3 English Learning Habits Youll Learn On A Plane

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being in planes trains and buses can be

an uncomfortable experience for many


often there are small cramped seats not

many things to do

and sometimes the experience is even

scary despite this you often see people

working in these environments

how do they do it in this video you’ll

learn three tips to help you be able to

study anywhere

the first one is adjust to your


most of us would probably agree that a

plane or a bus is

not the best place to study these

environments are usually dark and

cramped and you may have a crying baby

next to you

but the point is there’s never a perfect

time or place to learn

the reality is that a lot of us use

transportation every day

we face environments that are typically

considered unsuitable for study

trains get crowded you can’t do much in

your car even in your own home you’ll

get distracted by the tv or facebook or


and some days you’ll be sick you’ll be

tired you’ll have dinner plans

once you accept that there’s rarely such

a thing as the perfect time to study

you can start thinking about how to make

the best of the environment you have at

that time

for example if you ride a train you

might stand up for a long time

it might be difficult to focus on a book

in a case like this you can use the

innovative language 101 app to study

listen to the audio lessons or do the

word of the day by email

there are ways that you can learn in

just about any situation

the point is you need to adjust your

study method to your environment

so take a look at your day and see where

your time goes are there any gaps in

between your activities where you feel

like you can’t study

and is there any way you can adjust two

take advantage of your limited time

we’ve surveyed tons of learners over the

years and every year we find that the

number one reason most people don’t

learn a language is they say they have

no time

but there’s a chance you may have some

spare time to study

you might just not recognize it yet

let’s say you commute for 30 minutes

every day you can ask yourself how do i

put these next 30 minutes to use

or if you finish work at 7 pm and spend

an hour doing nothing

you can think about what you might do in

that hour that will help you work

towards your goals

you don’t have to use all 30 minutes of

your commute or the full hour of your

free time

but you can definitely fit in a short

lesson or take other steps towards your


three have an on and off mindset

when you work it can be really helpful

to have a kind of on off switch for when

it’s time to work and time to rest

you can apply the same idea to your

language studies

when it’s time to study you can focus

solely on that you don’t spend time

thinking about doing it you just do it

it doesn’t matter where you are or what

kind of studying you’re doing

as long as it gets done and when you’re

done with a lesson

reward yourself it can be as simple as

telling yourself

great job when you’re finished with the

time you promised yourself for studies

feel free to focus on the next thing in

this video we covered a few tips to help

you study no matter where you are or how

much time you have

it’s all about having the right mindset

and for even more ways to study check

out our complete language learning


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by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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