Come Have Coffee With Us English Conversation Practice

this is my friend Anna we haven’t seen

each other in a while so we’re just

gonna have a coffee and catch up

you want to come did you hear me say the

phrasal verb catch up it means to talk

to someone you haven’t seen for a while

and find out what they’ve been doing

this place is nice you’ve one of my

favorite have you been here before

so what can you recommend you or usually

I like the nosy limit that’s delicious

and they do really good coffee and


mmm what do you recommend

I asked Anna what she recommends because

she has been to this restaurant before

so she knows what’s good to eat okay I’m

gonna have the nasi lemak set with a

coffee what do you want do you mind if I

share that with you and sure I’ll get a

nice latte is what yeah that’s good and

what do you want

can you think of an answer the

grammatically correct way to answer that

question is I want an iced latte I want

an iced latte but in real life native

English speakers use a few different

verbs when they’re in a cafe or a

restaurant in this context they all have

the same or very similar meanings so you

might hear I want an iced latte

I’ll have an orange juice I’ll take a

peppermint tea I’ll get a pineapple

smoothie let’s order and it’s my shout

I’m getting sue sure yes you got the

last one thank you it’s my shout I’m

getting this here I’m telling Anna that

I want to pay for her meal this is my

shout and I’m getting this or I’ll get

this our informal ways of offering to

pay the bill for someone and it’s my

shout I’m getting future yes you got the

last one

thank you are you sure you want to buy

my lunch Anna is politely checking that

I’m happy to pay the bill

I got the juice because that’s part of

my set thank you Oh comes live a days

made good to thing okay look at all this

so Anna how’s your week been been pretty

good pretty busy coming up to the end of

the year

got a bit much he’s trying to cut down

did you hear what Anna said when she was

putting sugar in her coffee she’s trying

to cut down to cut down means to start

doing less of something especially

because it’s bad for your health so Anna

is trying to cut down on sugar to eat

less sugar

have you tried the um the new cafe down

the street that’s opened up no luxury


what’s it called uh it’s called the

Baker Baker mm-hmm

have to add it commanded I think it’s

good for breakfast and coffees and

inside out but I haven’t been but I’ve

heard it’s good I think there’s a really

good band playing this weekend at UM at

Chyna house too oh yeah yeah

is it that reggae guy yeah yeah what are

you doing this weekend

this is your chance to practice the

present continuous for future plans so

tell us what you’re doing this weekend

I’m visiting my cousin in Sydney I’m

playing football on Sunday I’m having my

friends over for a barbecue

I was really nice in more good to catch


good to meet you to see you and bye

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bye for now
