his daughter is 17 years old

his daughter is 17

years old

18 18

18 18 is the number after

  1. this number has special importance

in the usa

because it’s the age at which people get

the right to vote

he’s 18 years old he’s 18 years old

he’s 18 years old

19 19

19 19 is the number

after 18 and before 20. there are 19

books here

there are 19 books here there

are 19 books here

20 20

  1. so

20 is the number after 19.

he’s been my friend for 20 years

he has been my friend for 20 years

he has been my friend

for 20 years

neck neck

neck so your neck is

this part of the body the part of the

body between your head

and your shoulders i’ve got a pain in my


i’ve got a pain in my neck i’ve

got a pain in my neck

face face

face so the face is

this part of the body your face includes

your eyes your nose your mouth your

cheeks this is all your

face can you show me your funniest face

can you show me your funniest face

can you show me your funniest

face ear

ear ear

the ear is the part of the body that we

use to hear

we have two ears i have two ears

i have two ears i have

two ears hair

hair hair

so hair is anything on the body that’s

similar to this it can be long hair

it can be short hair we also use the

same word to talk about hair on an

animal the woman has black hair

the woman has black hair the woman

has black hair

mountain mountain

mound ten mountain is

a large part of the landscape often that

has snow at the top

keep in mind when you pronounce this

word in fast speech it sounds like

mountain the t sound is reduced

the little town was nestled in the


the little town was nestled in the


the little town was nestled

in the mountains beach

beach beach

so the beach is the area where the land

meets the ocean

you might hear people talking about

doing activities at the beach which

refers to the general location

or on the beach which refers to

activities on the surface

of the beach there’s a lifeguard at the


there’s a lifeguard at the beach there’s

a lifeguard at the beach

rainforest rainforest

rain forest so a rainforest

is different from just a forest because

a rain forest is a forest in a very

humid or a very tropical location

thailand has many rainforests

thailand has many rainforests

thailand has many rainforests

island island

i lend and island

is a portion of land or a piece of land

that is completely

surrounded by water so like japan is an


an island is surrounded by water an

island is surrounded by water

an island is surrounded by water

dictionary dictionary

dictionary a dictionary is a

very large book or online it’s a

resource that you can use to check the


of words i bought this dictionary for


i bought this dictionary for you i

bought this dictionary for you

blue blue

blue the color blue is a very basic


we commonly associate the color blue

with things that are cold or cool

the sky is bright blue the sky is bright


the sky is bright blue

yellow yellow

yellow the color yellow

is very bright and we associate this

with cheerful feelings

hannah has a yellow hat

has a yellow hat hannah

has a yellow hat

orange orange

orange so the color orange is another

very bright color you may also know the


called an orange it is orange in color

red mixed with yellow becomes orange

red mixed with yellow becomes orange

red mixed with yellow becomes orange

color color

color so color can be used as a noun

and as a verb in this case we’re going

to talk about it as a noun which refers


any type of color i got the wrong color

i got the wrong color i

got the wrong color

white white

white so white is another very basic


the color white is commonly associated

with purity

it is difficult to keep white furniture


it is difficult to keep white furniture


it is difficult to keep white

furniture clean red

red red

red is a very popular color this color

is associated with passion and also


a glass of red wine please a glass of

red wine please

a glass of red wine please

green green

green the color green is very commonly

associated with nature

and the environment he painted the


he painted the wall green

he painted the wall green

finish finish

finish the verb finish

means to do something to the end to do

something to completion

did you finish your homework did you

finish your homework

did you finish your homework

start start

start so the verb to start

is the opposite of finish it means to

begin something it means to do the first

thing in a process

my new job starts tomorrow my new job

starts tomorrow

my new job starts tomorrow

become become

become so the verb

become is used to refer to one thing


into another thing red mixed with yellow


orange red mixed with yellow becomes


red mixed with yellow becomes

orange fourteen

fourteen 14.

the number 14 is the number after 13.

i have 14 students i have 14 students

i have 14 students

15 15

  1. the number 15

is the number that comes after 14.

i will be in thailand for 15 days

i will be in thailand for 15 days

i will be in thailand

for 15 days

16 16

  1. the number 16 comes after

  2. 16 is considered a special age in

the usa

because it’s the age at which people can

get their first driver’s license

we have 16 minutes we have 16 minutes

we have 16 minutes

telephone telephone

tele phone so the telephone is the

machine that we use to

call people we commonly shorten this

word to

phone the telephone is ringing

the telephone is ringing the

telephone is ringing


i so the eye

or our eyes this is the part of the body

that we use to see this is a countable

noun we can talk about one eye or

two eyes my eyes are dry

my eyes are dry my eyes

are dry teeth

teeth teeth

so your teeth are the part of the body

inside the mouth that we use to chew


this is the pleural version of tooth one

tooth two or more teeth did you brush

your teeth

did you brush your teeth did you

brush your teeth

lip lip

lip so the lip is the part of the body

that is at the edge of the mouth lips

are very important for making proper


you have something on your lip you have

something on your lip

you have something on your lip

copy machine copy machine

copy machine

so a copy machine is a very common

machine that you have in an office

we use a copy machine to make copies of


can i use the copy machine can i use the

copy machine

can i use the copy machine

desk desk

desk a desk is a piece of furniture that

most people have in their office or in

their schools

and we use it for work we use it for

work or for study

the books are under the desk the books

are under the desk

the books are under the desk

book book

book so a book is something that you


it’s a story or other kinds of topics

on paper you might also have many

textbooks in your home

there are some old books on the table

there are some old books on the table

there are some old books on the table

pen pen

pen a pen is something that we use

to write unlike a pencil a pen uses

ink it’s a pen

it’s a pen it’s

a pen

post office post office

post office the post office

is the place where you go in your city

or your community

to send mail to someone else

the post office is open until 5 pm

the post office is open until 5 pm

the post office is open

until 5 pm

library library

library a library

is a place where you can rent books your

library might also

have dvds or other media available to


the library is over there the library is

over there

the library is over there

supermarket supermarket

super market the supermarket is the

place you go to buy

food you might also be able to find

other daily goods like cleaning goods at

a supermarket

this supermarket is very cheap this

supermarket is very

cheap this supermarket

is very cheap helicopter

helicopter helicopter

so a helicopter is similar to an

airplane it flies but there’s one

propeller on top of it the ceo

travels to work by helicopter the ceo

travels to work by helicopter

the ceo travels to work

by helicopter black

black black

black is a color or rather black is the

absence of color

it’s the darkest color that we have i

have a black cat

i have a black cat i have

a black cat

brown brown

brown so brown

is a very natural color it’s very common


hair color and an eye color my hair

color is brown for example

my uncle has a new pair of brown shoes

my uncle has a new pair of brown shoes

my uncle has a new pair of

brown shoes gray

gray gray

so gray is a very neutral color it’s

between white

and black gray is not a very flashy


gray is not a very flashy color

gray is not a very

flashy color

rest rest rest

so rest is a verb that means to take a


you can use it any time you need to stop

what you’re doing for a short period

i’m just resting i’m just resting

i’m just resting

here here

here so the verb here

is used for any time you need to use

your ears

to receive information so this means

you’re not

focusing your attention but information

can enter

your ear i can barely hear you

i can barely hear you i can

barely hear you

want want

want so the verb want is used to express

a desire for something we use it to talk

about the things we would like to


i want to eat cherries i want to eat


i want to eat cherries

disgusting disgusting

disgusting disgusting is an adjective

we’d use it to describe things that we

think are really really

terrible especially food or maybe even

comments things that we think are really


cockroaches are disgusting cockroaches

are disgusting

cockroaches are disgusting

eleven eleven

e le ven eleven

is the number that comes after ten this

department store has 11 floors

this department store has 11 floors

this department store has

11 floors

  1. 12

  2. so 12 is the number that comes

after 11. 12 can also be called

a dozen when we refer to a dozen of

something we mean

12 of something it’s 12 o’clock

it’s 12 o’clock it’s 12

o’clock 13

13 is the number that comes after 12.

for many people 13 is an unlucky number

so you might hear people having


around this number she’s 13 years old

she’s 13 years old she

is 13 years old

email email

ee mail so email is a very common part

of everyday life

email comes from electronic and mail


what’s your email address what’s your

email address

what’s your email address

cellular phone cellular phone

cellular phone so a cellular phone is a

very common thing that many people have

we often shorten this expression to cell


with a cellular phone you can make calls

from almost anywhere

with a cellular phone you can make calls

from almost anywhere

with a cellular phone you can make

calls from almost anywhere

text message text message

text message so a text message is

any message that you send by writing


we commonly shorten this expression to

just text

she contacted me via text message

she contacted me via text message

she contacted me via

text message mouth

mouth mouth

so the mouth is part of the body it’s

this part we use it for eating and for


you may also hear mouth used to talk

about the part of the river that

connects to the ocean

watch your mouth watch your mouth

watch your mouth

cheek cheek

cheek so the cheek or cheeks

refers to this part of the body this

part of the face

so we have two cheeks it’s a countable


her cheeks are very red her cheeks are

very red

her cheeks are very red

nose nose

nose so the nose is another part of the

body it’s

this part of the body right here the


my nose is stuffy my nose is stuffy

my nose is stuffy

notebook notebook

note book so a notebook

is usually a small book we carry around

and we write

notes in it hence the name notebook

i have a separate notebook for each


i have a separate notebook for each


i have a separate notebook

for each class pencil

pencil pencil

a pencil is something that we use to

write this is a

common analog tool that we use to write

lots of school children use these the

pencil broke in half

the pencil broke in half the pencil

broke in half

eraser eraser

e ray sir so an eraser is a tool that we

use to remove

pencil marks in some cases you might

find pens that also have erasers which

can remove pen marks

can i use your eraser can i use your


can i use your eraser

dog dog

dog a dog is a very popular and very

common pet we see small dogs and big


is that your dog is that your dog

is that your dog

cat cat

cat cats are also

very very popular pets we see cats

that have very short fur and cats that

have long fluffy fur

my cat likes to take a nap in the


my cat likes to take a nap in the


my cat likes to take a nap in the


hamster hamster

ham stir so a hamster is a very small


it’s kind of popular among very young


hamsters like to sleep during the day

hamsters like to sleep during the day

hamsters like to sleep

during the day warm

warm warm

we use warm to describe a temperature

that’s not quite

hot that’s a little bit pleasant but

it’s not cool either

the soup must be warm the soup must be


the soup must be warm

rain rain

rain we use the word rain to talk about

the water that falls from the sky

the rain is falling on the street

the rain is falling on the street

the rain is falling on the street

tomato tomato

ta meito a tomato

is a red fruit they’re very common in

salads there are very large tomatoes or

smaller tomatoes as well

my grandfather grows tomatoes in his


my grandfather grows tomatoes in his


my grandfather grows tomatoes in his


strawberry strawberry

strawberry a strawberry is a very sweet

red berry that’s very common in desserts

i like strawberry not apple i like


not apple i like strawberry

not apple cherry

cherry cherry

so a cherry is another small sweet red

berry or

not really a berry more of a small fruit

that you can eat

you can typically have them in one bite

i want to eat cherries

i want to eat cherries i want

to eat cherries

child child

child so a child is someone who is not

an adult usually around the age of 15

14 or so they kind of start to become

like an adult

when i was a child i used to ride my

bike to school every day

when i was a child i used to ride my

bike to school every day

when i was a child i used to ride my

bike to school

every day friend

friend friend

so a friend is someone that we are close

to we can share our experiences with and

enjoy spending time together

i met a friend at the park i met a

friend at the park

i met a friend at the park

adult adult

adult so an adult is someone who is a

grown person in your country maybe an


is 18 years old or 20 years old or 21

years old

but an adult is someone who can be

responsible for themselves

sometimes being an adult just isn’t very


sometimes being an adult just isn’t very


sometimes being an adult just

isn’t very fun bicycle


a bicycle is a mode of transportation

it’s popular with kids it’s popular with

adults you can ride easily around your

city or your neighborhood with a bicycle

the bicycle is in the garage the bicycle

is in the garage

the bicycle is in the garage

car car

car a car is a very

common mode of transportation in north

america many people have their

own car what kind of car is it

what kind of car is it what kind

of car is it motorcycle

motorcycle motorcycle

so a motorcycle is like a bicycle with

an engine usually one person or maybe

two people can ride a motorcycle

he has two cars in a motorcycle

he has two cars and a motorcycle

he has two cars and a motorcycle

scooter scooter

scooter so a scooter is a little bit

shorter than a motorcycle

it’s something you can sit on and there

are places to put your feet on either


and you can ride it around your city or

your neighborhood

scooters are convenient in the city

scooters are convenient in the city

scooters are convenient in the city

boat boat

boat so a boat refers to a method of


for water you can use a row boat a very

old-fashioned style boat or very very

large expensive boats called yachts

the boat floats on the water the boat

floats on the water

the boat floats on the water

jellyfish jellyfish

jellyfish so a jellyfish is an

undersea creature some of them can be


they may sting people as a way to defend

themselves against attacks

the jellyfish are bobbing in the water

the jellyfish are bobbing in the water

the jellyfish are bobbing

in the water lobster

lobster lobster

so a lobster is another sea creature

lobsters are very popular because they

are delicious

lobsters are very expensive lobsters are

very expensive

lobsters are very expensive

crab crab

crab so a crab is another sea

creature crabs typically have very large


and they walk in this motion they walk

from side to side

crabs usually walk sideways crabs

usually walk sideways

crabs usually walk sideways

turtle turtle

turtle so a turtle is another

water-based creature turtles are known

for being very very slow and they have a

hard shell to protect them

the sea turtle is swimming in the sea

the sea turtle is swimming in the sea


sea turtle is swimming in the sea

banana banana


bananas are very popular fruit they are

yellow in color and you peel them to

open them

this banana is really sweet this banana

is really sweet

this banana is really sweet

apple apple

apple apples are very popular fruits you

can usually find them

in red or in green colors i’m peeling an


i’m peeling an apple i’m peeling

an apple grape

grape grape

so a grape is another type of fruit you

usually find them

in purple or in green colors

that grape looks pretty old that grape

looks pretty old

that grape looks pretty old

watermelon watermelon

so a watermelon is a very large fruit

it’s green on the outside and

pink on the inside she bought a huge


she bought a huge watermelon she

bought a huge watermelon

bird bird

bird so a bird is a creature that can

fly through the sky

has wings and feathers we listen to the


we listen to the birds we

listened to the birds

mouse mouse

mouse so a mouse is a very small


some people consider it a rodent so it’s

not wanted

the mouse is eating grass

the mouse is eating grass the

mouse is eating grass

sun sun

sun so the sun

is the star that’s closest to earth and

it gives us sunshine

today the sun is shining today the sun

is shining

today the sun is shining

weather weather

wherever so weather just refers to the

outside conditions the conditions in


this weather is awful this weather is


this weather is awful

degree degree

degree so the word degree

is the word we use for that small circle

next to

celsius or fahrenheit when we talk about

the temperature

it is one degree outside it is one

degree outside

it is one degree outside

woman woman

men so woman refers to

one person one woman when talking about

more than one woman we use

women the woman is wearing a black


the woman is wearing a black sweater the

woman is wearing a black sweater

man man

man so a man refers to

one male person when we want to talk

about more than one

male person we say men

the director is a very serious man

the director is a very serious man

the director is a very serious

man girlfriend

girlfriend girl friend

so the word girlfriend can be used to

refer to your romantic partner who is a


we can also use it to talk about female


your girlfriend is one year older than

you right

your girlfriend is one year older than

you right

your girlfriend is one year older than


right boyfriend

boyfriend boyfriend

so the word boyfriend is used to refer

to a male romantic partner

we do not typically use this word to

talk about our male friends though

she’ll go to the prince islands with her


she’ll go to the prince islands with her


she’ll go to the prince islands with her


train train

train so a train

is a large kind of public transportation

that we use

to travel quickly inside cities and

between cities

what time is the last train what time is

the last train

what time is the last train

airplane airplane

airplane so airplanes are the mode of

transportation that fly

we often call them planes as well the

passengers flew on the airplane

the passengers flew on the airplane

the passengers flew on the airplane

bus bus

bus so a bus is like a large

car we typically use it to transport

people inside cities or between cities

on the road

he rides the bus he rides the bus

he rides the bus

taxi taxi

taxi a taxi

is a single car that you can rent so you

need to pay money

to use a taxi to travel in a city

give me a call after you get in the taxi

give me a call after you get in the taxi

give me a call after you get

in the taxi spinach

spinach so spinach is a very healthy

food it’s leafy and

green and popular for salads spinach is

a rich source of iron and calcium

spinach is a rich source of iron and


spinach is a rich source of iron and


dolphin dolphin

doll finn a dolphin is a very smart

undersea animal and they’re very popular

because they’re very cute and it sounds

like they’re talking to people sometimes

the dolphin jumps out of the water

the dolphin jumps out of the water

the dolphin jumps out of the water

squid squid

squid so a squid is another undersea

creature sometimes they’re small but in

other cases in special cases they are

enormous there are giant squid as well

i can’t eat squid i can’t eat squid

i can’t eat squid

happy happy

ha be we use happy to describe

our mood we use this word when we are

feeling positive

i am a happy person i’m a happy person

i am a happy person

sad sad

sad so the word sad

is used to describe our feelings when we

are feeling down or low

the sad teenager is sitting alone

the sad teenager is sitting alone

the sad teenager is sitting

alone angry

angry angry

the word angry also refers to our

emotions we use it

in times when we feel upset or very

unhappy about something

there was something that made me angry

this morning

there was something that made me angry

this morning

there was something that made me

angry this morning

clothing clothing

clothing clothing is a word that’s used

to refer to

anything we wear this can mean coats

pants jackets

shirts hats whatever i worked at a

clothing store

i worked at a clothing store i

worked at a clothing store


so a shoe is something you wear on your


i need new shoes i need new shoes

i need new shoes

sock sock

sock a sock is something that you wear

between your shoe

and your foot usually you wear heavy

socks often in winter

are you wearing socks are you wearing


are you wearing socks

underwear underwear

under wear so underwear

refers to the clothing we wear under

the clothes we can see my socks and

underwear are in the top drawer of my

dresser my socks and underwear are in

the top drawer of my dresser

my socks and underwear are in the top

drawer of my dresser

talk talk

talk we use the verb

talk when we want to refer to a

conversation so two

or more people are participating let’s

talk about it

let’s talk about it let’s

talk about it

give give

give we use the verb give when we want

to provide

someone with something else can i give

you a useful tip

can i give you a useful tip can

i give you a useful tip

low low

low we use the word

low to talk about something that is not

high this is the opposite of high so

it’s something

near the ground this table is too low

for me

this table is too low for me

this table is too low

for me hi

hi hi

so the word high is the opposite of the

word low it refers to something that is


away from the ground the waves are high


the waves are high today the

waves are high today

fruit fruit

fruit so fruit

refers to a category of foods so fruits

tend to be

rather sweet please put the fruits on

the plate

please put the fruits on the plate

please put the fruits on the plate

octopus octopus

so an octopus is a very interesting

animal with eight

legs some cultures like to eat octopus

the octopus is swimming in the ocean

the octopus is swimming in the ocean

the octopus is swimming in the ocean

shark shark

shark so a shark is for many people

a very scary undersea creature some of

them are huge and can eat people

the surfer was bitten by a shark

the surfer was bitten by a shark

the surfer was bitten by

a shark whale

whale whale

so whales are typically very very large

creatures that live

under the sea some are peaceful some are


whales are mammals whales are mammals

whales are mammals cloudy

cloudy cloudy

so cloudy refers to weather it’s used on

days when there are many clouds in the


i don’t like cloudy days i don’t like

cloudy days

i don’t like cloudy days

cool cool

cool we use cool when the weather is not

like cold but it feels a little bit nice

actually still

the weather is cool the weather is cool

the weather is cool

cucumber cucumber

q so a cucumber is a food that we can

eat it’s something that’s healthy and

usually pretty refreshing

these cucumbers are fresh these

cucumbers are fresh

these cucumbers are fresh

bell pepper bell pepper

bell pepper so a bell pepper is another

food that many people like to eat

sometimes they’re a little bit

bitter the most common bell peppers are


red or yellow the most common bell

peppers are green

red or yellow the most common

bell peppers are green red or yellow

broccoli broccoli

broccoli broccoli is another very

healthy food

lots of kids really don’t like it though

order the broccoli soup order the

broccoli soup

order the broccoli soup

shirt shirt

shirt so a shirt is a piece of clothing

that we wear on the top part of our body

there are 10 shirts in the closet there

are 10 shirts in the closet

there are 10 shirts in the closet

pants pants

pants so pants

that’s a piece of clothing that we wear

on the lower part of our body it covers

our legs

your pants are bigger than mine your

pants are bigger than mine

your pants are bigger than mine

dress dress

dress so a dress is something that’s

worn over the entire body it usually

covers from the shoulders

to around the knee area but it can go


i regret not buying that dress i regret

not buying that dress

i regret not buying that dress

say say

say we use

say for simple reports of speech

i was just going to say that i was just

going to say that

i was just going to say that

call call

call we use the verb

call when we want to make a phone call

to someone

please give me a call tomorrow morning

please give me a call tomorrow morning

please give me a call tomorrow morning

find find

find we use the word

find when we talk about the moment we


something how did you find the cell


how did you find the cell phone how

did you find the cell phone

clean clean

clean so the word clean can be used as

an adjective or it can be used as a verb

it refers to making something

nice we aim for a clean environment

we aim for a clean environment

we aim for a clean environment

dirty dirty

dirty so the word dirty

is used to refer to something that is

not clean

the fork is on the dirty plate

the fork is on the dirty plate

the fork is on the dirty

plate carrot

carrot carrot

so a carrot is a very common vegetable

it’s orange maybe about this size we can


small ones as well kids do not like


kids do not like carrots kids

do not like carrots

onion onion

so an onion is a very common cooking

ingredient when you cut them

it will make you cry i don’t cry when i

cut onions

i don’t cry when i cut onions i

don’t cry when i cut onions

lettuce lettuce

lettuce so lettuce is very commonly used

in salads it’s a leafy green vegetable

my salad only has lettuce and tomato

my salad only has lettuce and tomato

my salad only has lettuce and

tomato sheep

sheep sheep

so a sheep is a kind of farm animal we

get lots of things from them such as


and wool as well the sheep is eating the

green grass

the sheep is eating the green grass

the sheep is eating the green grass

rabbit rabbit

rabbit so a rabbit is a very small cute

animal that’s known for hopping around

your rabbit is very cute your rabbit is

very cute

your rabbit is very cute

seal seal

seal so a seal

is an ocean animal they can be big or a

little small they kind of look like dogs

sometimes in the ocean

seals live in the coldest areas

seals live in the coldest areas

seals live in the coldest

areas cloud

cloud cloud

so clouds are those usually white or

gray kind of fluffy things we see

in the sky i can’t see any clouds today

i can’t see any clouds today

i can’t see any clouds today

sunny sunny

sunny is the word that we use to talk

about a day with lots of sunshine

i often go on a picnic on a sunny day

i often go on a picnic on a sunny day

i often go on a picnic on a sunny day

rainy rainy

rainy rainy is used to talk about


so we use it for days when water is

falling from the sky

it’ll be rainy this saturday it’ll be

rainy this saturday

it will be rainy this saturday baby

baby baby

baby is the word we use to describe a

very small creature we can use it for

humans and we can use it for

animals the baby sleeps on the blanket

the baby sleeps on the blanket the

baby sleeps on the blanket

girl girl

girl so a

girl is someone who is born as a female

the girl washes her face the girl washes

her face

the girl washes her face

boy boy

boy the word boy refers to someone who

is born as a male

the boy fell down from the tree

the boy fell down from the tree

the boy fell down from the tree

watch watch

watch so when we use

watch to talk about a noun it’s

referring to the clock you can wear

on your wrist do you have a watch

do you have a watch do you

have a watch glasses

glasses glasses

so glasses are eyewear we wear glasses

so that we can see better or so that we

can block the sun

from our eyes i don’t wear glasses

i don’t wear glasses i don’t

wear glasses jacket

jacket jacket

so a jacket is usually a light piece of


it keeps you a little bit warmer in

autumn or maybe in spring

that jacket looks nice on you that

jacket looks nice on you

that jacket looks nice on you

receive receive

receive so to receive

something means to get something get

sounds a little bit more casual than


to receive a confession of love to

receive a confession of love

to receive a confession of

love search

search search

so the word search means to look for to

look for something

search tends to sound a little bit more

formal than

look for it’ll show up if you search on

the internet

it’ll show up if you search on the


it will show up if you search

on the internet take

take take

so take means to remove something from

another place or to choose something

please take me home please take me home

please take me home

week week weak

so this word is the opposite of the word

strong it means something that doesn’t


a lot of power a weak team

a weak team a

weak team

strong strong

strong so strong is the opposite of weak

strong refers to something that has lots

and lots of power

be strong and don’t give up be strong

and don’t give up

be strong and don’t give up

cold cold

cold so the word cold

typically refers to temperature when the

temperature is low we describe the

feeling as

cold the north pole is cold

even in summer the north pole is cold

even in summer the north pole

is cold even in summer

hot hot

hot so hot is the opposite of cold

hot is used when the temperatures are

warm the temperatures are very very

high we describe the feeling with hot

the tea is still hot the tea is still


the tea is still hot

funny funny

funny so the word funny

refers to something that causes us to


funny sitcoms make me happy funny

sitcoms make me happy

funny sitcoms make me happy

peach peach

peach so a peach is a well-known fruit

it’s kind of sweet i’m allergic to


i’m allergic to peaches i

am allergic to peaches

orange orange

orange so orange can refer to the fruit

or it can refer to the color orange

i drink orange juice in the morning i

drink orange juice in the morning

i drink orange juice in the morning

potato potato

potato so a potato is a

very very popular food we make all kinds

of things with potatoes french fries

mashed potatoes and so on fried potato

is not good for your health

fried potato is not good for your health

fried potato is not good for your health

soybean soybean

soy bean so a soybean

is an ingredient that people may use to

create other things like milk for


soybeans grow inside the pods soybeans

grow inside the pods

soy beans grow inside the pods

vegetable vegetable

vegetable so

a vegetable is a food that’s good for

you so there are many different kinds of


carrots zucchinis so on i ate fried


i ate fried vegetables i

ate fried vegetables

cow cow

cow so a cow is

a farm animal we use cows for dairy and

for milk and for beef

the cows are grazing in the field the

cows are grazing in the field

the cows are grazing in the field

pig pig

pig a pig is another farm animal

usually very low to the ground and pink

or kind of

gray in color we use these for meat

pigs are intelligent animals pigs are

intelligent animals

pigs are intelligent animals

horse horse

horse so a horse another farm animal

is used a lot more for entertainment for

like racing activities

have you ever ridden a horse before have

you ever ridden a horse

before have you ever ridden

a horse before snow

snow snow

so snow is a type of weather it’s

precipitation so that means it’s rain

it’s water from the sky but that is


there’s a lot of snow on the mountain

there’s a lot of snow on the mountain

there is a lot of snow on the mountain

hand hand

hand so your hand it’s a part of your

body this part of your

body is your hand left hand

left hand left

hand arm

arm arm

so the arm is this part of your body

from here

to the end of your hand muscular arm

muscular arm muscular

arm foot

foot foot

so your foot just one is the part of

your body that’s at the very very bottom

right foot right foot

right foot

leg leg

leg so your leg

is the entire long part of your body one

leg that you walk on long legs

long legs long

legs finger

finger finger

so your fingers are these parts of your

body so

finger is a countable noun we count it

one finger

two finger three fingers and so on

pinky finger pinky finger

pinky finger

back back

back so your back is like the reverse

part of your body we think of this as

the front part

our back is behind us my back

hurts my back hurts

my back hurts

stomach stomach

so your stomach is the part of your body

that digests

food so we often talk about our stomach

because it feels uncomfortable

my stomach hurts my stomach hurts

my stomach hurts

chest chest

chest so your chest is the upper part of

the front of your body

i have chest pains i have chest pains

i have chest pains

january january


january is the first month of the year

in north america it is typically a cold


it’s very cold here in january it’s very

cold here in january

it’s very cold here in january

february february


so february has an interesting spelling

that first

r isn’t really pronounced february is

the shortest month with 28 days

february is the shortest month with 28


february is the shortest month with 28


march march

march march is the third month of the


we think of march as the time when

spring begins

it is now april so last month was march

it is now april so last month was march

it is now april so last month

was march april

april april

april is the fourth month of the year

and we think of this as a time when

flowers start to bloom

april showers bring may flowers

april showers bring may flowers

april showers bring may

flowers may

may may

may is the fifth month of the year we

think of may as just the time before

summer so the weather is typically

really really nice

and spring is in full like bloom

may 31st is world no smoking day

may 31st is world no smoking day

may 31st is world no

smoking day june

june june

june is the sixth month of the year it

feels a little bit warmer than may but


not quite summer a warm

june a warm june

a warm june

july july

july so july the seventh month of the

year is typically when many people think

of summer as beginning in the u.s

july is one of seven months with 31 days

july is one of seven months with 31 days

july is one of seven months with 31 days

august august

august august the eighth month of the

year tends to be

quite hot and there’s a lot of fun

summer activities to do

the school is closed in august

the school is closed in august

the school is closed

in august september

september september

september is kind of the beginning of

fall or autumn and it’s also typically

the time of year when students go back

to school

today is saturday september 10th

today is saturday september 10th

today is saturday september 10th

october october

october so

october is when the weather gets a

little bit cooler and we start to see

some popular autumn foods appearing

halloween falls on october 31st

falls on october 31st

halloween falls on october

31st november

november no

them burr so november is very well known

in the us

for having thanksgiving when we enjoy a

huge meal with family or friends

november is one of four months with 30


november is one of four months with 30


november is one of four months

with 30 days

december december

december december is the last month of

the year and we think of it as a time

for celebration

december 31st is new year’s eve

december 31st is new year’s eve

december 31st is new year’s eve

can can

can so can is used to mean

something we are able to do can

jump over can jump over

can jump over

zero zero

z row so zero is used to refer to the

number which means nothing

so we also read this as o sometimes

number zero number

zero number

zero one

one one

so one means the first number so we use

it anytime there’s a single

number of something one degree

one degree one

degree two

two two

so two is the second number we use it to

talk about

pairs or couples of things the number

two is my favorite number

the number two is my favorite number

the number two is my favorite number

three three

three so the third number in english

is the number three three dollars

three dollars three

dollars four

four four

so the fourth number in english is the

number four

keep in mind that the spelling is

different from for which means a purpose

number four number four

number four

five five

five so the next number is the number

five the starfish has five legs

the starfish has five legs

the starfish has five

legs six

six six

so the next number in our sequence is

the number six

we have a six day vacation next month

we have a six day vacation next month

we have a six day vacation

next month

seven seven

se then so the next number in this

sequence is the number

seven there are seven days in every week

there are seven days in every week

there are seven days in every

week eight

eight eight

so the next number is the number h this

has an interesting spelling it’s


eight eight is a lucky number

eight is a lucky number

eight is a lucky number

nine nine

nine so the next number in this series

is the number

nine nine floors

nine floors nine

floors ten

ten ten

so ten is the first double digit number

that means there are two

digits one and zero ten grams 10 grams

10 grams

salesmen salesmen

sales men so a salesman

is a male a man who sells things

car salesmen car salesmen

car sales men

manager manager

man a juror so a manager is a person at

a workplace that is responsible for

other people

department manager department manager

department manager

cook cook

cook so a cook is a person who makes


a cook is different from a chef in that

a chef went to school

a cook has their experience on the job

the cook fried an egg the cook fried an


the cook fried an egg

engineer engineer

engineer so an

engineer is a technology related job an

engineer can create things in many

different industries

i’m an engineer i’m an engineer

i am an engineer

programmer programmer

programmer so a programmer is a person


writes or who creates programs

i am a computer programmer

i’m a computer programmer

i am a computer programmer

nurse nurse

nurse so a nurse is someone who works at

a hospital or a clinic or at like a

nursing home

so they help patients the woman is a


the woman is a nurse the woman

is a nurse body

body ba d

so a body can be a human body it’s just

your actual body

all of your different parts we can also

use this for animals too

food is fuel for the body food is fuel

for the body

food is fuel for

the body head

head head

so head refers to this part of your body

the very top part

of your body head injuries are very


head injuries are very dangerous

head injuries are very

dangerous laugh

laugh laugh

so laugh can be used as either a noun or

as a verb so we use this when we

find something funny the couple is

laughing at a joke

the couple is laughing at a joke

the couple is laughing at

a joke delicious

delicious delicious

so delicious is a word we use when we

think something

tastes good we can use this for food or


chinese food is delicious chinese food

is delicious

chinese food is delicious

water water

water so water

is just the word we use for the thing we

drink the most basic thing to drink

can i have some water please can i have

some water please

can i have some water

please tea

tea tea

so tea is another very popular drink you

can have it cold or hot

would you like a cup of tea would you

like a cup of tea

would you like a cup of tea

coffee coffee

coffee coffee is yet another very

popular drink

we usually have this in the morning cup

of coffee

cup of coffee cup of

coffee beer

beer beer

so beer yet another very popular drink

for adults we usually enjoy beer

after work cold beer

cold beer cold

beer wine

wine wine

so wine is something that we tend to

enjoy with kind of special occasions or

we like to pair it with foods

glass of wine glass of wine

glass of wine

beef beef

beef so beef refers to

meat that comes from a cow this can mean

anything that comes from a cow beef


beef steak beef

steak chicken

chicken chicken

so chicken refers to the animal but also

the meat when you want to talk about one

like of the animal you can say

a chicken chicken can be fried

baked or roasted chicken can be fried

baked or roasted chicken

can be fried baked or

roasted pork

pork pork

so pork is another very popular meat we

often have it

at breakfast as bacon or maybe in the

evening as like a pork chop

pork is the meat from a pig pork is the

meat from a pig

pork is the meat from a pig

fish fish

fish so fish

is anything that comes from the ocean

anything that comes from the ocean or

from other

bodies of water chicken or fish

chicken or fish chicken

or fish

lamb lamb

lamb so lamb refers to

meat that comes from a baby sheep

lamb is extremely delicious lamb is

extremely delicious

lamb is extremely delicious

doctor doctor

doctor so a doctor is

a person who helps other people with

their health

if you get sick go to the doctor if you

get sick go to the doctor

if you get sick go to

the doctor police officer

police officer police

officer so a police officer is someone

in a city

that helps other people when they are in


i’ll ask a police officer for help

alaska police officer for help

i’ll ask a police officer for

help teacher

teacher teacher

so a teacher is someone who shares

information who helps students or other

people to learn something

english teacher english teacher

english teacher

employee employee

employee an employee is someone who

works at a company or someone who works


someone else female employee

female employee female

employee come

come come

so we use the verb come to mean to move

from one location

to the place where we are now the girl

came towards the video camera

the girl came towards the video camera

the girl came towards the video

camera c

c c

so we use the verb c to mean to use our

eyes to focus on something the tourists

saw the sunset

the tourists saw the sunset the tourists

saw the sunset

make make

make we use the verb make when we talk


creating something the chef makes orange


the chef makes orange juice

the chef makes orange

juice use

use use

so we use the verb use when we want to

talk about

like applying something or we want to

talk about

utilizing something for something else

the programmer used the computer

the programmer used the computer

the programmer used the computer

today today

today today means

this day we use this when we want to

talk about something that’s happening on

this day

like part of a schedule today’s homework

today’s homework today’s

homework yesterday

yesterday yesterday

so yesterday means the day before today

so you can use this word when you’re

talking about like past

actions yesterday morning yesterday


yesterday morning

tomorrow tomorrow

to mar oh so tomorrow

is like the opposite of yesterday it

means the day

after today so we use this when we’re

talking about our future plans

see you tomorrow see you tomorrow

see you tomorrow

week week

week so week refers to

seven days that seven day period so we


week when we want to talk about making

plans or schedules and so on

i’m busy this week i’m busy this week

i’m busy this week year

year year

so a year is 365

days so we use year when we’re talking

about points

in time like historical events

one year one year

one year

second second

second so second

refers to a very short period of time

so the amount of time that’s inside one

minute for example

there are 60 seconds in a minute

there are 60 seconds in a minute

there are 60 seconds

in a minute

minute minute

min so

minute refers to again a period of time

we learned that there are 60 seconds in

a minute and we can use

minutes when we’re talking about times

of day

three minutes three minutes

three minutes

hour hour

so an hour refers to one of those 24

blocks of time throughout the day i

sleep for eight hours every day

i sleep for eight hours every day i

sleep for eight hours

every day clock

clock clock

a clock is an object that we use to

understand what time of day it is we can


analog or digital alarm clock

alarm clock alarm

clock a clock

a clock a clock

so a clock is used after a number from 1

to 12

to show that it’s a specific hour

let’s meet at the station at nine


let’s meet at the station at nine


let’s meet at the station at nine

o’clock calendar

calendar calendar

so a calendar is something we use to

understand the dates

of the year there are 12 months on

a typical calendar i marked our

anniversary on the calendar

i marked our anniversary on the calendar

i marked our anniversary

on the calendar

monday monday

monday so monday is for most people

the first day of the work week

i go to work on monday i go to work on


i go to work on monday

tuesday tuesday

tuesday tuesday is for most people

the second day of the work week

tuesday january 1st tuesday january 1st

tuesday january 1st

wednesday wednesday

wednesday so wednesday is the middle day

of the week but

keep in mind this is pronounced

wednesday there’s a d

there but we don’t say wednesday we say

wednesday wednesday the 18th

wednesday the 18th wednesday

the 18th

thursday thursday

thursday so thursday

is the fourth day of the work week the

day that comes before

friday so most people get a little bit

excited for friday and thus thursday

is kind of the day when some people

start their weekends a little bit early


january 3rd thursday january 3rd

thursday january 3rd

friday friday

friday so friday is the last day of the

work week

and lots of people get excited about

friday and they do things on friday

nights with their friends or their


are you free this friday are you free

this friday

are you free this

friday saturday

saturday saturday

so saturday is the first day of the

weekend lots of people choose to

do things like their hobbies or maybe

take a trip somewhere

it’s a day to relax for lots of people

saturday night saturday night

saturday night

sunday sunday

sun day so sunday

is the last day of the weekend usually

sunday tends to be a more relaxing day

so we’re kind of recharging a little bit

and taking it easy sunday morning


sunday morning breakfast

sunday morning breakfast

do do

do so do is used when we’re

referring to some kind of activity we’re

making something happen

we are taking care of something do


do homework do homework

go go

go so the verb go

means to move from one place to another


we use this when we’re traveling or

maybe even

when we’re talking about some place we

would like to go or like to travel to

go to the park go to the park

go to the park

hello hello

hello hello is the most basic greeting

that you can use

you can use it with your friends with

your family members with your coworkers

any time of day is fine hello how have

you been

hello how have you been hello

how have you been

excuse me excuse me

excuse me so excuse me is the expression

you can use when you bump into somebody

or when you need to interrupt somebody

who’s working on something

it’s a nice like apology expression to


excuse me how much is this excuse me

how much is this excuse me

how much is this

i’m sorry i’m sorry

i’m sorry so

we use i’m sorry in cases where

we make a mistake so i did something

wrong or i did something bad

i use i’m sorry to apologize

i’m sorry it was a typo i’m sorry

it was a typo i’m sorry

it was a typo

good night good night

good night so good night is the

expression we use

at the end of the day when we want to

say goodbye to someone

or when we want to wish our family

members a good night of sleep

good night grandma good night grandma

good night grandma

nice to meet you nice to meet you

nice to meet you

so nice to meet you is the expression we

use the first time we meet someone we

don’t use this like the second or the

third time we see someone

only for the first time please come in

nice to meet you please come in nice to

meet you

please come in nice

to meet you how are you

how are you how are

you so how are you is used as a very

general greeting when we see our

co-worker for the first time

or we see a classmate for the first time

we ask

how are you meaning what’s your

condition right now

it’s been a long time how are you

it’s been a long time how are you

it’s been a long time

how are you

yes yes

yes so yes is the word we use to agree

with something or

to show we think something is good or

correct you can use yes

in any of those cases yes this one


yes this one please yes

this one please

no no

no so no is the opposite of yes

we use it when we want to disagree or


that we think something is not good or

is maybe not the best

option no i haven’t eaten yet

no i haven’t eaten yet no

i haven’t eaten yet

thank you thank you

thank you so thank you is used to

express your appreciation for something

you can use this after you receive a

gift or someone does something for you

thank you very much for the invitation

thank you very much for the invitation

thank you very much for the invitation

i’m i’m

i’m so i’m is the reduced form of

i and am becomes i’m make sure to

clearly pronounce that

m sound like when you’re introducing


i’m john i’m john

i’m john

goodbye goodbye

good bye so goodbye is one way to

say like something at the end of the day

usually to say

bye to someone goodbye sounds a little

bit more formal than just

bi but you can use it to sound polite


see you again goodbye see you again

good bye see you again

bad bad

bad okay so bad is a word that means

not good you can use it to describe

something you

don’t like or that you think is


be careful of bad people be careful of

bad people

be careful of bad people

good good

good so good is the opposite of bad

you can use it when you want to express

that you like something or that you

think something is positive

my teacher is a good person my teacher’s

a good person

my teacher is a good person

pretty pretty

pretty so pretty is used to describe

someone or something’s physical

appearance something that we think

is beautiful i have a pretty girlfriend

i have a pretty girlfriend i have

a pretty girlfriend

ugly ugly

ugly so ugly is the opposite of pretty

we use this word to describe something

that we think is not pleasing or is


ugly face ugly face

ugly face

easy easy

easy so easy

is used to talk about something that is

not difficult it’s maybe something

that’s simple

to do easy exam

easy exam easy

exam difficult

difficult de fe

cult so difficult describe something

that is hard or something that is

challenging to do difficult problem

difficult problem difficult


near near

near near is used to talk about

something that is close to us

it’s something that we can go to quickly

and easily

i live near the university i live near

the university

i live near the university

far far

far so far is the opposite of near

far means something that is at great


from something else there’s like a long

way to get to something

the station is far from here the station

is far from here

the station is far from here

small small

small so small is the opposite of big

we use it to describe things that are

little you can use it for

concepts for objects or for people

small mistake small mistake

small mistake

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