Already VS Still VS Yet Use vocabulary fluently

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm did you already do it are

you still doing it or have you not done

it yet let’s talk about it in the last

couple weeks i had a couple students ask

me which one should i use already still

yet which one’s correct and because a

couple people asked me i thought hey

this is a great topic to share with

everyone so i want to help you today to

start to understand how to use already

still and yet i think the easiest way to

think about these three words is by

imagining a timeline first we have the

past then the present and then the

future so let’s start with the past we

use already in the past still in the

present and yet in the future let’s

focus on already let’s imagine that your

friend calls you and says hey do you

want to eat dinner you might say oh i’m

sorry i already ate dinner this is

something that you did in the past i

already ate dinner it’s finished now i

already studied english today so i’m

tired i need to give my brain a break or

i already watched TV for three hours so

now i need to go out and move and

exercise i already sat for a long time

this is something in the past let’s move

to talk about the present the word still

still so for example your friend is

calling you again your friend loves to

call you and she says hey why aren’t you

at my house you said that you would be

here at eleven o’clock you might say oh

i’m sorry i’m still getting ready at the

moment you are getting ready maybe

you’re changing your clothes or you’re

taking care of the house at the moment

you’re doing something i’m still getting

ready and that’s why we often use the

word still

with ing still getting ready I’m still

working I’m still speaking English

that’s great I’m still doing something

at the moment now let’s go to the future

Wow let’s go to the future it’s awesome

let’s talk about the word yet yet so we

use yet for example in this situation

your friend is calling you again

turn off your phone your friend calls

too much your friend is calling you

again and says hey why aren’t you at my

house it’s 11 o’clock you might say I

haven’t gotten in the car yet because

you used the word yet it means that you

probably will do this in the future but

at the moment you haven’t done it yet so

here’s another example maybe your

teacher says hey did you watch that

video that I sent you for our lesson and

you might say oh I haven’t watched it

yet but don’t worry I’ll watch it before

our next lesson it means you’re gonna do

it in the future but at the moment you

haven’t done it so there’s an

expectation that you will do it in the

future and I want to let you know we use

this in a negative way I haven’t done

something yet I haven’t eaten dinner yet

I haven’t gone to the store yet there’s

an expectation that it’s gonna happen in

the future so now I have a challenge for

you are you ready I want you to write

three sentences in the comments below

one of them using already one of them

with still and one of them with yet I

hope that you can fully understand this

idea and when you read each other’s

comments in each other’s sentences you

can more fully get the context of these

expressions I hope this video today was

useful for you and if it was come back

for more on this channel I’ll see you

later bye if you enjoyed this video be

sure to download my free ebook where you

can learn five steps to becoming a

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so much for learning with me bye