Do you have any plans this weekend English Conversation Lesson EnglishJessica


making plans

for the weekend let’s watch

the following video to learn how to make

plans for the weekends

and how to invite others to join you

dialogue one beach trip

hi annie what’s up hi kim nothing much

i’m thinking of what to do for the

weekends but i haven’t had any ideas so


oh hey my dad is out of town so

he let me borrow his car for the whole

week do you want to go somewhere


yeah of course that would be awesome

we can drive to atlantic city to see the

beach there

what do you think that’s a great idea

i love surfing and swimming and i heard

atlantic city has

a lot of beautiful beaches this weather

would be perfect for a beach trip

and we can also stay a bit later to

watch the sunset and have some seafood

for dinner

sounds great i’ll bring some beer and

snacks and we’ll make a day out of it

and now that i think about it i’m

starting to crave some lobster and

grilled oysters

me too should we start going on saturday


yeah that works for me i’ll pick you up

at 8am then

we should set out early before it gets

too hot

cool thank you kim now i’ll stop by the

supermarket and buy some snacks for the


let me go with you i also need to buy a

new bottle of sunscreen and some other

pieces of stuff

okay let’s go

dialog 2 shopping date

hey emma wait for us hi kelsey

hi gizelle where are you guys going

we were just back from our physics class

were you at the library yeah

i went there to borrow a book for my

english class

oh hey emma have you found a dress for

the prom

oh my god i completely forgot that our

school is organizing a prom this year

when is the prom it’s gonna be next

friday night

oh no i haven’t got a dress yet

don’t worry kelsey and i were just

talking we haven’t found our dresses


do you want to go shopping with us this


oh yeah totally i don’t know what type

of dress i’m looking for so

it’d be nice if we can go together yeah

of course

we can ask our opinions and we’ll help

you pick out a dress

yay okay where are we going i don’t know

any places that sell prom dresses

we can go to the shopping mall my sister

said king of prussia mall

has a lot of clothing stores so we can

try going there

that doesn’t sound too bad we can go by


when should we meet are you guys free

sunday morning

say at 9am i am

yeah sunday is also perfect for me shall

we meet at the bus stop near trader


okay i’ll see you guys then bye

goodbye emma see you soon

dialogue three barbecue party

hey jamie what’s up hey you guys

guess what my poem just got awarded the

first prize at our city’s poetry contest

oh wow really that’s wonderful news

that’s incredible congratulations jamie

thank you all i seriously didn’t think i

would get the first prize

i’m so happy you totally deserve that

i read your poem it’s so beautiful

thank you for always supporting me

anyway i’m thinking that we should get

together and celebrate

woohoo i’m with you we can throw a

barbecue party in my backyard this


i’ll also invite chris liam and some

other people from our class

what do you guys think great idea

yeah that sounds fun what kind of food

should we be making

let’s grill chicken and ribs yeah

grilled meat is a must

i’ll buy chicken ribs and some sausages

oh i know we can also make grilled


oh that sounds delicious i’ll also make

some corn salads

amber and i will make some fruit

desserts i’ll bring some coke

sounds like we’ve got a lot already and

hey when are we having the party

um what about saturday

at 11 a.m i’m okay with saturday

me too let’s meet saturday then i’m so


dialogue for visiting grandparents

hi mom hi honey how’s school today

today was okay hey luke do you have any

plans this weekend

no not really i plan to play basketball

with my friend nick

but he got sick yesterday so i guess

we’re not going anymore

oh i’m sorry to hear that no it’s okay

anyway your dad and i were thinking that

we should go visit grandpa and grandma

this weekend

oh yeah we should i haven’t been to

their house for a while

i miss them i want to play chess with

grandpa and eat the chocolate cookies

that grandma often bakes

oh yeah okay honey let me give him a

call right away

okay mom

hi mom it’s me claire hi honey

how are you and dad we’re all right

i’m sorry i wasn’t able to call you guys

last week i had to go on a business trip

to baltimore

oh that’s okay how was the trip

we had a meeting with some clients there

it was fine

anyway mom phil luke and i want to come

over this weekend

is that okay of course do you even have

to ask

i miss my luke so much luke misses his

grandparents a lot too

he said he missed grandma’s cookies

come come either saturday or sunday is


i’ll bake a big batch of chocolate

cookies for you guys

luke will love that i’ll see you

tomorrow then mom i love you

love you honey bye

dialogue 5 music festival


anyone have anything fun to do for the


i really don’t want to just stay at home

and watch tv all day it’s so boring

oh right do you guys know about the

music festival in the city hall this


i didn’t hear anything where did you

learn about that

i saw a flyer about the event on my way

home yesterday

what kind of festival is that it’s a

world pop song festival

they will hold a contest and there will

be many performance sessions

there’s even a small fair selling food

from different cuisines

oh that sounds interesting yeah

many singers and bands are coming from

everywhere as well

the festival seems pretty big does that

sound like something you guys want to do

uh-huh that sounds like a lot of fun

when is the festival taking place

i believe the festival is sunday at 7 pm

can you check the flyer again and let us

know how much the ticket costs

yeah of course i’ll let you guys know i

remember that the tickets are pretty


by the way do you guys want to meet in

front of the train station and then get

to the city hall from there

yeah let’s do that i hope it’ll be fun

i hope so too

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