57 English Conversations for Everyday Life


foods and drinks

one ordering takeaway

dialogue 1

Wong lay where are you going to have

dinner I haven’t decided yet I’m on my

way to the cafeteria would you like to

join me I fancy an Indian takeaway is

there any Indian restaurant around here

there’s an Indian takeaway around the

corner do you know their telephone

number yes I placed an order over the

phone yesterday let me look it up oh

it’s here thank you how do you like it

the food is delicious well I will phone

them up now

dialogue to

hello is that Chinese takeaway

restaurant yes would you like to have an

order sir do you have fried rice yes

they have Yong Chao rice chicken fried

rice fried rice with scallop now it said

that the shrimp fried rice is really

delicious please give me one share sorry

there is no shrimp fried rice now what

about chicken fried rice that will also

do do you like some soup no thanks I’m

on the third floor in room 377 in Empire

State Building okay it will be delivered

in 20 minutes

to reserving a table

dialogue 1

good morning what can I do for you good

morning could you make a reservation for

me sure how many people are there three

yes where would you prefer to sit I

prefer a table by the window which areas

do you like smoking or non-smoking a

non-smoking seat please

one minute please let me check okay when

shall you be here around 7 o clock okay

we are looking forward to seeing you

dialogue to

may I help you I’d like to make a

reservation how many people only two

would you like a table in the main

restaurant or in a private room sir

I’d like in the hall just a moment I’ll

check our reservation list please seat

us as far as possible from the smoking

section are there any good seats left do

you mind taking the seat by the aisle I

don’t care okay

I’ve already reserved for you

three ordering dishes

dialogue 1

are you ready to order sir yes have you

a menu please here you are what kind of

food do you prefer Chinese or American a

Chinese food please what’s your favorite

we have Sichuan food Guangdong food and

Shanghai food I am unfamiliar with the

Chinese cuisines could you please

explain to us

Guangdong food is a bit light while

Beijing food is heavy and spicy Sichuan

food has a strong and hot taste and

Shanghai food is oily I’d like to eat

something light

Guangdong food please okay here’s the

menu I’ll take some specialties of the


dialogue to

that’ll be all for now let me check your

order the seasoned vegetable in oyster

sauce the mustard greens with scallop

the fried string beans and the shark’s

fin soup not the shark’s fin soup but

the mushroom soup I’m sorry I mix up the

order can I have it right away about ten

minutes I would recommend an appetizer

with two or three small dishes which the

hors d’oeuvre do you serve it is

seasonal vegetables give me some green

salad would you like something else to

drink no thanks

for ordering drinks

dialogue 1

would you like something to drink may I

order a glass of tea we serve Wulong tea

black tea green tea jasmine tea and

chrysanthemum tea which one do you like

better i glutted myself with rich food

I’m under the weather please have a cup

of Dragon Well green tea maybe you’ll be

more comfortable do you have paper

napkin yes I’ll bring you some at once

and would you mind if I smoke here no

there is an ashtray on the shelf thank


dialogue to

what would you like for a drink may I

see the drinking list would you like to

drink tea I don’t feel like drinking tea

this morning shall I choose some other

drinks some coffee coffee would be fine

how do you drink your coffee black or

white I take it with cream and sugar

would you like some ice in it I prefer

it straight up

five serving the dishes

dialogue 1

coming this dish is yours sir where

shall I put it put it here the cold

dishes are all here when shall we bring

the hot dishes on dish dub them now

please would you go and get me a glass

of water

sure do you need anything else please

give me more rice

spring roll is our specialty today

please have a try

well - please thank you I’m always at

your service if you would like any

additional dishes please call me

dialogue to

excuse me your green bean sir please put

it on the table and your egg-drop soup

and shrimp fried rice

wait egg drop soup is not on the menu

just wait a second please

let me have a look at your order the egg

drop soup has been taken off the menu

just now oh yes I’m sorry we’ll cross it

off the bill I’d like a glass of orange

juice please

with or without ice sir ice please

six service at the table

dialogue 1

jack is there any coffee in the

coffeepot I’m afraid not wait please yes

there are some but there’s no cream

you’ll have to content yourself with

black coffee we might as well call the

waiter bring some here hi waiter could

you please come over here sure what can

I do for you give us a little more cream


all right anything to drink sir I’d like

something cool I’m going to need some

ice water I’ll bring you at once more

napkins please fine

dialogue - excuse me sir would you have

some more soup no there’s too much salt

in this dish could I have a glass of

water oh I’m sorry sir it’s a little bit

salty but I like it

I’m glad you enjoyed it if you want

further help let me know please bring me

a spoon the child is still awkward with

the fork alright please fit the baby in

the chair oh thank you very much are you

ready for your dessert now yes please

serve us as quickly as you can

seven giving assessment

dialogue 1

we are taking the last order for food

will there be anything else I need more

salad please

fine is everything to your satisfaction

yes the roast Beijing duck is very

delicious tender and crisp the roast

Beijing duck is a Beijing specialty I’m

glad you like it it’s delicious

what about the others I think maple bean

curd and shredded meat in chili sauce

are quite special I’m glad to hear that

if you want any help just ask me okay

dialogue to

I’ve finished how do you like the sweet

and sour fish good but I like the

Chinese noodles best noodles with

soybean paste is our local special

what’s the meaning of noodle in China

noodle symbolizes longevity in China and

it has the meaning you’ll live a very

happy life together

would you like some more no thanks I

really have enough it is a very

enjoyable dinner

I’m glad you have a good appetite

eight arranging a banquet

dialogue 1

good afternoon lily catering company may

I help you good afternoon this is Mike

Lee over at ABC company we need to

arrange a banquet for next Tuesday I see

mr. Lee how many people are you planning

to invite and how much would you like to

spend per person

well we’re expecting about 55 people and

we’d like to spend no more than $15 a

head when will the dinner start at 7:00

in the evening is this an ultra formal

party yes please prepare it carefully

don’t worry about it we’ll make it to

your entire satisfaction thank you in


dialogue to

we’re going to have a wedding party in

your hotel can you arrange it for us

miss sure we’re glad that you choose our

hotel to hold a wedding party which

restaurant would you like Chinese style

of course when will you hold the party

on May 1st

how many tables would you like to

reserve 37 how much would you like to

spend for each table one thousand two

two thousand un and would you play some

good pop music at the party of course I

wish you a happy wedding


at the cafe

dialogue 1

is your coffee shop open now yes will

you have a coffee I don’t care if I do

which kind of coffee do you like do you

take black or white coffee white please

okay you could have a table over there

by the window there’s a nice view do you

mind my smoking I’m terribly sorry but

smoking is not allowed here

it doesn’t matter could you please tell

me where the smoking room is that room

is put apart for smoking and you can go


dialogue to

welcome to the coffee shop what can I do

for you two coffees please do you want

some sugar and cream no black coffee

please all right is there anything I can

do for you is there any refreshment

there are many snacks for free over

there and they are so delicious oh

that’s great sit anywhere you like

please okay

ted at the breakfast shop

dialogue 1

nice morning isn’t it can I get a seat

anyway please come in and sit where you

like would you like an American

breakfast or a continental breakfast

two American breakfasts with fried eggs

sunny-side up ham rolls

certainly sir but which kind of drink do

you want an orange juice and a white

coffee okay about five minutes by the

way do you have any newspaper we have a

newspaper rack over there and a number

of newspapers and magazines on this desk

all right

dialogue to

good morning may I help you what kinds

of porridge do you serve we serve the

beef slices porridge the fresh fish

porridge and the preserved egg porridge

to name only a few two bowls of

preserved egg porridge can I get a seat


sorry sir all the tables are taken would

you mind waiting until one is free how

long do we have to wait we can see you

in five minutes okay

eleven at the fast food shop

dialogue 1

good afternoon may I help you I’ll have

a small hamburger milk and one large

order of french fries will that be for

here or to go I’ll eat here with ketchup

or mayonnaise with ketchup please

how would you like to settle your

account I will pay money down please

keep the change where is the smoking

room it’s just around the corner beside

the washroom thank you

dialogue to

it’s our turn give me a cheeseburger

large fries and a loaf of sliced bread

which would you like for bread white or

whole wheat whole wheat please fine what

about you miss

I want a Big Mac a small order of french

fries and a medium coke will you be

eating here or is this to go to go

will you make out separate bills I’ll

pick up the tab it’s my treat

here’s your change hope to see you again

twelve paying the bill

dialogue 1

waiter I’d like to settle my bill please


I’ll be with you right away can I charge

it on my Visa card oh yes by all means

please pay the bill at the cashier’s

desk what does this amount to five

hundred seventeen un may I have the bill

please here you are

do you want one bill or separate bill

it’s my treat one bill please all right

dialogue to

could I have the bill please okay is

everything to your satisfaction yes do I

pay you or the cashier both are okay

you may choose I’d like to go over the

bill myself here it is will this be cash

or charge I’ll pay in cash is this all

on one bill yes could you check it okay

do you have the receipt yes have you got

some change no I don’t have small change

sorry I can’t break that keep the change


one in the supermarket

dialogue 1

excuse me where is the fruit and

vegetable section go all the way to the

back and turn right thank you

I’d like some bananas okay anything else

give me a pound of tomatoes and a pound

of eggplants here you are Thanks

where is the cashier go straight and

turn left Thanks

will they take credit card I think so

dialogue to

we have to buy a lot of things today yes

how about we divide the list and meet

here in 20 minutes that’s a good idea

you get the milk beef eggs apples and

honey I can get the tomatoes peas coffee

lettuce and bananas okay but where is

milk it’s over there in the dairy

section good you got everything I think


let’s go to the cashier in the front


two in the flea market

dialogue 1

does this TV work well yes it’s almost


is it a color TV or a black-and-white

one color you know people prefer the LED

now so they have no room for this kind

what do you charge for it 500 yen can I

have it for 400 450 the last offer okay


dialogue to

can I help you sir yes but may I have a

look first you have so many antiques and

Chinese paintings here are they genuine

all are reproductions are clearly marked

and priced they are sold at a fair price

may I see that

ivory horse sure it’s genuine I bet it’s

made of genuine ivory

besides it’s of exquisite workmanship

how much is it

the price is marked 200 yuan I’ll take



in the jewelry store

dialogue 1

can I help you madam yes I’d like to buy

some presents for my friends would you

like jewelry today is Mother’s Day and

all the jewelry is on sale at Rich’s

that’s great do you have gold jewels yes

we have 14k and 18k gold necklaces chain

and earrings may I have a look sure here

is nice gold necklace it’s regular price

is $56 and now you can have it with a

20% discount it’s very elegant I’ll take

it all right is there anything else you

want will you show me that key ring yes

here you are it’s very nice

give me 10 like this I’m sure there will

be good gifts from my friends in China

dialogue to

I want to buy some jewelry

what kind of jewelry do you like to have

I should like to look at some bracelets

may I show you gold ones or platinum

ones gold ones pure gold or karats pure

gold ones please certainly ma’am what’s

the price for this one five hundred and

fifty dollars

how about five hundred dollars I’m sorry

we only sell at fixed prices okay I’ll

take it I want to have my initials

engraved on it oh that can be done

for in the makeup store

dialogue 1

is there anything I can do to help well

I haven’t decided which lipgloss to buy

which color do you like

I prefer pink how about this one it’s

very moistening but I think the Pinker

one would fit me better how much is it

it’s 181 wow that’s really expensive if

you buy it this month you can get a free

handbag okay I’ll take it

dialogue to

may I help you do you have any

foundation for summer yes we have Make

Up For Ever foundation fresh Beauty cake

which one do you like what about the

Dior’s foundation the Make Up For Ever

foundation is on sale this summer and it

is suitable to Asian I recommend this

one how much is it 380 um can you find

me a match color yes this one will look

good on you you can try it on you are

right I’ll take it

five in the clothes store

dialogue 1

what about these shirts do you see

anything you like the styles here are

too boring for me I told you I like

street shopping oh come on don’t be so

sour these are beautiful shirts I know

if we don’t buy some today you will

never go shopping by yourself sure I

would here

look at this shirt try it on do they

have it in large I don’t know let me

look on the rack here is one large try

it on where is the fitting room I don’t

see it the fitting rooms are over there

okay I will try it on it looks good on


dialogue to

good morning madam can I help you good


I’m looking for a new jacket our jackets

are over here next to coats and

accessories I like this jacket can I try

it on

of course the changing rooms are over

there Thanks

does it fit can you find me a larger one

sure I’ll be right back


six in the shoes and caps store

dialogue 1

this is the cloth shoes Department isn’t

it that’s right would you like to look

at some of these shoes yes I want to buy

a pair of black cloth shoes made in

Beijing right how about this pair look

good what size do you need 36 please try

it on thank you they are very

comfortable I’ll take this pair

dialogue to

look at those sandals they are pretty we

need to buy one pair for our son

look good what color do you prefer I’ll

choose blue it’s a good color for boys

besides a dark color will not show the

dirt that makes sense what do you think

of that pair for me which pair the white

one over there you go and try them on it

should be good on you you think so ok

I’ll try

go ahead

seven in the RT craft store dialog one

are you being served sir I’d like to buy

a medium-sized cloyce own vase with a

light blue background I’m sorry sir

they are sold out we only have some big

ones now but we are expecting to have

some tomorrow oh I’m leaving China

tomorrow I don’t think I have much time

let me see how much is the big one

180 um that sounds reasonable will you

show me some yes sir how would you like

this one the background is pale blue

with traditional Chinese paintings of

flowers and birds it’s attractive I’ll

take a pair can you pack the vases and

send them to New York by mail for me yes

sir please write your name and address

on this slip okay how much should I pay

then 400 yuan altogether including the

postage and the charge for the packing

you know we’ll have to make a special


dialogue to

shall we buy some fans yes are these old

sandalwood fans not all of them some are

made of Chinese little leaf boxwood with

scent sprayed on those made of real

sandalwood are much more expensive may I

take a smell of them and compare which

one I like better yes please

here you are this one smells better I’ll

take this and buy a feather fan please

show me some yes this is made of wild

goose feather and this is made of

Skylark feather I’ll take both of them

eight color preference

dialogue 1

welcome to our shop what do you need a

dress oh we have plenty of dresses here

you can choose which one you like best

do you have this dress but not in black

which color do you want a green one in

middle size would be fine wait a minute

oh you’re so lucky we only have one

green dress left wow that’s cool

how much 480 UN and you can have it 10%

off okay I’ll take it

dialogue to

good afternoon can I help you hello I

want to buy a pair of shoes which color

do you want do you have pink shoes sorry

the pink shoes have been sold out what

about this white one uh I prefer the

blue one on that shelf can I have a look

of course wait for a moment you mean

this one right do you have size 8 yes

how much is it $500 okay I’ll buy it

nine sizes and inches

dialogue 1

are you being served no could you show

me the dress that’s displayed on

mannequin sure please come this way

this design comes in four colors and all

sizes may I try it on

of course here is the fitting room it

doesn’t fit quite right it feels a

little tight in the waist do you have

this in a larger size yes here it is

well how do I look in this one you look

really beautiful in it and that looks as

though it were made for you okay I’ll

take it

dialogue to

I’d like sports pants but I’m not quite

sure about the size can I take your

waist measurement of course I think my

size is approximate 38 can you check it


38 will be good for you could you give

me a pair of this pattern sure wait for

a moment would you like to try it on

yes what do you think it fits you great

I think so

I’ll take it

ten bargaining

dialogue 1

oh you are lucky sir that model is on

sale today it’s only $3,300 $3,300 that

is more than the other store is charging

can you offer me a lower price how much

is the other store selling it for do you

have proof we always sell for the lowest

price sure I have an advertisement right

here see they only charge $3,200 okay

that is a good price I cannot sell for

less than three thousand two hundred

fifty dollars but I can offer you free

home delivery the delivery is valued at

$100 so buying from me would be cheaper


dialogue to

hello miss how are you this morning I am

great I am hoping to buy a new sports

car today I am so excited I can

understand buying a new car is a very

exciting event what brand of car are you

looking for well I have always bought

Mercedes in the past but I heard good

things about BMWs new z4 roadster oh

that is an extremely popular selling car

as soon as we get our shipment in they

sell out you may be in luck we expect to

receive a shipment tomorrow

eleven paying ways

dialogue 1

how much do I owe you three thousand

yuan altogether it’s a big money do you

take checks

sorry we only accept cash and credit


how about MasterCard yes we do accept

that can I pay 1000 un by cash and for

the rest of them I use my card okay no


dialogue to

here’s the money have you got anything

smaller sorry I have no change about me

here is your change please count it okay

I’ll do that sorry

you’ve shortchanged me you still have to

give me a ten I’m sorry

I’ve miscounted that’s all right




planning a trip

dialogue 1

hi Jenny how do you spend your holiday I

have no plans at present

I intend to go to the seaside on my

one-month vacation though our budget is

a little tight this year really it

sounds good

I’d better also schedule a definite plan

for the journey as soon as possible

would you like to travel around Europe

yes I want to Paris maybe you can be in

a package tour that would be great but I

prefer traveling alone and having a lot

of time to linger in one place I hope

you’ll have an enjoyable trip in Europe

dialogue to

Jaynee does a trip for adventure

interest you sure I possess a hunger for

adventure I have got some information on

tours to Antarctica recently is that

really so what time will it start next

Friday next Friday I’m afraid there is

no time until next month as I’m up to

the eyes in work these days oh what a

pity maybe you can ask Jack he warmed to

the idea of a trip to Antarctica Jack

yes the boy we chanced to meet last

Sunday in the doorway of the cinema


applying for a visa

dialogue 1

morning sir morning what can I do for

you I’d like to apply for a visa to your

country would you tell me what type of

visa you are applying for business visa

no traveling visa have you ever applied

for a visa before no this is my first

time to go abroad may I see your

documents sure

here are my visa application forms my

passport and papers okay let me see

dialogue to

excuse me sir yes I have lost the

entrance card it doesn’t matter I’ll

bring you another one at once how long

will it take for my visa to be acted

upon you have to wait at least two weeks

okay I see please don’t hesitate to call

us if you have any questions or

difficulties in filling out these forms

okay thank you

three booking ticket

dialogue 1

morning may I help you I’d like to get

three seats on a flight to Paris on May

1st hold on a second please let me see

yes there is

flight 937 leaves at 13 35

what is the fare for an economy class

ticket 1321 UN okay I will take it would

you please tell me your name telephone

and ID number sure

I’m Lily my phone number is one thirty

seven one eight seven seven three seven

eight eight and ID number is one one

Oh 105 one nine four seven - OH

one two three four five six seven well

I’ve got them what time do I have to be

at the airport you’ll have to get there

by 1305 at the latest the check-in is

half an hour earlier than departure

dialogue to

what can I do for you can you change the

reservation please sure I’d like to

cancel my reservation for the flight on

September 16 and book 1 on September

19th instead please okay

wait a moment please sorry that’s all

sold out what about September 20th let

me see

okay there is only one ticket left first

class and it is 2700 um do you have any

lower fare yes for September 21st 1800

yawn okay all right

the balance of the fare is 700 UN you

have to pay it by yourself


reserving a room

dialogue 1

good afternoon what can I do for you I’d

like to make a reservation when do you

need the room from May 1st to May 7th

how many people in your party 3 I would

like a double bedroom and a single room

let me check it

we have several rooms available how much

is the room for a night 132 un

oh it’s a little expensive could you

give us any discount we can give 15%

discount in the high season okay would

you mind telling me your name of course


my name is Lily okay Miss Lee now I

check your information a big single room

and a single room from May 1st to May

7th for six days and seven nights yes

dialogue to

good evening good evening may I change

the reservation I made this morning of

course I want to change it to a single

room for July 2nd July 2nd right yes

anything else I can do for you I need a

little bed for my baby ok

five going through customs

dialogue 1

welcome to France may I see your


of course I’m from Beijing here is my

Chinese passport have you ever been to

France before no this is my first time

what type of visa have you got

travelling visa we are traveling for

pleasure may I have your passport

customs declaration forms and health

certification forms please sure here you

are so is that all yes you can go

through have a good time in Paris

dialogue to

may I see your passport please here is

my passport what’s the purpose of your


sightseeing how long will you be staying

in the United States

one day in fact I’m just passing through

I am leaving for Geneva tomorrow evening

where are you staying

I will stay at Boston hotel how much

money do you have with you

I have $800 have a nice day thank you

six baggage claim

dialogue 1

excuse me could you tell me where to get

my luggage

may I see your baggage number card of

course here you are the luggage will

come out over there just wait a moment

please okay please check the flight

display board above each carousel all

right if my luggage got damaged what

should I do

don’t worry we will compensate you for

it by the way I need a baggage cart is

it for free yes

dialogue to

madam what can I do for you I couldn’t

find my baggage how many pieces of

baggage have you lost a suitcase

you tell me the features of your baggage

it is a large leather suitcase with my

nametag it’s dark blue you’d better make

a lost baggage report okay please send

to me as soon as possible when you find

it we will try our best to help you find

the suitcase



dialogue 1

excuse me I’m transferring to Paris here

is this the right counter to check-in

for the flight

yes may I see your boarding card please

here you are

when does the connecting flight depart

your connecting flight is China airline

flight nine five seven takeoff at 9:30

a.m. where can I get my luggage back

your entire checked luggage would be

transferred to your connecting flight

well good to hear that thank you my


you can have a short rest in the transit

lounge that’s great

do you need breakfast we will offer

breakfast for you please have a rest at

Number ten waiting hall we will inform

you on time no thank you all the same

dialogue to

what’s wrong with you Lily I’m anxious

about my connecting flight

what is the departure time the plane

takes off at 9 o’clock it is 8:40 you

might have missed the flight it is

checking in now where can I claim my

baggage they are still on the plane

don’t worry all connecting flight

baggage are transferred automatically at

the connecting place good

you can ask conductors to put you on the

earliest possible connecting flight well

I suppose there is no other choice

eight checking in

dialogue 1

I’d like to check in please

have you made a reservation before yes

could you tell the name the name is Lily

just a moment please

I’ll check our reservation records a

single room from May 1st to May 7th

right yes I’m afraid we have to ask for

a deposit of $200 ok

how will you settle your account in cash

or by credit card in cash your room

number is 2 7 8 and here are your key

and breakfast vouchers

the bellboy will show you the way good I

hope you’ll have a happy stay here

dialogue to

may I help you sir is there a room

available yes do you have a reservation

with us no I didn’t make a reservation

what kind of room would you like I’d

like the room which is pleasingly large

the downstairs consisted of three large

rooms would it be convenient to see the

room of course this way please


9 checking out

dialogue 1

good morning miss Li can I help you I’d

like to check out my room number is 2 7

8 and here is my room key wait a moment


could you tell me what the total bill is

it is six hundred seventeen dollars

including tax $617 yes here’s your bill

you can check it

excuse me what’s this charge that is

wine and other potables charge okay can

I charge it on my Visa card oh yes of


sign your name at the bottom please okay

I’d like a receipt please

sure would you call a taxi for me to the

airport please no problem you’re welcome

to stay with us next time

dialogue to

excuse me sir may I pay my bill now I am

Jack in room 177 sure was everything

satisfactory very nice wait a minute


the total is 200 yen

okay can I pay in US dollars I’m sorry

sir we only accept RMB or a credit card

here is my credit card do you have the

receipt yes the computer is running

please sign your name at the bottom of

the invoice okay here are your bill and


ten taking pictures

dialogue 1

hey what a beautiful castle yes so it is

could I take pictures here no permission

to take a picture here really oh what a

pity there’s a nice view over there we

can go there okay

will you please pose for your picture I

don’t like to be photographed I’m a bit

camera shy just try to stay relaxed and

keep still while I take your photo let

me try

dialogue to

excuse me could you take a picture for

me with pleasure oh the view is great

please adopt an elegant pose is that

Alright please turn your head a little

to the right

I’d like to put my glasses on you’d

better not keep still please

the photo did not come out at all

let me see I forgot to load my camera

once again okay

the photograph is really well taken yes

thank you very much

eleven checking in before boarding a


dialogue 1

could you tell me where to go through

check-in formality here please may I see

your identification card okay what kind

of seat do you want is the first row

aisle seats still available I’m afraid

all the aisle seats have been taken what

about the window seats I’m sorry the

window seats are not available

do you have baggage to check-in No

dialogue to

good morning madam what can I do for you

would you please help me to get my

boarding pass

sure may I see your passport please

here you are one economy-class

seat is that right yes I’d like to sit

in the front of the plane just wait a

second I’m sorry the economy seats are

not available we may locate you in the

first-class seat the balance of the fare

is 1100 UN you have to pay it by

yourself okay what is the gate number at

gate 10 go through the security check

and turn left

take the moving staircase at the end of

the hall then you will find it

12 checking luggage

dialogue 1

would you please place your bag on the

conveyor belt okay

is that alright fine is there any

valuables and fragile items no there is

plenty of room in my bag your bags are

ten kilos overweight I am afraid you

have to pay for the overweight how much

do I have to pay for you the charge for

excess baggage is calculated by 1.5

percent of the standard ticket fare for

economy class so you have to pay 301

here you are

dialogue to

excuse me may I carry this overnight bag

by myself I’m afraid not

any baggage with its bulk exceeding 20

by 40 by 50 centimeters or its weights

exceeding 5 kilograms can’t be taken as

carry-on items need to be checked in

what’s the charge for delivery the free

allowance for luggage is 20 kilograms

and yours is only 17 kilograms so there

will be no charge for this oh good

do you need to buy insurance for your

baggage no thanks I won’t need any

insurance is there any fragile article

in your bag there is a rich trove of

porcelain plates in my case they are


if you insist to check in please sign

your name here okay

13 changing seats

dialogue 1

excuse me sir yes is this somebody seat

yes this seat is already taken oh can we

switch over I’d like to sit next to my

friends okay

thank you is this your portable computer

oh yes thank you very much not at all Oh

miss look there are vacant seats

together over there really oh yes those

seats aren’t bad sorry to have bothered


dialogue to

oh excuse me where’s the washroom it is

located fore and aft thank you

watch your step please by the way is

there anything else I can do for you can

you help me change my seat please which

seat do you like aisle or window side I

wonder if I could change my seat to the

front I’d like to be a little closer to

my wife would you wait a moment please

I’ll check for you okay that’s very kind

of you don’t mention it


service on the plane

dialogue 1

excuse me madam what would you like to

drink we have both hot and cold drinks

coffee please Mary what about you I’ll

have a glass of pineapple juice would

you like some coffee mate in your coffee

yes I prefer it with ice please okay

I’ll bring them straight away do you

have any Chinese magazines yes they are

on the shelf I’ll fetch you some by the

way when will meals be served on board

we will be serving dinner shortly okay

thank you

dialogue to

excuse me since you’ve finished with

your meal may I clear off the table

thank you the orange juice is really

delicious I’m glad you like it would you

like to have more a large coke please

how would you like it straight or on the

rocks I prefer it straight up

is there any hot drink served on board

I’m so sorry

there is no hot meal served on this

flight the coke is too cold that my baby

cannot drink at all we also have baby

food on board really that’d be very nice

here’s the menu you may look at the menu

first and decide what you would like to

have thank you

fifteen traveling by train

dialogue 1

the conductors are coming yes it’s time

to check in so please have your tickets

ready for the conductor okay could you

tell me which car is number seven please

please go straight down the stairs and

turn left at the bottom this luggage is

too heavy for you to live let me help

you thank you very much

you’d better put your luggage on the

rack first when you get on do you know

when the dining car opens for dinner not

too sure maybe it opens half an hour

later there’s a boiler between each

carriage and you can fetch some water

okay here it is that’s very kind of you

my pleasure

have a nice journey

dialogue to

oh my god the trains 30 minutes behind


it often happens for slow trains I heard

that it was sidetracked because of a

freight train that had been derailed up

ahead of it well what should I do

I am in a hurry you may get on the 1328

train but I don’t have an express ticket

just by an express ticket on the train

that would be lovely you’d better have

your luggage checked where is the

baggage office beside the ticket office


sports and recreation

playing basketball

dialogue 1

Oh God I didn’t touch anybody how can I

commit a foul just calm down

it’s just a turnover make up your mind

and we can shoot well yes I got it come

on Benjamin don’t let him get into the

paint no problem I once played a 2 meter

high player successfully really you must

be but that game he dunked over me for

13 times that’s interesting let’s hurry

up we should beat them in the first half

oh look what happened to Jack he sat

down he may be injured yes come on call

the team doctor

dialogue to

so where are you from

from Chicago

cago really so are you a Bulls fan yes I

am a huge fan what do you think about

Jordan quitting well I know most Bulls

fans are disappointed but as for me I

think it is an honorable decision what

do you mean I always think it is good to

make it to the top to do ones best but

then when you’ve done the best you can

it is good to stop there why and if he

plays till next year do you think he can

do better I mean can he improve no I

don’t see how he can well that’s what I

mean if he continues he can only do the

same thing again or he can start to go

downhill now I understand you think

Jordan made the right decision then sure

as we say in English quit while you’re


  • playing soccer

dialogue 1

have you ever seen a professional game

yes I like Prime League which team do

you like best

Newcastle they are doing a great job

this season they’re just marvelous at

the moment I like Manchester United more

but their performance is not very well

now they lost the game to Liverpool last

week I know but I have faith on them do

they play today yes to Arsenal 9:30 p.m.

do you want to watch it with me that

would be great to kill the time tonight

dialogue to

how’s the game the visiting team scored

the first goal you mean we are behind

now yes they have to adjust their

defense in the second half what happened

to our forwards he gave a long shot but

missed the goal I think they didn’t do

them justice look they’re left half

plays rough we will lose the game I’m


yes but won 2-0 is not too bad

we still have chance to the championship

hope they can play well next time

three doing yoga

dialogue 1

I heard now you are warming up to yoga

how is it marvelous it’s fun but to the

best of my knowledge most enthusiasts

are women yes that’s true at the

beginning women go in for it mainly but

as its popularity grows men are becoming

more receptive to the idea why did you

want to have a go because my back was so

stiff I couldn’t sleep on my stomach


it cannot be an easy thing to start

right sure the first few classes were

tough but I stuck with it you must have

got used to it

I still find the physical side of yoga


Bor go into karaoke

dialogue 1

let’s call it a day I’m too tired to

work any longer you need to relax I know

do you have any suggestions of course I

think maybe KTV is a good idea I’ve

never been there before would you like

to go with me

I’d love to are you good at singing just

English songs let’s have fun


five playing chess

dialogue 1

say Joe do you play bridge no I don’t

play any card games but I know how to

play chess how about you George

well I happen to be one of the best

chess players around okay let’s play

then we’ll see who the best is okay if

you insist you’re a good player so do

you how long have you played chess about

five years and you two years

dialogue to

do you often play chess in your spare

time yes playing chess is my interest I

am keen on playing chess too and I have

many books on it really maybe you can

lend me some no problem would you want

to play now do you have a chessboard

right here that’s good

I’m warning you that I am not a good

player we’ll see

six attending the ball

dialogue 1

would you have a dance with me sorry I’m

engaged for the social dance then may I

have the pleasure of the next waltz all

right how clumsy of me to step on your

foot it’s okay

do you often dance not really I’m a

beginner don’t worry you dance well as a

beginner thank you

dialogue to

when does the dance begin

at seven o’clock well a lot of people

come to the dance yes many students will

come when do most of them come at seven

o’clock what do the students drink at

the dance lemonade and coca-cola does

Mary come to the dance yes she will sing

an American song

seven go into the cinema

dialogue 1

do you like to go to movies yes I like

watching movies a lot what kind of

movies do you like

I like comedies how about you

I can handle comedies but I prefer

action films that’s cool

do you like Jackie Chan yes I love him

actually he is a real kung-fu master he

is did you watch the movie rush hour 3 I

did Jackie did a great job in that film

but that is also a comedy

dialogue to

you watch any new movies recently yes I

watched the reader yesterday do you know

it is it one of the domination of Oscars

this year yes

Kate Winslet is the leading role she did

a fullest job you like Kate yes she is a

good actress I’d like her performing in

Titanic as well right

Titanic is a masterpiece it’s still

number one Eric and box out lists that’s


I still remember when it while they’re

here ever went to watch it


eight online games

dialogue 1

what did you do all day nothing have you

been playing games all day again no I

haven’t then how do you explain this

oops you got me how dare you lie to me I

didn’t lie to you mom you asked me

whether I’ve been playing games all day

but I haven’t I’ve only been playing for

a little bit you are just making excuses

I know you must have been playing for a

long time did you forget how you

promised me last time no I have not but

I’ve only been playing for a little

while I promise

I’ve been studying and doing research

for the rest of time okay then where are

your researches and where is your

homework well I don’t have them because

I was just memorizing and write anything

down okay that’s it I’m tired of your

lying you are not telling me the truth

and you know it from now on you are not

allowed to use computer for a week

except for homework and you have to use

it under my vision I can say goodbye to

this week’s allowance too

nine internet love

dialogue 1

hey Mary could you tell me whether you

are single now I have a boyfriend since

last month really you didn’t tell me

yeah you know I’m a little bit shy how

did you know each other we met on the


later I found that we have a lot in

common and I guess we are on the same

wavelength yes the interest between each

other are so important and is he the

style that you like to tell you the

truth he is not my style what I imagined

dialogue to

Charlotte I think I’ve fallen in love

with you oh but we have never met each

other till now yes I know but I think

the appearance is not very important to

me okay when did you have a crush on me

since last time you comforted me a lot

because of my bad emotion

oh I remembered that but I think it is

normal to make your friends happy right

yes but it was that event that you

impressed me most and you made me feel

so special but I’m not ready to give you

an answer it doesn’t matter maybe you

need some time