Basic English Conversation for Relationships English speaking Lesson



english conversation for relationships

talking about dating


so your friend claire

yeah she seems nice

oh you like her yeah i do

aren’t you going out with that charity


what’s her name again georgia

no that’s over what happened

i liked her sometimes things just don’t


out let me guess

she was too clingy

yeah how do you know everyone’s

too clingy for you

anyway what about claire can you put me

in touch

why don’t you just ask her out yourself

i don’t have her number or any way to

contact her

i think she’ll be at sam’s housewarming

party on saturday

maybe you should go maybe i will

getting engaged

you hear jen’s news

no what she’s engaged

really that’s great when did it happen

a couple of weeks ago

phil proposed to her while they were on

a holiday in rome

how romantic when’s the wedding

i don’t think they’ve decided yet

i’ll have to call her to say


did she have a ring maybe

i didn’t notice you’re useless


good couples


how long have you been married now

oh almost 10 years

that’s a long time no regrets

no there are ups and downs of course

but i wouldn’t change it for anything

two seem to have really good couple

yeah it works well of course

part of being a good couple is knowing

when to give each other some space

that’s true i see a lot of couples who

move in together

and they give up all the things which

make them individuals

we spend a lot of time together but we

have our own friends

our own hobbies and so on

sure i mean you don’t want to be too

dependent on each other absolutely

although you need to strike a balance

you need to make time for each other too

of course i imagine that it can be easy

to let things slip

when you’ve been together so long

yeah it’s dangerous actually

you can’t take things for granted


your relationship will suffer


relationship problems


have you seen sasha lately

yeah we met for a beer the other evening

how’s he doing i haven’t seen him for


not so well seems like he and maria are

having a difficult

time really i remember seeing them

together in the summer

and they seemed like the perfect match

i guess things have gone sour since then

from what he said they aren’t getting on

well at all

so they’re fighting all the time

he didn’t seem happy

what’s he going to do he wasn’t sure

do they live together yeah

that complicates things

it does maybe they’ll work things out

you should call him he’d be glad to hear

from you

i’ll give him a call tonight


divorces and breakups


are we still doing movie night at yours


maybe not my friend john is staying

he’s a bit of a messy situation he left

his wife

and i think it’s for good poor guy

that must be tough well don’t feel too

sorry for him

he was cheating all over the place

and he decided to walk out okay then

poor wife soon to be ex-wife i suppose

probably they’re that kind of couple


they break up get back together break up


this time though i don’t see how they

can patch things up

yeah i don’t know them but i don’t think

i could stay with someone who cheated on


it’s too big a betrayal i agree

i guess it’s for them to deal with

anyway can we do the movie night at your

house instead

please say yes i’ve already told

everyone that it’s at your place

yeah sure

flirting with someone

hey anna what’s up not much dave

what’s up with you well i’ve

been thinking about you a lot

really why i don’t know

you just keep popping up in my head

you’re weird yeah but so are you

maybe well i’ve got to get going

wait don’t go i have to

i need to go see my friend steph

uh come on it can’t be that important

stay and hang out with me sorry dave

maybe next time okay

wait but before you go one thing

what are you on facebook

no i really don’t do much on social


okay how about instagram

same story

well you’ve got to have an email address

yeah of course i do but i just use that

for work

i give up how can i get in touch with


do you want my phone number yes

i hadn’t thought of that can i have your

phone number

sure it’s four five four

eight nine three two zero seven



he’s not really my type


here we go then go on judith

put your name in right

surname black

first name judith

duh female occupation

student children

no you know that now



what about lovely lady

oh yes that’s good

lovely lady all one word okay

okay next bit let’s see

i am looking for a man

22 to 24 for

romance ah

now leisure interests what do you think

pop music pubs and travel

what about the countryside you like

walking don’t you

oh yeah countryside

anything else no that’s enough

now i think i am

i’ll tell you how you are kind

okay fashionable

thanks and um

interesting oh thanks very much

and i think i’m a bit shy too

you no way you can’t say that

only joking now let’s search and see

what we find

this is hopeless linda they’re all so


wait what about him number 44

james hill attractive friendly

sports blah blah a trip around europe

hmm well he’s good looking i suppose

sure is and fun too he’s tall

which is nice and what about his job

manager that’s okay

i bet he’s rich but i think he’s not

very serious

i mean a trip around europe

and i don’t like his hair who’s the next


ah simon

he isn’t very attractive no

and he seems a bit too serious if


marriage and all that but he’s a teacher

and so am i

so that’s good and he loves dogs

he has two he likes the countryside

the same as you and i think he looks

quite kind

yes um okay

so maybe go on then

email him

what now

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