Advanced English Vocabulary The Fearless Fluency Club

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today you’re gonna see a

clip from the vocabulary lesson for the

fearless fluency club in this clip

you’re going to learn a couple new

vocabulary expressions to help you

become an advanced fluent and confident

english speaker if you’d like to get

this full lesson and lesson sets like

this each month you can click on the i

at the top up here or in the description

below thanks so much and let’s get


hi everyone welcome to the vocabulary

video for this month’s lesson set about

music so you probably already watched

the conversation conversation between

Jeff and I and just to kind of get an

idea about what we’re going to talk

about and today I’m with my husband Dan

hi and we’re going to talk about 19

vocabulary words that you heard in the

conversation video so we’re gonna give

some explanations for the words you’ll

get my perspective and also dance

perspective and hopefully some mmm just

just another point of view from ghin

right yes

point of view number two point of view

number two yes and then I’ll show you

the clip so after each vocabulary word

you can see the clip from the

conversation so if you haven’t seen the

conversation you might not know exactly

what’s going on in that clip so that’s

why I recommend watching the

conversation first just for a couple


so are you ready to get started ready

all right let’s start with word number

one the first word we’re going to talk

about is a whole other story and

sometimes we say a whole nother story

and this is simply the word another with

the word hole in the middle ah another a

whole nother it’s kind of strange to use

this in English we use this a lot right

yeah it’s strange it’s just kind of

shortened yeah not really correct but we

just say a whole nother story yes it’s

really quickly now this right end

is only used in casual situations so you

could use this while you’re speaking at

work but I don’t recommend writing it

because it’s really just a casual way to

talk about something completely

different so for example in the video

Jeff was talking about breaking his arm

and how he had to learn how to do

everything with his left arm and he was

gonna talk about playing the guitar and

then he mentioned oh I had to learn how

to write with my left hand but that’s a

whole other story right where we were we

weren’t gonna talk about how to write

with your left hand but anyway as he

mentioned it so he kind of went off the

original plan oh that’s a whole nother

story I’ll talk about that later

yeah you you would usually use this

phrase if you were telling somebody a

story right if you’re talking to them

about something that happened in the

past so maybe you were at dinner with

somebody and you’re telling them about

the dinner like oh the dinner was really

great but uh my mother-in-law was there

but that’s a whole other story

oh that’s a good one change the topic a

little bit so yeah instead of changing

the topic you just say oh that’s a whole

other story that’s a whole nother story

we’ll talk about that later

right so something completely different

all right let’s watch the clip what’s in

my arm was in a cast like this perfectly

what like you know awhile I guess it was

a cup you months uh-huh and I had to

like learn to write with my left hand it

was really that’s a whole other story

but but while I had my arm in the cast

first of all it’s definitely making me

reconsider the second expression we’re

going to talk about is to stick with

something in this vocabulary video we’re

going to talk about a lot of phrasal

verbs so this is the first one to stick

with something and it means to stay with

it to continue doing something so in the

video in the conversation conversation

video can I say that we’re today a

conversation video Jeff said that his

parents thought that he wouldn’t

with the guitar or stick with playing

the guitar they thought that he wasn’t

gonna keep doing it he wasn’t gonna stay

with it he was gonna quit and do

something else instead they thought he

wasn’t gonna stick with it right right

yeah you would often say stick with it

just like that

just simply stick with you know you’re

like oh I’m really tired of playing

baseball but you know what I’m gonna

stick with it

good motivation like I’m gonna keep

doing it continue you can do it mm-hmm

yeah I think if someone you know is

having a hard time you could use this

expression with them you could say hey

stick with it after one week it’s gonna

get much easier so for us we recently

started working out a gym it’s really

hard and last week we were so sore our

muscles hurt for a holdback yeah and

this is the perfect situation to use

this expression because we need to stick

with it if we want to get stronger we

need to stick with it so let’s watch the

clip started just taking a group guitar

class at my school my parents got me a

terrible guitar because they didn’t

think I was gonna stick with it so they

got me like this

yeah jalopy of a guitar we get out of

the car and we get thronged by like the

cool mean guys you know like the guys

who did drugs when they were 14 I’m like

and all the hot girls

we’re just surrounding us like hi hi can

we be your friends

I am definitely sticking with this

guitar Wow why don’t get a cheapo guitar

because first of all it won’t sound as

good so you want enjoy experience as

much but secondly you can end up with

poor technique if you start out with a

bad guitar so my parents got me a bad

guitar first but like I said earlier

they didn’t think I was going to stick

with it and what’s called the action

which means the third expression is to

under achieve so to achieve something is

to be successful but under achieve means

you’re not really doing your best

you might actually be successful because

you’re just naturally good at something

but underachieve is usually a negative

thing so in the video Jeff said he

underachieved in school he didn’t really

try his best and I think a lot of people

can understand that idea when you’re in

school especially some classes it’s just

not fun so maybe you underachieve yeah

it kind of means you don’t try like you

have the potential you are smart but you

under achieve so you don’t succeed even

though you could right and we even have

a noun for this we would call you not

you of course not you would be an

underachiever so a person who who has

potential and maybe is smart but doesn’t

finish tasks or doesn’t succeed you

would say he’s an entered achiever or

she’s an underachiever yes usually guys

so it’s not really a positive thing to

be an underachiever and just to let you

know there is the opposite of this as

well so we’ve got an achiever achiever

someone who’s successful underachiever

what do you think is the opposite over a

cheer overachiever is someone who does

much more than is expected so if your

mom says hey do you mind helping clean

the kitchen if you are an overachiever

you clean the kitchen you clean the

living room you clean the bedroom you do

more than is expected so maybe in some

situations people are under achievers

and are overachievers so even for you

maybe in certain places in your life you

feel more motivated to do things and

less motivated in other situations so

you’re not just one of these things you

could be all in different situations

yeah an overachiever kind of sounds

negative too like maybe you work too

much or you work too hard or colic or if

you say you’re an overachiever you also

think maybe that

brags about it right like if you say

she’s an overachiever you know maybe she

has her nose in the air listen Lily

she’s cocky

that’s another expression to mean the

same thing I think it generally has a

negative connotation in school mm-hmm

because if you’re in a classroom and

there’s one person who’s always raising

their hand think about Hermione in Harry

Potter yes in Harry Potter hermione is

definitely an overachiever she’s always

raising her hand and everyone hates her

because she always knows the answer so

it’s not really a bad thing she’s smart

she knows the answers but the other kids

don’t really like in school if you’re

young and immature maybe it’s a bad

thing yeah if you’re an adult being an

overachiever is good right you’re

keeping it up doing your best alright

let’s watch the clip where Jeff said

this my parents are always trying to get

me to be disciplined because I have a DD

and like you know I was always this

smart underachieving kid and they were

always like you know trying to get me to

set the time thank you for watching this

sample video lesson from the fearless

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