3 Tips for Practicing Your English Speaking Skills

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when you start out learning a foreign

language everything is exciting you pick

up new words and basic phrases fairly

quickly the first time you say a

greeting or answer the question how are

you you might even get a little thrill

speaking fluently doesn’t feel that far

off and at this point it really does

seem like language learning isn’t all

that difficult but after a week or two

things begin to change after a few weeks

of study you start to hit walls as

you’re faced with strange grammar

vocabulary and pronunciation everything

about learning a new language seemed

promising and hopeful before but now you

start to realize how difficult it’s

going to be speaking the language now

feels like a long far-off goal that you

may or may not achieve one day but don’t

let the innocence of being an absolute

beginner or the disillusionment of being

an experienced learner discourage you

from learning speaking a new language

may not be as far off as you thought in

this video we’ll look at three tips to

help you practice your speaking skills

no matter what level you’re at number

one practice with native speakers

practicing with native speakers is by

far one of the most effective things you

can do to improve your speaking

abilities think of speaking a foreign

language as riding a bike after a

certain point you can’t read or theorize

about how to do it you have to actually

do it if you can practice speaking with

native speakers who correct you and give

good feedback then you’ll be well on

your way to improving your speaking but

where can you find native speakers to

practice with if you live in or near a

major city there’s a good chance there

are some native speakers there you might

even get lucky and discover an entire

community do a little research into the

demographics of your city or simply keep

your eyes open the next time you go

through town you can also attend a

language exchange or cultural event

meetup is a site for local enthusiasts

groups and there are usually some

language speaking clubs or cultural

clubs there if you’re unable to find

native speakers where you live then jump

online and find them there there are a

lot of free online exchanges that allow

you to connect with other language

learners from all over the globe via

text audio or video chat look for a

speaker who is learning your native


you can spend an hour or so helping each

other in your respective target

languages this is a highly practical and

helpful way to learn it’s also a great

way to learn more directly about the

culture you’re studying in a real way

number two devote some time to learning

pronunciation pronunciation often isn’t

the first skill people think of working

on when learning a foreign language but

that doesn’t mean that it isn’t

important truth be told you don’t

absolutely need a great accent to speak

or understand every language however a

decent accent can vastly improve your

listening and speaking abilities in ways

you might not expect being able to

pronounce words and sounds makes it a

lot easier for you to remember and

understand new words simply by hearing

them if you can physically make a sound

with your mouth then you can mentally

remember it once you have a good accent

the new language won’t sound as foreign

as it once did and you’ll be able to

understand rapid speech as well as pick

up the definition of new words based on

their conversational context but how can

you improve your accent if you’re

serious about developing your accent

then you’ll want to dissect the

languages sound system into its

individual parts first by letters then

individual words followed by whole

phrases start doing some mild research

on the phonetics of your target language

you don’t have to get too technical here

just try to get an idea of some of the

main differences between it and your

native language

find out where native speakers usually

put their tongue while saying certain

sounds or pay attention to the shape of

their mouths when they speak is it open

or closed these subtle differences are

what really help you improve once you

get the letters down start listening to

native audio and compare your

pronunciation to the native speakers our

language learning programs playback

feature is a great way to accomplish

this take a phrase from a lesson and

start by practicing the individual words

playing the audio back at a slower speed

and then again at a regular speed after

comparing your speech to the audio

combine the words to make complete

phrases imitating the intonation of the


this precise method of pronunciation

practice is one of the most efficient

and effective ways to learn

pronunciation number three imitate don’t

just repeat anytime you speak do your

best to imitate the native speakers

you’ve heard and practice with match the

way their intonation rises and falls pay

attention to their word order it’s even

a good idea to match some of their body

language this degree of imitation will

probably feel weird at first but it

reinforces fluency in the language and

breaks you out of the parrot trap where

you simply learn and speak through rote

memorization or repetition this is a

common problem that’s often cited with

other less effective language learning

methods speaking a language is like

playing music or dancing you don’t want

to just know it you want to live in the

moment and feel it as you use it you

don’t sit and think of what you’re going

to say in your native language before

you say it why would you expect to do

the same in a new one don’t let ruffled

expectations make you think that

speaking a new language is impossible

yes it’s difficult but it probably isn’t

as difficult as you think it is with a

little determination and some faithful

practice you might be surprised how

quick and how far you can progress use

these tips to better practice the

language and see real results in your

speaking abilities and for even more

ways to practice your speaking check out

our complete language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the

description get tons of resources to

have you speaking in your target

language and if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our Channel we

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you next time might want to speed up

your language learning take your very

first lesson with us you’ll start

speaking in minutes and master real

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