10 MustKnow Particles for English Learners

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hi everyone my name is Bridget and

welcome to today’s lesson the topic for

this lesson is top 10 must know

prepositions and conjunctions for

English learners let’s get started - - I

threw the ball to my dad - is sort of

directional it it’s saying that it’s

going towards something I wrote a letter

to my mother I went to the mall I went

to the park my mom asked me to go to the

store to buy some bread to a destination

to a person from from from is the

opposite of - from implies where it’s

coming from the place of origin so if

I’m going to the mall I’m coming from my

house this letter is from my daughter

from how long does it take you to get

from your house to your job - and from

they go together with with with it means

together with something I am at the

movies with my friend I went out to eat

with my friends I go shopping with my

boyfriend with means you are together

with something I like to have grilled

cheese with tomatoes on it I’m here with

my book @ @ @ is a very short word I

always go to bed at 11 o’clock if I’m

lucky I usually go to bed at around 1:00

in the morning unfortunately they get

very little sleep at specifies a time or

a place let’s go to the movies at 2:00

in the afternoon I’m at home right now

where are you we decided to meet at the


it’s a pinpoint of time or location in

in in means you are inside of something

or in the middle of something

it means being immersed in something I

am in bed right now the cat is in the

box the child is in the tree the plane

is in the sky I graduated school in 2019

in on on I left the book on my desk on

means on top of I like ketchup on my

fries so that means my french fries are

here and I like to put ketchup on them

the man is on the roof the car is on the

street the motorcycle is on my nerves

but but I think I remember her name but

I’m not sure but is a way to add a

negative to a sentence so for example I

really love eating cake but I don’t eat

it often because it’s not healthy I’d

love to go to the movies with you but I

have too much work to do I really like

you but I don’t want to date you and and

and is a very common word you will hear

all the time it’s a way of adding on a

new subject or thing to your sentence

I love candy and pizza I’m hungry and

I’m tired my friend moved to Spain and I

moved to Canada

I love playing outside and I love being

inside and is a way to add on a new

subject or thing to what you’re talking

about so so I have a toothache so I went

to the dentist so is a way of adding an

example another way

say because of this I did this you say

something and then you add so and then

what follows is the effect so there’s

the cause so the effect so I was feeling

very hungry so I had some pizza this

video is going to be Pizza themed

everyone apparently I was really tired

so I took a nap I was in the mood for

some adventure so I got on an airplane

and flew to Mexico that sounds nice

or-or-or is a way of presenting a choice

so for example you can either have pizza

or you can have candy I don’t know if I

should go to the movies or if I should

go to the mall which color do you like

better red or green

it presents differences of choice so

that brings us to the end of today’s


top 10 must know conjunctions and

prepositions for English learners if you

guys have any questions or comments post

them below don’t forget to give us a

thumbs up and subscribe to our channel

and don’t forget to go to English class


to learn more English cars are


people are crazy so I’m going to go

inside to film the next video

lalala it’s all good in the hood guys

don’t worry about a thing
