5 English Learning Strategies that Will Get You Speaking

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have you ever wondered if you could

learn a language faster we asked our

experienced learners for their best tips

so you can steal these and use them for


in this video you’ll discover five

tactics for faster language learning

number one try more challenging lessons

to improve faster

if you’re wondering why should i try a

harder lesson

think about the gym studying is a bit

like working out

if you want to get bigger and stronger

you need to exercise with heavier


but you might think if i try a harder

lesson i won’t be able to understand


remember that’s normal when you can’t

understand 100

of a lesson it means there are things in

the lesson for you to learn

keep in mind that you should challenge

yourself but not choose lessons that are


and make sure to use the tools you have

to study the things you don’t know

with our learning program teachers break

down the conversation in every lesson

you also get the translations and

explanations right there on the lesson


there are also lesson notes transcripts

and dialogue study tools for you to use

remember how you felt when you started

studying and try to keep that beginner


when you realize you don’t understand

something don’t run away from it

instead use the tools you have to work

to understand it

this will help you learn faster number


put your learning on autopilot imagine

you have a bunch of learning apps and


maybe you have a bunch of study tools on

your smartphone or a bunch of books

piled on a table you want to read

where do you even begin a lot of

learners begin with a lot of enthusiasm

so they buy a lot of resources but then

get overwhelmed

they’re not sure where to start or what

to do or how to continue

let’s think about a textbook it’s easy

to understand how to use a textbook

you follow the pages begin with chapter

1 then go to chapter 2

chapter 3 and so on until you finish the

book the road forward is clear

you don’t have to think about anything

except moving forward with your studies

so how do you apply this kind of

autopilot approach if you’re not using a


you can actually do this with our

language learning program’s tracking


with our progress tracking dashboard

once you’ve chosen your learning level

we’ll give you a recommended lesson


and feed you lessons one by one the

dashboard will tell you which lessons to

take from lesson one to lesson two to

lesson three

you’ll be guided as you work on


number three read lines from the lesson

dialogue out loud slowly

then re-read and increase your speed

this tactic is powerful for two reasons

it helps you become able to read faster

and speak faster

speaking smoothly is something many

beginners say they struggle with

so this kind of practice can be very

beneficial for beginning learners

with our language learning program for

every lesson you get a conversation

read the dialogue with the line-by-line

dialogue read out loud slowly once

then re-read a bit faster then again and

keep increasing your speed until you can

say the lines comfortably

and sound like a native you can take it

a step further and try to memorize the

dialogue too

try recalling it after your study

session and say the lines out loud

this kind of review will help you

progress and help you remember

number four review old lessons to master

them completely review is essential for

your learning

if you come across a new word you won’t

remember it if you see it only once

it takes repetition to remember

something make sure to take

time to review past lessons give your

brain a chance to remember the things

you studied previously

for example if you try our listening

comprehension lessons and you don’t

understand absolutely everything

check the translations and try listening

again use the study tools you have

available to make the most of your

review sessions

number five download the dialogue tracks

and listen to the conversations

this is a super popular immersion tactic

here’s how it works

when you’re done with a lesson download

the dialogue track

you’ll get the conversation in your

target language then

make a playlist of the dialogue tracks

each track is about 10 to 30 seconds


you can even put the tracks and

playlists on your device and listen to

them throughout the day

just as you would listen to music this

helps make the language feel a bit more


more like part of your everyday life

instead of music you’re immersing

yourself in conversations

this can be a great way to work on

improving your listening skills

this video covered five tips to help you

learn a language faster

for even more ways to learn faster check

out our complete language learning


sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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