Daily Life English Conversations Elementary Level


where do you live I live in Pasadena

where is Pasadena it’s in California is

it in Northern California

no it’s in Southern California is

Pasadena a big city it’s pretty big

how big is pretty big it has about a

hundred and forty thousand people how

big is Los Angeles

it has about three million people

do you have a car yes I do what kind of

car do you have I have a Honda is it new

it was new in 2003 so it’s pretty old

now yes it is but it still looks good

do you take good care of it oh yes I

wash it once a week do you change the

oil my mechanic changes the oil twice a


do you have a girl

no I don’t do you I don’t have a

girlfriend either why not I don’t know

maybe I’m not rich enough girls like

guys with money they sure do

they like guys with new cars I don’t

have money or a new car me neither but

girls like guys who are funny yeah maybe

we should learn some good jokes

where are you going I have to walk the

dog what kind of dog do you have I have

a little poodle poodles bark a lot they

sure do

they bark at everything they never shut

up why did you get a poodle

it’s my mom’s dog so she likes poodles

she says they’re good watch dogs

can I borrow $5 sure why do you need it

I want to buy a lunch where’s your money

it’s not in my wallet your wallet is

empty I don’t have even one dollar in it

being broke is no fun even if it’s only

for a short while it’s always good to

have friends friends will lend you money

when you’re broke as long as you pay

them back

let’s go to the beach that’s a great

idea we haven’t been in a while we

haven’t been in a month the last time we

went you almost drowned

no I didn’t then why did the lifeguard

dive into the water I think he wanted to

cool off he swam right up to you and

then he turned right around maybe you’re

right maybe we should get going

are you married no I’m divorced

when did you get divorced I got divorced

two years ago why did you get divorced

my wife left me why did she leave you

she said she didn’t love me anymore

wow that’s terrible

yes it was why didn’t she love you

anymore she fell in love with my best


on board what’s on TV nothing there must

be something on TV nothing that’s

interesting what about the new game show

which one Deal or No Deal tell me you’re


I love that show

I watched it once that was enough it’s

on right now let’s watch it together

I like living here I agree Pasadena is a

nice city it’s not too big and it’s not

too small

it has great weather all year long it

has the Rose Parade it has beautiful

houses it has wonderful restaurant

it has great schools it’s close to the

mountains the people are friendly I’m

not ever going to leave

we need a new mattress what’s the matter

with this one it’s not comfortable it

seems fine to me I toss and turn all

night you should stop drinking coffee

look at these marks on my arms what are

they they are bite that the cat bite you

know the bedbugs in that mattress bit me

okay let’s get a new mattress

my laptop is so slow buy a new one I

would if I had the money why is it so

slow that’s a good question

did you take it to a computer shop I

would if I had the money well I guess

you have to win with it sometimes I want

to throw it out the window you don’t

want to do that

why not you might hit someone in the


what’s for dinner I’m not sure how about

a pizza you had pizza for lunch but I

love pizza everybody loves pizza so why

can’t I have pizza for dinner because

you need a variety what variety

different things not the same thing all

the time

you mean like pepperoni pizza instead of

a cheese pizza no I mean a salad instead

of a pizza

we need to save money why do we need to

save money because we need to buy a

house but a house is so expensive that’s

why we need to save money how much do we

need to save we need to save enough for

a down payment how much is that

that’s about $30,000 $30,000 that will

take forever

not if we save every penny okay here’s

seven pennies

the ocean is so big you can’t see the

end of it it goes on and on forever and

it’s deep - I think it’s five miles deep

are there fish at the bottom there are

fish at the top and the bottom are there

more fish or more people I think there

are more fish I hope so

I love to eat fish

I’m upset with my mom why is that I

warned her about her new boyfriend she

didn’t listen to me what happened I gave

her a thousand dollars for her birthday

I told her to spend it on herself that

was very nice of you I found out that

she gave it to her new boyfriend why did

she do that he said he would buy her a

nice ring what’s wrong with that

he went to us Vegas he lost it all


oh I hope your mom broke up with him

do animals talk to each other of course

they talk to each other what do they

talk about they talk about other animals

what else do they talk about they talk

about food and the weather do they talk

about us of course they talk about us

what do they say about us they say that

we are funny looking but we’re not funny

looking animals are funny looking we’re

funny looking because we wear clothes

I have to clean the house yes

it’s very dirty you can help me why me

because you helped make it dirty what do

you want me to do I want you to clean

the bathroom oh that’s easy

clean the sink the tub the counter and

the toilet that’s a lot of work tell me

when you finish I don’t think so

you’ll just give me more work

you’re watching too much TV what do you

mean I mean you’re wasting your life I’m

having fun you’re sitting there with

your mouth open

who cares I care do something okay

I did something what did you do I turned

up the volume that’s not what I meant by

do something well you do something we’ve

meet alone


did you write a letter to Grandma yes I

did did you tell her about school I told

her that school is fun did you put the

letter in an envelope yes and I sealed

the envelope that you put a stamp on the

info I couldn’t find any stamps there in

the kitchen drawer okay I just put a

stamp on the envelope give me the

envelope and I’ll mail it for you when

is grandma going to learn about email

why are you yawning I’m sleepy why don’t

you go to bed I want to watch this TV

show maybe you should record it the tape

recorder is broken then you should watch

the rerun why I’m watching the original

but you’ll be asleep in about one minute

I’m just yawning because the commercials

are on okay I’ll tell you how the show



it’s Sunday so you know what that means

I forgot Sunday means we go to church oh

yeah put on a coat and a tie why to show

respect God and others

I’m glad Sunday is only once a week I

hope God didn’t hear that he’ll forgive


did you feed the cat I’ll do that in a

minute that cat is meowing he’s hungry

okay I’ll feed him right now

you shouldn’t make him wait I was doing

my homework the cat doesn’t care about

your homework the cat doesn’t care about

anything that the way cats are all they

think about is themselves maybe we

should get rid of him of course not he’s


I hate shaving me too

I just cut myself again did you use a

new blade it doesn’t matter

old blades cut new blades cutting maybe

you should use an electric shaver they

make a lot of noise but they don’t give

the close shave maybe you should stop

shaving and grow a beard sure why not

because food and other stuff sticks in

my beard hmm here’s an idea put cream on

your face and have the cat lick it off

excuse me yes are you reading this paper

Oh No

help yourself I asked because the paper

is sitting next to you

thank you that’s polite of you to ask

some people would just pick it up yes I

know some people are rude I always try

to be polite

so do I the world needs more polite

people like us I agree 100%

mom I want a puppy let me think about it

why do you have to think about it

because a puppy costs money no it

doesn’t puppies are free yes but a puppy

needs shot shots for what so it won’t

get sick just like you get shots I hate

shots and a puppy eats food food costs

money no problem I’ll give him food off

my plate

oh no you don’t puppies don’t eat


look at all these kittens how many are


eh they’re all so cute yes but I can’t

keep them what are you gonna do with

them I’m going to give them away do you

want one

yes I would love one which one do you

want that one the one that’s all black

yes I like that one too

I’ll call him Blacky

my parents go to church every Sunday

they trust in God they hope they will go

to heaven they probably will but no one

knows for sure

that’s for sure no one knows what

happens after we die if we are good we

will be happy in heaven with God that’s

what many people believe if we are bad

we would be unhappy forever in hell I

don’t want to go to hell let’s go to

church with your parents on Sunday

my husband died I’m sorry for you thank


when did he die a couple of months ago

you still miss him yes but I talked to

him almost every day when you go to


no when I call him on his cell phone

what do you mean I buried him with his

cell phone what will you do when the

battery dies

today is Friday the 13th that’s a bad

day it’s supposed to be unlucky you’re

supposed to stay home all day that’s

what I do

my friend stayed in a hotel on Friday

the 13th that was a mistake he stayed on

the 13th floor

what happened someone stole his laptop

he was asking for it he learned his

lesson he’s home today

do you really love me of course prove it

how can I prove it take me to dinner

that’s it that’s all I have to do

take me to a nice restaurant not to

McDonald’s but a nice restaurant costs

money yes and you have to make a

reservation that’s such a hassle I knew

you didn’t love me ok ok I’ll make your

reservation right now


my parents are divorced for mine why did

your parents get divorced my father

found a new girlfriend

that’s too bad my mother was hurt and

angry she had good reason what did she

do she told him to drop his girlfriend

what did your father do he moved out of

our house oh yes he really liked his new

girlfriend yes but she left him a year


my grandma’s apartment smells funny

so does mine I think it’s old people

smell really yes I think when you get

old you begin to smell like fruit that

is too ripe yes

just like fruit that is too ripe but the

smell is different yet old people don’t

smell like fruit no they smell like a

thrift shop yes a thrift shop has that

same smell yes and an old smell


the price of stamps goes up and up

I think stamps used to cost a penny that

was a long time ago it was before I was

born now a stamp is 42 cents but in May

it will be 44 cents have you ever lost a

letter in the mail no I haven’t neither

have I so they do a good job for the

money yes they do

maybe we shouldn’t complain

a button came off my shirt what are you

going to do first I have to find a

button where did you lose it I have no

idea a button is hard to find did you

look in your pant cuffs that’s a good


I found a button in my pant cuffs one

time let me look

no it’s not there many shirts come with

an extra button you’re right this one

does have an extra button now all you

have to do is sew it on

I have to go to the bathroom you drink

too much coffee but I love coffee well

it’s your life you eat too much

chocolate I don’t think so

have you looked in the mirror do you

think I’m getting fat

I didn’t say that what did you say I

said I have to go to the bathroom that’s

what I thought you said

did you do the laundry yes I did what

did you wash I washed the sheets and

towels what about the pillowcases yes I

took them off the pillows and washed

them did you dry everything in the dryer

yes I dried everything in the dryer then

what did you do I folded all the towels

did you put the sheets on the bed yes I

put the pillowcases on the pillows

do you listen to the radio

I listened day and night what do you

listen to mostly talk radio what’s that

people talk about current events what do

they say they say they want change what

kind of change they want tax cuts why do

they want tax cuts because tax cuts will

save them money

mom I’m hungry look in the fridge I’m

looking there’s nothing to eat

are you sure it’s almost empty I went to

the market yesterday I don’t see

anything I bought lots of oranges and


I don’t want fruit I want something

tasty eat the fruit it’s good for you

next time you go to the market let me go

with you

no thank you all you want to eat are

hotdogs and candy bars

what is there to eat I don’t know look

in the fridge I think I’ll make a

sandwich what kind a ham sandwich the

bread is in the cabinet where the

mustard it’s in the fridge I think oh

yes here it is do you want the sandwich

yes that sounds nice

how about some potato chips yes and a

pickle if we have any

it’s time for your bath young lady but

mom I’m not dirty

you need a bath every day why because

you don’t want to smell bad

I don’t smell bad that’s what you think

if I smell bad I could smell me I can

smell you I can smell you too that’s my


when can I wear perfume

something is wrong with my computer

exactly what all I get is a black screen

what’s the matter I think I know because

this happened before what happened

before my hard drive crashed Oh No

that bad news it sure is but I’m going

to call HP first just to make sure will

you lose all your files no I always back

up my files you’re smart

I called HP about my computer what did

they say they said I need a new hard

drive that’s too bad

how much is a new one it’s not too much

only about $85 plus installation no my

hard drive is easy to remove and replace

really yes it’s just a couple of screws

that’s nice it’s a lot better than

paying someone $60 is my hard drive

crashes I’ll just call you

what’s your email address it’s blue dog

one two three blue dog one two three are

you sure that’s all yes no that’s

incomplete what do you mean what your

mailing address for five six

cherry drive Pasadena California nine

one one seven zero that’s correct

so what’s the problem blue dog one two


is just the street you have to give me

the city state and zip code oh I get it

my email address is blue dog one two

three at yahoo.com

I’m going to take a nap you should

unplug the phone that’s a good idea

do you want me to wake you in an hour no

thanks just let me sleep until I wake up

I’ll start dinner at six o’clock okay I

think I’ll be awake by then if not your

nose will wake you up you mean I will

smell the food cooking

you might even dream about dinner I

don’t think I’m going to dream about


I’m really tired too have a nice nap

that was a nice funeral yes dad it was

the Sun gave a nice speech about his


it was long - I think it was about 45

minutes long but it went by fast it was

interesting I liked it I’ll give you a

speech like that - do you think anyone

will come to my funeral

of course I think only the family will

be there you have lots of friends they

will be there too

hey what’s that noise I had to blow my

nose did you have to blow right next to

the phone did you hear that of course I

heard that I thought a plane had crashed

into your house it wasn’t that loud I

will blow my nose sometime for you and

you’ll see okay I’ll take your word for

it I thought you had an elephant in your

house you’re funny what did you say I

think I’ve gone deaf I’m going into the

bathroom to blow my nose I’ll be right


I have lots of friends really how many

do you have I don’t know maybe 100 that

is a lot of friends do you have a best

friend of course I have lots of best

friends how many best friends do you


I think about 25 hmm

I have only one best friend I feel sorry

for you I have only a few friends you

must be lonely I will share my friends

with you that’s very nice of you

don’t you ever cheat on me why would I

do that because men like to cheat some

men do but not me I’m watching you I’m

an open book watch me all you want if I

catch you you’ll be sorry you won’t

catch me because I love you I’m not a


I will poke your eyes out I don’t want

any other woman I will chop your toes

off one by one

honey please you’re the only woman for

me forever I swear it

I hate to go outside me too

why do you hate to go outside I need too

many jerks I agree this city is full of

jerk rude people are everywhere but what

can you do you can yell at them and they

will yell back at you yelling doesn’t do

any good no the best thing to do is just

stay home

will you look at this form are you

having problems with it I don’t

understand some things let me help you

what does M I mean M I stands for middle


what does mmm / DD / YY mean that means

month/day/year use numbers I don’t

understand for example if your birth

date is January 12 1987 right 0 1 / 12 /

87 oh that’s simple enough always print

clearly and fill in the bubbles


let’s go to the

more shelter what do you want to do I

want to get a puppy for my son and that

will make him so happy I’ll get him one

of those little dogs one that won’t grow

up too big and eat too much do you know

which one he would like oh yes I took

him there yesterday

he showed me one that he really liked I

bet you had to drag him away he wanted

to take it home yesterday I wonder what

he’ll name it

what’s the weather like I don’t know I

just woke up why don’t you look outside


it looks like rain why do you say that

the sky is gray is it raining right now

no how do you know the street isn’t wet

I have to go shopping today you’d better

take an umbrella

I can’t believe how hard it is it’s not

even noon yet

that means it will get hotter I’m dying

from the heat turn on the

air-conditioner it doesn’t work what

happened I don’t know did you call the

repairman of course

when is he coming he’s busy he said next


I’ll be glad when winter comes why is

that because I love the snow

yes the snow is fun last year we made a

big snowman how big was it it was seven

feet tall

how long did it take it took us all day

did you give him a nose of covers we

gave him a big carrot for a nose let me

help you make one this year

I’m going to the bank what do you need

to do I need to withdraw some money how

are you going to do that I just used the

ATM what’s that it’s the automatic

teller machine it gives you money I just

insert my debit card into the machine

and it gives you a money well it gives

me money but it’s my own money Oh what

good is that I thought it gave you free



did you put the bloob in out on the

street oh no I forgot well you’d better

take it out from it what time does the

recycling truck come by it usually gets

here at noon on Tuesday which is

tomorrow I’ll just take it out to the


tomorrow morning oh no you don’t what do

you mean every morning you get up late

and rush off to work late do you think

I’ll forget to do it you’ll remember to

do it but you won’t have time to do it

okay I’ll take it out front right now


are you ready ready for what ready for

the big switch what are you talking

about the nation is switching to digital

TV oh of course I’m ready did you buy

the converter no I don’t need a

converter because I bought a digital TV

how much was that it was only about $120

for a 13-inch screen does it pick up any

digital channels oh yes I get six Korean

channels but nothing in English

people are funny they sure are

did you hear about the pilot the one

that stole a small plane yes

he stole a plane in Canada and foot into

u.s. did they catch him

yes after two US fighter jets followed

him for an hour he landed on a highway

did he crash no he just landed the point

and walked to a restaurant did the cops

find out why he flew into the u.s. his

life sucked he was hoping a fighter jet

would shoot him down

poor guy

the police need our help finding a

robber how do you know the TV news is

reporting a bank robbery do they know

what the robber looks like yes

he’s 6 feet tall 200 pounds black hair

and about 30 years old what race is he

they didn’t say the TV news doesn’t tell

us the race anymore of course not that

would be racist how can we identify

someone if we don’t know their race

don’t ask me then they also shouldn’t

tell us if the robber is male or female

because that is sexist

don’t wipe your nose on your sleeve but

I don’t have it at issue then go find a

tissue in the bathroom I didn’t have

time to get one from there your sleeves

are not tissues but mom all my friends

user sleeps that doesn’t make it right

I saw a dad wipe his nose on his sleeve

yesterday I will talk to your father

about that I bet dad did it all the time

when he was my age your daddy was a good

little boy how do you know

were you his mommy too

I’m worried worried about what I’m

getting married

you should be happy not worried

I am happy but marriage is a lot of

responsibility yes you have to take care

of your wife and I have to take care of

our children are you going to start a

family yes we want to have a little boy

and a little girl that sounds wonderful

except we can’t afford it no wonder

you’re worried

I don’t get art or artists they’re in a

different world I saw a painting of a

jar that was full of pencils the artist

said the gel is both full and empty but

it was full of pencils

how could he say it was empty artists

see things differently did you ever see

anything that Picasso painted of course

he’s world famous did he ever take art

lessons I can’t believe it I drew

paintings like that in third grade where

are they

maybe they are worth millions

what’s the point the point of what of

living who knows you live and then you

die we must be here for some reasons

maybe we’re here to have fun then why

aren’t I having fun because you’re

thinking too much

so I should stop thinking stop thinking

about what the point is okay I’ll start

thinking about having some fun

just be patient fun doesn’t come along

every five minutes

beer is a powerful drug so I figure it

which would you prefer what do you mean

when you die and go to heaven and they

will offer you beer cigarettes I could

pick only one or the other yes nothing

is perfect not even in heaven boy that’s

a tough one what’s so tough about it of

course I would take cigarettes

cigarettes tastes much better when you

have a cold beer well you can’t have


I don’t think I want to go to your


my pants have a hole in the

front pocket you shouldn’t carry pens in

your pocket yesterday a pin fell through

my pants onto my shoe lucky for you it

wasn’t a sharp knife who will carry the

sharp knife in their pocket criminals of

course anyway I have to fix the hole you

can sew it up or use an iron-on patch

tell me about this patch the patch has

glue the hot iron melts the glue for the

patch ticks on that sounds a lot easier

than sewing it is but after about 10

washings the glue washes off

do you know any good joke I can’t

remember jokes neither deny they go in

one ear and out the other makes up all

these jokes who knows but there must be

a hundred new ones every day yes just in

English alone

I wonder if every language has jokes of

course people everywhere like good jokes

what do you think people joke about the

most I think most jokes about women oh


I think most jokes are about men

you’re very lucky why do you say that

you speak two languages

well my English isn’t perfect no one

speaks perfect English maybe I’ll be the

first I’ve been thinking about learning

Spanish Spanish easy I’ll be happy to

teach you how long will it take me to

learn I think we’ll only take you a year

  • how soon can we begin Oh duh that

means right now

do you know what today is yes it’s April

22nd it’s more than just a date is it

your birthday or anniversary no it’s

Earth Day what’s that it’s a yearly

reminder to take care of our planet Oh

give me Mike reuse things and recycle

stuff yes we need to think green save

water and stop using plastic bags how

about if I take shorter showers that’s a

good idea

because showers waste a lot of water

from now on I’ll spend only 20 minutes

in the shower

poetry sucks I don’t know anyone who

likes it

some of it is okay I guess yes the poems

that rhyme in it easy to remember like

one two buckle my shoe but people still

write poems no one makes any money at it

Shakespeare was a poet did he get rich

from his poetry probably not

palms are a little bit like song yes the

songs have music without music songs

would suck too

how smart are you I don’t know I think

I’m average did you ever take an IQ test

no I never did all I know is that I got

A’s and B’s in school I wish I was

really smart don’t be ridiculous

what do you mean if you’re going to make

a wish wish that you were really rich or

famous don’t you ever wonder what it’s

like to be super smart it must be very

lonely why is that because if you’re

super smart no one understands what

you’re saying

I missed the TV news last night what was

on nothing Noah passes news what’s the

weather going to be like this weekend I

don’t know whenever the weather comes on

I switched channels what was the lead

story on the news some actress was in

court for driving without a license what

was the second story some actor married

a woman young enough to be his daughter

what was the third story a bull chased a

man in the supermarket wasn’t there

anything about Octomom of course she’s

going to hire a nanny for her eighth


what are you going to do about your desk

well mostly I’ll try to avoid it I mean

are you going to get buried or cremated

my wife and I will be cremated are you

going to be buried next to each other oh

no our ashes will be shaken into the

ocean you’re not going to be buried a

coffin cost too much and takes up too

much space yes but it will be in a

cemetery where your children can visit

you children for don’t visit their

parents in the cemetery that’s true

a cemetery is for dead people not living

people we figure our kids can visit us

whenever they go to the beach

did you wipe your feet yes of course I

wiped my feet then why is there mud on

the carpet I don’t know it’s not my mud

well someone brought it into the house

look at the bottom of my shoes they’re

clean of course they’re clean you left

all the mud on the carpet okay I’ll get

the vacuum cleaner

don’t vacuum it now don’t you want me to

clean up the mud wait till it dries it

will be easier to vacuum next time I’ll

be more careful

what are you eating for your mom what

are you talking about Sunday is Mother’s

Day this Sunday of course it’s all over

the news I thought it was next Monday

well you better get her something I’ll

get her a nice card is that it yes

that’s all I ever give her she raised

you and all you ever gave her as a card

it’s okay she knows that I love her

I don’t like our flag what’s the matter

with it it’s too much like other flags

yes a lot of flags have stripes a flag

should be pretty what should our flag

look like it should have a pretty woman

on it that’s ridiculous

you don’t like pretty women of course I

do but not on our flag every nation

should have a pretty woman on their flag

you can’t go to work carrying up a flag

with a woman on it

I had a busy morning what did you do i

watered all the plants you have a lot of

plants then I did my laundry that takes

some time I took the dog for a walk I’ll

bet he enjoyed his walk I vacuum the

entire house that’s a lot of work and

then I made lunch I’ll bet you were


I don’t have long this

with my home phone so how do you make

long-distance calls

I use a calling card where you get that

I buy it at the dollar store

how much is it it’s one dollar for 100

minutes that’s only a penny a minute

it’s a great price but you have to dial

a lot of numbers how many first you dial

seven numbers then ten numbers then ten

more numbers

yikes I think I’ll keep my long-distance
