Advanced Listening Practice NUMBERS

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

can you hear these numbers let’s get


numbers are some of the first things

that you learn when you first start

learning english well if you are an

advanced english learner

today’s video is for you because i want

to challenge your basic english skills

in a natural setting i filmed my family

grandparents aunts uncles brother-in-law

sister-in-law they are playing a game a

card game that includes a lot of numbers

so i filmed them and i want you to see

if you can hear each number that they’re

saying in the game before you watch this

clip i want you to do two things the

first thing is i want you to have a pen

and paper ready because i want you to

write down the numbers as you hear them

and in the bottom left corner of the

video i wrote each number so this is the

correct answer but i want you to cover

that number so that you don’t cheat i

want you to cover the answer as you

watch this clip and write down your

correct answers then you can go back and

check to see if you got it right this is

great advanced listening practice

because they’re having a conversation

they’re playing a game and they’re

talking about something as simple

numbers let’s test your listening skills

just a quick note you’re gonna hear them

saying things like five nines two threes

this is talking about the amount of

cards that they’re putting down they

might be putting down two threes that

means the card is a three and there are

two of them you don’t need to know how

to play the game in order to watch this


but I wanted to let you know so that way

you’re absolutely certain about what

they’re saying let’s get started all

right I have to lure the tyranny okay

tell me how did you do in the comments

below this video let us know how many

out of the total you got right and I

challenge you to watch this clip over

and over again this is a great way to

test your listening skills in a natural

setting thanks so much for watching this

and I’ll talk to you later good bye if

you enjoyed this video be sure to

download my free ebook where you can

learn five steps to becoming a confident

English speaker you can share it on

Facebook upgrade the listening audio


don’t forget to check your email to get

the free ebook let’s see what it is all

right here is the free e-book you can

download yours today just click on the

link and it will be in your email within

a few seconds thanks so much for

learning with me bye