How To Improve Your Pronunciation Speak Clearly

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm do you have a strong accent

when you speak English let me help you

today when I was living and teaching

English in Korea a lot of my students

were really worried about their accent

they were worried that other people

couldn’t understand them when they were

speaking English and they wanted to get

rid of their accent or at least they

wanted to speak in a more understandable

way so I gave them a lot of tips but one

of these tips was more useful and

possibly new to them so I want to share

it with you all as well this tip is to

practice speaking like a robot really

like a robot a robot speaks in choppy I

am a robot kind of speech choppy it

doesn’t sound natural

but this style just for practice not in

real life at home when you’re practicing

this style is going to help you separate

the sounds to help you focus on the

sounds that give you trouble the main

key is to use natural pronunciation and

break it into tiny robot sections so

let’s take one sentence as an example

and I’m going to demonstrate how you can

use this to practice pronunciation at

home and to help get rid of your strong

accent so that other people can

understand you let’s talk about this

sentence I don’t want to eat dinner as a

native speaker I’m not going to talk

like that I don’t want to eat dinner I’m

going to say I don’t want to eat dinner

I don’t want to eat dinner so this

second way this natural style is the one

that I want you to break

in two different sections and speak like

a robot with those sections

let’s practice you could say I don’t we

don’t say that tea I don’t wanna eat

dinner I don’t want to eat dinner I

don’t wanna eat dinner when you break it

down into these sections you’re hearing

each sound each natural sound not I

don’t want to eat dinner you’re hearing

each natural sound I don’t wanna eat

dinner and even though you’re speaking

slower or more like a robot than a

native speaker would this is going to

help you to improve your pronunciation

when you can hear each sound and when

you can improve each sound so at the

beginning when you’re practicing at home

when you’re practicing in this video now

you can start to practice I want you to

speak slowly and clearly and use the

natural pronunciation but break it into

different sections so when you say I

don’t wanna eat dinner to a native

speaker maybe they’re gonna say oh that

guy sounds like a robot so the goal the

key is to speed it up at first when

you’re at home practicing say it slowly

I don’t wanna eat dinner but then you

can speed it up once you master each

section you can speed it up I don’t want

to eat dinner I don’t want to eat dinner

I don’t want to eat dinner

I don’t want to eat dinner I don’t want

to eat dinner you can say it faster and

faster so that when you do speak English

outside your home or with other people

they’re gonna be able to understand you

so this is my robot technique for today

I don’t recommend speaking like a robot

to other people but when you’re

practicing with yourself when you’re

practicing maybe with someone else at

home in a private place this is a great


to isolate each sound isolate each

natural sound thanks so much for

watching this video and if you are not

on my website at the moment I’d like to

hear your feedback about this I’d like

to hear your opinion what do you think

about this kind of private robot

technique breaking it down and then

speeding it up and saying it faster let

me know in the comments below in the

comments below this video so that I can

hear your opinion and we can share with

each other I’ll see you again the next

time goodbye if you enjoyed this video

be sure to download my free ebook where

you can learn 5 steps to becoming a

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so much for learning with me bye