How To Improve Your English Writing Skills In 30 Days FULL Lesson

this is the basic setup of an essay you

have the introduction the body and the

conclusion however there are five

different essay writing styles the first

one is your opinion

this style focuses on properly

expressing your opinion about a specific

topic or subject then you have the

information style it focuses on

delivering information logically about a

specific topic or subject then you have

the storytelling style the style focuses

on providing an engaging experience for

the reader and you have the prove a

point style it focuses on giving solid

or good proof for a point you have about

a specific topic or subject and finally

you have the summary style and this

style focuses on condensing or making

smaller or shorter a large amount of

information into a smaller piece of


now each style uses a different type of

outline and today I am going to teach

you the 30 day plan that will help you

master all five styles welcome to speak

English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany let’s jump right in days 1 to 6

now from days 1 to 6 we are going to

focus on the your opinion style so day 1

pick and find for this day you need to

pick one topic from the 10 example

topics given then you need to find an

article to read that discusses that

topic now I want to show you something

really quickly even though I have given

you 10 topic examples or ideas right

here you can choose your own if you like

but for this example for this video I’ve

chosen number 5 how can a person become

successful so I start out by using this

topic example and I can go to a

newspaper I can go to a magazine or I

can even go online to a blog or some

other source you can also use a book if

you find a book that talks about the

that you’ve chosen you can also use a

book as well now the important thing to

remember is that reading affects writing

you’re trying to learn how to write

better in English which means you need

to read more English articles or books

or magazines alright so step 2 day 2 is

analyze and rewrite for this day you

need to analyze the article then you

want to rewrite portions of the article

in your notebook this is so you can

verify that you understood the article

so again you see right here I have

highlighted one to three different

sections and I’m transferring them to my

notebook now it is important to remember

that you need to use your own words so

let me show you an example of what I

mean okay so right here is the original

article the article that I read now the

article has three different sections

that I’ve highlighted that I want to

analyze so let’s start with this first

section and see how I rewrote it so this

is what I wrote Forbes magazine said

that Bill Gates is one of the most

successful people in the world okay well

I mentioned Forbes magazine and Forbes

is right here then I mentioned Bill

Gates and Bill Gates is right here and I

also said that he was a very successful

man and they have that right here as

well but I didn’t use the word according

so I chose to delete that word and to

rewrite things in my own words then I

continued by saying in 2012 he was worth

about seventy six point eight billion

dollars now right here I have 2012 and I

also have that right here then I said he

is worth seventy six point eight billion

dollars now that’s also right here but

what you’ll see is they said net worth

and approximately instead I said he’s


about so instead of approximately I used

about and then I said he is really rich

now in the article they said filthy rich

filthy rich just means extremely rich

it’s an English expression so I didn’t

say filthy rich instead I said really

rich so this is how I rewrote the first

section of the article I read now I

continued in the second part right here

so I said a person’s aim and purpose

affect their success in other words it’s

not just about their money so in this

section they have one two three four

sentences and I only wrote one two

sentences I rewrote it in my own words

now for the third section for our

example I said the second thing is to

write why they want to do it the third

thing is to write down the expected

result so you see I have the second

thing and third thing in the article

they also mentioned the second and the

third but there’s is a lot longer than

what I wrote because I rewrote it in my

own words this is what you want to

practice doing on day two so let’s keep

going to day three imitate and summarize

for this day you need to read through

the article again and find three to five

new patterns then you will summarize the

article in ten sentences or more using

at least two to three of the patterns

you found so as you’ll notice in this

example there’s one two three four five

different patterns that will be applied

to the summary that I will do of the

article okay now I want you to remember

that this summary right here is not the

summary essay style that we’re gonna go

over later this is summarizing an

article which means it’s just a short

summary okay for practice this is a

short summary so you need to remember

also to pick

three key points okay let me show you an

example of this so on the left side

you’ll see the original article now this

is a very long article that I read

through because I wanted to show you how

to summarize so in the center right here

you’ll see that we have the breakdown

for how to summarize an article okay a

short summary so first we have the main

purpose then we have the key points and

then we have your opinion now you’ll

also notice that I have plus one pattern

that means in each section of your

summary you want to try to use one

pattern from the article that you read

now it’s very tiny but I still will

underline this is one pattern it says

not simply on it means not only or not

just one then we have have the compass

remember a compass is used for direction

okay and then we have true success so

I’m gonna take these patterns and apply

them to my summary over here and we see

true success not simply based on and

also have the compass so let’s look at

my summary real quick

the main purpose it says this article

focused on explaining the writer’s

definition of true success so I’ve given

the main purpose right there continue it

mentioned that success is not simply

based on money and it talked about a few

different types of success various

people want who and what so various

people and what they want right but the

writer did quote Forbes magazine and

said how much Bill Gates a very

successful man was worth in 2012 so I’ve

mentioned when 2012 I’ve mentioned where

and I mentioned why we’re in Forbes

magazine and why he’s very successful

alright so this first section of my

summary is done now the second section

we started off it says there were three

points in the article well right here

the number of key points done first you

must write down your goals point number

one done second you must write down the

reasons for your goals

point number two done third you must

write down the expected results point

number three done finally these were the

three key points the summary remember

summary is very very short when you’re

summarizing an article not an essay form

just summarizing an article so this

section for the key points is done and

finally your opinion section we say at

the end of the article it said these

three things have the compass that will

lead to true success right here the

conclusion and I completely agree my

opinion so your opinion goes there so

all three of these sections can be found

in my summary of the original article

okay this is how you do for day three

now let’s go on to day number four

decide and research for this day you

need to decide what your opinion is on

the topic then you need to do research

to find support for your opinion and

finally you’ll fill in the outline with

the information remember day 1 2 & 3

were focused on someone else’s opinion

some article that you read but now

you’re going to go into your opinion and

writing your own ideas now it’s

important that you apply the information

you found to the outline so let’s look

at the outline for the your opinion

style now on the Left right here this is

the important outline for the first

essay writing style all right so we have

three sections the first section is

introduction second section is the body

and the third section is your conclusion

now for the introduction for the

introduction section there’s three parts

so definition or general explanation

your opinion stated briefly and three

supports so let’s go

over here remember before we chose how

to be successful as the topic that we

were going to use for this week okay all

right so the first thing is definition

or general explanation well I said

success is the accomplishment of an aim

or purpose that’s the definition that I

gave all right then next my opinion you

become successful by believing in

yourself that’s my opinion okay now

three supports I’m gonna give an example

of Steve Jobs Martin Luther King and

Usain Bolt

those are my three supports okay all

right now let’s move on to the second

section of our outline the body so we

have three details about support number

one well support number one was Steve


so right here Steve Jobs I have one

believed he could create a better

computer to started Apple and three one

of the top computers which is the

computer he created those are the three

details about my support which was Steve

Jobs then Martin Luther King very

quickly he believed he could change

society he helped to stop segregation

and he was the leader of the civil

rights movement now I want to pause real

quick remember what you’re doing right

now is organizing your thoughts before

you write a paper in English you must

have a clear idea of what you want to

say and the order in which you want to

say it this outline is gonna help you so

much when you start writing okay all

right next we have Usain Bolt and I said

believed he could beat World Records

broke world records and he became the

fastest man in the world okay so section

two is done now section three the

conclusion section restate your opinion

so right here I said the foundation of

success is believing in yourself well I

am restating my opinion why because up


I said believing in yourself okay all

right now the next thing is to summarize

your points the greatest

samples are Steve Jobs MLK Martin Luther

King and Usain both I’ve summarized them

and finally write my final statement the

last thing that I want to say that you

want to say believe in yourself and you

can succeed at anything now

this is the outline I’m gonna use to

write my essay or my paper talking about

my opinion all right now day 5 write and

rewrite for this day you need to write

the first draft of your essay based on

your outline okay the outline that we

did then you need to rewrite the same

essay again now this is the part that

may be a bit shocking because right here

you’ve already written your essay why do

you have to write it again you see what

happens is when you rewrite your essay

you actually find points in your essay

that you want to change things that you

want to maybe eliminate or emphasize

that is the key for this day eliminate

and emphasize maybe there’s a word that

you want to say a different way so you

change it on this side or maybe you feel

like one point of your paper was going a

little bit into too much detail and you

wanted to take it out that’s why you

rewrite and when you rewrite it makes

you have a better paper now for time

we’re going to keep going to save time

day six review for this day your main

focus is reviewing what you did over the

past five days you can review the parts

that you feel you need to practice more

and you can also practice with different

topics so it’s up to you how you want to

review on this day all right now days 7

to 12 the information essay style now

remember in our past week days 1 2 3 4 5

& 6 I expressed in detail what you had

to do actually there are similarities

for days 7 to 12

now here’s we’re gonna do so day 7 and

day 10 are different but day 8 day 9 and

day 11 are the same

as day to day three and day five now day

twelve is a little bit different because

on this day you simply have to relax you

don’t study you don’t write anything you

just relax remember your brain needs

time to relax as well so what we’re

gonna do is we’re going to look at day

seven and look at the different topics

we have and also we’re gonna look at day

ten to see the outline style for

information essays okay all right so

let’s jump right in remember day seven

is the first thing alright pick and find

for this day again you need to pick one

topic from the ten topic examples given

then you need to find an article to read

that discusses that topic well up until

this point everything seems the same but

you’ll notice right here that these

topics are different remember we’re

talking about the information style okay

so it’s not about your opinion it’s

about giving information so some

examples I gave were a famous person in

history all about water wonders of the


the brain plants tropical animals modern

technology the power of the ocean

America or another country or ancient

architecture now remember you can choose

a different topic okay you can choose a

different topic but these example topics

will give you kind of a head start okay

a head start as you prepare and study

and improve your writing skills now for

this one I chose all about water which

was number two this is the one I want to

focus on for our example okay so we’re

gonna skip to day number ten remember

day eight and nine are the same as the

previous week so decide and research for

this day you need to get the important

information on the topic remember we

chose all about water then you need to

do research to find the main aspects of

the topic finally you’re gonna fill in

the outline with that information so I

chose water

so I’m going to be looking for aspects

of water okay I’m looking for aspects of

water and the important thing you need

to remember is to apply this information

to the outline all right so let’s look

at the information outline this is the

outline you are going to use for the

information essay style now don’t worry

you can download the PDF that explains

all of this by clicking the link in the

description okay so don’t worry but

let’s keep going all right so this is

also broken up into three different

sections we have the introduction

section the body section and the

conclusion section now in the

introduction section you’ll notice that

the first thing is give a general

statement about the topic so what I’ve

done is over here I’ve given a fact I

said 71% of the earth’s surface is

covered by water well that’s a general

statement about water then the second

thing is the background the five W’s

remember the who what when where and why

so what I did was I said for who all

living things what need water

when daily where the world and why to

survive okay these are facts about water

and animals and human beings that need

water then three main aspects of water

natural springs lakes and rivers and the

ocean so the introduction is giving kind

of a precursor or information in advance

about the topic we’re going to discuss

okay now let’s go down to the body so I

need to give aspect one two and three

and pick one w to talk about for each

aspect so let’s go here and let’s see

what I did

so for natural springs one aspect I

chose to use was attributed to or apply

to when and I said in the past people

would drink from them then I went to

lakes and rivers and I chose what and I

said many are polluted these days and

finally the ocean I said where I said

6.5 percent of all the world’s water is

there so I’ve picked one W for each of

the aspects and finally the conclusion

all right remember this is what you’re

also going to do on this day now I need

to restate the aspects say the lesson

learned and the future so this is what

you’re going to do this is the example

I’ve given natural springs lakes and

rivers in the ocean then for lesson

learned water is important and it is

everywhere in the future our water

sources need to be protected so I’ve

given all of the information necessary

for the information essay style outline

okay and then I can write an amazing

paper based on this outline in this

order all right so let’s go on to days

13 to 18 the storytelling style now

again like before day one today six we

went over in detail each section now

four days 13 to 18 we’ll see the

similarities so day 14 is the same as

day to day 15 is the same as day three

and day 18 is the same as day 6 but day

13 and day 16 are different because the

topics and the outline style are

different and on day 17 is a little

different because I want to give you an

example of how to write a story I’ve had

some students in my past classes who had

trouble writing stories so I want to

actually show you an example okay

so let’s jump right into this part day


pick and find for this day you need to

pick one topic from the 10 example

topics given then you need to find an

article to read that discusses that

topic now this is again very similar but

what you’ll see right here is I’ve given

you 10 examples of a story type and you

can look for it can be a story about

love or friendship or family travel

school life work life fear success

adventure kindness or anything else

alright so what I did was I chose to do

a story about travel okay so

I decided to use number four and do a

story about travel which means that I

had to go to the internet or to a

newspaper or to magazine and find a

story or article that talked about

travel okay now remember reading affects

writing so if I read a good story you

know affect my writing style as well so

day 16 remember we skip me forward

day 16 decide and set up for this day

you need to decide what your story is

going to be about okay then you need to

set up the basic information for your

story and finally fill in the outline

with the information okay so you’ll

notice in this section right here the

setup of the story this is the general

setup you’re going to use when you’re

setting up a story because you have to

determine the basic story determine the

background the characters the climax the

conclusion and the lesson learned now

it’s important to apply this information

to your outline so let’s look at the

outline for a storytelling now it’s

basically what I just showed you however

I want to explain these to you you see

the basic story gives the focus and the

main idea the background gives the

details about the setting the characters

introduce the people to the story the

climax gives the problem to be solved

the conclusion tells how the story ends

okay you’re gonna tell how the story

ends and lesson learned

explain what you learned okay all right

so remember I chose a story about

travels so my story needs to be about

travel so I’m gonna choose for my basic

story I’m gonna say a young man who

traveled around the world with his

friends for the background I’m gonna say

Paris for the characters I’m gonna

choose John his friends and a taxi


they met in Paris for the climax I’m

gonna say a car accident in the middle

of the night for the conclusion

they had no money but they made lots of

friends and the lesson learned I’m gonna

say always do the right thing and good

things will happen so again before I

even started writing my story I actually

have all of the information in my

outline so let’s keep going today’s 17

because I want to show you an example of

this write and rewrite remember for this

day you need to write the first draft of

your story based on your outline then

you need to rewrite the same story again

and I’ve explained why that’s important


eliminating and emphasizing so let’s

look at my story and see how it turned

out here we go a story about travel last

year John and his friends decided to

take a trip around the world they

visited tons of countries but one of

their favorite places was Paris it was

beautiful ok so what’s happened in this

section right here I’ve already given

you the basic story and the background

let’s keep going they loved all of the

museums and the people but one night

something happened that they would never

forget after a night of hanging out they

were driving along a dark road then

suddenly they slammed into the back of a

taxi for a moment they thought about

speeding off but then they saw that the

driver had been hurt so instead they

decided to stay and take responsibility

for what they had done they called for

help and took the taxi driver to the

hospital then they paid for his entire

medical bill ok let’s pause really

quickly the story’s gonna continue but

we have the characters we have the

climax now we’re waiting for the

conclusion let’s keep going a few days

later after the taxi driver had

recovered he thanked them over and over

again for not leaving him on the side of

the road he introduced them to his

family and they all spent a wonderful

time together so again what was my

conclusion no money but they made lots

of friends so in this section right here

that’s where I have shown that to be

true right in this section right here ok

let’s close this one off

there now we need the lesson learned the

last sentence says so even though the

young men had no more money they did

have some new friends so this right here

is the lesson learned I’ve told a great

story because I have all of these in my

story from the storytelling outline okay

great job let’s keep going

now we’re going today’s 19 to 24 the

prove a point essay style now again so

day one today six we looked at in detail

so four days 19 to 24

let’s see where the similarities are so

day 20 is similar to day to day 21 is

similar to day three and day 23 is

similar to day five now day 24 is just a

relaxed day I know you will enjoy that

all right now for day nineteen and day

22 we have different topics and a

different outline so let’s jump right in

at day 19 and day 22 alrighty 19 pick

and find for this day you need to pick

one topic from the 10 example topics

given then you need to find an article

to read the discusses that topic again

same as the previous ones okay so right

here we have 10 example topics now what

you’ll notice here is that I have

underlined certain parts of these

examples the reason I underlined them is

because you can change this part for

example I said all children should learn

how to play sports well you can change

that you can say all children should

learn how to play music or play a

musical instrument okay you can change

that part so it’s up to you now again

these are just examples to kind of give

you a head start when you’re trying to

practice and improve your writing skills

okay all right now for this example

though what I did was I decided to

choose no television for young children

which actually is number five okay

number five is what I chose to use for

my example okay and again reading

affects writing so I’m going to read an


it talks about children not watching

television okay so day 20 to decide and

research for this day you need to decide

your position then you need to do

research to find examples that support

your arguments finally you will fill in

the outline with the information okay by

applying the information to the outline

now here you’ll notice it says argument

number one number two and number three

so let’s look at an example okay for the

prove a point

outline now this is the outline that you

will use for this essay style okay we

have the first section introduction then

the body and then the conclusion now

what you’ll notice is when you’re trying

to prove a point the introduction is a

little bit different alright so right

here you see it says attention-grabber

now I explained this in my series on how

to write an essay you can click the link

in the top right of the screen if you

want to find out more about that but an


the purpose of an attention-grabber is

just to get the attention of the reader

all right so from my attention-grabber

I chose to give a fact all right so we

have the fact right here birth to age

three sees the fastest rate of brain

development in the entire human lifespan

this is a fact that I found online

alright now the next thing is your

thesis statement so my opinion so what

happened let’s circle that right there

watching television too early is not

good for babies that’s my opinion that’s

my point then three arguments right here

I said they zone out when watching TV TV

lowers their attention span and can make

them violent okay those are my three

arguments now I move down into the body

section right here and the purpose is to

give a detail and an example for each of

my arguments all right so let’s get

started now argument number one they

zone out when watching so detail staring

at the screen example my nephew watching

commercials all right let’s keep going

lowers their attention span fast moving

pictures that’s the detail and my

friend’s daughter can’t sit still during

reading time that’s the example so you

notice for the next one I did the same

thing can make them violent I said

showing aggressive behavior and then

example on the news a child found a

weapon and hurt another child all right

and finally now for the conclusion

section so what happens I need to

restate summarize and write my final

statement so restate children should not

watch television and summarize zone out

low attention span increased violence

and final statement television is not

bad but it should be limited for

children all right so I filled out the

outline for the prove a point essay

style and now I can write my essay based

on this outline all right let’s move on

to the final days of days 25 to 30 the

summary essay style all right

so again we have these six that we

already went over now day 25 - day 30 so

day 26 day 27 and day 30 they are the

same as day two three and six and day 29

is where I’m going to give you all an

example of how to do a proper summary to

help you all because some of you have to

do summaries for school and day 25 and

day 28 are a little different because

again their topics and the outline style

are different okay all right day 25 pick

and find so for this day you need to

pick one topic from the ten example

topics then you need to find an article

to read that discusses that topic so for

this one here are the ten example topics

and I also included them in the free PDF

so don’t worry they’re in the PDF the

link is in the description but I chose

examples for example that dealt with

health or sleeping habits or weather or

current events finance

art music fashion entertainment sports

book reviews these are the type of

articles that you can look up when you

want to practice doing this style but

what I chose was our

on the benefits of healthy eating okay

again remember reading affects writing

so day 28

remember we fast forwarded because 26

and 27 were the same all right

skim and arrange now this word skim

remember skim just means to read over

briefly or quickly okay to read over

quickly let’s do this cue like this


okay so skim and arrange for this day

you need to skim through the article

again looking for important points then

you need to arrange the information in

order of importance and finally you will

fill in the outline with the information

now arranging the information there

gonna be lots of points in the article

that seem to be important but you need

to arrange them in their order of

importance and you need to find out

which ones to keep and which ones to

eliminate okay this is why this step is

so important all right okay so look for

the most important pieces of information

don’t forget that so here’s an example

for the summary outline remember this on

the left right here is what the outline

looks like for the summary essay style

again we have the introduction section

the body section and the conclusion

section now remember this is completely

separate from the previous summer we did

this is a summary essay style alright so

let’s get started so first we have the

main purpose and what did I do

to explain the benefits of eating

healthy that’s the main purpose then the

five W’s so I have four who I wrote all

adults for what I wrote how to eat


four when written last year four we’re

in the USA and four why many adults were

sick so the introduction is done now

moving on to the body I need to write

the number of key points each point plus

the description and in the summary of

the key points so looking here in the

body section I wrote I have three

keypoints then I wrote each point right

here and the next to it I wrote the

description in this section so key point

one gives more energy then I said you

throughout the day

point two helps people think better

description enhances concentration and

helps prevent disease is number three

and I said provides needed nutrients

okay now for the summary I just said

it’s above remember the outline is just

my notes or your notes before you write

your essay and finally the conclusion

you’re going to describe the ending and

then give your opinion so here we go

eating healthy is important for all

adults then I also have it emphasized

that food affects a person’s life so I’m

giving the ending of the article and

then finally my opinion I realized the

importance of eating healthy so I will

use this to write my summary of the

article that talked about the benefits

of eating healthy now write and rewrite

for this day you need to write the first

draft of your summary based on your

outline then you need to rewrite the

same summary again eliminating and

emphasizing so let’s jump right into the

example alright so you see right here we

have the outline right now let’s jump

into how I summarized remember the

article was about eating healthy so

introduction main purpose well where’s

my main purpose this article was written

in order to show the benefits of eating

healthy very good that’s my main purpose

now I’m looking for the five W’s where

are they it focused mainly on all adults

who live and work in America

the article made a point to show how

they can eat healthy especially on a

daily basis it was written on December

20th of last year which was close to

Christmas the exact place that the

article talked about was the United

States which we already have right here

America which is quite populated it

focused on America because so many

American adults were sick last year so

we’ve answered the why the what the

where the win

the who now we’re going to move to the

body section okay the number of key

points the article included many

important points but there were three

key points done next each key point plus

the description the first key point was

eating healthy gives more energy that

can be used throughout the day

done the second key point was eating

healthy helps people think better by

enhancing their ability to concentrate

while working good and finally the third

key point was eating healthy helps

prevent diseases by providing the body

with the nutrients that it needs done

now the summary of the key points these

were the three key points or major

points stated in the article done but I

also added in general the article used

these points to encourage adults to

think about their health more great now

this is done as well

now finally the conclusion describe the

ending and your opinion so I said the

last portion of the article said that

eating healthy is important for all

adults done it emphasized once again

that the food a person eats will affect

their entire life now my opinion after

reading this article I also began to

realize the importance of eating healthy

so we have completely written our

summary because we follow the summary

style outline now you will master all

five styles now remember if you want to

download this 30-day plan please click

the link in the description this

download includes all of the information

from this video including all of the

example topics so you can follow it from

day one all the way to day 30 and

improve your English writing skills and

remember to look to the left of your

screen and watch another of my English

video lessons that is just for you and

as always remember to speak English