Do you like shopping Learn English Speaking Quickly


do you like shopping

do you like shopping what types of

stores are there what conversations do

you have while shopping here are some


dialog 1

shopping mall here we come


ooh this dress looks amazing

not really my color though it’s too

bright i like a more subtle color

what about this one it is pretty subtle

isn’t it

yes that’s perfect

let me try it


you look beautiful in it christine

i really like the shape but the size is

wrong it’s a bit too big around my waist

wait a minute let me ask if they have a

smaller size for you

hi excuse me

can i ask if you have a smaller size for

this style of dress

um i’m very sorry miss we actually sold

out of every other size for that dress

in fact the one you have on is the only

one of that color left in our store

that’s sad

we do offer to tailor if you guys are


yes i would love it if you could cinch

the waist in about an inch

that’s totally doable miss would you

like to check out right away

yes that would be great thank you


we actually are having a promotion for


you can get a free hat with every dress

you purchase

would you like to choose one that you


that is so nice can i have one in a

similar color with the dress

of course mist

and may i ask if you are paying by cash

or by card

card please

thank you

this is your bag have a really great day

you too bye



dialogue two

let’s buy some perfume


hey do you want to go into that store

that one the cosmetic store


i always spend too much time in there

it’s fine let’s go


have you seen this perfume bottle before

it is limited edition packaging i love

the design

i’ve seen it online but not in store it

is very beautiful

what does it smell like

take a sniff

it is warm vanilla with notes of


it will make you smell like a bakery

i would love to smell like a bakery

well are you going to get it

i don’t know let me see if it is on sale

or not

the regular packaging is 30 off

yes but i really love the new packaging


then get it it’s not that expensive


yes but i already have so many perfumes

in my collection

should i get another one

come on treat yourself you deserve it

all right i will listen to you let me

pay for it then we can go to the grocery

store okay



dialog three

what are we having for dinner


what do you want for dinner tonight



what about curry rice

i already have rice at my place

that sounds good what other ingredients

do we need

we will need some vegetables

alright let’s go get them

where is the veggie aisle

it is next to the refrigerators i



oh these veggies are really fresh

really how can you tell

well you can judge how fresh they are

based on their appearance smell and


nice i rarely ever cook so i don’t know

about this

that’s alright lucky for you i am a

great cook

that you are love you bestie

sure love you too

do you want anything for dessert my love

i would love to have your famous cookies


that is easy to make let’s go get some

flour i ran out of it and do you want

chocolate chips in the cookies as well

of course that’s the best part

okay then we need to get the chocolates

as well

i’m on it


dialog 4 let’s get creative


what should we do after dinner

how about drawing

you always want to draw don’t you

of course i am an artist after all don’t

you think that makes sense


let’s go to the craft store to get some

stuff i don’t really have any art

supplies at my place


should we get a canvas or just regular


let’s get a canvas i’m feeling extra


okay and what type of paint do you like

to use

acrylic paint i am most used to its


cool you know you are doing most of the

painting right i can cook but i can

barely draw

that’s okay leave it up to me or i can

draw your portrait and you can be my


in your dreams lauren

i’m just kidding i hate drawing


yes and i can’t sit still for too long

okay old lady can you pass me those


these ones

no the ones still on the left

here you go

these are good enough let’s go check out

dialog 5

a friend or a new fling


hey christine where are you going

hello brad i’m just getting back to the

apartment from shopping i haven’t seen

you around for a while where have you


uh i had been staying with my parents

for the past few weeks but i’m back in

apartment now

nice i was starting to get worried about


oh thanks for caring about me

and who is this lovely lady may i ask

this is my best friend lauren

lauren this is brad my next door


hello nice to meet you brad

why have i not seen you before you guys

don’t normally go shopping together do



i usually go shopping with my boyfriend

ken instead

i see well christine lauren why don’t

you guys come over to my place to hang

out sometimes bring can as well

okay that sounds like a good idea we’ll

text you later okay

sure let me know whenever you are free

see you guys around

see you brad

bye bye



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