Do YOU know these English Idioms Take the QUIZ

Okay it’s time to brush up on a few

awesome English idioms.

Don’t jump ship just yet.

This is going to be a piece of cake.

If you don’t know me, I’m Emma from mmmEnglish

and today I’ve got a challenge for you,

an advanced idioms quiz.

Using idioms is definitely a more advanced

level of communication in English

but one that you should definitely be aspiring to

because native English speakers use idioms all the time

and to sound more natural and creative and interesting

when you speak English,

you should definitely be learning

and practising some of them regularly.

Now as much as you dislike learning idioms,

they really are a wonderful part of language

because you can perfectly express how you’re feeling

in a really entertaining way.

I could tell you that the car was going fast

or I could tell you that that

car was going lightning fast!

Idioms give me much more detail and expression

than just a normal adjective.

They also help to push your English to a higher level.

Native speakers use idioms all the time

so becoming familiar with them,

especially the common ones,

is really essential to help with your understanding.

And if you can start using these idioms as well,

in your writing and in your speech, well

you’re going to sound much more advanced as well.

So today I’m going to challenge you with an idioms quiz

to see just how many of these idioms you really know.

So this quiz will help you to see how good you are

but even if idioms aren’t really your forte yet,

then we’ll be reviewing lots of them

as we go during this video so just get ready

to take some notes.

Now just in case you didn’t realise it, this is also

a review of

all of the idioms lessons that I’ve made to date.

So if you get any of them wrong or you want to check

about the meaning of any of them,

then you can watch all of them

in my idioms lessons here, right here.

There’s a whole playlist of them.

So if you nail this quiz, I’m just going to have to assume

that you have been watching

every single lesson of mine very diligently.

Okay so this is how it’s going to work.

You’ll see an idiom pop up on screen right here

and for each one I’m going to give you

three possible meanings

and you just need to choose which

is the correct definition.

So we’ll start off with a few easier ones

that are very common and then we’ll get going

with some more trickier ones.

I know that you like a challenge

so we’re definitely going to give those tricky ones a go,

aren’t we?

Make sure you keep score to see how many

you got right at the end

so we can all share our answers together.

If you get one wrong then just

pause the quiz for a moment,

write it down, try and use it in a sentence

straight away while it’s fresh in your mind

and add it to the comments

because that’s going to give me a chance to check it

for you and give you some feedback

on how you’re using that idiom.

So it’s a really good way to practise.

You’re in control of this video! You can pause it,

write a comment and then keep going.

Okay here’s the first one.

We’re just warming up here, all right?

What does this idiom mean?

Does it mean to..

Or is it

Did you guess this one?

I think you probably did

but this is a really good example to remind us

not to get tricked by the literal meaning

of these idioms, right? Of the words in these idioms.

‘A piece of cake’ is literally a type of dessert

but the idiom ‘a piece of cake’ is used to describe

a situation that’s really easy.

All right here’s the next one.

Does this describe someone who

does it

or does it

If you watched my lesson last week,

you probably know the answer to this one.

Now remember, we’re not talking about someone

who literally loves bugs

so much that they wouldn’t hurt a fly.

This idiom is great to use when you describe someone

who’s very gentle and kind.

It’s the total opposite of aggressive.

She’s one of the kindest people that I know.

So far so good, right? Let’s keep going.

Now is this

or can you use it when you have an injury

or does it mean

Have you heard of this one before?

A ‘pain in the neck’ is something or someone that’s

really annoying.

All right here’s the next one - one that I use all the time.

So does that mean



What do you think?

It means to leave a place.

Or to start going somewhere.

Hit the road Jack and don’t you come back

no more, no more, no more..

Notice that you can use this idiom whether you’re

leaving somewhere by foot, by car or by bike.

And if you hit the deck,

well that’s when you fall down, right?

So keep that in mind I was trying to trick you.

If you hit the deck it means you fall over.

And it sounds kind of similar, doesn’t it?

What about

Have you heard of it before?

Does it mean


What do you think?

Remember that we’re not talking about

something literal, right? So don’t get confused

by thinking that there was a boat and water involved

to use this idiom.

To ‘jump ship’ means that you’re quitting something,

that you quit or you leave or you abandon

your teammates or a group of people, right?

You can use ‘jumping ship’ in any of those situations.


How are you doing so far?

Let’s take this up a level.

These idioms are going to get a little trickier now.

What about when you have

Is that when

or does it

or is it

Which one?

It’s C!

It’s the desire to travel.

So someone with itchy feet is ready for a change.

They want to change their daily routine and just

get out on the road and see the world.

They want to travel.

Do you have itchy feet? I wonder.

Where would you like to travel to?

What places are on your bucket list?

That’s another idiom right there!

Now what if I said you have your head in the clouds?

What do I mean?

Is that


or is it

Now if your head is in the clouds, then you’re

dreamy and distracted

and you’re thinking about other things.

Your mind is elsewhere, somewhere else.

You’re not paying attention.

Ashley’s a terrible driver!

I’ve got a few people in mind that I know

who sometimes have their head in the clouds.

But do you?

Do you know anyone who’s got their head in the clouds?

If I said that I wanted to

do I want to

do I want to

or am I trying

How confident are you about this one?

This one is a very common one too.

If you have something that’s worrying you, a problem

or something that’s difficult to say

and you finally say it out loud to someone

then you’ve got it off your chest.

So when you get something off your chest,

you feel relieved. You feel much better.

I need to tell you that

something’s been bothering me right?

This is quite a good way to start an awkward

conversation, you know, if you

have to tell your housemate that you’re really

sick of cleaning up in the bathroom after them.

Now the next one is under the weather.

Quite a common one. But does it mean

or is it

Now this has nothing to do with the actual weather.

Answer A is the correct answer.

So when you’re feeling low in energy, maybe your

head hurts or you have a sore throat,

you’re feeling under the weather.

So it’s never fun to feel under the weather

but it is important to note that this idiom

is used when you’re not quite feeling a hundred percent.

Maybe you have the flu or a headache or something

but it’s not used for serious illnesses,

just when you’re feeling

not quite as good as you normally do.

Now what about

Does it mean

Does it mean

Or does it mean

So the answer is C.

Did you get that one?

Or are you having a change of heart

now that you’re taking this idioms quiz?

Maybe you want to stop.

If you have a change of heart,

you change your opinion or your idea about something.

So let’s look at a couple of examples.

All right, ready to take this quiz to a whole new level?

What about

Have you heard it before?

Does it mean

Or does it mean to be

Did you choose B?

If I was wrapped around someone’s finger then I would

do anything for them

and if you have someone wrapped around your finger,

then you’ve got complete control over them

because they’ll do anything to make you happy.

So if you think about kids,

often kids have

their parents wrapped around their fingers

and pay attention to who is wrapped around someone’s

finger, right?

In this idiom.

The person wrapped around the finger is not the one

in control. They are the weakest one.

Now this idiom is most commonly used as a verb.

So we could say:

Here’s another one that I use all the time.

So does that mean

Or does it mean

Or does it mean

I’m actually really awful at winging it,

it’s not one of my skills. I’m a planner.

So if you wing something, you do it without a plan.

You improvise,

you make it up and you just invent it as you go.

How about this one?

Is that when you

Is it when you

Or is it when you

So when you choke on something while you’re eating.

Now I’ll give you a little hint here.

The idiom ‘to be in/over your head’

has a very similar meaning.

So you can use both of these idioms

to describe someone who’s trying to do something

that is above their abilities or it’s too difficult for them.

Now can you think of a time when you

bit off more than you could chew?

It’s not really a great feeling because

it’s when you want to do something well

but you just have too much to do.

You’ve got too much on your plate.

That’s another idiom right there.

You’ve got too much in your plate you’re too busy, right?

It’s too hard so you bit off more than you could chew.

What about if you

Does that mean




This one’s tricky.

I’m actually trying to trick you here.

The answer is C.

This idiom is often used in a business context

and it’s used to describe the benefits or positive things

that someone brings to a situation.

So if someone has a good idea or can contribute

something new or they have some kind of helpful skill,

then all of those things can be brought to the table

to contribute.

It’s a skill that I can contribute.

And it’s always a good idea to bring something

to the table if you’re trying to be helpful.

If you’re trying to be a good teammate

or if you want to make a good impression,

you bring something to the table.

Now you’re doing awesome!

I’ve just got a couple more for you. What about

Is that when you’re in

Or is it when you

Or does it mean

If you’re in a pickle.

It’s got nothing to do with pickles or even food, actually.

The answer is A

and it’s when you’re in a tricky or a difficult situation.

The car’s just broken down and I’m late for work.

And lastly,

what if I said that something might

Would I be suggesting that I was

Or that I was

Or am I suggesting that I’m

Imagine that a hundred people arrived at your house

for a party.

Things would probably get out of hand,

you’d lose control.

Maybe. If a person’s behaviour or a situation

gets out of hand,

then you’re no longer able to control it.

Okay? You definitely don’t want things to get out of hand

Well hey! You made it all the way to the

end of the idioms quiz - awesome work!

How did you go?

How many of them did you get right?

Share your score in the comments,

tell me which ones you got wrong.

If you add that to the comments,

then I’ll share the link to the right idioms lesson

that you need to review.

And if you didn’t get some of them right

then don’t be disappointed

because you’ve had the chance

to learn some new ones, right?

In fact, if you did learn some new ones,

then make sure you pause this lesson right now

and write a sentence using them in the comments

so that I can check if you’re using them correctly

and you help that information to stay in your head.

If you did pretty well with this quiz then share it with

your friends and see how they score.

A little friendly competition is always a good thing

I think so see if you can challenge them

to beat your score.

So now you can take a breath,

go and grab a drink of water and then come back

and we’ll check out these lessons together next.

I’ll see you in that one right now!