6 Hacks to Find Your Dream Job Master English Conversation

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hi everybody and welcome back to english

topics today i’m joined again by I’m

Davey hi Davey welcome back and today

we’re going to be talking about some

tips to land your dream job so to land

your dream job means to get your dream

job but the idea here with land your

dream job is that it’s something you

really really want something you’re

working hard to get so today we’re gonna

talk about some ideas perhaps that might

be helpful for you as you try to find

and/or secure your dream job okay out of

curiosity do you currently have your

dream job

yeah sort of mm-hmm I would say so

that’s good it’s it’s you put me on the

spot here I’m sorry I didn’t but yeah

it’s very close to my dream job I would

say mm-hmm excellent I would say I have

I’m pretty close I would think to my

dream job there’s not much else I would

think if I could just do this with my

job if I could just do that with my job

I feel like I’m at or am actively

working towards my dream job what are

you doing to get your dream job exactly

let’s begin first tip okay so to get my

dream job to get to the next point in my

life my first tip is something I do a

lot seek out opportunities seek out

means search look for seek out

opportunities so that means if there’s

something you would like to do you need

to look for chances to do that thing if

you just sit and wait for things to come

to you you probably won’t find anything

so I think it’s your responsibility to

actually actively go find things to be

involved in so sometimes that means

doing an internship sometimes it means

taking on an extra part-time job

sometimes that means looking for a

course that you can take that can help

you in terms of getting the things you

need to progress so seek out

opportunities to move forward somehow

you need to do this I think this is one

thing that once you’re trained once you

have got

used to just looking for things to do

and keeping your eyes open for chances

this is a key this tip right here this

is how I got this job there you go it

was six years ago and ad on the Internet

and now look where we are it didn’t find

you the job did not find you

we found the job I think to look for it

that’s a very good piece of advice and I

think it’s a common mistake that a lot

of people new to the job market people

who have just finished you know college

or training of some sort they expect oh

now you know now I’m qualified

and they wait but the job does not

wander by and present itself to you

right you have to find the job right

right so is this something that you do

even if you’re you know as you said

pretty close to your dream job

absolutely yes you need to you need to

find that job

there are thousands millions of other

people who would love to have that same

job and the job is not going around and

identifying all of them and picking the

best it is it is picking between the

people that raised their hand and say I

would like that job right right it’s up

to you yes and so that is very similar

to my first tip which is network network

and I think this goes hand-in-hand with

your first tip of seeking out your dream

job see seeking out opportunities is

networking one of the ways that you find

opportunities is by meeting people who

do what you want to do people who work

in the same field or do the same sort of

work that you want to do meeting them

introducing yourself to them and making

those connections hmm when you make

those connections you don’t have to have

something in mind for the end of that

relationship but someone that you meet a

hand that you shake and some person that

you introduce yourself to you might see

them again in six months or a year and

they might remember you mm-hmm and so

building that Network building those

relationships can be very useful

absolutely not just for finding your

dream job but for building your career

absolutely and even today like of course

networking we think maybe of networking

is something we do in person like at a

conference for example but now we can

use social media to network as well to

reach out to people that we think are

doing interesting work or to reach out

to maybe future collaborators like

social media can be a great tool for

networking absolutely but I also would

caution against only using social media

right you need to have face-to-face time

people need to know you’re a real person

what are you like in person you can only

know so much about someone through their

social media profile so it’s a very

useful tool but you can’t rely on that

alone right so being part of you know

professional organizations going to

places where you can meet people I think

is also important absolutely totally and

connected with that then I think is the

next thing that I chose for my tip

distinguish yourself so distinguish

yourself means make it clear how you are

different from other people so what are

the skills that you have that other

people might not have or maybe you can

do XY and Z but your competitor can only

do X or can only do X & Y so think about

the things that make you different from

other people and then when you’re

networking and you’re going to meet

people who are doing things you’re

interested in you can say to them oh I

know how to do this and this and this

this is what makes me special

so when you introduce yourself to people

or when you are I don’t know sharing

your work with people and there’s

something special about you something

distinguishing about you

I think people remember that people

think oh wow this person seemed one like

a really nice person of course but also

this person seemed really skilled or

this person had a great background in

this topic for example so think about

the things that make you different from

other people from your competition and

if you’re not distinguished think about

the ways to distinguish yourselves that

doesn’t necessarily mean we’re all ones

like type of clothing I don’t mean

necessarily a visual distinguish like

distinguishing but skill sets skill set

skill set yeah that’s what I think

anyway I think that’s a great tip okay

maybe related to that my next tip is to

believe in yourself indeed it sounds

maybe a little corny a little hokey but

I think this is a very good to believe

in yourself and I mean this kind of in

two ways and at maybe two stages of

finding your dream job finding your

dream job and achieving a big long-term

goal is hard it takes a lot of work and

it’s exhausting and at times you can get

really down on yourself and feel like

you’re not going to make it you’re not

good enough you’ll never have that

opportunity or that chance that you’re

trying to find and I think then it’s an


to remember that you can do it that you

are you know on a path it might take you

some time to get to the end of that path

but if you keep taking those baby steps

working on your skill set and improving

as a as a person that you can do it and

so I think it’s important to believe in

yourself when you are trying to get your

dream job and the other way that I meant

it when I first wrote this down I was

specifically thinking about being in an

interview - if you are in an interview

or you’re it with someone face to face

trying to land that dream job the final

step of your journey to be confident and

to not doubt yourself because I think

that that can show through to other

people mm-hmm I think that’s a good

interview point in general at least for

English interviews like interviews in

the US maybe in some countries in some

cultures it’s good to be humble or it’s

good to be kind of quiet and not so

confident or maybe not so outspoken

about your achievements but when you’re

doing an interview in English with a

like an American company or maybe a

company in the UK it’s typically

considered a good thing to be confident

and to be very sure about yourself so

that’s a great tip I think in general

for interviews great okay I will

continue on to my next one relating to

everything thus far which is keep

building skills keep building skills so

my previous tip was to distinguish

yourself Davey had the tip of networking

as well if you keep building skills as

well so building skills refers to

learning new things keep learning new

things if you continue doing this like

you don’t just graduate from university

or graduate from college and stop

learning there if you continue to try to

learn new things you will find new

opportunities to network you will find

new opportunities that you are able to

apply yourself to new things you can do

there will be new like projects that you

can address so if you keep building

skills and think about these skills in

terms of what you want to do in the

future so I would caution people

would say to be careful to build the

skills that you think are going to help

you achieve your goals so I think of

this a lot actually like in video games

it helps me a lot I imagine a skill web

from Final Fantasy 10 pacifically like

when I see like this character

okay this character is really good at

like magic for example so there’s all

these like skills that that character

can learn to get better at that one

thing right there made for so if you

think about okay well I really want to

get better at the skill or I really want

to become this sort of thing and you

build skills to actually move towards

that goal instead of just sort of

studying this random thing over here

right like I think your progress will be

much smoother yeah that’s that’s good I

agree I think of it more as like the

materia system from ff7 I debate between

these two a lot actually we’ve had this

discussion for definite but now I think

that’s very good keep building skills

and that will help you distinguish

yourself as well as you you said before

okay my final tip is directly related to

that and it is stick with what you know

so as much as we’ve been sitting up here

saying you know believe in yourself

build skills distinguish yourself all of

those things are important but stay

within the realm of what you know and I

say this more as an interview tip don’t

overreach don’t present yourself to a

prospective employer or clients as

knowing something knowing how to do

something that you don’t know how to do

because that will only end in disaster

and also as an interview tip odds are

very very high that a good interviewer

will know if you don’t know what you’re

talking about so that’s my number one

may be an interview tip mm-hmm so in my

current job my dream job I died in

terview people to hire in my same place

and I do dozens of interviews every year

and when I ask people certain questions

I can usually tell if they’re trying to

fake it it shows and I would much rather

those people say you know I don’t know

because if you don’t know that’s fine

you can learn it but if you don’t know

and you fake it that’s not a very good


related to this one related to sticking

with what you know in terms of using

English in an interview or a resume also

stick with what you know if you’re not a

100% you know very flew a fluent high

level English speaker or writer that’s

okay don’t worry but use the English

that you know and are comfortable with

because that way it will be easier for

you to express yourself and be able to

present your skillset mm-hmm that’s a

great tip and also related to the period

before an interview in preparation of

your resume in preparation of the

materials for application I’ve read some

resume writing tips and I think that one

of the big tips that could be especially

helpful for non-native speakers of

English is to use data on your resume

where possible so that means instead of

saying like for example increased sales

in your current position or like maybe

giving some vague information like I

improved this system at my company

instead of saying those sorts of vague

things give a number say I improved

sales by 50% or I increase something

else by 20% so giving actual numbers to

people can help make it a little clearer

I think your impact on your or rather

the impact you had on your current

organization and I think it also seems

just more I think it seems more

confident if someone actually says a

number then just says I improve sales

something like that right so giving

actual data was one and then I’ve seen

also in terms of the presentation of a

resume a trend away from describing a

like the type of position that you’re

seeking and more

career summary calling in a career

summary so you’re supposed to describe

okay here’s the stuff that I have done

and cut and talked about like your

future career as well so you’re

summarizing kind of your past and your

future a little bit so it’s not just I

want this job right now

sure hmm but summarizing everything in

order to again distinguish yourself and

to show how you can be a good fit

potential right and actually that that

might if I could add to that I think

that I was listening to you say that and

I thought that would never work that

would not matter at all and what I do

and so I think it might I think it

depends on what field you’re in I see

there’s no really statistics to share

and in my field like that no numbers but

when you mentioned these what did you

call it these career summaries that’s

something that I think you might be more

likely to see in a cover letter to a CV

in my field and it made me then think

that you should know the language of

your dream job which is to say not the

not the language as in the actual

English language but the the way that

different jobs or career areas or

different fields talk about the field or

talk about the career because I can

imagine a resume for a sales job will

look very very different from a CV for

to be a college professor orally or you

know an artist portfolio if you’re a

graphic design or something like that

these will all be very different so

you’ll need to research and know what

that looks like

like for your field right exactly and I

think another great tip if you’re not

sure when you’re preparing your resume

is to check the job like what’s what’s

that thing called the the job listing of

the job listing yeah yeah so a really

great way to do that even just to get

you started is to look carefully at that

job listing what is the name of the

position specifically so if for example

Europe you’re looking at a job listing

and it’s

as English instructor on the job listing

but you write and say I’m applying for

the English teacher position it’s like

that’s a small difference but depending

on the kinds of jobs you’re looking to

apply to those small differences can

mean a lot so use the vocabulary words

that are in the job listing when you

make your application it’ll show that

you’re paying attention and it’ll get

you familiar with the kinds of words

they use at that organization absolutely

not attention to detail can pay off for

sure for sure all right they’re probably

some other tips too but those are a few

hopefully to get people started I think

all right great well good luck then in

finding your dream job and in working

towards your dream job I don’t think

it’s ever an ending I don’t think

there’s an end to the process that’s

when you ask me do I have my dream job I

thought I got the dream job that I had

you know five six seven eight years ago

it took me some time to work and get it

and now I have it and I’m thinking well

what’s next right we keep changing and

evolving and growing as professionals

right I think so and as if you keep

building your skills as well and you

keep building your network as well

you’ll start to think of whoa what are

some other things I might be able to do

absolutely I think overall like just an

ability to adapt and change is also

quite valuable as well all right so I

hope that you found a couple of those

tips useful we wish you the best of luck

of course in trying to find and trying

to work towards your dream job but if

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