Visiting Grandparents Home English Conversation Easily Learning English


conversation at home

visiting grandparents


tom’s family is going to visit tom’s

grandparents today

let’s watch the video and what will they

do at their grandparents home


tom and lana

do you know what we’ll do tomorrow

tomorrow’s sunday

we will go to visit grandparents


that’s right so now everyone will

prepare the stuff for tomorrow’s trip

don’t forget to bring the gift you’ve

made for your grandparents as i said

yes mom


why are you watching tv

have you prepared enough things we’ve

talked about before

of course i did

i’ve checked the fruit and wine we

bought and carefully boxed it

the new message machine we bought i also

put in the trunk of our car

good job honey


have you checked the gas of the car

are you sure it will be enough for the


yes mary i just refueled yesterday when

i went out to buy the fruit

why do you worry about me

i’m just worried that you’ll forget

everything like the camping

day no honey it was an accident

forget it

tom and lana

have you put everything you need in your


no mom do you see where my glasses are

which glasses

the glasses with spider-man on the frame

ah i remember it you have kept it in my


i cleaned the house yesterday and saw

that you left it in the living room

so i kept it for you in my room let me

take it out for you

thank you mom

by the way

you should not leave things


only bad kids do that

yes mom i remember

i can’t see where’s my picture

i spent three days drawing it

i really want to give my picture to my

grandparents as my gift

have you searched for it carefully

yes dad i’m afraid that i forgot it in

my class

i think we should look for it one more


i will help you with it

thank you dad



don’t forget to search for it in your


you may put it in but forget about it

let me see


oh no you are right dad

i put it in there

i’m so absent-minded

no problem daughter

you are really like me


okay everyone let’s go to bed early

we’ll start the trip early tomorrow

yes mom good night mom and dad

good night


can i take sam with me

i think he also wants to play with lou

at my grandparents house

that is a great idea

okay tom you will hug sam in the back


okay dan

are you ready

let’s go now


yay we got there

sam looks so excited it’s the first time

he’s been out this far

tom and lana remember to say hello and

ask about your grandparents health

yes mom

long time no see lou

he looks bigger

why doesn’t this stop barking

it’s so annoying

come on sam

you’re barking too

i think lou forgot us and he’ll bark

with strangers

it’s a normal thing a dog does

let me call your grandparents i think

only they can stop it

mom dad

are you home

mark and mary right

i’m opening the door right now



you’re so annoying

good morning grandfather i’m so happy to

see you

good my children

let’s go in the house now

you must be very tired

yes dad we left early in the morning

okay get in

your mom is very eager to see everyone

oh is this sam

i haven’t seen him for a long time

yes grandfather this is the dog that

grandpa gave me last year

he grows so fast


i’ll put lou in a cage so you won’t

fight with sam

hello grandma how are you

i’m very strong

i miss you so much

come here let me hug my two children

we miss you too


i have a secret gift for you

let me take it out

it’s one picture which was drawn by me

grandpa do you like it

you draw very well

yes i love it

i’ll hang it in the living room

i have a gift for you too

here you are

wow tom your robot looks so cool

thank you my child

it’s my favorite robot of tom

he just played it one time before

you are so kind tom


mom dad

i’ve brought some fruits and wine for


ah we also brought a new massage machine

i know you have back pain so it’ll be

very helpful for you

i love massage machines

i told your mom to buy one but she

didn’t agree because it is very



thank you

lana do you want to eat apple cake

yes grandma i love apple cake very very


let me bring it out for you

i just made them in the morning


i love apple cake too

tom come here with me

i really miss you my boy

yes grandpa

do you enjoy going to school do you play

with many friends

i have a lot of friends at school

also i’m ranked first in my class

good job my boy

let me kiss you once

oh tom you are so cute

you must be very hungry

let’s prepare for lunch now

yes mom

i’ll give you a helping hand

what will we have for lunch mom i’m so


i will make chicken soup and baked ribs

that sounds great mom

dad how is your health recently

have you and mom still keep cycling as


yes of course

we always cycle

every afternoon

we go around the village

it helps us feel better and eat more in

the evening



i’m strong like you grandpa

i even swim faster than lana

she lost to me in a swimming competition

last week

because you’re a boy tom

but you’re older than me

both of you are so good

and mark how about your career

everything is good dad

i’ll be promoted to deputy director next


also my wife has become the team leader

last week

i’m so proud of you mark and mary

thank you dad

do you want to try that massage machine


i heard that it will make you feel so


ah yes

let me bring it out there grandpa

okay tom be careful

it may be fairly heavy for you

don’t worry grandpa i’m as strong as



do you still have apple cake i have

eaten the whole cake

yes of course you can go to the kitchen

and ask your grandma

i remember that she made a lot for you

and tom


i’ll go with you anna

i’m hungry too

haha these kids are so cute and docile


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