How do you teach your children to eat healthy food English Listening Practice Daily



about health

situation one karen and her friend

alex discuss how to teach their kids

healthy habits oh

hi karen what a surprise bumping into

you here

hi alex i’m doing grocery shopping

you too yes i’m buying snacks and fruits

for my kids

how are you i’m having a little bit of a

situation here

my five-year-old son doesn’t like fruit

or any kind of vegetable

how do you teach your kids to eat

healthy food

you should make an effort to incorporate

a range of fruits and vegetables of

different hues into their diet

make eating colorful

that’s a great idea you should teach him

healthy habits slowly every day

kids pick up your habits too both good

and bad

what should i start with make half your

meals fruits and vegetables

and don’t worry if he doesn’t start

eating yet keep serving balanced meals

okay and i’m worried that his habit of

eating ice cream may cause some health


reduce added sugars added sugar has been

linked to childhood obesity

chronic diseases behavior problems and


how should i do that drink water

kids don’t need sweetened drinks

what kind of protein you would need

seafood poultry lean beef eggs

dairy beans peas nuts

and seeds are all good protein sources

to include in a child’s diet

okay is any other food good for babies

whole wheat brown rice oatmeal and even

popcorn are all whole grain foods that


fiber and b vitamins in addition

to an energy boost but many healthy

foods like whole

grain bread and peanut butter are


should i avoid it no but do try to limit

highly processed foods which include

artificial dyes

preservatives refined fats and flours

and added sugars

okay i will try to cook from scratch

using whole ingredients

trust me i have four kids at a young age

they all need our guide to form a

healthy lifestyle

can you help me please this is my first

kid and

i’m kinda lost sure

start with limited screen time children

are growing

up immersed in the digital world and

parents play an

important role in teaching their

children how to use screen time


but my kid likes watching tv

make your own family media use plan set

limits overuse of media can lead to a

sedentary lifestyle

and displace important social


exercise and even sleep

should i make him play outside what if

he doesn’t like playing sports

if he sees you being active and finds

physical activities he enjoys

staying healthy and active becomes easy

expose him to a range of physical

activities like swimming

archery or gymnastics he is bound

to find something he enjoys

he is still a kid should i start

teaching him how to read

developing strong reading skills is an

essential component of your child’s

success in school

now and at work later in life

really yes reading helps build

a child’s self-esteem relationships with

parents and others

and success later in life okay

i will make sure reading is a part of

his playtime and bedtime routines

doctors suggest that daily reading to

children can begin as early as six

months of age

how can i make reading interesting for


choose books your kid likes so that he

views reading as a treat rather than a


i will set up play dates for him with

activities like reading

and playing at the park hmm

yes good idea

friendships are very important playing

with friends teaches kids valuable

social skills such as communication

cooperation and problem solving

great there are many kids in our


i will find kids his age encourage your

kid to develop a variety of friendships

and to play with friends often it will

set him up with life skills he can draw

on for years to come

thank you so much for your advice i will

start teaching him right away

good luck call me if you have any



situation two two friends joan

and amy are talking about how to

maintain a healthy lifestyle

hi joan it’s nice to see you i’ve been

wanting to talk to you

oh hi amy what’s up the thing is

i admire your healthy body and i want

your advice on having a better healthier


sure that’s great a healthy person eats

a balanced diet

drinks adequate water and does the right

amount of exercise

but i’m busy with work and family

i think people who live healthfully

always have one thing in common

they manage to strike a balance between

work and life

between exercise and diet

what’s your secret to achieving that


even when you’re too busy try to do some


or have some entertainment you don’t

need to go to the gym and spend two

hours doing physical activities

maybe i will have a small break from

work and do some stretching exercises

yes try not to sit too much nowadays

societies are built in such a way that

they are ideal

for healthy living yes in my

neighborhood we have plenty of greenery

a gym park swimming pools etc

yes you can go for a morning walk work

out in the gym

and start your day in the evenings you

can spend time in the parks

okay and i can bring my kids and they

will have these healthy habits

and diet is also very important

how important more important than we

would probably ever know

after all it is the balanced diet that

keeps nourishing

each and every cell of our body by

providing a variety of nutrition from

the different food groups

but what is a balanced diet

specifically vegetables and fruits

protein like meat fish eggs beans

soy dairies like low-fat milk cheese

yogurt carbohydrates like rice

pasta potatoes and bread and a small

number of healthy fats

wow i didn’t think much about the food i


i don’t know it’s pretty complicated

anyway a balanced diet is important for

maintaining a healthy lifestyle

because it provides all kinds of

important vitamins minerals and

nutrients to keep the body and mind

strong and healthy i will try to cook

balanced and clean meals for my family

i know food can be very tempting but try

to stick to healthy food

food that you know is hygienic and

carefully prepared

so i have to cut down the pizzas and hot

dogs and tacos

no once in a while we can give ourselves

a nice little treat

like the cheese pizza i had yesterday

okay i will try drink a lot of water too

cut down on sugary drinks and caffeine

i will ensure that i eat a nutritious

diet and have a water bottle on my table

good stick to all of those rules and

your health

will be much better thank you

so much i will try to turn it into


good luck

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