100000 Subscriber Speaking Challenge Food From Your Country

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm congratulations on 100

thousand subscribers yeah 100 thousand

subscribers is amazing for a lot of

reasons it’s great because that means

that there are thousands of people

around the world who are learning

English on YouTube that’s great and also

it’s great because I feel like something

that I’m working hard at is actually

helping people that’s a beautiful

feeling so I want to have a little

celebration announcement we are gonna be

having a speaking challenge 100,000

subscribers speaking challenge here’s

how it’s gonna work

whenever I travel to another country one

of my favorite things is trying food

from each place so for this challenge I

want to challenge you to make a short

video clip just a couple sentences

talking about one of your favorite foods

from your country you can just talk

about it you can show it to me and I

want you to send this video clip to me

and I’m gonna put them all together and

upload it onto this YouTube channel so

that you can learn about food from other

cultures and also see who are these

100,000 people I want to meet you and I

want to learn about your food because I

love food from other countries so make

sure that you make a short video send it

to me you can upload it on YouTube and

send me the link you can upload it on

Dropbox or Google Drive and send me the

link make sure that you send me the link

through my email address contact at

speak English with Vanessa comm and when

you send me that link I will put it

together in a video but there’s very

important news there is a deadline

deadline means you have to finish it at

a certain time what is the deadline make

sure you finish by November 14th send me

the video you have

one week from the time that I post this

video to send me your video submission

and I’m gonna put them together and

share them with you after a couple days

thanks so much for 100,000 subscribers

and let’s talk about food from our

countries and meet each other so let me

know in the comments below are you gonna

participate yes no you’re not sure

oh I hope if you’re not sure that you

decide to do it let me know in the

comments and I can’t wait to learn about

food from your country and to meet you

thanks so much and I’ll see you later

bye the next step is to download my free

ebook 5 steps to becoming a confident

English speaker I want to help you

master English and speak fluently feel

free to subscribe so that you don’t miss

new English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye