74 Topics Daily Life English conversations for SelfStudy


making telephone calls

dialogue 1

hello good morning who is that speaking

it’s Jane I’m so sorry that I made such

an early phone call it’s nothing

who do you wish to talk to is Sioux in

Sioux Jane wants you on the phone hello

is few there yes speaking oh sorry I’m

afraid I won’t attend the meeting this

morning last night I had a sore throat

and I started getting hot

don’t worry about the meeting you’d

better go to see a doctor I wish you

will be well soon

thank you sue bye dialogue to

and I talked to mark hang on okay let me

see if he’s here sorry he’s not

available right now do you have any idea

where he is

sorry I don’t know do you know when he

will be back he should be back in 30

minutes can I leave a message of course

hold on for just a second so I can grab

the pen and paper when he comes back can

you have him call me at 2:06 five five

five one two one two can you repeat

again please 2:06 five five five

one two one two I’ll have him call you

as soon as he’s back

in the post-office

dialogue 1

good afternoon madam what can I do for

you yes I want to buy some postcards did

you know where I can get them yes you

can buy them here we have three kinds of

postcards $1 $2 and $5 which one do you


Oh can I have a look at them yes please

hmm I want this card is it $2 each yes

how many do you want three this is $10

here here’s your change thank you one

more question

I can send my postcards from this post

office right yes madam our office hour

is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day ok

thank you very much

you are welcome

dialogue to

good morning sir can I help you yes I

want to send this package to Beijing

which window should I go to go to the

window marked Parcel Post Thanks I want

to send this package Parcel Post

registered what does it contain there

are three books do you want it insured

yes please for 30 dollars that will be

60 cents here are your stamps Thanks

wait a second sir

yes you forgot to put the return address

on the package oh sorry I’ll put it on

right now now here is your receipt

in the bank

dialogue 1

good morning sir how can I help you yes

I’d like to withdraw some money from

this account okay how much do you want

five hundred dollars can you fill out

this form please you need to write down

your name your account number how much

money you want sure hold on for a moment

here you are thanks sir please enter

your password over that machine okay

I’m sorry sir but your password is wrong


can I try it again how about this time

it’s correct now here’s your receipt

please sign at the bottom of it okay

here you are here are five hundred

dollars and your account please press

the button to give a score for my

service thank you

dialog -

excuse me sir yes may I help you

I’d like you to cash this check for $100

please do you have an account with us no

actually I’d like to open an account

right now what kind of account would you

like to open a checking account please

fill in these forms can I have your ID

card to make a copy yes sure here you


Thanks please finish these forms I’ll be

right back

thank you did you finish the forms may I

have them back yes here you are now how

would you like this check cashed ma’am

ten tens will be fine here you are

taking the bus dialogue one

excuse me does this bus go to the

newly-built cinema no you’ll have to get

off at the bookstore and take number 39

thank you

how much is the fare to that stop $1 how

many stops are there three stops

including this one that’s not too bad

by the way do I need a transfer again

after number 39 no a number 39 will take

you right there thank you dialog too

excuse me I’ve been waiting here for 15

minutes do you know how often number

nine runs oh it runs every 20 minutes

you must have missed one when you came

here it would be here any minute now oh

okay thank you do you mind if I ask you

where you are going I’m going to the


okay actually you can take both number

nine and number twelve to the hospital

really that sounds great

by the way do you know where I can find

a bus schedule you can go to the

transportation department to get

yourself a bus schedule and a bus

routine map it’s just around the corner

I see thank you very much

taking the subway dialogue one

can I have two tickets to which station

oh we are going to the Art Gallery which

subway should we take take the line five

and transfer to line one at the central


okay how many stops in total ten stops

this is the subway map you can keep it

in case of getting lost thank you how

much are the tickets

two dollars each here you are

here are your tokens have a good day

dialogue two

excuse me can you tell me how I can get

a subway ticket go to the auto machine

over there I’m a newcomer here can you

show me how to use it

sure you need to $1 coins put them in

the slot and click one ticket button on

the screen it’s very easy okay but I

don’t have any coins where can I get

some you can change them at the service

center can they take a $20 bill I think

so but you need to ask them okay I think

I can handle it

thank you very much

taxi service


taxi get on please

you want to go please hurry I’m late I

need to be at the railway station in 20


all right miss take it easy

how does actually do you figure out the

fare according to the kilometer rate the

first three kilometers are $10 and every

kilometer extra cost you $2 oh I see

here we are miss thank you how much do I

owe you you owe me $28 that’s $30 keep

the change

thank you

dialogue to


hello is this taxi service center yes


what can I do for you I’m going to the

airport tomorrow I want to book a taxi

okay can you tell me when you need it my

flight is at 10 o’clock in the morning

so I think the taxi should pick me up at

7:30 7:30 a.m. no problem where can the

driver find you tomorrow morning number

345 York Street by the way do I need to

pay any extra for my suitcases yes you

are charged $1 apiece

I see thank you

calling for the loft dialog one

emergency assistance may I help you I’ve

just been robbed can you help me yes are

you injured miss no I’m just scared

stay calm miss can you tell me your name

and where you are my name is Emily Davis

I’m calling from Motel 23 on Pine Street

please stay there our officers will meet

you in less than three minutes thank you

very much

dialogue to

what can I do for you sir I lost my

backpack do you know when you lost it

about 20 minutes ago I think can you

still remember where you saw it last

time I put it down on that chair and

after I came back from the toilet it’s

gone okay don’t worry sir we will take

care of it now could you let me know

your name then Scott your cell number

sir seven zero eight six three five six

okay we will let you know when we find

it thanks a lot

identifying lost items dialog one

can I help you yes I got a call told me

that you found my suitcase hold on sir

what’s your name Mike Jones okay please

follow me could you tell me what’s in

your suitcase some clothes and some

important files in it as well oh and my

passport okay Mike Jones yes it’s me all

right sir you can fill out the form and

get your suitcase back now thank you

very much you are welcome dialog too

did you see my purse excuse me you lost

your purse yes it’s brown is this your

purse miss no it’s not don’t worry

can you describe your purse I’ll try to

help you it’s a leather purse in brown

and there is a logo in the center of the

surface okay I got it I’ll let you know

when we find it thank you very much

in the library dialog one

good morning morning what can I do for

you yes I’m a new student here I’d like

to know how to use the library you need

your student identification to check out

books okay and how many books am I

allowed to check out five books at a

time how long can I keep the books for

42 days including weekends don’t pass

the due day can I renew the books after

the first 42 days yes you can do it on

the library website but you can only

renew once in one semester I see thank

you you are welcome

dialogue to

can I help you have you got the latest

Time magazine yes but it was checked out

oh really I’ve missed it again

it’s popular you know you want to

reserve it yes please fill out this form

and we’ll send you a note when we have

the book back thank you

in the hospital

I was one

come in and sit down what’s the trouble

doctor I had a bad cough and a sore

throat do you have a fever I don’t know

but I feel terrible first let me take

your temperature okay

don’t worry you are just having a bad

cold go home to bed and take one of

these pills every six hours you’ll be

fine soon I got it

thank you drink more water and get a

good rest I will thanks again

dialogue to

hello doctor what’s wrong with you

I have a backache do you often suffer

from the backache no I never had one

before how long does it last for almost

four days let me see

well go home and get some rest in bed

it’s not a big deal can you give me some

medicine it’s really painful okay

take one pill a time and three times a

day if you still feel bad in four days

come back again thank you

in the drugstore


I’d like to buy a bottle of Centrum and

two toothbrushes centrum we have bottles

of 30 and 50 tablets what kind do you


give me two bottles of 50 and what kind

of toothbrushes do you want can I have a

look at them share I want this for two

anything else no that’ll be all

how much are they $20 Thanks dialog too

may I help you yes I need to get this

filled okay do you have a prescription

card yes here it is it will take about

10 to 15 minutes I’ll wait here okay

calling for an ambulance dialog one

look that man just fell down over there

Oh God

we need to see if he’s okay hey man

are you all right he is not responding

we need to call in ambulance

let me dial nine-one-one nine one one

how can I help you there is a man passed

out may I have your location miss Maple

Street near the church okay miss the

ambulance will be there in two minutes

please stay there we’ll find you all

right please hurry

dialogue to

here is 9-1-1 can I help you yes

emergency there is a huge fire here stay

calm sir could you tell me your name and

location now my name is Smith I’m on the

corner of South Street okay how many

people in the house mr. Smith three

people someone had been passed out

please send an ambulance all right our

men will be there in three minutes

please come immediately

visiting a patient dialogues one

Betty how are you today I feel better

thanks for coming you look good

what did the doctor say he said it was a

minor operation so I think I don’t need

to be worried yes you will be fine soon

did he say when you can go home no I

should ask him later not in hurry you

should take some good rest I think so is

there anything I can do for you

yes can you ring the nurse it’s time for

another injection

dialogue to

hey how are you feeling today I’m fine

thanks I brought you some flowers

thank you did you talk to your doctor

what did she say she said it was not

very serious

I can leave hospital next week that’s


is there anything I can do I want to go

to the toilet let me go with you

no thanks I can take care of myself okay

be careful

on the commencement dialog one

hello go into the commencement yes I

suppose you’re going there too

sure let’s go together who’s going to

make the opening speech the president of

our College who’s going to present the

diploma it’s a secret

have you given your graduation

invitation to your friends yes and I

invited my parents to come as well

dialog too

hey congratulations thanks you too

we should be proud of ourselves after

all these years slaving I wouldn’t miss

the commencement for anything yes I

agree did you pick up your robe yet yes

how about you not yet I’m going there

now okay so I’ll see you there later

sure I’ll meet you there we definitely

need to talk yes see you later see you

birthday party

dialogue 1

happy birthday you look so beautiful

tonight thank you this is for you oh you

are so sweet why not open it

sure oh it’s a cat it’s so cute

dawn I really don’t know how to thank

you I’m glad you like it

her name is Lily this is really a nice

name dialog too

happy birthday and many happy returns of

the day here’s a present for you

thank you Peter come into the dining

room we’re going to cut the cake soon

okay who’s that girl that’s Cathy she’s

pretty isn’t she she likes dancing go

and ask her to dance well I don’t know

don’t be afraid she isn’t going to bite

you who’s afraid I’m not afraid then

come on please

at the wedding ceremony


great so you’re here with mark I’ve been

looking all over for you

congratulations on your marriage Jane

and nice to meet you Paul thank you did

you enjoy yourself yes a grand wedding

party have you opened the gift I gave

you yes

thanks a lot Hawaii is a nice place for

the honeymoon what wedding gift did she

give you two plane tickets to Hawaii I

want to thank you as well mark I loved

the picture it’s just what we need

I’m glad you like them it’s late I think

I’ll have to go now

I’m leaving too let me give you a ride

dialogue to

here is my invitation for you thank you

let me have a look your wedding will be

held on next Friday yes as you see

congratulations thank you will you come

then of course I will you are my best

friend your best friend has a request

for you what is it would you like to be

my bridesmaid oh I’m glad to I will make

good preparations for it

in the beauty salon

i won

how can I help you well I have oily skin

and there’s always small bumps here and

there on my face they are really

irritating how can I get rid of them

well I would suggest that you wash your

face often every night you should rinse

your face with lukewarm water then Pat

it dry with a clean towel make sure you

don’t rub it dry then you apply this

cream to your face

oh this cream yeah it’s pretty effective

in wiping out pore clogging dirt and oil

it rids your face of dead cells and

helps stimulate circulation dialogue to

do you know anyone who’s had plastic


you mean like breast enlargement I don’t

think that’s really necessary that’s not

the way a woman should stay attractive

why not why can’t we go back to the way

things were

cuz I don’t know but Connie you wouldn’t

do that would you darned right I would

maybe makeup would be enough come on Liz

be open-minded

I really hope surgery can wipe out the

tired feelings but what what other

people think I don’t care what other

people think I’m ready for a lift

at the barbershop


how would you like your hair today the

same style as usual I have a special

party to attend tonight and I’d like to

change my style what about a perm

it sounds nice here are some samples of

hairstyles what do you think about this


no I don’t like short hair I like this

one the wave looks beautiful and it fits

my age too very well you are not in a

hurry are you

no you can take your time oh I also want

to manicure while I’m having to perm ok

the manicurist will be right here thank


how much will these two cost it’s $90 in

all dialogue 2

good afternoon sir please sit here a

haircut and a shave

please how would you like your haircut

sir short on both sides not so much off

at the back okay do you want me to trim

your beard yes please

now have a look please is it all right

well I would like my hair cut shorter on

the temples do you want conditioner no

thanks but I’d like a facial massage

in the gym dialog one

hi Mary hi jack you look very healthy

do you often take exercise recently yes

I do I go to the gymnasium twice a week

that’s good for you

what do you often do at the gym there

are many apparatus such as running

machine dumbbell dynamic bicycle etc oh

that’s too much for me I want to do some

light sports for girls Yoga body

building exercise and dancing are good

choices that sounds interesting I’d like

to go and have a try don’t hesitate

anymore haha thanks for your information

you’re welcome

dialogue to

I have been noticing you for quite a

time you look really strong man thank


I have kept taking exercise here for

almost two years two years that’s

amazing I have only been here for two

months I don’t think I can hold this on

consistently and persistently it’s

nothing difficult you need to make

yourself a plan at the beginning then

just do according to it good idea I also

want to have strong muscle like yours it

is quite attractive do you have any

advice sure the bodybuilding apparatus

are necessary for you after exercise you

need to eat food contains carbohydrate

I will do as you said okay I can’t wait

to see your progress thank you it’s very

kind of you

you are welcome

have dialogue one

hello I’m calling about the apartment

you advertised yes what kind of

apartment are you interested in I’m

interested in a one-bedroom do you have

any available yes I have one when do you

need it sometime around next week well

it’s actually a one-bedroom apartment

may I come over tomorrow to take a look

sure what time would you like to come

how about 10 a.m. good may I have your

name please my name is Blanca thanks for

calling Blanca I’ll see you tomorrow

dialogue to

the apartment looks pretty decent around

120 square meters right yes what about

the surrounding area very quiet and safe

and it’s got a lot of trees and plants

that’s good is the location easily

accessible yep it’s near a bus stop hmm

well maybe we can buy this one then when

can you make a decision I’ll phone you

as soon as possible

renting an apartment dialog one

I’ve been told you might have a vacant

room yes I have a spare room would it be

okay to look at the room now would you

come here in 20 minutes

we are right here in the middle of


this apartment looks nice yes it has two

bedrooms that’s convenient how much is

the rent 2500 UN a month this apartment

is nice but I’d like to find a cheaper

one dialog too

I wonder if you can help me I’m looking

for a room yes I’ve got a small room how

much do you charge $35 a week but don’t

allow smoking okay anything else also

you can’t have visitors that’s all no


can I see the room now would you mind

waiting I’m on the telephone well take

your time I’ll come back in a minute

see you

buying a car dialog one

did you go to the Auto Show yesterday

you mean the car exhibition in the

Exhibition Centre yeah it is awesome

unfortunately I was quite busy yesterday

so I did not have time for it tell me

something about it there were many

different kinds of cars of various

brands like BMW Audi and QQ those big

car companies displayed their latest

high-tech cars sounds interesting which

cards you like most I really don’t know

they’re all great actually I’m planning

to buy a car recently would you like to

come with me that’s great how about this


that’s a deal

dialogue to

oh my god there are so many cars here

which one should I choose how about that

black Honda over there the car is okay

but I don’t like the color black looks

kind of gloomy what do you think of that

red Audi it seems terrific of course it

is terrific but I’m afraid I cannot

afford it

it is too expensive oh look over there I

bet you will like that one which one

that white toyota vios over there it

looks bright and graceful yeah you are

right let’s have a test drive first

in the car rental shop


how much is it to rent an economy car

$19 a day or $129 a week is the mileage

limited no unlimited mileage could I

have one for tomorrow morning do you

have your driver’s license sure here it

is good now just complete this form okay

thank you

dialogue to

what’s the rate for a stationwagon the

daily rate is $32 plus 39 cents per mile

good I’ll take it right now if possible

can I see your license please

of course I have my own license and an

international license that’s fine

fill out this form and let me see your

credit card please oh sorry I forgot to

take my credit card that’s okay you can

pay in cash that would be better

filling the gas dialog one

fill it up with regular please all right

any other problems I don’t know much

about it what’s your idea should I take

a look at your battery no thanks I’m in

a hurry how much is it $10 please

here you are thank you

dialogue to

fill it up with premium please sure

should I check your radiator no that’s

okay how much do I owe you

that’s $10 fine

do you want your windshield cleaned okay

thank you but I don’t have enough time

please be quick

no problem how much is it it comes to

$10 too

parking fee dialog one

good afternoon good afternoon

please give your parking card to me here

you are your car has been parked here

for two hours

how much is it charged per hour five UN

per hour so I should pay 10 yuan right


here is 20 yuan 10 UN back thank you bye


dialogue to

do you still have a carport yes please

head in how much is it per hour 10 UN

it’s so expensive

it’s very common here you see we are

near the station and please remember

there is a time limit for three hours

Oh a time limit this is an inequality

clause whatever you say this is our

regulation alright I think I have to

at the car beauty shop


good morning what can I do for you good

morning there is a scratch on the

surface of my car can you help me clean

it away let me have a look first yeah I

think I can actually I think it is

better to give your car a thorough car

care is that necessary I think it looks

all right well when you take a closer

look you will see the lacquer on the

surface is slightly shedding and the

luster is lost now oh I didn’t notice

that before so I guess you are right

I’ll take a thorough car care okay then

let’s start dialog -

you’re looking unhappy what happened it

is my car yesterday my nephew

accidentally made a scratch on the

surface of my car it looks weird

oh don’t worry why not go to a car

beauty shop car beauty shop what’s that

it’s a shop where can help you renew

your car from inside out so the scratch

can be cleaned away sure it is a piece

of cake oh thank you so much I will go

there tomorrow

finding for overspeed

mogs one

excuse me sir didn’t you see the red

light oh I thought I could make a right

turn on red here no sir

the sign says no turn on red oh I guess

I didn’t see it I’m sorry sir but may I

see your driver’s license and insurance

policy please I have to give you a

ticket here they are sign here please

you can appeal to the court within 14

days this slip has all the information

you need please drive safely sir

Thank You officer dialog -

good afternoon madam good afternoon

officer would you please show me your

driving license sure here you are thank

you what’s the matter officer madam you

didn’t fasten your seat belt oh I’m

sorry I don’t know that is required yes

madam it’s required according to the

traffic regulations okay I see but could

you let me go this time I’m sorry madam

you have to pay the fine

traffic accident dialogue 1

hey you are driving too fast look at the

traffic sign it says the speed limit is

40 km/h don’t be so serious there not

many people and cars in the street we

will be fine

Hey look out stop the car oh I can’t

stop it no we just hit the man what

shall we do

let me check out how the man is oh thank


he is alive he is injured let’s take him

to the nearest hospital

it is my entire fault I shouldn’t have

driven so fast what is done cannot be

undone let’s go to the hospital first

dialog -

hello is this tried-and-true rent-a-car

yes it is what can I do for you this is

Matt I rented a car yesterday and I’m

afraid I have a car accident near the

Central Park sorry to hear that

are you alright I’m alright but my wife

is seriously injured will you call an

ambulance and the police okay I’ll do it

right away

but can you tell me how it happened I

ran into the guardrail when I turned to

the right

repairing cars

mogs one

hello is this Adams auto repair shop yes

it is can I help you yes please

this is mr. butter I’m calling you about

my car has it been mended yet not yet it

is being mended right now I see tell me

when can I pick it up come buy it 2

o’clock I’m sure it will be ready by

then thank you very much see you then

dialogue 2

buddy what’s up not much

but the break of my car doesn’t work

very well could you check it for me no

problem give me a second

take your time I see it is the pedals

problem what should we do with that no

big deal I’ll lubricate it okay here you


wow thank you so much you’re terrific

leaving and returning

I logged one

hey Jill lovely day isn’t it hey Bill

long time no see yes how are you getting

on just so-so what is the matter with

you you look a little off-color today

I’m recently very busy also very tired

so I’m very vexed and so annoying is

this work bone breaking don’t mention it

I’ll have to do some extra work and come

home late each day if there’s no future

for this company you might as well pack

your bags and try your luck somewhere

else as soon as I can I’m going to

change job dialog too

oh honey you are eventually coming back

yeah work overtime again you’re very

busy these days going out early and

coming back late every day yes it is

obvious that I have less time with you

not exactly even though you are busy you

still remember to take care about me you

are very hard to my schedule is very

flexible and I’m given a lot of freedom

I’m okay really

how about preparing dinner for me I’ve

already done it hours ago I’ve been

waiting for you

dinnertime dialogue 1

John is visiting us tonight ah good

which would you like for dinner beef

chicken or fish I feel like some fish

and chips for supper shall we dress some

salad yes it’s fine let’s get some

lettuce tomatoes and cucumbers for salad

and some of these spices garlic parsley

ginger and green onions for seasoning we

happen to have all of these we arranged

to come over to us at 6 o’clock let’s

roll up sleeves and begin to prepare for

supper did you wash your hands well not

yet I’ll be there momentarily

dialogue to

is dinner ready yes come and get it

what’s good tonight

do you need some help today we’re having

Hamburg steak Wow

chicken noodle clam chowder soup it’s

really delicious spread a cloth over the

table strain the fat off before you

serve the soup I’ll be right there don’t

spill it help me set the table will you

it’s already set your father in for the

dinner he has to make a telephone call

first and let us go ahead okay

let’s eat

doing the cleaning dialog one

miss kitchens a mess we should indeed do

some cleaning have you anything else to

do nothing important

now then get about the job at once I

will go and wash out one or two rags

what a dump especially this side of the

glass is filthy if the oil blur on the

surface of the glass is too thick to

wipe off with dry cloth wet the cloth

with ether that goes for me too I’ll

bring it over by the way could you wash

the rags please throw me that ketch


dialogue to

nice weather we’re having yes but you

see our bedroom is very untidy let’s

clean it up at once I have some business

to attend to and need to go out at once

would you mind us clearing it up tonight

I’m sorry I was engaged for a shopping

this evening some other time then please

keep your things together I’ll see to

the rest I’m really sorry for that I

cannot help you oh never mind

have you taken your dirty coat yes I’ve

heard the dirty clothes into the washing

machine just now ok you may go leave it

to me

watching TV


what would you like to do this evening I

haven’t thought it through it’s okay

with TV

let’s check the TV schedule to see

what’s on tonight

what are the attractions nothing at all

here are all the news what’s on

following the news a pop show on Channel

seven and there is a science fiction on

Channel five I don’t want to watch the

news let me change the entertainment

channel would you sure I do not watch

game shows for a long time

dialogue to

what channel did you watch last night

after I went to bed channel 1 I watched

an English language program pity there

was a football match on channel 2 really

that’s a shame

you ought to remind me of that this

program is a read broadcast this morning

you may watch it then well I think I

will have to what come on next I want to

see the horse racing me too

let’s watch it together

tutoring the child dialog one

when do you take your finals is it two

weeks before it did you revise the

lessons before class not yet

pick up your pace it’s getting late I

see mom I’m just going to shall we go

over your English exercises together I

can do it alone you have been working

for a whole day just go to sleep early

don’t worry about me

I’m not tired all right then where is

your exercise book I cannot find it in

your school bag I have taken it out and

put it on to the table dialog too

how did you do on your math examination

what a shame I failed in this

examination what are the reasons that

exam was not very hard as a matter of

fact I have no interest in math interest

is the best teacher I believe that it is

most important to develop your interest

that’s how I feel as well but I can’t

work up any interest in it do you think

you need to join a remedial class well

there is no other way your midterm exams

are almost here I decide to help you

from this evening what do you think of

it thanks mom you are really a great mom

time for bed


did you finish your homework

I have just finished and I want to watch

more TV you have to get up early


hurry up and go to sleep okay are you

ready for tomorrow sorry I’m going to

make it up have you set up the alarm

clock yes I set the alarm for seven

o’clock just now make sure you brush

your teeth brushing them regularly helps

to ward off tooth decay you have said

for the tenth time I won’t forget it

sweet dreams Thanks and you too dialog


what are you doing jack I’m playing

video games enough with your video games

it’s time to go to bed no need to go to

sleep it’s still early we’ll give you a

few minutes to play through how about

ten minutes you have to get up early

tomorrow morning and you’d better turn

in early tonight

and get a good night’s rest I see okay

it’s so hot

would you like to take a bath sounds


could you run me a hot bath ah I am

running the bathwater thanks dad

domestic expenses dialog one

how much money did we spend last month

no idea but I keep a record of our costs

what about the living expenses

I have never counted them won’t you let

me have a look

oh we barely made both ends meet last


yes our expenses are mounting up you

know the cost of everything is rising

take a squint at this they are rarely

needed yes you are right

but I thought they’re necessary at that

time we need to keep our spending in

check well I remember that we should

organize our spending so that we don’t

live beyond our means I promise I will

keep a tight rein on expenditure from

now on dialog too

yesterday I got the gas and water bills

how much is this going to cost about

$300 by what date do we have to pay this

Saturday I have to drop by the bank to

get some money how much money are you

going to draw from the bank $400

could you get more money I have no cash

on hand I’d like to buy our kids clothes

at a secondhand store all right I’ll go

with you

family pet dialogue one

son what do you want for your birthday

gift I’d like to keep a pet what pet

would you like to keep guinea pig parrot

rabbit tortoise dog or can I have a

Siberian Husky okay the Husky is

unequalled for stamina and endurance I

want to buy a little puppy I promise you

you’ll like it when you see dialog too

which of you is going to walk the dog

it’s Mary’s turn to take the dog for a

walk okay Mary please oh by the way when

was the last time you cleaned out the

dog kennel it smells to high heaven

the exact date has escaped me half month

ago maybe it needs to be well swept out

hand it over to me and the dog needs a


Karl run the bath for the dog while Mary

walks it okay I’ll get ready to go and

shampoo him later shampooing them too

often is not a good idea as shampoo

tends to strip the natural oils out of

their coats then just bath the dog with

clean water

we can plan

ugh one

hey what shall we do at the weekend I

have no idea about that what about go

skiing last Saturday my colleague went

skiing at Holeman Cohen

located in Oslo this is the most famous

ski jump in Norway which is also the

biggest in the world fantastic

how was that really good they strongly

recommend that we should try it sometime

this weekend I’d like to go skiing there

but I’d like to stay at home and keep my

grandmother company I’ll go and talk

about it to her maybe she likes to go

with us together a family trip sounds

very good dialogue too

what are your plans for the weekend I

have to work overtime this weekend what

about you John this weekend with Lucy

where should I take her how about going

to the cinema I went to the cinema with

her last weekend does she like to go

shopping girls in general like to shop

for new clothes yes

she spends much of her spare time

roaming about the streets why not go

shopping with her well I think it will

have to do where are some good places

for shopping you should do some shopping

in Wong foo Jing Street and she down


receiving guests dialog one

who is it it’s me Mary could you buzz me

in sure come right in

Wow beautiful home you have here thank


how nice have you come with us let me

have your coat okay let me take off my

shoes first would you please leave your

bag here oh yeah please have your seat

shall I get a drink for you yes a cup of

tea please

fun enjoy yourself Thanks

dialogue to

hey Jack hey Mary I’m glad you could

come come on please we are all waiting

for you

is everybody here Tom’s on his way and

will be here in a moment

sit anywhere you like please okay

suppose we wait a while can i watch the

news on television of course will you

have a drink I’d like a glass of water

please there are some fruits and nuts on

the table do you like eating mango a

nice fresh mango is my favorite fruit

then have one please feel free to make

yourself at home

decorating the room dialog one

well have you bought a place on the lake

yes we’re having it decorated at the

moment is it so we’ve hired a

professional to decorate the house and

we gave them a free hand in doing our

apartment over is your house to find

repair yes the guest rooms will be

furbished with luxurious carpets and

fittings you certainly seem to have cost

a lot on the decoration of your house

yes it costs me quite some bucks

dialogue to

bill the bedroom needs doing over let me

see scrape off all the loose flakes of

paint before redecorating but I haven’t

employed an interior decorator why don’t

we let bog decorate our sitting room for

us he’s a dab hand at decorating how

could we forget him but I’ve heard that

he’s got a very busy time table this

week maybe we should wait until next

week okay and I’d like to push out new

wings of the buildings we can consider

it uh shall we redecorate the parlour


maybe we can decorate a style concise

and lively

settling down in a new place dialogue


what day is it today it’s Thursday I’d

like to have a celebration of the

occupancy of a new home that sounds all

right we’re all steamed up to move to

our new house what about Johnny has he

moved to his new house yet yes they

established themselves in their new

house excellent we’re going to celebrate

it together how do you want to celebrate

it maybe we could celebrate by getting

loaded on champagne okay with me it’s a


I’ll take care of his family dialogue


I’m glad you could come come in and have

a look at our new house congratulations

on your move what is the layout of this

house like your new house is certainly

out of the ordinary this is a new house

with a huge garden out back in a very

quiet area of London that’s terrific

I am jealous of you my boy friends can’t

afford a new house and no more can I you

will have your own in the future do come

to our house whenever it’s convenient

for you the garden will help to take you

out of yourself I hope your new dwelling

will bring you and yours lots of fortune

and good health Thanks

greeting and saying goodbye

dialogue 1

hi Bob how are you going not good

I failed in the exam really yes the

English exam you didn’t work hard this

term right yes I play computer games

very often do you have the chance to

take the exam one more time I think I

have I’ll call my teacher and ask him

about that okay

study by your heart you are a clever boy

I think Thanks

I need a lot of exercises wish you pass

by by dialog too

hi Judy how are you hi Lucy I’m fine and


fine thanks why are you here I want to

buy a gift for my father’s birthday

have you decided what to buy for him not

yet a watch is cool I think I think so

but I don’t have so much money right

what about a book good idea I’ll find a

book that I can afford okay I gotta go

see you see you later

introducing to each other dialogue one

hi Bridget how are you hi Lena I’m fine

thanks I don’t think you have met my

friends who are yet she is from China

let me introduce you to each other

Lena this is su ha su ha this is Lena hi

I am Lena

nice to meet you hi Lena I am su ha nice

to meet you

I have been to China before it is pretty

awesome I am crazy about Chinese cuisine

yeah it is a huge country both Bridget

and I were volunteers of Olympics and

after that we became good friends that’s


check this out Nihal washer Lena that’s

amazing Thanks

I got to hang out with my friends now I

think I see them over there dialogue 2

hi Li hua how are you fine thanks it’s

difficult to see you in the park uh-huh

well my sister came to my house I have

to take care of her your sister is she

here yes

Li Mei come here please this is my best

friend Mary hello Mary nice to meet you

nice to meet you too how old are you I’m

two years younger than my sister I’m 16

so you came here to your sister’s house

for a holiday yes it’s a very long

holiday okay I have to go bye li hua and

Li Mei

inviting others

dialogue 1

I’d like to take you for dinner it’s my

treat great thank you what do you feel

like how about Chinese food

great when is it convenient for you any

weekend will do how about this coming

Sunday evening sounds fantastic

will you pick me up at my house no

problem is 7 on the nose alright that

will be fine see you then see you then

dialogue 2

how about going out for a bite I’d

better not

oh come on let’s go well I guess I’ll

stay home I still have work to do I need

to finish my report before Monday

where are you now just started but you

can catch up at the weekend I know this

restaurant serves nice beef and the

service is good too okay I’ll go I need

to take a break anyway I’ll get my coat

arranging an appointment dialog one

hello Peter this is John I’m calling to

see if you would like to have lunch

tomorrow hello John I’m sorry but

tomorrow isn’t very convenient for me oh

I see perhaps we can make it later what

about the day after tomorrow that would

be better is 12 o’clock okay for you

perfect so where are we going what about

the restaurant around the corner the pie

there is impressive it sounds lovely

where shall we meet

I think we could meet at the door got it

twelve at the door right exactly

dialogue to

are you free tomorrow evening yes I am

free what’s up we’re going to throw a

birthday party and I wonder if you could

come great I’d like to come what time

does the birthday party start people

should be coming around 6:00 p.m. when

does the party end around 1:00 a.m. in

the morning that sounds good

where do you live 25:37 East 32nd Avenue

okay I’ll call you if I get lost and by

the way can I bring anything sure no


well would you like to bring a pie or

cake sure I can make an apple pie it’s

my specialty

apology and responses


excuse me I think I booked a room with a

nice view to the beach but the room I

stay is facing a wall may I knew your


I am mr. Chen hold on a second I am

checking the reservation

I have your reservation of a room with a

fine view of the beach I think it is

undoubtedly our fault

please accept my apologies I accept your


is there any room in which I can enjoy

the eyesight of the beach I am afraid

that all the rooms with view to the

beach have been booked that is really

disappointing I am sorry about that it

doesn’t matter

dialogue 2

I apologize for stamping on your foot I

didn’t do it on purpose

it is really crowded here I beg your

pardon you didn’t hurt me at all don’t

worry about it please don’t be angry

about my foolish behavior I can’t

believe that I smeared your white shoes

here is some paper handkerchief here you

go thank you

where are you going dong den sorry I

didn’t catch you

will you please kindly repeat it sure

dong dong I got it I’m getting off one

step ahead nice talking to you me too

thankfulness and responses dialogue one

you look very nice today Mary thank you

is that a new dress it is very pretty

yes I just got it the other day when

shopping with my mom like blue suit see

very well it matches your eyes

Thanks I like it very much I am thinking

about buying a pair of sandals to go

with it what colors you think will go

well maybe white will look very good

thank you for your suggestion not at all

are you interested in shopping with me

on Saturday thanks for inviting me

I’d love to you are welcome

dialogue to

John I have read your article I think it

is pretty good thank you but I suggest

that you change the title into a more

interesting one a better title will

attract the reader’s attention and

provoke their interests thanks for your

comments and directions I will work on

it what do you think will be better what

about how to stay healthy without pills

it sounds great

thank you for your help the pleasure is

mine I am sure you will become a

distinguished writer with your


congratulating others

dialogue 1

John told me you were promoted to be the

manager of advertisement department yes

I got the notice last week

congratulations on your promotion

now all the efforts pay off thank you

very much I knew you would come out

successfully someday you have that

ability of leadership in you oh you

flatter me it is very kind of you you

are welcome

actually there are many new

responsibilities on my shoulders now I’m

just learning the Rope your comments and

directions are welcome don’t be so


dialogue to

congratulations on the birth of your

child thank you it’s a boy you must be

excited now of course it has been my

dream for years does he have a name

they named him Robert I named my baby

small potato good name for a boy and you

seems to pick up quickly

yes he’s natural labour

holiday wishes dialog one

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas

please convey my best wishes to your

parents thank you the same are you doing

anything special I’m going to a party

tomorrow night

want to come great I’d like to come

thank you for inviting me

when will the party start you are


around 6 o’clock see you then see you

then dialog too

happy spring festival happy spring

festival it is a traditional Chinese

holiday right what do you always do on

spring festivals we spend the holiday

with family traditionally but since I am

in America now I will celebrate it with

some friends we are going to make some

dumplings would you like to come great

I love dumplings sure I will be there

and it will be great if you dress in red

it is the propitious color in China

really I never know that thank you for

telling me I wish you all the best thank

you I wish you the very best of luck

asking for help dialog one

excuse me I have a favor to ask you

sure what is it I am wondering if there

is any good restaurant around oh yes

there is a noodle shop could you show me

the way to it go down to the corner and

turn right go straight ahead until you

come to a traffic light turn left there

it’s the second or third house on your

right it is easy to find you can’t miss


thank you for your help you have done me

a great favor no bother and the seafood

noodle there is amazing you should give

it a shot

thank you for your recommendation I will


dialogue to

may I ask you a favor tell me what you


may I borrow your car tomorrow sorry I

can’t my car is broken and under repair

sorry that I can’t help it’s okay

I will ask others you could take a

chance with John he has a car too

he might be willing to lend thank you I

will call him later sorry

tell me if there is anything I can do

for you I will thank you

agreement and disagreement dialogue one

good morning miss Wong good morning mr.


find day why don’t we go to the cinema

that’s a good idea but I have something

important to do right now oh what a pity

what about tomorrow there will be a new

film on show Harry Potter 6 yes it is

what do you think of it I’m looking

forward to see it it’s very worthwhile

to see you are right but when and where

shall we meet

what about 8:00 tomorrow morning at the

capital cinema ok see you tomorrow

see you dialogue 2

be do you have time tonight yes of


look see has invited me to his birthday

party do you want to go with me I’d love

to I think we should bring him a gift I

can’t agree with you anymore what do you

think what does he like what about a

bottle of wine maybe not he doesn’t

drink how about a DVD version of Slumdog


that’s his favorite movie sounds awesome

let’s go to the DVD store now sure

suggestions and opinions

dialogue 1

you’re from New York aren’t you yes

that’s right what do you suggest I

should see in New York well how about

the Museum of Modern Art now I don’t

like museums they are boring why don’t

you go to see the Empire State Building

ah that sounds interesting

dialogue to

you are not looking happy what’s the

matter oh nothing special I’m just a bit

tired with the job with everything with

everybody with all this a good

suggestion for you you need a holiday it

wasn’t always like this you know what do

you mean well I mean we always do the

same thing there’s no variety in our

lives you need a holiday that’s what the

matter is

certainly perhaps

ordering takeaway dialog one

Longway where are you going to have

dinner I haven’t decided yet

I’m on my way to the cafeteria would you

like to join me a fancy and Indian

takeaway is there any Indian restaurant

around here there’s an Indian takeaway

around the corner do you know their

telephone number yes I placed an order

over the phone yesterday let me look it

up oh it’s here thank you

how do you like it the food is delicious

well I will phone them up now

dialogue to

hello is that Chinese takeaway

restaurant yes would you like to have an

order sir do you have fried rice yes

they have young child fried rice chicken

fried rice fried rice with scallop now

it said that the shrimp fried rice is

really delicious please give me one

share sorry there is no shrimp fried

rice now what about chicken fried rice

that will also do do you like some soup

no thanks I’m on the third floor in room

377 in Empire State Building okay it

will be delivered in 20 minutes

reserving a table dialog one

good morning what can I do for you good

morning could you make a reservation for

me sure how many people are there three

yes where would you prefer to sit

I prefer a table by the window which

areas do you like smoking or non-smoking

a non-smoking seat please one minute


let me check okay when shall you be here

around 7 o clock ok we are looking

forward to seeing you

dialogue to

may I help you I’d like to make a

reservation how many people only two

would you like a table in the main

restaurant or in a private room sir I’d

like in the hall just a moment I’ll

check our reservation list please see us

as far as possible from the smoking

section are there any good seats left do

you mind taking the seat by the aisle I

don’t care okay

I’ve already reserved for you

ordering dishes

dialogue 1

are you ready to order sir yes have you

a menu please here you are what kind of

food do you prefer Chinese or American

the Chinese food please what’s your

favorite we have situated Guangdong food

and Shanghai food I am unfamiliar with

the Chinese cuisines could you please

explain to us

Guangdong food is a bit light while

Beijing food is heavy and spicy Sichuan

food has a strong and hot taste and

Shanghai food is oily I’d like to eat

something light Quan dong food please

okay here is the menu I’ll take some

specialties of the house

dialogue to

that’ll be all for now let me check your

order the seasoned vegetable in oyster

sauce the mustard greens with scallop

the fried string beans and the shark’s

fin soup not the shark’s fin soup but

the mushroom soup I’m sorry I mix up the

order can I have it right away about ten

minutes I would recommend an appetizer

with two or three small dishes which the

hors d’oeuvre do you serve it is

seasonal vegetables give me some green

salad would you like something else to

drink no thanks

ordering drinks dialog one

would you like something to drink

i order a glass of tea we serve mulan

tea black tea green tea jasmine tea and

chrysanthemum tea which one do you like

better i glutted myself with rich food

i’m under the weather please have a cup

of dragon well green tea maybe you’ll be

more comfortable do you have paper

napkin yes I’ll bring you some at once

and would you mind if I smoke here no

there is an ashtray on the shelf thank


dialogue to

what would you like for a drink may I

see the drinking list would you like to

drink tea I don’t feel like drinking tea

this morning shall I choose some other

drinks some coffee coffee would be fine

how do you drink your coffee black or

white I take it with cream and sugar

would you like some ice in it

I prefer it straight up

serving the dishes dialogue one

coming this dish is yours sir where

shall I put it put it here the cold

dishes are all here when shall we bring

the hot dishes on dish dub them now

please would you go and get me a glass

of water

sure do you need anything else please

give me more rice

spring roll is our specialty today

please have a try

well - please thank you I’m always at

your service if you would like any

additional dishes please call me dialog

excuse me your green bean sir please put

it on the table and your egg drop soup

and shrimp fried rice

wait egg drop soup is not on the menu

just wait a second please let me have a

look at your order the egg drop soup has

been taken off the menu just now oh yes

I’m sorry we’ll cross it off the bill

I’d like a glass of orange juice please

with or without ice sir ice please

service at the table


jack is there any coffee in the


I’m afraid not wait please

there are some but there’s no cream

you’ll have to content yourself with

black coffee we might as well call the

waiter bring some here hi waiter could

you please come over here sure what can

I do for you give us a little more cream

please all right anything to drink sir

I’d like something cool I’m going to

need some ice water I’ll bring you at

once more napkins please fine

dialogue - excuse me sir would you have

some more soup no there’s too much salt

in this dish could I have a glass of

water oh I’m sorry sir it’s a little bit

salty but I like it

I’m glad you enjoyed it if you want

further help let me know please bring me

a spoon the child is still awkward with

the fork alright please sit the baby in

the chair oh thank you very much are you

ready for your dessert now yes please

serve us as quickly as you can

giving assessment dialogue one

we are taking the last order for food

will there be anything else I need more

salad please fine is everything to your

satisfaction yes the roast Beijing duck

is very delicious tender and crisp the

roast Beijing death is a Beijing

specialty I’m glad you like it

it’s delicious what about the others

I think maple bean curd and shredded

meat in chili sauce are quite special

I’m glad to hear that if you want any

help just ask me okay

dialog -

I’ve finished how do you like the sweet

and sour fish good but I like the

Chinese noodles best noodles with

soybean paste is our local special

what’s the meaning of noodle in China

noodle symbolizes longevity in China and

it has the meaning you’ll live a very

happy life together

would you like some more no thanks

I really have enough it is a very

enjoyable dinner

I’m glad you have a good appetite

arranging a banquet


good afternoon lily catering company may

I help you good afternoon this is Mike

Lee over at ABC company we need to

arrange a banquet for next Tuesday I see

mr. Lee how many people are you planning

to invite and how much would you like to

spend per person well we’re expecting

about 55 people and we’d like to spend

no more than $15 a head when will the

dinner start at 7:00 in the evening is

this an ultra formal party yes please

prepare it carefully don’t worry about

it we’ll make it to your entire

satisfaction thank you in advance dialog


we’re going to have a wedding party in

your hotel can you arrange it for us

miss sure we’re glad that you choose our

hotel to hold a wedding party which

restaurant would you like Chinese style

of course when will you hold the party

on May 1st

how many tables would you like to

reserve 37 how much would you like to

spend for each table one thousand two

two thousand un and would you play some

good pop music at the party of course I

wish you a happy wedding

at the cafe dialog one

does your coffee shop open now yes will

you have a coffee

care if I do which kind of coffee do you

like do you take black or white coffee

white please okay you could have a table

over there by the window there’s a nice

view do you mind my smoking I’m terribly

sorry but smoking is not allowed here it

doesn’t matter could you please tell me

where the smoking room is that room is

put apart for smoking and you can go


dialogue to

welcome to the coffee shop what can I do

for you two coffees please do you want

some sugar and cream no black coffee

please all right is there anything I can

do for you is there any refreshment

there are many snacks for free over

there and they are so delicious oh

that’s great sit anywhere you like

please okay

at the breakfast shop

dialogue 1

nice morning isn’t it can I get a seat

anyway please come in and sit where you

like would you like an American

breakfast or a continental breakfast

two American breakfasts with fried eggs

sunny-side up

Pam rolls certainly sir but which kind

of drink do you want an orange juice and

a white coffee okay about five minutes

by the way do you have any newspaper we

have a newspaper rack over there and a

number of newspapers and magazines on

this desk all right

dialogue to

good morning may I help you what kinds

of porridge do you serve we serve the

beef slices porridge the fresh fish

porridge and the preserved egg porridge

to name only a few two bowls of

preserved egg porridge can I get a seat

anyway sorry sir all the tables are

taken would you mind waiting until one

is free how long do we have to wait we

can see you in five minutes okay

at the fast food shop dialog one

good afternoon may I help you I’ll have

a small hamburger milk and one large

order of french fries will that be for

here or to go I’ll eat here with ketchup

or mayonnaise with ketchup please

how would you like to settle your

account I will pay money down please

keep the change where is the smoking

room it’s just around the corner beside

the washroom thank you

dialogue to

it’s our turn give me a cheeseburger

large fries and a loaf of sliced bread

which would you like for bread whites or

whole wheat whole wheat please fine what

about you miss I want a big mac a small

order of french fries and a medium coke

will you be eating here or is this to go

to go will you make up separate bills

I’ll pick up the tab it’s my treat here

is your change

hope to see you again

paying the bill dialog one

waiter I’d like to settle my bill please

okay I’ll be with you right away can I

charge it on my Visa card oh yes by all

means please pay the bill at the

cashier’s desk what does this amount to

517 yon may I have the bill please

here you are do you want one bill or

separate bill it’s my treat one bill

please all right dialogue two

could I have the bill please okay is

everything to your satisfaction yes do I

pay you or the cashier those are okay

you may choose I’d like to go over the

bill myself here it is will this be cash

or charge I’ll pay in cash is this all

on one bill yes could you check it okay

do you have the receipt yes have you got

some change no I don’t have small change

sorry I can’t break that keep the change

in the supermarket dialog one

excuse me where is the fruit and

vegetable section go all the way to the

back and turn right thank you I’d like

some bananas okay anything else give me

a pound of tomatoes and a pound of

eggplants here you are Thanks

where is the cashier go straight and

turn left Thanks

will they take credit card I think so

dialog too

we have to buy a lot of things today yes

how about we divide the list and meet

here in 20 minutes that’s a good idea

you get the milk beef eggs apples and

honey I can get the tomatoes peas coffee

lettuce and bananas okay but where is

milk it’s over there in the dairy

section good you got everything I think


let’s go to the cashier in the front


in the fleamarket dialogue one

does this TV work well yes it’s almost


is it a color TV or a black and white

one color you know people prefer the LED

now so they have no room for this kind

what do you charge for it 500 yen can I

have it for 400 450 the last offer okay


dialogue to

can I help you sir yes but may I have a

look first you had so many antiques and

Chinese paintings here are they genuine

all are reproductions are clearly marked

and priced they are sold at a fair price

may I see that

ivory horse sure it’s genuine I bet it’s

made of genuine ivory besides its of

exquisite workmanship how much is it the

price is marked 200 yuan I’ll take it

in the jewelry store


can I help you madam yes I’d like to buy

some presents for my friends would you

like jewelry today is Mother’s Day and

all the jewelry is on sale at Rich’s

that’s great

do you have gold jewels yes we have 14k

and 18k gold necklaces chain and

earrings may I have a look sure here is

nice gold necklace it’s regular price is

$56 and now you can have it with a 20%

discount it’s very elegant I’ll take it

all right is there anything else you

want will you show me that key ring yes

here you are it’s very nice

give me 10 like this I’m sure there will

be good gifts from my friends in China

dialogue to

I want to buy some jewelry what kind of

jewelry do you like to have I should

like to look at some bracelets may I

show you gold ones or platinum ones gold

ones pure gold or carats pure gold ones

please certainly ma’am what’s the price

for this one five hundred and fifty

dollars how about five hundred dollars

I’m sorry we only sell at fixed prices

okay I’ll take it I want to have my

initials engraved on it oh that can be


in the make up store dialog one

is there anything I can do to help well

I haven’t decided which lipgloss to buy

which color do you like

I prefer pink how about this one it’s

very moistening but I think the Pinker

one would fit me better how much is it

it’s 181 wow that’s really expensive if

you buy it this month you can get a free

handbag okay I’ll take it

dial up to

may I help you do you have any

foundation for summer yes we have Make

Up For Ever foundation fresh Beauty cake

which one do you like what about the

Dior’s foundation the Make Up For Ever

foundation is on sale this summer and it

is suitable to Asian I recommend this

one how much is it 380 um can you find

me a match color yes this one will look

good on you you can try it on

you are right I’ll take it

in the clothes store dialog one

what about these shirts do you see

anything you like the styles here are

too boring for me I told you I like

street shopping oh come on don’t be so

sour these are beautiful shirts I know

if we don’t buy some today you will

never go shopping by yourself sure I

would here

look at this shirt try it on do they

have it in large I don’t know let me

look on the rack here is one large try

it on where is the fitting room I don’t

see it the fitting rooms are over there

okay I will try it on it looks good on


dialogue to

good morning madam can I help you good

morning I’m looking for a new jacket our

jackets are over here next to coats and

accessories I like this jacket can I try

it on

of course the changing rooms are over

there Thanks does it fit can you find me

a larger one sure I’ll be right back


in the shoes and cap store dialog one

this is the cloth shoes Department isn’t

it that’s right

would you like to look at some of these

shoes yes I want to buy a pair of black

cloth shoes made in Beijing right how

about this pair look good what size do

you need 36 please try it on thank you

they are very comfortable I’ll take this

pair dialog too

look at those sandals they are pretty we

need to buy one pair for our son look

good what color do you prefer I’ll

choose blue it’s a good color for boys

besides a dark color will not show the

dirt that makes sense what do you think

of that pair for me which pair the white

one over there you go and try them on it

should be good on you you think so okay

I’ll try go ahead

in the RT craft store

a log one

are you being served sir I’d like to buy

a medium-sized clothes on vase with a

light blue background I’m sorry sir they

are sold out we only have some big ones

now but we are expecting to have some

tomorrow oh I’m leaving China tomorrow I

don’t think I have much time let me see

how much is the big one

180 un that sounds reasonable will you

show me some yes sir how would you like

this one

the background is pale blue with

traditional Chinese paintings of flowers

and birds it’s attractive I’ll take a

pair can you pack the vases and send

them to New York by mail for me yes sir

please write your name and address on

this slip okay

how much should I pay then 400 yuan

altogether including the postage and the

charge for the packing you know we’ll

have to make a special box

dialogue to

shall we buy some fans yes are these old

sandalwood fans not all of them some are

made of Chinese little leaf boxwood with

scent sprayed on those made of real

sandalwood are much more expensive may I

take a smell of them and compare which

one I like better yes please

here you are this one smells better I’ll

take this and buy a feather fan please

show me some yes this is made of wild

goose feather and this is made of

Skylark feather

I’ll take both of them

hello preference


welcome to our shop what do you need

address oh we have plenty of dresses

here you can choose which one you like


do you have this dress but not in black

which color do you want a green one in

middle size would be fine wait a minute

oh you’re so lucky we only have one

green dress left wow that’s cool how

much 480 UN and you can have a 10% off

okay I’ll take it

dialogue 2

good afternoon can I help you hello I

want to buy a pair of shoes which color

do you want do you have pink shoes sorry

the pink shoes have been sold out what

about this white one I prefer the blue

one on that shelf can I have a look

of course wait for a moment you mean

this one right do you have size 8 yes

how much is it $500 okay I’ll buy it

sizes and inches dialogue one

are you being served no could you show

me the dress that’s displayed on

mannequin sure please come this way

this design comes in four colors and all

sizes may I try it on of course here is

the fitting room

it doesn’t fit quite right it feels a

little tight in the waist do you have

this in a larger size yes here it is

well how do I look in this one you look

really beautiful in it and that looks as

though it were made for you okay I’ll

take it

dialogue to

I’d like sports pants but I’m not quite

sure about the size can I take your

waist measurement of course I think my

size is approximate 38 can you check it


38 will be good for you could you give

me a pair of this pattern sure wait for

a moment would you like to try it on

yes what do you think it fits you great

I think so

I’ll take it


dialogue 1

oh you are lucky sir that model is on

sale today it’s only $3,300 $3,300 that

is more than the other stores charging

can you offer me a lower price how much

is the other store selling it for do you

have proof we always sell for the lowest

price sure I have an advertisement right

here see they only charge $3,200 okay

that is a good price I cannot sell for

less than three thousand two hundred

fifty dollars but I can offer you free

home delivery the delivery is valued at

$100 so buying from me would be cheaper

overall dialogue two

hello miss how are you this morning I am

great I am hoping to buy a new sports

car today I am so excited I can

understand buying a new car is a very

exciting event what brand of car are you

looking for well I have always bought

Mercedes in the past but I heard good

things about BMWs new z4 roadster oh

that is an extremely popular selling car

as soon as we get our shipment in they

sell out you may be in luck we expect to

receive a shipment tomorrow