45 English Situations of the Social Communication



one blockbuster

dialogue 1

Nancy where is new I got two tickets

just now let’s catch a flick sounds nice

is there anything worthwhile Madagascar

to escape Africa that must be a

blockbuster I don’t even know if I’m

black with white stripes or white with

black stripes see that zebra is really

funny in the Madagascar one come on I

can’t wait

dialogue to

Rose have you watched eight below of

course a movie lover as me how do you

find the movie you know I love it so


especially those cuddly dogs so have you

planned to buy a sled dog oh that should

be great but I have had a chihuahua

breeding two dogs together is not a big

deal come on I’m already pissed off by

the little he pees everywhere and barks

all day long I have been getting

interested in raising a sled dog

to music fan

dialogue 1

Mike have you heard new hit single of

Black Eyed Peas

not yet did they release a new album

oops what’s wrong hey come on I just

focus on something else recently okay


but my humps hits the chart of Billboard

top ten this week is that spending all

your money on me and on me you bet

sounds cool have you heard that they may

give gigs somewhere No

dialogue to

what kind of music do you like Lee it’s

hard to say but I prefer folk music what

about hip-hop

oh it’s so difficult for me to

understand the rap sometimes I can’t


they always create new slang I think the

lyrics have so many violence and sex

Affairs in it yep you’re right

why don’t they sing something beautiful

like love and friendship

who knows maybe they want to indicate

the changing society sorta aha you got


three showbiz

dialogue 1

hey have you heard that Angelina Juliet

is pregnant she just gave birth to a

twin the star says it might be the twin

again again oh my she is on the ball in

pregnancy let’s see

mad packs Z Shiloh Vivian

knocks and the two newcomers plus the

couple they could be a soccer team she

must be on top of the world because she

once said she loves to take challenge

but don’t you think it’s weird to have

so many kids that might be the reason

they keep to be point men do you mean it

is the way to hype who knows

I’ll log too

hey Bill what’s that the latest tape of

Paris Hilton naked in bath once again I

don’t like her but how could we hate her

an American media’s princess she’s just

a babe

a babe do you call an American socialite

heiress television personality

businesswoman actress author singer and

model a babe

she’s franc nice but doesn’t know how to

hide how to protect herself do you mean

she is still wet behind the ears even

she owns so many titles Conda his naked

tape radio the only way she uses to

catch paparazzi’s camera I don’t know

but I know she is a fat cat and she can

do anything she wants


football match

dialogue 1

may I join in you

Barcelona is playing Numancia Barcelona

is in excellent trim oh I missed the

first half was there any goal no only

two yellow cards of each team what about

Lionel Messi just at 50th Alves makes a

header to the goal area and Messi scored

on a push he is really a big gun he is

always a threat to the new Montse

defense with his darting runs and pace

Numancia knew what they were doing on

the pitch but Barcelona is lucky to have

good players

dialogue to

here comes Davis and a goal

it’s a dream start for Newcastle what a

way to answer his critics

so soon look Lewis has got a chance to

shoot here oh it’s in it is level one

one and now number eleven Robert a free

header they’ve conceded two goals in

quick succession without reply

that’s a devastating blow for Newcastle

now can they come back from it

five NBA tournament

dialogue 1

I like watching NBA

same here NBA is the highest level

professional basketball league right

although it has been founded about only

sixty years it has become one of the

best commercial operated sports now NBA

has thirty teams about 1,000 players so

cool NBA is the kingdom of money if you

have fantastic skills can bring the

victory to your team and bring the

happiness to your fans then you will be

a super money bag but I think the most

important thing also the most enjoyable

thing is watching the NBA games

dialogue to

you see the game last morning of course

there was nobody that wants to miss this

significant battle it was very important

for the Rockets to entry the playoff

yeah and the Lakers did not want to lose

their leading position so they played a

very intense game for basketball fans

frankly speaking I thought the Lakers

didn’t make every effort to play this

game why do you have this idea

the Lakers superstar Kobe did not attend

this match but others of the Lakers

played a great match did not they that

is right so I was basically satisfied

with the game

shopping mall promotion


hi Nancy where are you going

the shopping mall over the cross what

are you going to buy all the brands are

in sales promotion even 80% off the

price really can I go with you

I haven’t dreamt a fur coat for a long

time it’s the very time to buy you don’t

need to tighten the belt right it costs

an arm and a leg in a non promotion

season but don’t hold your breath it’s

not the first day of the promotion it

doesn’t matter just have a look

dialogue to

look at the catalogue John I think I

want to get this red blouse this is on

sale now don’t you have one like this in

blue yeah but I don’t have a red one do

you need every color in the rainbow yes

I won’t miss that this is this woman how

do you prepare to pay for that I will

use my credit card for that but credit

cards still have to be paid off you are

just like my old grandma once I get a

job I’ll pay them off immediately


fashion trend

dialogue 1

are you doing needlework uh-huh I just

want to make something for my baby

it’s called cross stitch it’s really a

knockout is that difficult it’s quite

easy firstly you can buy a pack of

material and make the needle in X shape

make sure the stitch covers the thread

of four directions it sounds complicated

it’s not my style

sweetie someday you will marry someone

you need to learn this plenty of fish in

the sea why not I find someone who knows

how to do this

dialogue to

said you just came back from India yes I

went there to learn the professional

yoga you know India is the cradle of

yoga sounds great is it really good for

body of course Yoga is a traditional

physical and mental discipline each pose

is a benefit to the relevant part of

your body like bridge pose cat pose why

not run a club in this community and

teach us I still need to kick around

with family don’t worry I can sell your

parents on this idea



dialogue 1

how about your last trip in Yunnan Jane

and I are planning to go there it was

really a wonderful trip the snow

mountains old towns and warmly

minorities all reminded me of the old

times what do I need to pay attention to

that’s the point try to knock off a half

when you want to buy something

the sellers always like to push those

tourists around something else take some

medicine with you especially on car

sickness oh I nearly forgot it will

little Jack go along with you no he will

be here with his grandma that’s a short

trip and I don’t want to have a third


dialogue to

what do you plan to do in your vacation

I plan to go abroad where do you plan to

go London

oh that’s interesting you’ll visit the

Big Ben will you of course maybe I can

go when I have enough money it’s not

expensive how much $1,000 it is still a

big sum for me

9x game

dialogue 1

dad could you tell me something about

x-games honey why do you want to know

that I’m preparing for my homework let’s

get the ball rolling there are two big

competitions winter x-games and summer x

games both held in United States how

many games do they have now the current

games include seven categories like

freestyle BMX motocross skateboarding

rallying skiing snowboarding and

snowmobiling what about bungee jumping

it can be a game but not for

professional competition oh okay that’s

enough here are some references for you

keep your behavior

dialogue to

before we climb make sure you have all

necessaries on you Bob tell me what they


rope helmet climbing shoes harness and

belay devices well done you have

practiced several times on our indoor

climbing wall but this time the aim is

totally different it’s real rock you

mean that we have no bolts to rely on

right not exactly as this is your first

time climbing on rock we have already

pre placed several bolts what about the

hand holds that depends on your own

experience but make sure if the hand

holds are loose or not will you lead the

route no I’ll hit you with the problem

in gymnasium

dialogue 1

good morning madam what can I do for you

I want to join in your club welcome what

kind of cards do you want to buy we

offer three kinds one year half a year

and one month what about the cost

fifteen hundred eight hundred and two

hundred for each what games can I

practice all kinds of games in our club

like belly dance yoga ballet swimming

and so on

sounds nice let’s jump on it I’m sorry

madam we still need your ID card copy oh

my god I lost it

dialogue to

before we practice who can tell me the

origin of belly dance is that from

Middle East correct

it’s a term for a traditional Arab dance

form in Arabic language it refers to a

dance of country how do we master belly

rolls that’s the core of the dance

before we learn that let’s do some

warming up stand still

put your hands anywhere comfortable

anywhere comfortable don’t butt in


suck in your gut and try to push your

belly button back to touch the spine

hold it hold it as long as you can how

do we adjust breath okay

relax and breathe that can help us to

keep our stomach flat repeat this

movement several times a day it comes



secret of beauty

dialogue 1

Ling I heard that some of Chinese

cuisine are very useful to keep women

pretty of course the Chinese cuisine can

be traced back to some 400 thousand

years ago could you tell me some dishes

that I could try at home which effect do

you want to try effect whitening

slimming zit problem or cup upping I see

whitening why not use papaya and milk

peel of papaya rinse and cut into chunks

boil the water put the papaya chunks

into water stew for 10 minutes and put a

pack of milk after 2 minutes remove and

wait until cool sprinkle the 2 teaspoons

of honey and serve no wonder you are

always in pink

dialogue to

what should i do Lucy

it’s wrong I just saw some flex on my

face how to get rid of them

oh my mom once told me to eat tomatoes

because it contains much vitamin C does

it work a little I usually use juicer to

squeeze tomatoes and add some honey God

how long should I drink I have a date

with Jack tomorrow dear hold your horses

right beauty comes in lovers eyes that’s

it don’t have a cow


shopping online

dialogue 1

valentine’s day again Mike

yes have you booked the rose not yet

fifty bucks for just one rose that’s

really a ripoff but you still need to

come on I’ll give you a good gimmick I

bought it online yesterday and asked

them to deliver today does it save bucks

you bet

more than a half because it was still a

common stuff yesterday you are so shrewd

just click the mouse and you can also

kill two birds with one stone

dialogue to

saw a beautiful necklace on ebay give me

the link it’s something like the new

stuff of Swarovski oh my good 300 um

what a bargain

it’s a purchasing agent of Austria

what’s their share

they take 15% of purchasing charges

that’s a good traffic so how many do you

want to buy oh I’d like to but I’m a

little bit strapped for cash


a business

dialogue 1

where are you going Zoey I’m going to

book plane tickets nearby hey it’s after

hours oh I forgot it you’re so corny

it’s all ebusiness now why don’t you

book online online I’ll show you

register your information on this web

choose the airline and the date you want

to depart choose the way of payment and

check your information and done that’s

cool almost everything can be done

online I’m no spring chicken and cannot

catch up with you young guys

dialogue to

excuse me boss we got a sticky problem

now go on there is with the products we

booked last week on eBay something wrong

nearly 50 percent are fake commodities

here we go again

I told you not to buy a pig in a poke

many times so how can I do now call mr.

Brown to postpone the delivery date and

give me a report of the detail ask James

to see me such a stupid purchasing

manager relax boss

14 digital products

dialogue 1

darling it’s for you

oh you are so sweet but what’s this it’s

called mp4 player a portable USB TV

dongle a TV I know you have a passion

for an iPod but this one is better

that’s cute from the appearance it’s the

new item that AI Gio launched a month

ago you can use it to watch TV listen to

the radio on mobile devices also plug

the dongle into computer to download

films and novels that sounds great how

many channels can it receive till now it

can only be used in some big cities

covering with HDTV signals may be nearly

10 channels but do we need to pay for

the signal that’s free but I’m not sure

if it’s still free years later

dialogue to

morning grandma Mary and I decide to go

outing and take some pictures wait for a

moment where are you going

the camera for you come on we don’t need

that my cell phone has the same function

cell phone you were kidding

this camera is your Grandpa’s favorite

it’s Pentax oh grandma it’s totally

outdated look I can use my cell phone

surfing sending emails downloading cool

songs and taking photos really how can

you get these pictures out so I can hang

them on the wall use Bluetooth Bluetooth

how about my false tooth



aaaghh one

sensing you’re a bit apprehensive I lost

my cellphone on the bus this morning how

careless you are you know glass houses

stones why not buy a new one that one is


to buy a new one is not a big deal but

what about the hundreds of telephone

numbers why didn’t you write them down

on a notebook before you know people get

their phone loss every day it doesn’t

mean they don’t contact with friends

give me your laptop what are you doing

just try to leave message to my clients

through msn

dialogue to

Julia I’m really well away today what

happens the short message I got this

morning said that I won the lottery let

me have a look our company are doing

lottery and your cell phone number is in

the list congratulations for the first

award a laptop at the price of 15,000

RMB see I told you I’m a lucky dog come

on and you don’t believe that do you

I do but after I called them and asked

how I could get my computer they asked

me to deposit 500 yen to a certain

account as the tax that’s preposterous

most of them just be up to something


sixteen dink family

dialogue 1

darling We Need to Talk okay sweetie

what’s wrong

we just got married and I really want to

life just you and me the current life is

just the one you want honey I mean I

don’t want someone be in our way hey I’m

not that kind of guy we vowed in the

wedding ceremony to be faithful no no I

have to rip the band-aid off someone is

is the baby oh the baby

you don’t like baby I thought you liked

our work is too busy and stressful and

we can’t find any more time and energy

to raise a kid that’s right so it’s your

turn to talk with your parents

I’ll log too

hey Mike where are you going to be I’m

gonna camping with my wife

you look so detached uh-huh we don’t

need to take care of baby that will save

us much time you don’t like kids do you

not exactly but we prefer to a freer and

easier life going outing hiking watching

films as we like but what about your


they become older and older and must be

eager to see their grandson wife is ours

and should be decided by us oh it really


17 children’s education

aaaghh one

Lee have you started prenatal education

not yet I just finished the sonogram and

the doctor said that it could hear my

voice and other sounds now now you can

listen to some soft music like Chopin

Beethoven but I really preferred to the

kind like hip-hop that will make your

baby restless and fretful and talk with

him or tell him some fairy tales when

you feel he flops around you’ve got me

can I just read books that’s okay

but the direct communication is better

I’m not in that mood I got a lot of

articles to translate oh do you think he

will be easy to learn English for I

always do translation maybe

dialogue to

so tired yes so exhausted with my kid

did you bring her back from your parents

home I can’t let her be away from me for

so long time and she needs to go to

school to be a single mom is really

tough you two must be drifted apart

definitely you know grandparents always

doubt on their grandsons and to make

them outrageous calling someone names

and shouting in front of the guests how


by the way where is she she is grounded

come on she’s just a little girl


generation gap

aaagghhh one

it’s cool isn’t it mom but I don’t think

the color matches you what about the

pink one I’m not a little girl you

always want me to dress in pink or

something but girls or girls not to

mention it’s cute it’s not cute it’s

childish and I want something hot what

do you mean by hot sexy you are just 14

honey Julia got a cool t-shirt yesterday

and I have to knock her socks off

Julia always goes behind her mother’s

back why can’t she

dialogue to

why do you come home so late I went to

Times Square to get Eminem’s signature

who’s Eminem a rapper his music is

really cool a rapper do you think rap

belongs to music absolutely it’s one of

the four elements of hip-hop the real

music is something makes you comfortable

eased and relaxed rap is just like

someone murmuring mom you are slipping

it’s not the year with beetles Eagles

singing California dream or something

it’s 21st century but they are what

people old like me to keep life



in later years


how do you old people in China support

themselves when they become old we can

rely on our children and also endowment

insurances but what if one doesn’t rear

children or have no social insurances

try to save as much money as they can

when they are still young we seldom rely

on our children they have their own life

most of the old cheese bead has for

their rest life that’s forlorn in China

to have it boy is a big issue for every

family boy is considered as family

pillar and takes responsibility to

support their parents what about if one

has no boy but girl some people keep on

giving birth until they have a boy

sometimes it costs a big fine I cannot

understand that but both girls and boys

can be successful people

dialogue to

mom come on let’s go home I don’t want

to go back home I like to stay in this

bead house people in our community are

talking about us as a gossip just

whatever will be will be why don’t you

think of me I’m your son I have

responsibilities to take care of you I

like here and I got many friends sharing

same interests and hobbies we play cards

sing old songs and recall the nostalgic

times anyway you need to go with me you

can’t order me around like I’m a child

you have back-breaking work from sunup

to sundown and it’s time for you to

enjoy a happy life

20 mixed marriages

dialogue 1

look at the twins like Barbie are they

mixed blood yes my husband is French no

wonder is it easier to have twins if one

has a foreign husband or wife I don’t


I’m the lucky one tell your husband if

any of his friends is available we can

have a date any of his friends

I mean single and also French okay

a blind date all I dream is to have a

mixed blood baby like yours

dialogue to

Mike are you ready

not yet I feel nervous may have you

remembered what I told you last night

sort of your occupation your age income

if you decide to settle down if you like

to have kids etc that’s too private

we don’t like to talk personal income

and age do you want to marry me yes I do

but come on Mike this is China not your

America okay let me rehearse I’m a sales

manager 31 years old after I get married

Mei is in charge of family income and we

will live in Beijing and try to afford

an apartment and we will have kids soon

Oh Mike you look so sharp today


cuddly pets

dialogue 1

have you heard the America’s cutest pet

competition tell me the winners can

receive a 14 karat gold pendant oh

that’s great how can I take part in

digital photos of pets can be uploaded

to the site and then voted upon in order

to determine America’s cutest pet it’s

just for my Jack he adores eating and

chewing slippers so that’s why I come to

tell you immediately Jack deserves to


when will the competition run this

weekend so hurry up to get registered

thanks so much

Jack come on let’s move

dialogue to

what about your Bulldog Winston she has

given birth to six puppies really

Winston’s really a great mother such a

purebred in a small town how do you find

the very breeder I published a note on

Yahoo and someone with the conditions

can contact me I heard that the male

bulldog has such short legs and needs

help when mating is the question five

cams short of a six-pack great question

not stupid they must be taken to the vet

for artificial insemination because of

their weak rears what a poor dog


price rising

dialogue 1

mic where is your car in my garage

he is in holiday is there anything wrong

do I need to introduce a good repair


something wrong but the oil price the

era of cheap oil is over the

International Energy Agency

warned yesterday as it predicted crude

values would soon rebound to above $100

a barrel my god above $100 a barrel how

can we afford a car I’m going to buy a

bicycle the prediction doesn’t even have

a pl maybe things will look up soon

a log too

where are you going mrs. Li to

supermarket wait for a second I get my


have you ever heard that the price of

cooking oil will be increased it was

just increased two months ago let’s

fight to get our hands on some cheap

cooking oil or it will be sold out later

the government always says the new

policies would be carried out soon but

the price is still hanging on there

who cares even the price of vegetables

and pork is soaring not to mention the

cooking oil is there any way we can

voice our opinion to someone who is in

charge of this just fly low and avoid



food security

dialogue 1

hi Kate how are you doing so so I just

took Tom to see the doctor what’s wrong

with him haven’t you heard about the

baby formula issue oh that’s terrible

a lot of babies have developed kidney

stones because of the formula I was so

worried about Tom but anyway he is okay

I read newspaper this morning melamine

was deliberately added to infant formula

to make it appear to have a higher

protein content such a Sunday st. the

manufacturers show their good image like

to provide the best to all the babies

while viewing sordid business we don’t

know god damn it I hope I could raise a


dialogue to

come on let’s go home I’ll make you some


I don’t want tofu why not that will give

you the much nutrition I want hamburgers

and hot dogs to be strong sorry honey

you better not why not I’m starved to

die the newspaper said they found Sudan

red dye in fried chickens its harm to


what is Sudan red dye like my Barbies

red hair kind of dye material for

industry it cannot be used in food



dialogue 1

Carlos can

second talking with you come and sit

here sweetie I’m going to write a book

review about the dark side of the

all-american meal would you like to tell

me something about your point of view

that’s an interesting topic the book is

written by investigative journalist Eric

Schlosser it examines the local and

global influence of the United States

fast food industry it is said that since

the 1970s there has been a steady

decline in fast food industry exactly a

generation ago three-quarters of the

money is used to buy food in the US was

spent to prepare meals at home that’s

the main point while today about half of

that same money is spent in restaurants

mainly fast food restaurants that’s why

about 2000 new McDonald’s are opening

each year mom says the food there

contains excessive calories and is no

good for people especially for our kids

that’s right but the sit-in ratio is

still higher because it’s quick service

dialogue to

the Western fast food industry moves

rapidly in China but in my opinion fast

food is more suitable to the western

lifestyle that’s a common

misunderstanding don’t you eat

hamburgers or chips every day I do but

not every day in fact according to the

survey nine of the world’s top 10

markets for fast food are in the

asia-pacific region the world’s three

top fast food brands McDonald’s KFC and

Pizza Hut are all from America but two

out of three Americans avoid these kinds

of places the burgers pizza and fried

chicken cannot represent the real

American menu

25 cooking food

dialogue 1

hi Haruko I have something to ask you

I’d like to help this weekend is our

fifth wedding anniversary my wife wants

to try Japanese sushi could you

introduce some Japanese cuisine for me

aha you find the right person there are

various types of sushi sushi served

rolled inside dried and pressed layered

sheets of seaweed or algae called

mikazuchi or rolls sushi made with

toppings laid with hands form clumps of

rice called nigiri sushi topping stuffed

into a small pouch of fried tofu called

Inari sushi and toppings served

scattered over a bowl of sushi rice

called chirashi sushi I am confused

it doesn’t matter after you get to the

entrance of the restaurant you should

pass through a short curtain peel open

from the left before you sit at the

front of the counter you should ask the

customer aside if the seat is available

anything more that’s just the beginning

Japan is the country with courtesy and

traditions give me a break

we’d better change a local restaurant

dialogue to

the most famous dish here is peeking

duck I’d like to try absolutely it is

considered one of the Chinese

traditional dishes in Beijing there are

two notable restaurants Chand Judah and

beyond ye Fung oh I know trend Judah

they have opened the branch in my city

so I want to try if the flavor is the

same any kind of food step once diverted

to other countries would lose its

original flavor because of the different

raw materials and water qualities why

does the meat taste thin crispy duck

spread specially for the dish are

slaughtered after 65 days and seasons

before being roasted in a closed and

hung oven for 24 hours while it is hung

the duck is glazed with a layer of

maltose syrup oh it’s amazing

I saw the chef slicing the meat in front

of the table how many slices do you

think a good chef can make 40 or more

nearly 90 slices


health care

dialogue 1

hey Susan how about your trip to China

Lee I encountered several shocking

things what are they

one is that all the soup is served after

the meal Chinese people like to have

soup at the end or during the meal we

think that the soup is beneficial to

digestion but we always have soup before

dinner it is good for your health having

soup before dinner can lubricate the

intestine and stomach then promote

digestion perhaps you are right we

should change our eating order

dialogue to

wrong susan hailey I got cold that’s too


come in and have a seat I will make you

a cup of tea thanks Lee but Mike is

waiting for me at the cinema I can’t

leave him hanging you come down with

cold that requires bed rest and fluids

come in and give him a call that’s not

an official date all right here you are

drink it quickly as it is hot oh what’s


something like ginger slice ginger is a

spice and often used for cooking it’s

also consumed whole as a Chinese herbal

medicine to warm your body and what’s

the little red one it’s called Chinese

wolfberry often used for making tea to

against human pathogenic bacteria


Chinese medical therapy

dialogue 1

li I have something wrong with my


sit down lower your neck let me have a


are you kidding before I come here

I have learned something about

acupuncture Gua Sha is it hurt a little

bit its effects can be similar to that

of massage and is used often just for

muscle relaxation okay try on me I’d

like to be a hamster how do you work

I got an ox horn made edge and I’m going

to oil your neck skin surface press down

firmly and then move down with each

stroke being about four to six inches

long oh it hurts

let me have a look it turns red this

causes extravasation zuv blood from the

peripheral capillaries and may result in

subcutaneous blemishing which usually

takes two to four days to fade

dialogue to

li have you suffered insomnia before no

I sleep tight every night I just come to

ask if you know how to deal with my bad

sleep problem are you in some trouble

recently perhaps you think so much about

that no everything goes smoothly

I feel hot and sweaty in the evening

feel hot and sweaty

that’s something with your weak kidneys

maybe there is something wrong with your

yin and yang Chinese medicine believes

that these two factors should be

balanced how should I do

there are two herbs for this problem TN

a plant of water lily family and do


a Chinese native trees bark I will write

an herbal prescription for you and you

go to the Tong dren tongue to get the

herbals okay

twenty-eight to study abroad

dialogue 1

marry have you thought about what you

were going to do after graduation yes I

think I’m going to go abroad to study

more what would you like to study abroad

I’m eager to learn translation I hear

that the computer science is your major

you are right but I am NOT interested in

it at all I’m enthusiastic about English

you mean that you want to change your

profession yes I want to study what I’m

interested in so have you prepared TOEFL

and GRE test I’m preparing them these


dialogue to

Sara how about your visa have you passed

it no but I don’t know why tell me what

kind of questions the visa officer asked

just some common questions the

university I applied the major the

tuition resource the job I used to work

and the plan after finishing the course

what’s your answer just tell him the

truth my god I got the reason why you

are denied why you used to be a software

engineer right and the major you will

take is also related so what for the vo

they are too sensitive especially after

9/11 events you have several years of

working experiences on software

engineering and are easy to find a job

in American after finishing the

postgraduate courses I don’t understand

is that the pivot exactly and by the way

you are still single

if you were married the result would be

the opposite I’m wiped out this is the

second time maybe I should marry someone


twenty-nine postgraduates fever

dialogue 1

Leo long time no see where have you been

I just quit the job and put my

concentration on the eminent

postgraduate exam at home you are so

great why do you want to be back to the

campus I mean you can take a

postgraduate course after you finish the

work that’s not my style I just can’t

understand a man like you at 35 would

quit the job in current financial slump

actually I have planned to change my job

for a long time since the job market is

so bleak why can’t I go back to campus

and fulfill myself and two years later

when the situation thaw that will be my

balmy spring but how do you support your

family sarah’s job is more stable and

just got the pay rise

dialogue to

Lucy would you like to go to the job

fair with me sorry I have to prepare for

my postgraduate exam and civil servant

recruitment exam you have signed up for

two exams such a crazy girl I’m forced

to it is said that there will be 1

million 40 thousand applicants competing

for 13,000 566 vacancies in civil

servant recruitment exam a chance of 1.3

percent come on give me a break I’m not

packing heat that’s truth every

opportunity is awash with graduates so

do the two exams you take sometime I

think it is just the way to elude the

reality have you ever thought one

question most of students have the same

opinions with you so what will come to

end after you’ve finished the two year

study I don’t know just cross the bridge

when I come to it

30 to be a SOHO

dialogue 1

Susan how eased you are always have much

time to poke around aha

we just got a new renovated system in

our company so you don’t need to be a

regular nine-to-five that’s admirable

the regular nine-to-five means boring

and unfulfilled to me I have no time to

take care of my kids and do housework

how does your boss be so liberal and

open-minded we usually need to sit there

for a whole day to wait if there is

something to be translated might have

half month with nothing to do

that’s waste of time that’s true the

internet is so convenient it’s not

impossible to work at home so that’s

what we talked with our boss and he

finally realized the fact and agreed how

I wish I could have the same work as you


dialogue to

Mike what are you up to Susan can we

just talk for SEC no problem

I quit my job yesterday what Mike why

didn’t you discuss with me first you

have two kids

how can you rear them without work I

know what I’m doing I want to start up

my own business to run a clown Express a

clown Express you need to rent a place

and hire several staff members what

about our garage we can redecorate it

and make it like a home office and you

and I we to do the whole business as the

staff and the boss okay I also have a

chance to hitch a ride honey I’m at the

start of an incredible journey and you

are going to be there every step of the

way cheering me on

31 job hunting is too hard

dialogue 1

what happened you look so desperate I

have sent out 50 copies of resume but

got no reply is there anything wrong

with your cell phone number it’s

impossible I double-checked what kind of

company do you want to work for world

top 500 come on you need to be clear

about something

the jobs market being piled with

millions of graduates post graduates and

overseer attorneys is not a paradise

working for top 500 is my dream don’t be

a chooser those HR specialists got

backlog of diversified resumes who will

focus on yours so what should I do

just accept some meaningless jobs every

job has its value working for a couple

of years and then you will have more

chances to hop

dialogue to

Nancy what about your job fair it’s

what happened

found several companies employing the

positions are appropriate to me and I

handed in the resume guess what they

said what you are excellent but I’m

sorry to tell you we just want to employ

someone with doctor degree why I also

want to know a reason the position they

pinned on the wall is just something

like department secretary HR assistant

you can do it they don’t need to find

higher degree or they might pay more who


I almost freaked out

32 individual initiative

dialogue 1

I just came back from job counseling

center is there something you’ve got

they just told me not to be blind or

pessimistic changing pressure into

motivation lowering expectations

enhancing work capabilities and willing

to start from the lowest position may

allow me to catch more work

opportunities start from the lowest

position yes start from the bottom and

work towards the top it sounds like to

start one’s own business well why do we

do something by ourselves you mean to

start our own business come on

better start our own business two or

three years down the road we know

nothing about the society maybe you are

right it will be good for us to come in

on the ground floor

dialogue to

I don’t want to go to job fair anymore

it’s really boring what’s your plan I

plan to start up my own business what

kind of business a store specialized for

t-shirts I know a foreigner opening a

t-shirt store at man Luo goose yang

called plastered ate the guy designs

himself and prints something quite

interesting on like way Ren mean Phu

Gong Bao Zhi ding and so on it’s cool

very traditional Chinese style so I

would like to negotiate with him if he

can appoint me as his agent you are

really something

aha it’s time for me to go for my dance

33 job hopping

dialogue 1

dear have you finished your resignation

yes but I haven’t handed it in yet why


I’m afraid my boss will refuse me he

won’t I promise he also spent the same

days but to tell you the truth the boss

I will work with in my new company is

acquainted with the current one do you

think they have made some communication

before I hand in the letter I have no


perhaps not they won’t say hey your

staff will hop to my company that’s


god bless me I’m tired of my current job

dialogue to

why do more people hop from job to job

instead of sticking with one job all

their lives it means new chance and new

challenge just as the old Chinese saying

goes man struggles upwards water flows

downwards that’s right but I’d like to

stick with one job it’s 21st century and

nobody will stick with one job anymore

we like to change and get a higher

payment does every new job mean higher

payment not exactly when graduates come

out for job after finishing their campus

life most of them got the first job

correspondingly once they have been

working for some years and got some

experience they begin job hopping in

order to get more pay therefore job

hopping becomes a fashion but I think

frequent job hopping is not a good thing

to promote ones career yes most of

companies do not like to employ those

changing jobs time and time again


wealth gap

dialogue 1

Susan how about your trip to Western

China I was deeply shocked by the living

quality there what do you mean I mean

the meagerness of daily commodities and

medical care services oh that’s true it

was the first time I saw the trench

latrine kids with naked hips run

everywhere as they saw me I was

immediately surrounded with curious eyes

asking what I held in hands they even

have no idea about cell phone or camera

the gap between the rich and the poor in

western China enlarges rapidly I don’t

understand why people living in such

backward areas don’t find the way to

develop that’s because of the education

graduates are not willing to go there

for teaching due to the poor condition

and low income and parents there have no

enough money to support their children

coming to cities for school education

level decides everything that hits the

point the only thing they can do is to

keep on back-breaking farm work from

sunup to sundown

dialogue to

we besides education what else do you

think can be the reason for wealth gap

child’s number in each family why in the

past people especially rural people like

to have boys they think that boy is the

pillar of a family girl is raised for

others so when a woman give birth to a

baby she was asked to have babies one by

one till the family got a boy oh that’s

weird we like both boys and girls you’re


Chinese people hold the total different


so the concept causes that every family

reared at least five to six children how

could they raise so many under such a

poor condition yes children would grow

up and get married and get support from

their parents

you mean the cost for wedding and

dwelling exactly people in the coastal

area are much more open-minded in

children rearing so the gap also


thirty-five holiday economy

dialogue 1

Mike I want to sign up in travel agency

for us the national holiday is

approaching oh how time flies which

route I prefer to 5-day Chinese scenic

spots package tour of the Great Wall the

summer palace Terracotta Warriors and

the big goose pagoda 1,600 RMB each that

merits but don’t you think there would

be so many visitors piling into a

hotline Golden Week holiday is surely

the peak season of tourism okay let me

think about it time is limited we must

make our decision before the deadline

the route is among their promotion they

are about to make a fortune of us

dialogue to

Susan come on let’s go shopping today

sorry Sarah I can’t buy more Oh when did

you go why don’t call me together the

following day after the holiday began I

went to Times Square and bought many

items from dresses to shoes I almost

went into bankruptcy what a Shopaholic

you are you cannot blame me sales

promotions ads pins everywhere like

shopping spree women always act on

impulse it’s really difficult to control

I have spent 3 thousands on shopping

within 2 days holiday is really the

vampire you need a chill out for the

next few days


smoked abatements

dialogue 1

dad could you please not smoke at home

Oh Jerry

I have turned on the extractor fan and

the smoke will disappear soon I can’t

bear the smell at all I’m sorry Jerry

but what can I do for you stopping

smoking oh it’s too difficult for me the

most important is smoking is harmful not

only for yourself but for others I know

maybe I should have a try

dialogue to

excuse me madam

yes you don’t mind if I smoke here do


in fact yes I do I’m sorry but I think I

can smoke you because it’s not a

non-smoking section am i right

well it’s a non-smoking section indeed

look at the sign on the wall oh I’m so

sorry I didn’t see it not at all but

there may be a smoking section somewhere



house decoration

dialogue 1

I’d like to have my new house decorated

well how do you want to decorate it as

you know I have no idea about the

decoration what should I do

the decoration company can do everything

for you the only thing you need to do is

to tell the designer your ideas do you

know any good decoration companies no

you can ask your relatives or neighbors

maybe they can give you some advice

thank you

dialogue to

excuse me madam how do you want to

decorate your house I want to paint the

walls of the living room white white

looks clean and bright as to the walls

of the bedrooms I want light yellow okay

I know and the floor what color would

you like I think brown is better all

right anything else I love the open

kitchen and I want to wall lamp in the

kitchen the most important is the

windows must be French windows okay

I’ll call you as soon as I finish the


thirty-eight tenants

dialogue 1

I want to find a new place somewhere

near my university do you know any

places well I can ask around to see if

anyone’s got an apartment available

thank you so much it doesn’t matter what

price range are you interested in

somewhere between 800 to 1000 UN

anything you need to have in the place

nothing special a living room a kitchen

and a bedroom that’s enough okay I know

dialogue to

hello could I speak to mrs. Smith please

this is mrs. Smith speaking

who’s that well I saw your housing ad on

the internet I’d like to know if it’s

available now yes

would you mind telling me what the

apartment is like of course not it’s not

big but well fully equipped the

refrigerator is new and the air

conditioner on to the washing machine

are only five months old is there an

elevator there sure it operates 24 hours

a day

the rent is 200 pounds right our

utilities included in the rent so it is

can I come and have a look in the





dialogue 1

8:45 now I’m afraid I’ll be late again

what’s up

jams of course I left home a little

earlier than usual in order to avoid the

rush hour but I’m still late why don’t

you try a different route I think it

doesn’t work to be honest it seems that

there are more and more cars on the road

every single day unfortunately what you

said is right maybe we will have no

roads to go in the future

it’s really a pity for drivers

dialogue to

oh I’m sorry I’m late

I have been waiting for you for an hour

what took you so long there’s a terrible

traffic jam and that’s why it took me

two hours to get here perhaps it would

be better if you took public transport

and it would be better for the

environment as well well

when it’s warmer you can ride your

bicycle to work how is it that’s a good

idea I can take exercise by this way

40 AIDS and drugs

dialogue 1

do you know that Dick’s got AIDS I heard

it just now oh dear

really it’s so terrible I think it’s

because he’s been too loose many young

people like him are blind about careless

sex it is said that in just over 20

years 20 million people have died of

AIDS yes they spread very fast and cases

of AIDS are on increase something must

be done to control it in my opinion in

fact the government has been making

efforts to stop them from spreading

dialogue to

look there are so many people over there

what happened well what’s the date today

it’s June 26

I know today is the International

anti-drug day it’s celebrated on June

26th every year it may be for it I guess

I heard each year a theme is established

what’s the theme of this year keep off

drugs and take care of our health

let’s go there and have a look

41 Environmental Protection

dialogue 1

each of us couldn’t survive without

water water pollution is a big problem

in China especially in industrial cities


one in four citizens has no clean water

to drink the situation is becoming more

and more terrible some chemical

factories are contributing to the high

pollution levels in the water I think

our government should do something to

try to solve the problem they have done

but we can’t just leave it to the

government there are lots of things we

can do to protect the environment too

right if everyone of us is water saving

for example using the washing leftover

to flush the toilet more clean water

will be used by others

dialogue to

drop batteries into the ash bin please

give them to me why do you collect

batteries for fun no don’t you know that

when decomposed batteries will produce

toxic so we can’t toss them how many of

them do you have now

about 50 well could you tell me how you

do with them

just leave them at home of course not

there is a battery recycling location

next to the post office

I’ll take them there on weekend


ting things

dialogue 1

hi Susan what are you going to do I’m

going to exchange stamps with some other

collectors well I don’t know that you

have collected stamps may I look at your

stamp album okay here you are wow you

have so many beautiful stamps

how long have you collected them for

about one year and I met lots of new

friends while collecting them so it is I

think it’s a good interest which can

make your life more enjoyable thank you

and I’m able to learn about the world

through collecting stamps

dialogue to

Wow your house is filled up with

antiques you are really a super fan I

think I am

I have spent about half my life

collecting all these items I guess you

have spent lots of money on it right yes

but just for fun I never collect them as

a kind of investment I just have tried

my best to collect antiques as many as

possible I have to say it again

you are really a superfans

forty-three financial crisis

dialogue 1

we are downsizing our workforce and

every one of our department is sensitive

yeah recently corporate downsizing has

been on the rise throughout the world

have you heard that Citigroup yesterday

announced the axing of 17,000 jobs so

many at once yes the cuts account for 5%

of citigroup’s workforce oh why so many

cuts the reason is quite simple in an

effort to halt increasing expenses I

think so whatever they do is to cut cost

all of these are relative to financial

crisis sometimes it is difficult to

determine how to deal with such things

please keep calm nothing serious

dialogue to

the US financial crisis has plunged many

Americans into debt yes you’re right

everyone is crazy about his money and

the dollar is sinking

actually they are crazy about money all

the time yeah but now they are more

serious about that how did you know

financial crisis in America

I read the magazines of America in fact

the situation of America is appeared in

every country’s magazines and newspapers

poor Americans

forty-four stock investments

dialogue 1

you’ve been investing in stock market

for such a long time how do you feel

there are risks in stock market and you

may make money or lose money yeah it is

filled with risks all the time

I bought shares of two stocks one is a

steel stock and the other is a

technology stock what happened then the

steel stock has gone up from 4.5 UN to

13.5 UN per share that was a real great

increase what about the other one it was

down by 2 UN per share

I lost 10,000 UN

dialogue to

Sam would you please help me analyze

this graphic for a stock okay

this graph shows the trend of a stock at

Shanghai Stock Exchange from October

2008 to March 2009 how was it as a whole

there was a major decrease over the

period but after that the stock price

rebound from the middle ten days of

April this year thank you very much I’ll

keep an eye on it good luck

45 buying a house on mortgage loan

dialogue 1

Tony I have heard you decided to buy a

new house is that true yeah but look at

the rising prices how can I afford it

well I think you can get a loan or too

heavy a financial burden and a

psychological pressure you know Oh be

realistic you can’t have your cake and

eat it too I know but it’s still a hard

choice to make

dialogue to

chance to come across an ideal house oh

why don’t you think of buying a

secondhand house I do but those prices

are also unreasonable then what do you

think is a reasonable price I think it

should be between three thousand UN and

seven thousand UN per square meter I

don’t think the housing price is going

higher and higher the government will

take some actions to control it it’s of

no use

actually all home buyers feel worried

about it

maybe the macro control measures need

time to take effect there may be a

bubble in the real-estate market yes it

will burst sooner or later but I fear it

will continue to rise at a greater price