Learn American Holidays Earth Day

hi everyone I’m Alicia Earth Day is a
worldwide celebration that started in

the United States in 1970 a u.s. senator
named Gaylord Nelson held what is

considered to be the first Earth Day
celebration today it’s international but

particularly important in the United
States it’s all about educating people

about and celebrating the importance of
the natural environment and working to

preserve it the first Earth Day was tied
to a particular environmental disaster

do you know which one it was will show
you the answer at the end of this video

Earth Day is a holiday that is designed
to be educational but it’s a lot of fun

as well when Gaylord Nelson had the
first Earth Day it was based on the idea

of an environmental teachin that first
holiday attracted over 20 million people

today the holiday has expanded

it’s estimated that across the 175
nations that celebrate Earth Day 500

million people participate in the event
Earth Week is an offshoot of the

celebration Earth Day celebrations
typically include both events where

people gather in public places engage in
games and other diversions and community

service efforts some of the people who
go out to celebrate Earth Day attend one

of the many parades that are held to
commemorate the day while the first

Earth Day celebrations were considered
to be rather political that has faded

over time and today most people just go
out and have fun and learn something

about the environment in the United
States Earth Day is generally celebrated

in schools and teachers use the occasion
to give lessons on environmental science

biology and other relevant topics
because Earth Day is so rooted in the

idea of educating people about the
environment many of the events are

educational in and of themselves
oftentimes large-scale events are held

in parks and other public places that
emphasize the importance of keeping

green spaces for everybody to use

Earth Day is on April 22nd in part
because for students in college it would

be right between spring break and summer
vacation this makes it easier to reach

out to post-secondary students and now
here’s the answer to the quiz do you

know which environmental disaster is
tied to the first Earth Day an oil spill

in Santa Barbara California in 1969 is
credited for spurring the first Earth

Day the event was designed to be a
grassroots one from the start and

continues on in that tradition today how
was this lesson did you learn something

interesting Earth Day is celebrated
around the world how is it celebrated in

your country please leave a comment in
English class 101.com

until next time