Easy To Speak English Fluently 2 Steps to Improve Your English Fluency

how to speak English fluently like

American speakers in just one month hi

everyone do you believe that we can

speak English fluently like an American

speaker in just a month with this video

is it possible or not today I will

instruct you on how to speak English

like an American in one month with 24

topics of using call occasions and

idioms in conversations method it would

be better if you follow the natural

process of learning any language

listening speaking reading writing now I

will show you three steps to speak like

an American

step one listening and reading listen to

three or four times to the conversation

in the video then you had better take

note of the collocation x' idioms or

phrases bolt in dialogues step 2

speaking after practicing try to rewrite

the topics in conversations on your own

after practicing try to rewrite the

topics in conversations in your own way

by using the phrases and collocation z'

learned step 1 listening to

conversations what’s wrong

What’s Wrong Eric I’m really nervous I’m

always this way on the first day of

school you’re not the only one it’s hard

for me too I’m glad we’re taking this

class together do you know anything

about the teacher uh-huh a little

someone told me she gives a lot of

homework and you have to talk a lot in

class oh no I’m afraid of talking in

front of a lot of people oh don’t worry

everyone’s afraid at the beginning but

after you get to know the people and to

make friends it doesn’t get better for

me I’m shy

I have trouble looking at people when I

talk and my hands shake

look the teachers here let’s talk after

class who’s this hello hi Sarah

who’s this it’s Alex

oh hi Alex

this is Anna hold on a minute

and I’ll get Sarah Sarah it’s for you

I’ll be right there

Alex hi

hi Sara want to go to the movies Friday

night I’m really sorry but I can’t make

it Friday night Saturday how about

Saturday sure why don’t I pick you up at

7 o’clock that sounds great

Oh Alex I’m sorry

my parents are calling me for dinner and

I have to get off see you saturday great

see you bye

let’s go away for the weekend you know

we have a 3-day weekend next month do

you want to go away that’s a great idea

where do you want to go to the beach the

beach in the winter we don’t have to go

swimming we can take walks on the beach

but what else can we do oh there’s

plenty of things to do we can read go to

the movies I need to relax don’t you I

sure do

you’re right the beach is a good idea

and it won’t be crowded do you think we

need to make a reservation anywhere no I

don’t think so there are lots of places

to stay and they will be cheaper now

than they are in the summer wake up wake

up Tom don’t you have to go to the

airport yeah I’ll get up in five minutes

I don’t want to get out of bed it’s so


well I’m going back to sleep I hope you

won’t miss your plane

have a good trip Thanks

oh why did I go to bed so late last

night it’s so hard to get up and it’s so

cold and dark but I need to get up now

and take a shower what time is it

six o’clock oh no I’m late I don’t have

time for a shower I have to get dressed

and get to the airport right away are

you ready to order

oh it’s so nice to eat out and have time


what a great birthday present I’m glad

you like it I’m always happy to treat

you to lunch

and I was thinking you know we never

really have time to just sit and talk I

know and now we have two hours and this

is a really nice place yeah I come here

once in a while so what are you going to

have um I’m not sure yet but you order

whatever you want it’s your birthday

whatever I want

okay but please don’t sing happy

birthday when we have dessert if you do

I’ll get under the table you’ll never

change always so shy well that’s me

anyway I think I’ll have the chicken

Caesar salad what are you going to have

the salad sounds good but I’m going to

have soup too because I’m really hungry

my leg is killing me

my leg is killing me what happened I was

coming down the stairs too fast and I

fell down do you think your leg is

broken I don’t know but it hurts a lot

maybe you need to go to the emergency

room no let’s wait a few minutes and see

if it gets better okay but can I get you

anything hmm maybe some ice okay I’ll be

right back okay here can you move your

leg I think so but look it’s getting

swollen listen Mike I’m calling an

ambulance right away stay put and don’t


shopping for jeans can I help you

Thanks we’re just looking well let me

know if there’s anything I can do for

you what do you think of these jeans

they’re really nice how much are they

mmm-hmm there’s no price tag where’s the

salesperson I’m going to ask her oh

there she is

excuse me how much are these jeans I’ll

be with you in a minute

okay let’s see

they were $29 but I think today they’re

30% off yes that’s right

they’re about $20 that’s a good price

for these jeans can I try them on sure

the fitting rooms are right over there

just go on in thanks a lot

Lin how do they look Oh Jim they’re too


I’ll get you a smaller size wait a


here try these I think these are better

how do they look they’re perfect oh they

look very nice on you

great I’ll take them who is cooking

tonight hello honey it’s me where are

you at to the station I missed my train

so I’m going to be late oh that’s too


will you get back in time to pick up the

kids I don’t think so

can you get them no problem

make sure they start their homework

don’t worry

what time do you think you’ll be home

probably in about an hour how was your

day well I worked for a few hours at the

computer and then I got sleepy so I took

a nap you took a nap you’re so lucky you

work at home I can’t take a nap in the

office you know but I also did the

laundry and the dishes you can’t do

those things in the office well that’s


hey what’s for dinner chicken it’ll be

ready when you get home I can’t wait I

love your chicken and I love you

see you around 6:30 I hope so

see ya getting cold feet can you believe

it Jenna your wedding is in two weeks I

know what’s wrong well I think I’m

getting cold feet

oh don’t worry that’s normal that’s how

I felt before I married Tim but

everything will be fine you and Rick are

really great together I know but maybe

we should wait we can’t even afford to

buy furniture oh so it’s money that’s

making you have second thoughts but deep

down you really want to get married

you’re right I really do I’m dying to

marry Rick hey Rick

what’s wrong I don’t know I just hope

I’m ready to get married

uh-oh are you getting cold feet

I guess you could say that I’m about to

change my life for good

so I’m kinda nervous okay then call off

the wedding but I’m dying to marry Janna

and she’s dying to marry you so why

don’t you just take a deep breath and

calm down pulling an all-nighter and

that is everything okay you look really

tired it’s that obvious well you’re


I am tired last night I pulled an

all-nighter writing a paper for my psych

class did you finish it

yeah and just in the nick of time I

emailed it to my professor five minutes

before the deadline

well that was close

are you going home now no I have to

hurry to my history class see you later

I’m really in hot water

my history teacher gave us a surprise

quiz and I couldn’t remember anything my

mind went totally blank I didn’t even

want to hand in my quiz because I knew

everything was rolla oh I can’t believe

this I’m going to get an F on a test

that happened to me once but it wasn’t a

surprise quiz I just got the date of the

test wrong so I didn’t study

I took the test cold and didn’t do well

what grade did you get

I think I got AC well at least AC is

passing I’m going to get an F listen

Annette you need to take it easy for all

you know you passed the quiz so why

don’t you go home and take a nap that’s

a good idea but I have another class at

2:00 and we’re going to have a test I

need to go to the library and hit the

books what a day you’re having you can

say that again