When Top Gear Tried its Best to Stop Tesla and Elon Musk

suctions show is much more about

entertainment than is about truth this

call then really was shaping up

something wonderful although Tesla say

it will do 200 miles we worked out that

a la track it would run out after just

55 miles and and then also we would we

drop the car off one of our guys happen

to see a script sitting on the table

already dropped the car off and so

reading through the script and in the

script the car breaks down like wait a

second you wrote the script before we

even gave you the car so there’s

something wrong wrong about that oh I

don’t believe this the motors

overheating and I’ve got reduced power


while it cooled down we went to get the

silver car out again

only to find that what it was being

charged its brakes had broken but he

does have a strong bias against electric

cars and he particularly since paid

American like his two pet peeves are

Americans American cars and electric

cars and we are an American electric car

so we’re cooler in the worst possible

situation for someone like Clarkson so

to me this is missionary activity you’re

over here trying to convert jerk Jeremy

Clark I don’t think it will be any

converting of Jeremy Clarkson that seems

quite unlikely not everyone’s a fan back

on earth Tesla sued the program top gear

after it rubbish the Tesla Roadster has

low lot so what it must think about

Jeremy Clarkson I think what Clarkson

fluxes show is much more about

entertainment than is about truth and I

think most people realize that but not

everyone and I’ve actually enjoyed a lot

of his shows so it’s not as though I

just hate Top Gear or anything he can be

very funny and irreverent but he does

have a strong bias against electric cars

and he particularly seems to hate

American it’s like his two pet peeves

are American American cars and electric

claws and we are an American electric

car so we’re in the worst possible

situation for someone like Clarkson so

just me this is missionary activity

you’re over here trying to convert a

jerk Jeremy Clark I don’t it’ll be any

converting of Jeremy Clarkson that seems

quite unlikely

as well you also bought the James Bond

look oh yeah right the one spring from

the style of Lee exactly and I mean you

know I can see the fun in that obviously

but that is the reason that defies the

funkiest no there’s no there’s no grand

project there’s no there is no we’re not

going to mass-produce you know it is

freeze dead Chinese submarine what I’m

going to try to do in this is a very

sort of low priority project because

I’ve got my day jobs but we want to see

if we can make it do what it appears to

do in the movie for real I don’t have

any successful but we’re trying even
