What is your favorite kind of house Daily Use English Sentences


dream house

mary is being interviewed by james

about their dream house

mary i would like to interview you about

your dream house

you only need to describe what is in

your mind while talking about

this topic okay

sounds good to me let’s start with your


and the environments around it shall we

i’m ready just ask away what is your

favorite kind of house

it’s a typical suburban house in america

those ones that have a large backyard

and two driveways leading to the front

door and the garage

those houses that are mass produced by

big construction companies that are

similar to others nearby

i’m imagining just that

what is the main attractiveness of those


a neighborhood with little differences

between the houses yet having their own


in my mind that kind of neighborhood

sparks peacefulness and freedom

it gave me a sense of belonging in a way

wonderful and you have a very specific

mindset and idea about the area around

your home too

so i’m curious what kind of neighbors

would you be comfortable living by

neighbors let me think about that for a


having a nice cat lady living nearby

would surely be a great experience

young couples who have little kids would

also attract my attention

and what are the main reasons

because little kids who are curious and


are very cute and quite joyful to play


i’m an outgoing person so making new

friends is one of the most

exciting things in my life

and the reason why i like cat ladies is

that i also

am a cat lover too but

too busy to raise one myself

besides old people are experienced

so asking them for life advice from time

to time is beneficial

interesting please go on what about the


what sort of person living in your

neighborhood that

you would not get along with

top of my list being toxic middle-aged

men whose life goal

is to bring suffering to others

can you be more specific when i was only

a kid there was a man

living several houses away who was both


and scary he was extremely hated

by more than half of our neighborhood

for his deeds

i don’t really want to recall so can we

move on

of course let’s focus more on your house


how many rooms do you want it to have

minimum preferably well my ideal house

should have at least two bedrooms a

kitchen a separate dining room

and a living room i can use three or

four bedrooms because later in time

it can be put into great use

and three bathrooms around the house

just to be sure

is there any specific reason for this

lineup to be ideal mary

well one of the bedrooms would be for me

and my future husband

and the other is for my kids

the dining room to me should be

separated from the living room

simply because one is for family


and the other is for having guests and

recreation activities

what about having three bathrooms

imagine one for each bedroom and the

other is shared

yes that is my original intention

in my home the bathroom should be a

personalized space that is filled with

equipment dedicated to relaxation and


your mindset is fantastic by the way

i rarely see anyone with such details

thank you james i was raised in a

wonderful family my parents allow me to

have my personal space and we cherish

the family time we have together

my open-mindedness is also a gift from

my mom

very cool by the way what are the things

inside your dream home that deprived you

of your childhood home

well firstly the personal bathrooms and

the separation between the dining room

and the living room

secondly is the type of house in


i lived in the suburban area in my

younger years for the familiarness

to that area stuck with me so

how does your dream house differentiate

itself from your childhood house

the paint is the first thing that comes

to mind

i want my dream house to be bright and

kind of colorful sky blues

and sea blues would definitely cover

most of my front

along with a white and light green


the garage might as well be a deep blue

but anyway that’s my only current


how about the inside there are a lot of


so i can’t decide yet

the range of choices is simply endless

isn’t it that’s right

so maybe later in time i will know more


okay that’s okay so what about the


where would you want me to start the

living room and dining room are some

good starters

i’m particularly fond of long sofas

and utilized couches

those couches can have multiple things

you see

a round central table with glass tops

and drawers

very child friendly some cupboards and

drawers pressed against the walls

a tv attached to the wall at eye level


loudspeakers i would love to be able to

hear the music that comes from those

speakers when i’m cooking in the kitchen

everything else is optional such as

decorations and

recreational stuff how about the dining

room furniture

two more cupboards to display and store

kitchen and eating stuff such as plates

and bowls

a small electrical furnace in case it

got chilly along with a collection of

seen candles

you were also fond of scene candles

oh recently i was introduced to this

wonderful stuff

by one of my roommates electric

scene makers are great but are nowhere

near as sensational

a great point there anything else

a chandelier maybe

i found those crystally ones are

fabulous but not very suitable for a low

ceiling house

but that will go into consideration


apart from that a robot vacuum cleaner

and one of those

alexas who will be a nice touch to the


going modern aren’t you i want my dream

to be house

to be as modern as possible but i

haven’t gotten enough knowledge about it

but in the future the list will

definitely be longer

how about your bedroom i would rather


talk about it yet you see i will share

my bedroom with my future husband so

i don’t want to think about it yet

that will be a later discussion between

me and him

it’s the same for the bathrooms i


is there anything that makes your dream

kitchen special to you

if i have the financial capability

i want my kitchen to be equipped with

all the basic utilities

along with luxurious stuff

i’m talking about masterchef level of


i’m a self-taught cooker but it doesn’t

stop me from going pro

fascinating so

thank you for allowing me to carry out

this interview with you

it has been a great pleasure listening

to you i’ve got so much meaningful

information from you

thank you james i hope to talk to you

later in the future



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