1 Million Subscribers EnglishClass101 Bloopers

hey everyone how’s it going guess what

we just reached 1 million subscribers

all thanks to you guys

in celebration of reaching this huge

milestone of 1 million subscribers on

YouTube we’re offering to our YouTube

subscribers only a massive 50% off any

subscription at English class 101.com

this is one of the biggest sales we’ve

ever offered so if you were ever

thinking of learning English with us at

English class 101.com

now is your best chance to do so it’s a

great great deal with the subscription

on English class 101.com

you’ll have access to thousands of hours

of audio and video lessons lesson notes

premium study tools and apps and with

premium plus you also get one-on-one

access to your own teacher with this

discount that’s as low as just 5 dollars

a month or 16 cents a day just click on

the link in the description to get a

massive 50% off the coupon will expire

in just 10 days so make sure that you

don’t miss out on this great deal oh my

god 1 million subscribers guys I really

really wanted to thank everybody who has

subscribed to our YouTube channel and

who has supported us over these many


so aside from this great deal we also

compiled a fun kind of behind-the-scenes

special that has some bloopers which

means mistakes and some memorable

moments from the past few years so some

of those moments are a little bit

embarrassing to watch but we wanted to

share them with you guys so we hope you

like them

ok I’m so nervous

ok ah play oh my god there’s even the

next phrase we’ll look at you proud

magician tape ask for the black on 6

years ago I swear words swear words oh

my god recordings praying mantis love


iris wristwatch I can say it better now

Hey oh how there’s actually been in

videos too

Jesus from doing my god Michael

everybody asked where Michael is he’s

like teaching kids in Russia now I think

don’t don’t shower and use a scrunchie

thank you this is special cardboard I’m

gonna put some glitter on it my life I

don’t even know what I’m talking about

I’m Luke Skywalker more like Luke sky

faller Luke Skywalker’s more likely the

sky falling Wow everybody this is a link

a linguish oh my god this Halloween

shoot from last year I’m very happy go

forth and bring the children good one

bit me what a jerk

great spot in the Legion floor yeah

let’s go check it out

oh you shot me I was we doing impression

of mosquitoes letting slitting oh my god

I’m sorry you guys have to work with me

so I want to say a special thanks from

me and from our whole team here at

English class 101.com

thank you all so so much for watching

our videos for subscribing to the

channel for sending your comments for

participating in our live streams for

sending questions to the Q&A we actually

we wouldn’t be able to do all of this

stuff without you so thank you so much

it’s been a crazy several years but it

really really exciting and we’ve been

able to make a lot of things thanks to

you guys watching so we really hope that

you continue to watch our channel we

have lots of really new and exciting

things coming up so we hope that you

stick with us you hope that you keep

watching and you keep participating and

learning with us it’s been so much fun

so far I know I’ve learned a lot and I

really appreciate all of you and all of

your support so thanks so much I can’t

believe that we hit a million

subscribers I never would have imagined

that but again I’m so grateful and I’m

so excited and I hope that we can

continue making lots of good helpful

stuff for everybody around the world so

I hope that you enjoyed that little

blooper reel all those mistakes from

over the last few years and don’t forget

about the awesome deal that we have to

celebrate this milestone for the channel

so you can get 50% off before it expires

in just 10 days so make sure to click on

the link in the description thank you so

much for supporting us throughout the

years we have so much more planned ahead

so stay tuned to English class 101 and

I’ll see you next time bye